Chapter 242 Did She Give Up?
Nanzhi’s personal live broadcast room followed them after they left the school scene.

The main live broadcast room camera was pointed at the school cafeteria, and only Lai Liang was left lecturing.

In the second half of the class, Lai Liang finally started to teach himself.

He first asked his assistant to take out his knife bag.

The knife bag was spread out on the chopping board, and a bunch of shiny silver blades appeared in everyone's field of vision, causing bursts of exclamations.

Lai Liang was very proud, and he talked about how difficult it was to collect these knives. He flew all over Country R to find the best weapons made by knife-making masters.

More than 10 minutes later, Lai Liang ended his story with a sense of unsatisfied desire and picked one from them.

Then, his assistant showed up again and was responsible for carrying up a freezer box.

When you open it, there is half a whole tuna inside.

"It's one of the finest ingredients in the world. In my restaurant, a serving of tuna can cost four figures."

Lai Liang simply and clearly used the price to illustrate the preciousness of this dish.

Thousands of dollars just to eat fish?

These words were simply unbelievable to the children in the village primary school.

They even took a step back and looked at the fish with almost awe.

Lai Liang waved his hand:
"Don't be afraid. No matter how expensive it is, it's just food for people. Next, I will invite three students to come up and taste the tuna sashimi. Is there anyone who volunteers?"

The children looked at each other, all a little timid.

Lai Liang smiled and shook his head, and simply ordered the three children in the front row.

When the children lined up and stood in front of him, he did not rush, but instead carried out a series of hand-washing and knife-wiping tasks. The atmosphere was extremely serious.

The three students huddled their shoulders together, and were a little afraid to speak loudly.

This is in stark contrast to Nanzhi's little face, which is filled with a happy smile during class.

Lai Liang didn't think it was wrong. Instead, he believed that this was true respect.

Another 10 minutes passed, and when his preparations were complete, he finally started to cut.

Slices of pink tuna appeared on the chopping board.

The children didn't dare to do anything.

Lai Liang raised his hand to signal:

"Use chopsticks and dip them in soy sauce."

The three children picked up the chopsticks carefully and followed the steps.

The children who had never eaten sashimi before felt the cold touch the moment they put it in their mouths and almost vomited!

But thinking about the price of the tuna, they forced themselves to swallow it.

The children's embarrassment made Lai Liang laugh:

"Are you not used to it? It doesn't matter, you will get used to it after a few more bites!"

The children did as he said.

Indeed, they gradually adapted to the taste of tuna and began to appreciate its deliciousness.

Lai Liang, who has achieved three Michelin stars, must be good at what he does.

His ingredients and cooking skills are both top-notch. However, the children still think that the cold fish fillet is not as delicious as Mr. Nan’s fried chicken.

But they didn't dare to say it. When Lai Liang asked with a smile, "Is it delicious?", they hesitated but nodded.

The atmosphere of the cooking class became more and more harmonious.

Lai Liang became the undisputed protagonist of the cooking class.

The camera occasionally captures Chang Mu in the corner.

But she knew that this was the center of controversy, so she tried to keep a low profile.

Many viewers who supported Nanzhi followed her.

Therefore, the style of the bullet screen in the main live broadcast room suddenly changed:
[I think this new teacher Lai is really good, at least he is not inferior to Nanzhi in teaching. ]

[Not inferior to Nanzhi? She is obviously more professional, okay? Nanzhi is just an amateur after all. No matter how good her cooking skills are, the public's evaluation is based on her amateur status. As for this top chef with three Michelin stars, she is completely at a different level! ]

[I always see people arguing about which is more valuable, Michelin or The Gourmet Guide. In fact, I really want to say that the latter is just a small quarrel among us. Michelin is the standard used throughout the world. When foreign tourists come to our country, who will read The Gourmet Guide? They only look at Michelin reviews, okay?]

【The live broadcast room is finally quiet. Before, there were always fans of Nanzhi waving the flag of patriotism and making a fuss. To be honest, chefs in our country always have the problem of "learning but not seeking perfection". The recipes they learned have been passed down from generation to generation, and they are always the same three tricks, so they are surpassed by the latecomers of Japanese cuisine! 】

[People who narrowly look down on foreign food are mostly those who have never traveled and have never tasted other people’s good food, so they naturally think that other people’s food is bad. This mentality really needs to be changed.]

[That’s right, some people go crazy looking for food from their own country when they go abroad. Such people are really pitiful. They are only suitable to stay in their own country for the rest of their lives. Oh, I’m not just talking about Chinese people here, don’t get me wrong! ]

[I don't like the R people, but I have to admit that they are very dedicated to food. For example, there are chefs who spend their entire lives studying tempura. This is unbelievable to many impetuous people! But they have done it and are world-famous! ]


Similar arguments can be found not only in the barrage, but also in the comments and in the hot topics on major social platforms.

Some people even took screenshots of Nanzhi's figure.

One showed her standing in a corner, with a shadow falling on her shoulders, as if to crush her;
In one photo, she walked out of the cafeteria against the noisy and bustling crowd, her back looking particularly lonely.

Both pictures make Nanzhi look like a frustrated person.

So much so that someone directly wrote under the picture:

[Did she give in? ]
Did Nanzhi give up?

At this time, Nanzhi was standing above the layers of terraces, overlooking the stunning scenery.

As for the voices of sympathy on the Internet? Lai Liang, who overshadowed her?

Damn, I can't even remember it.

This was the first time Nanzhi saw the terraced fields in Cuishui Village.

When they entered the village and later went to the town, they took another road and could not see such an incredible picture-like scene.

Until now, dark green and light green have been spreading out layer by layer in front of her eyes, and the immediate visual impact it brings is unimaginable for those who have not stood here.

Nan Yi and Qi Zhang, who came here for the first time, also showed surprised expressions.

Qi Zhang cried out loudly, jumping up and down in excitement, wishing he could jump into the paddy field and roll around.

Nan Yi was much more restrained than his friends, but one could still see surprise in his eyes.

Fu Chao looked at the expressions of Nanzhi and the two cubs and said proudly:

"How is it? Isn't it very pleasing to the eyes? I was also shocked by the scene when I came here on the first day! Although I have seen it in pictures before, it is a completely different feeling to see it in person!"

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