Chapter 295 Miss Nan's Lover
A huge roar came from overhead.

Several flashlights lit up in the distance.

The rescue team has arrived.

After they saw the situation clearly, they were stunned at first, and then ran over.

"I am fine."

Lu Shixu avoided the hand that wanted to support him, let Nanzhi lean on his arms, with An Jing's cheek pressed against his chest, unwilling to let go.

The rescue team members did not dare to act rashly and instead tried to pick up Nan Yi.

Nan Yi squatted beside Nan Zhi, holding onto the corner of her mother's clothes, pursed her lips, and flatly refused:

"do not want!"

That stubbornness and persistence are exactly the same as Lu Shixu's.

The rescue team members felt a little embarrassed and felt that their presence was unnecessary.

Finally, Lu Shixu felt that he could not stay any longer and had to send Nanzhi to the hospital first.

She judged that he fainted due to exhaustion, but to be more accurate, she needed professional equipment from the hospital.

The temperature in the mountains was low, so Lu Shixu first asked someone for a thermal blanket and wrapped Nanzhi in it.

Then asked:

"Where is the nearest large hospital?"

Someone answered:
“It takes 30 minutes to fly there.”

Lu Shixu felt it was too long:

"To the town hospital at the foot of the mountain?"

"5 minutes."

This answer satisfied Lu Shixu.

"Go to the town hospital first. If there are other situations, be ready to transfer to another hospital at any time."

He had hired the rescue team with his own money, so naturally no one would refuse.

They escorted Nanzhi, Lu Shixu and Nanyi onto the cabin.

Five minutes later, one of the red rescue helicopters landed on the playground of the primary school next to the town hospital.

The ambulance that had been waiting here for a long time quickly came over and lifted Nanzhi onto a stretcher.

Lu Shixu had to let go, and even Nan Yi was left aside.

Nan Yi was silent and looked very unhappy.

Lu Shixu: "Come with me."

Nan Yi glanced at him and didn't move.

Lu Shixu had no choice but to say, "Go to the hospital."

This time, Nan Yi finally raised her little hand with great reluctance and put it into Lu Shixu's big palm.

The strange touch made Lu Shixu feel very uncomfortable and he was stunned on the spot.

Nan Yi was completely unaware and continued to urge:
"Aren't you leaving yet?"


Lu Shixu took Nan Yi into the accompanying vehicle and rushed to the hospital.

Although the town hospital is small, it has everything, including basic examination equipment.

The results came out as Lu Shixu judged, there was nothing serious, just some minor external injuries.

After Nanzhi's wound was bandaged, she was placed in a single room.

This was not arranged by Lu Shixu——

Nanzhi's identity was discovered by the hospital leaders on the way here.

The celebrity guest of a hit variety show was kidnapped during filming in this province...

One can imagine the uproar such heavyweight news would cause.

Before the news spreads, the leaders of your province only hope to do their best to deal with the aftermath, so that people across the country will not doubt the security conditions in your province, which in turn will affect tourism in your province.

For this reason, even the city leaders called to inquire about the situation.

Therefore, the hospital leaders dared not neglect it and even came to the ward in person to express their condolences, but were stopped by Lu Shixu on the grounds that Nanzhi needed to rest.

The hospital leader was not angry about this, but smiled gently and sincerely:
"Is it Miss Nan's lover? I'm really sorry about what happened this time."

It is normal for hospital leaders to misunderstand. They don’t know much about Nanzhi and only know that she brought her children to the variety show.

Since she has a child, it means she is married and has a husband. Lu Shixu's demeanor doesn't look like a secretary or assistant, so it's inevitable that people will attribute his identity to Nanzhi's lover.

Lu Shixu was stunned.

For some unspeakable reason, he chose to remain silent.

In the eyes of the hospital leaders, this was considered as tacit approval, and they apologized repeatedly on behalf of the province, and said that the police were already searching the mountain, and that the vicious criminal must be found alive or dead.

Lu Shixu: "Thank you."

After seeing off a group of hospital leaders, Lu Shixu turned around and met a pair of cold eyes.

He paused slightly, but his expression remained unchanged:
"When did you come out?"

"you are lying."

Nan Yi was very dissatisfied.

He learned from conversations with other adults that "lover" is a very intimate relationship.

But it was clear that his mother and the uncle in front of him didn’t have a close relationship!

So, it was this uncle who was lying!

For the first time in his life, Lu Shixu felt speechless.

Considering that the child in front of him was 4 and a half years old, Lu Shixu decided to use the simplest method:

"Are you hungry? Do you want some ice cream?"

Nan Yi snorted and turned his face away, completely unmoved.

The contact during these days allowed Lu Shixu to understand Nan Yi's lifeblood a little bit.

Then he changed the subject:
"Let's go eat and bring something back for your mother. When she wakes up later, she will definitely be tired and hungry."

Sure enough, Nan Yi’s little head moved.

Of course he was hungry.

After all, he hadn't eaten dinner and had been fleeing in the mountains for so long that he was starving. He had to force himself to refuse the ice cream.

But he can go hungry, but his mom can’t!
"Let's go."

Nan Yi changed his mind.

Lu Shixu followed silently and once again felt how difficult it was to deal with children.

But there was no way. If she wanted to get close to Nanzhi, her child would be a roadblock that she had to overcome.

After thinking it over, the only thing he could do was to please and appease the child, hoping that one day the child would let down his guard against him...

When Nan Yi Lu Shixu finished his meal and packed a small portion of food and came back, he found that the corridor outside the ward was crowded with people, all of whom were familiar faces.

The one who was most familiar with him rushed to Lu Shixu and asked anxiously:

"How is Nanzhi? Is she injured? How did you find her?"

A lot of complaints.

It was only mentioned afterwards that it was the nurse who stopped them from entering.

At the side, Nan Yi was also pulled aside and looked at left and right, and was constantly asked "Are you okay?", his nervousness evident in his words.

Just then, a nurse from the hospital came over and said politely to Lu Shixu:
"Family members of the patients, please remind relatives and friends to keep their voices down. It's so late, and many patients need to rest."

"I know."

Lu Shixu nodded.

When I turned around, I was met with the speechless gaze again.

Fu Chao asked faintly:

"Lu Shixu, are you a relative of the patient?"

Lu Shixu asked directly:
"if not?"

Indeed, Lu Shixu was the only one by Nanzhi's side at the time. If emergency treatment was needed, someone had to sign, and there was no one more suitable than the patient's family member.

Fu Chao shut up unhappily.

Lu Shixu: "Nanzhi is fine. It's too late, you guys go back and rest first."

These words were not only addressed to Fu Chao, but also to the program staff and several village representatives in the corridor.

What they were most concerned about was Nanzhi's safety. After hearing what Lu Shixu said, they all nodded:
"Okay, as long as Master Nan is safe."

"We'll visit her tomorrow."


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