Chapter 347 Mom's Boyfriend
Nanzhi tried hard to blink to hide her tears, and said in a light tone:

"Happy, of course I'm happy, otherwise why would I be with him?"

It was rare for her to show some of her little girl's pride in front of her mother.

Qingqing's eyebrows and eyes relaxed:

"as long as you are happy."

She didn't have so many worries, she just hoped that all of Nanzhi's choices would be based on her feelings.

What's wrong with dating? Date more people and you will know what you want.

Just ...

Qingqing sighed.

Nanzhi noticed that she was in a bad mood:

"Why, you don't like him?"

Qingqing shook his head slowly:

"He is your boyfriend, as long as you like him, it doesn't matter whether I like him or not. Mom just feels that... time has passed too fast."

It's too cruel.

She seemed to still be in the moment when her daughter grew from a cradle to three years old. She was just a sweet and soft ball, and she regarded her as the only one in the world.

At that time, she had many fantasies. When her daughter grew up, she would go shopping and play with her, and even comment on the boys in school.

Her adolescent daughter will happily share her love stories with her. They are not only mother and daughter, but also friends who can talk about everything.

However, these fantasies were abruptly cut off.

The past 20 years seemed to have become nothing. When she fast-forwarded and looked back, she realized that she had missed many years of her daughter's growth from immaturity to maturity.

Regrets cannot be made up for.

Nanzhi is also deeply aware of this.

Just like her now, after experiencing so many things, she can never go back to the mentality she had when she was a teenager.

But she could only comfort Qingqing:

“It’s going to get better.”

Qingqing nodded.

At this time, Nanzhi's face showed some sadness:
"But I'm wondering how to tell Yi Yi. I'm worried he won't be able to accept it."

Even though there had been attempts before, Nan Yi acted as if he had grown up and was no longer as defensive as he was at the beginning, and he refused to allow any outsiders in...

Imagine and reality are two different things.

Nanzhi definitely didn't want to make Nanyi sad because of this matter.

Qingqing listened carefully to Nanzhi's worries, thought for a moment, and said:

"Don't look at Yi-yi as too fragile."


"In fact, that child is much stronger and more mature than we thought."

Qingqing's words reminded Nanzhi.

So, after finishing the casual chat with Qingqing, Nanzhi returned to the room and thought about how to put it.


After a brisk knock on the door, there was the sound of the doorknob being turned.

Nan Yi came running and jumping in:

"Mom, I'm back!"

Nanzhi was deep in thought and stood up from the sofa when he heard this.

Nan Yi's little face was filled with happiness, and it was obvious that she was having a great time playing with her uncle Fu Chao.

Before this, the relationship between Nan Yi and Fu Chao was not that good.

To be precise, it was Nan Yi who was unilaterally wary of Fu Chao, but Fu Chao always wanted to get close to Nan Yi and liked Nan Yi very much.

As for Nan Yi, he has always been wary of everyone. He hates anyone who steps into his territory, except his mother.

However, after knowing each other's blood relationship, the relationship between the uncle and nephew progressed by leaps and bounds.

Fu Chao also became one of the few people who could take Nan Yi with him alone without him being disgusted.

Fu Chao feels deeply honored by this.

Nanzhi was even more pleased to see it happen.

"What did you do tonight?"

Nanzhi's casual question while touching Nanyi's head seemed to open up his chatterbox.

Nan Yi talked endlessly about the experience of Fu Chao taking him to build an aircraft carrier, and even his hair was filled with excitement. Nan Zhi was not impatient at all, and listened carefully to Nan Yi's story, giving feedback at the right time, and responding from time to time with words like "Is that so?" and "Yi Yi is so amazing".

Nan Yi became more and more excited as he spoke, and when he came to his senses, an hour had passed.

He glanced at the time, then remembered that it was only 9 o'clock when he got back, and scratched his face a little embarrassedly:
"Sorry mom, I talk too much."

Nanzhi smiled:

"No, I really enjoy listening to you."

Nan Yi suddenly jumped up in joy, raised his chin and said:
"It's too late today! Wait until tomorrow, I'll tell mom tomorrow!"


Nanzhi thought about it and felt that it was finally time for her to speak.

She said slowly:

"Yi Yi, Mommy also wants to tell you something."


Nan Yi opened his eyes wide, looking very childish, with light in his eyes.

Nanzhi couldn't bear to see the light shattering, and hesitated again:

"Mom wants to say..."

Nan Yi suddenly pounced over and crashed into Nanzhi's arms.

He hugged Nanzhi's waist tightly, trying to convey his feelings to her:

"Mom, you can say whatever you want! I'm already a big kid!"

Nanzhi couldn't help but touch his soft hair and sighed:
"Yes, you are a big kid now, and mom should respect your right to know."

After a pause, he said,

"Yi Yi, Mom has a boyfriend."

She decided to cut the Gordian knot without so much preparation.

She was already prepared for Nan Yi's questioning, tears, and angry opposition...

Yet none of these.

He just slightly widened his eyes in shock, and then, as if everything had settled, he sighed softly:
"I knew it."

Nanzhi made a doubtful sound:
"You guessed it a long time ago?"

Nan Yi lay in Nan Zhi's arms, his voice muffled:
"Of course, I'm smart and perceptive. That man is Uncle Lu, right?"

Nanzhi was amazed at Nanyi's sharpness.

She spoke cautiously:
"It's him. But Yiyi, you have to know that you are the most important to your mother. All of her choices will be based on your feelings first..."

"What about mom?"

Nan Yi rarely interrupted Nan Zhi.

Nanzhi was slightly stunned.

Nan Yi raised his obedient little face from her arms.

He bit his lip and asked solemnly:

"Why do you care about my feelings? Mom's feelings are the most important."

Surprisingly... Surprisingly, it is the same sentence as what my mother Qingqing said.

Nanzhi felt her eyes sore for the second time today.

Her eyes were incredibly gentle, and she asked:

"Won't Yi Yi be sad?"

After thinking carefully, Nan Yi replied:

"I will be sad. But I will adjust myself. As long as mom is happy..."

In the past, he was as extreme as a little hedgehog and would never say such words.

However, after he and his mother reunited with his grandparents, uncle, and a host of other relatives, Nan Yi's heart was gradually filled and healed.

He saw a healthy and beautiful parent-child relationship, experienced other bonds beyond mother and child, and realized that he could not become a constraint on his mother or a reason to trap her.

Mothers deserve a freer and broader life.

"As long as mom is happy."

Nan Yi murmured and repeated this sentence.

Nanzhi suddenly hugged Nanyi tightly.

For a moment, she fully experienced what Qingqing had felt not long ago.

"When did you grow so big..."

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