Chapter 234 Wild Delicacy
Today's table is mostly filled with seasonal "wild" delicacies, with not much meat to be seen.

But that doesn't stop it from being delicious.

Nanzhi's craftsmanship is enough to turn decay into magic.

Not to mention that the ingredients used in these dishes are already top-notch enough?
It seems to have gathered the spiritual energy of the entire mountain range, and there is a faint fragrance when you enter your nose.

Fu Chao was just unhappy with Lu Shixu. He happened to be sitting opposite Lu Shixu, while Nanzhi and Nanyi were sitting between them.

So, Fu Chao would look up and glare at Lu Shixu from time to time.

When Nanzhi looked at him as if he sensed something, he quickly looked away, he was so busy.

Of course, he soon didn't have the time.

Although he was mentally prepared for the dishes Nanzhi would cook, when he lowered his head and took a bite of the locust flower noodles, his eyes still widened!
“It’s delicious!”

The hand-rolled noodles are both chewy and soft. The locust flower topping sounds a bit strange, but when you put it in your mouth, you can only feel the pleasant fragrance and the crispy outside and tender inside fried in hot oil.

With a light bite of his teeth, the sweet nectar seemed to flow out automatically, flowing over the tip of his tongue, making his soul feel relaxed and happy.

Fu Chao couldn't help it and immediately put Lu Shixu out of his mind. He just focused on eating a few mouthfuls of noodles until his mouth was full, and then he reluctantly looked away with satisfaction.

He still didn't look at Lu Shixu, but looked at the other dishes.

He first saw the Chinese toon mixed with tofu, which is a cold dish and serves as an appetizer.

Fu Chao carefully scooped up a spoonful with a serving spoon and put it into his mouth.

The aroma of Chinese toon is fully stimulated, mixed with the refreshing and tender water tofu. Just take a sip, it seems that there is no need to chew it, the dish automatically turns into liquid and slides into the throat.

The tip of his tongue and taste buds seemed to be initiating a grand fairy feast. There were fairies in gauze dancing before his eyes, and the spiritual energy was about to break through the top of his head!

Fu Chao was already a little drunk from eating, he even felt that he could finish this cold dish by himself!

However, reason forced him to move his chopsticks away and turn to other dishes.

I just had something cold, so this time I chose the hot locust flower buns.

The outer skin is soft, tender and slightly tough, while the inner filling has the aura of wild celestial beings. A little bit of minced meat and eggs not only does not muddy the aura, but instead gives it a more earthly flavor, making it fall from the clouds to the mortal world all of a sudden, and it is delicious yet down-to-earth!

Fu Chao never thought that one day he would be able to use the word "down-to-earth" to describe a dish!

But this is exactly how he feels at the moment!

After finishing a locust flower bun in small bites, Fu Chao thought that the next dishes would not surprise him again.

As a result, a dish of wild onion omelet had an extremely strong aroma, like Pangu creating the world, chiseling open his forehead and forcing the aroma into his body, overbearing and extreme!
As we all know, chives have a unique fragrance, and wild onions that grow naturally in the wild are the best among all onions. They so overbearingly cleared Fu Chao's mind that he almost forgot the surprise brought by the previous series of locust flower dishes.

This made Fu Chao almost unbearable. He was a little afraid to reach out his chopsticks to the wild onion egg pancake. Unfortunately, his chopsticks seemed to have their own intentions and quietly moved towards the position of the egg pancake. He took another bite... Well, he felt satisfied, really extremely satisfied.

At this time, Fu Chao ate some stir-fried wild vegetables, which was like the end of a colorful banquet. The perfect bitterness allowed his dizzy soul to land steadily.

Thinking back to the feast he had just had on his tongue, it seemed as if the entire spring's romantic fragrance had enveloped him, and the feeling of satisfaction lingered in his mind for a long time.

Fu Chao never hesitated to give praise, and gave Nanzhi a thumbs up decisively:
"You really are the best chef in the world!"

Nanzhi liked to hear others praise her like this. She was rarely modest and instead humbly snorted with a smile in her eyes.

He almost nodded.

But Fu Chaoguan is a good speaker, so this compliment is not enough.

Every time he picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of each dish, he would praise them lavishly, praising them to the heavens.

If you don’t know, you might think it’s some kind of nectar that can make you ascend to heaven in broad daylight after drinking it.

...Of course, the deliciousness of this table of wild vegetables is not much different from fine wine.

Fu Chao was praising, and Nan Yi and Qing Xi were not to be outdone and also wanted to praise.

Now they have honed their skills in flattery - Nan Yi's words are few but concise, and his sincerity can defeat everything;
Qingxi's speech order is messed up but he manages to make a comeback with his cuteness.

The two cubs each have their own characteristics.

However, in Nanzhi's opinion, the fact that they enjoyed their meal was many times more important than any flattery.

Even if they didn't say anything, Nanzhi still felt satisfied.

The only quiet person at the dinner table was Lu Shixu.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to praise, but he doesn’t know how to praise.

His vocabulary was by no means barren, but when faced with the current situation, it seemed to automatically fail and be of no use at all.

The few words they came up with so much difficulty were quickly surpassed by Nan Yiqing Xifu Chao.

This made him slow down the movement of his chopsticks even more, and he lowered his eyes, wondering what he was thinking about.

Nanzhi didn't take it too seriously.

She drank the noodle soup slowly and felt extremely satisfied.

The fragrance of wild vegetables and flowers opened up all her pores. She felt like she was lying in a honey pot, and even her soul could feel the comfort of being nourished.

It’s really good.


After the meal, Nanzhi asked Nanyi and Qingxi to go out and play for a while and come back later.

The two little ones ate so much that their bellies were round. Nanzhi was afraid that they would be too full, so she just let them digest the food.

Nan Yi didn't really want to go.

But Qingxi was too enthusiastic and it took him a long time to persuade him.

Nan Yi agreed reluctantly, looked at Nan Zhi eagerly for several times, and then followed Qing Xi out slowly.

Nanzhi looked towards their figures and said loudly:

"Don't run, walk slowly, be careful of stomachache."

Nan Yi and Qing Xi, who were about to start running, immediately slowed down.

Nanzhi was not too worried that the two of them would pretend to obey but actually go against their will.

When Qingxi is happy, he may forget her instructions, but Nanyi will not.

This is Nanzhi's absolute confidence in her family.

After the children went out, Nanzhi prepared to get up and clear the table.

Fu Chao took the lead:
"How can I let you come? Just sit down and have a good rest. I'll clean up the rest!"

Nanzhi did not refuse:

"Okay, you..."

She suddenly fell silent.

Then he looked at Lu Shixu and started to clean up the dishes without saying a word.

Nanzhi's eyes became strange and surprised.

She knew that Lu Shixu was a germaphobe, and she also knew that he was aloof and arrogant and didn't like doing this kind of housework.

When the two were in love, they lived together. Nanzhi occasionally liked to prepare some food and asked him to clean up.

Lu Shixu did not refuse, but immediately hired a part-time worker.

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