Chapter 278 Real Change!
Mother Lu explained with her eyes wide open.

Xiao Lu was very surprised:

"Huh? Which store is so popular? Did you buy it online?"

He subconsciously wanted to say hunger marketing.

Then I thought back to the taste just now... Well, it seems that there is no need for hunger marketing, the product itself is enough.

Father Lu on the side also spoke cautiously:
"Yes, give the store name to your son and ask him to buy two more boxes, oh no, five boxes!"

He also became addicted to the taste of the pastries.

Mother Lu rolled her eyes:
"How can I get it? Don't you know that their live broadcast room is out of stock every day? I broke my fingers just to get four boxes, but you two almost ate them all in just a short while!"

"Half left, half left."

Xiao Lu explained awkwardly, but he did not forget the original question.

"So where did you buy this pastry?"

Mother Lu pointed to the living room behind her and said:
"Look, isn't your dad watching that variety show all day? It's called 'Cub Observation Diary'! I bought it in their live broadcast room!"

Dad Lu was excited all of a sudden:

"Is this the same model as Master Nan's? Oh my god!"

He looked very sad, as if he was wasting God's gift.

Xiao Lu was completely confused.

He knew about this variety show. It was very popular recently and his colleagues in the office were discussing it.

However, he spends all his spare time immersed in games, so he doesn't have the time to pay attention to variety shows or celebrities.

"Master Nan? Is it a chef variety show?"

Before Lu's mother could speak, Lu's father smiled and explained:
"It's Wa Zong."

Xiao Lu: “Ah?”

Full of question marks.

Even though Mother Lu was angry, she couldn't tear her own husband and son apart, right?

So, in the end, she had no choice but to order Xiao Lu to go back and grab ten boxes of cakes to make up for his mistake.

Then Lu Ma asked:

“So are these cakes delicious?”

Xiao Lu and Lu's father looked at each other and said in unison:

"We feel like ten boxes aren't enough, so why not buy twenty boxes?"

Afterwards, Xiao Lu returned to the room, still thinking about the taste of the pastries.

Unfortunately, all the remaining pastries were packed up and put away by Lu's mother, who said that she would use these pastries to bribe the older sisters in the square dance team to help her become the captain of the team.

Xiao Lu: Haha, woman.

...So, does their square dance team accept young and strong male teammates?
Xiao Lu thought this was quite funny, so after thinking about it, he casually posted it on the Internet.

He has good writing skills and works as a copywriter in the company. He is very familiar with writing this kind of manuscripts and even has a unique humorous tone.

In the past, Xiao Lu also posted some daily stuff on his account, but unfortunately no one paid attention.

He naturally thought that this content would also be ignored.


999+ likes and 999+ comments.

His account exploded because of this post!

The next day, Xiao Lu was stunned to see such a grand occasion. "What's going on?"

Xiao Lu's phone even started to freeze because of this.

After waiting for a few minutes, he finally squeezed into the app and opened the comment section, only to find that everyone had treated the text he shared as a funny food review.

[I envy the blogger for being able to eat Nanzhi brand cakes so quickly! ]

[Show off! This must be showing off! ]

[The blogger is from your province, right? He received the snacks so quickly, while the ones I bought are still a long way off! ]

[Ah, damn pre-sale, why do they have to pre-sell, why can't they just fly it into my mouth? ]

[Emm, don’t you suspect that the blogger is a hired agent? ]

[We are not blind, we can still distinguish between the Internet trolls and the real people! ]

[Yeah, what's the point of asking for favors? And do you think that small food factory has the ability to spend money on marketing? ]

[Hahaha, for a moment I didn’t know whether I was scolding or praising! ]

[Same province as yours! I received it this afternoon too! It's just like what the blogger said, super super delicious! (Sorry I'm not well educated...)]

[Who knows? This kind of crispy yellow basil produced on the assembly line is actually more delicious than the crispy yellow basil I eat at some old-fashioned restaurants! Authentic! ]

【Nanzhi products must be top quality! 】


It wasn't just Xiao Lu who wrote the review by accident. As other people gradually received the pre-sold pastries from the food factory, more and more people came out to give feedback and positive reviews.

Perhaps in the beginning, the popularity of these pastries was due to the effect of that live broadcast.

But later on, it all depends on the real taste.

No one would have thought that a show about children that had nothing to do with the factory could actually turn around the factory's decline and bring it back to life!
As the products are selling well across the country, the production line is working day and night, but it cannot keep up with the skyrocketing number of orders.

Therefore, the factory manager and his colleagues had no choice but to recruit new staff and expand the production line.

The new production line produces more pastries, which are sold all over the country along the well-connected logistics lines, with the town as the center.

Soon other merchants saw the business opportunity and traveled thousands of miles to this small food factory in a remote town just to discuss agency cooperation and brand entry with the factory manager.

As the factory's funds became more and more abundant, the food factory was expanded, the production line was upgraded, the product packaging was updated, and new employees joined...

The entire food factory was thriving, and it did not suffer from the short-lived phenomenon that everyone had expected.

So when someone reviewed the success of this food factory——

The first is naturally to affirm Nanzhi's number one role. It is her efforts that have enabled this food factory to have a flagship product that can compete with national food companies.
Secondly, we have to admit that the leaders of the food factory have not forgotten their original intentions and have not lost their original intentions or changed their taste after becoming popular.

This persistence has allowed the food factory to grow further and further, from the largest food factory in the small town, to the largest food factory in the province, and then to a nationally ranked food company.

The chain reaction brought about by the operation of this food factory alone directly revitalized the economy of that remote town, brought in more tax revenue, and created countless jobs.

Local people who used to have to work in coastal areas no longer need to leave their homes and can find good jobs locally, and their children do not have to become left-behind children.

Local farmers who cannot work in food factories can switch to growing more expensive crops and have greater harvests because of the food factories' huge demand for raw materials.

...Everything is changing.

So much so that later some people compared the charity done by Chang Mu with the changes brought about by Nanzhi.

Only by comparing them can you know what it means to be superior or inferior.

What is the quota for studying abroad?
It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish.

What Nanzhi brings to this land is real hope.

...Of course, all this happened a long time ago.

Nanzhi is now facing the end of the third episode of filming.

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