Chapter 219: Eat in Season
Nanzhi lowered her eyes and scanned the content of the message, but her emotions did not fluctuate much.

After being forced to become a star for more than a month, Nanzhi gradually adapted to the atmosphere of the entertainment industry.

As a public figure, one's words and actions can easily be magnified, taken out of context, or over-interpreted.

If you don't want to be criticized, it's best to stay within your means.

As the saying goes - do less and make fewer mistakes; do nothing and make fewer mistakes.

Unfortunately, this is not Nanzhi's style.

Therefore, before she proposed the idea to Teacher Zhang, she had already thought that she might be questioned.

It was this questioning that seemed more intense than she had imagined.

Even the program crew, who usually don't interfere with the filming, got angry and actually broke the rules and sent her messages during the filming?
Nanzhi thought about it and asked Teacher Zhang:

"What do the children think specifically? By referring to their opinions, it will also be convenient for us to adjust the course direction."

Teacher Zhang didn't think too much about it and just picked up a few students' answers:

One student said that she wanted to learn cooking courses because she saw her grandfather was very tired from cooking every day and wanted to help him share the burden;

A student said that although he could cook, his food was not tasty and he hoped to learn from the teacher;

Some students also said that they thought learning how to cook was very useful, and they could give it to their parents as a surprise when they came back from vacation.

Another student said that he didn't have too many ideas, but he just thought the cooking course sounded interesting, and it would be doubly interesting if he could cook at school;


The true and unique answers are the best weapons to shut people up.

The questioning voices in the barrage gradually became less.

Except for two or three people who insist on finding fault occasionally, everything else is quiet on the Internet.

The public's focus was quickly replaced by new hot events.

Nanzhi guessed that the matter should have been settled because the program did not send any more messages.

She held the phone in her backhand and continued chatting with Teacher Zhang.

During the whole process, Teacher Zhang didn't notice any clues.

In the afternoon, Nanzhi taught a class and was warmly welcomed in the classroom.

Nanzhi benefited greatly from it.

She did not neglect her responsibilities as an English teacher because of the new curriculum. She continued to work diligently and tried her best to teach the children her knowledge.

At the same time, she also put a lot of effort into the new course. After a day of searching for information and careful thinking, she finally finalized the class content.

It was the next day in a blink of an eye.

Teacher Zhang scheduled the cooking class in the fourth period in the morning.

This is because she heard from Nanzhi that there would be a lot of food tasting content in the course.

After eating, I’m afraid the students won’t want to eat lunch.

So it can’t be scheduled too early or too late, the fourth period in the morning is just right.

Early in the morning, after teachers and students arrived one after another, Teacher Zhang couldn't wait to find Nanzhi to ask about her lesson preparation.

Although the two of them had discussed the specific courses, the specific content of the class still depended on the choice of teacher Nanzhi. So before the class started, even Teacher Zhang didn't know what she was going to teach.

Chopping vegetables? Making soup? Flipping the pot?

Teacher Zhang was very curious about this, and naturally others were no exception.

In the office, everyone except Teacher Zhang crowded over.

Teacher Wu: "Teacher Nan, I want to listen too."

Teacher Xiaolin: "Please tell us in advance."

Qi Pei'er: "Tell me, I promise not to tell anyone else!"

Being stared at by four pairs of eyes, Nanzhi couldn't help laughing.

She packed her things and stood up:
"You'll find out later."

The cooking class was taken by more than 50 students from the whole school.

With so many students, Nanzhi can't maintain order by herself. Teacher Zhang and others will come to help, so they can naturally hear the lecture content.

Nanzhi wanted to keep the story in suspense, but there was nothing they could do. Everyone, including Teacher Zhang and Qi Pei'er, as well as members of the program crew such as Xu Lin sitting behind the camera, and even the curious audience behind the screen, could only wait patiently.

They counted the seconds as they passed.

at last!

It's time for the fourth class!
Following Nanzhi's instructions, the teachers took the students from the three classes from the classroom to the cafeteria.

There are enough tables and chairs here, and the kitchen is just across a door, so you can get what you want easily. It is the most suitable classroom for cooking courses.

More than 50 students plus teachers may not sound like a lot, but when they really squeeze into the cafeteria, it is still a bit crowded.

Fortunately, Nanzhi had made preparations and had rearranged the tables in a circle in advance, leaving a small open space in the middle.

This vacant lot is the location of Nanzhi Station.

At this moment, she stood there in a clear voice, watching the students take their seats one after another, and then she spoke calmly:
"I wonder if you have ever heard of the phrase 'not eating out of season'. It comes from the Analects of Confucius, Xiangdang, which says 'When you are in Qi, you must change your diet; when you live, you must move your seat. You never tire of fine food, and never tire of delicate minced meat. Eat according to your taste. Do not eat rotten fish or spoiled meat, do not eat food that looks bad, does not smell bad, does not cook properly, does not eat food that is not in season, does not cut properly, and does not use the right sauce.' Some people say that this is Confucius being too picky. But this is actually a basic requirement of the ancients for diet, adapting to the diet and maintaining health in accordance with the seasons. The sun rises and the moon sets, day and night alternate, spring brings life, summer grows, autumn harvests, and winter stores. The heaven and earth do nothing but do everything. This is a state of 'Tao'."

An opening speech full of quotations from classics can be said to be a striking first move that immediately catches everyone's attention!

Many people were surprised. Wasn't it a cooking class? Why did they suddenly start talking about Taoism?
They were curious but didn't understand what was going on, so they could only listen patiently.

At this time, Nanzhi asked:

"Do you know the 24 solar terms?"

Many children raised their hands enthusiastically.

Nanzhi glanced around.

She saw Nan Yi, who was arranged in the first row because he was too short. He sat very upright, but he couldn't help clenching his hands on his knees, probably because he was angry that he couldn't answer the questions his mother asked.

Nanzhi smiled quietly, without lingering for too long, but just passing by quickly.

Finally, she picked a girl from the second row.

The girl did not disappoint everyone. She spoke eloquently and recited smoothly from "Lichun" to "Dahan".

Nanzhi nodded with satisfaction:
"Very good answer. The 24 solar terms are the wisdom of our ancestors. Following the solar terms and coordinating diet is an extension of this wisdom. For example, spring belongs to wood, when everything revives and Yang Qi rises, which corresponds to the liver. You should eat more seasonal green vegetables, such as spring leeks, which are more spicy and less sour, to soften the liver, nourish the liver, and soothe the liver and regulate Qi. In addition, summer belongs to fire, so the diet should be light to nourish the heart; autumn belongs to gold, so the diet should focus on moisturizing dryness, and eat more light, moist, sweet and sour foods to nourish the lungs; winter belongs to water, so the diet should focus on warming and nourishing, and eat more nutritious foods to nourish Qi and blood."

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