Chapter 396 Chef's Menu
Song Lin nodded and was about to praise Nanzhi's diligence.

……and many more!
"Today's chef's menu? You want to taste the food today?"

Nanzhi thought about it and answered calmly:
"I think we can just put it on the menu. If everything goes well, we can serve it to the customers in the evening."

Song Lin's eyes widened:

"How is this possible? Don't underestimate the difficulty of food tasting!"

Although Yongnianlou has declined, a lean camel is still bigger than a horse, and the strictness of the selection of chefs for the menu has always been no less than during its heyday.

Generally, a new chef may take several months to prepare the menu, and the shortest time currently is three days.

And the person who completed it was... Nanpingshan.

Therefore, Song Lin also gave Nanzhi three days. He hoped that Nanzhi could reach the level her grandfather reached when he was young.

He was even prepared that even if the taste was a little bit worse, he would still nod his head and approve it.

The results of it……

How long has it been since?

one day?
I'm afraid there isn't any!
Song Lin felt that Nanzhi took this matter too easily, and his face suddenly became serious, as if he was about to get angry at any time.

If it were his disciples, they would probably be terrified seeing his expression.

Nanzhi felt nothing, she was still smiling:

"Don't worry, Master Song, you will know once you try it."

Song Lin looked at her deeply:
"Okay, I want to try it out and see where your confidence comes from."

The mapo tofu made by Nanzhi is indeed unique, but it cannot be included in the chef's menu.

It’s not that it’s not delicious, but…

Not expensive enough!
The dishes on the chef’s menu are the signature dish that elevates Yongnianlou’s status, and naturally have to be worthy of Yongnianlou’s status as a top restaurant.

Therefore, its price cannot be low, and the ingredients cannot be bad either. It must meet the standards of high-end diners.

Song Lin admitted that Nanzhi was very outstanding, but he also thought that Nanzhi took the matter too lightly and intended to make her suffer, so he stopped giving her any more advice.

Nanzhi could see that Song Lin was a little unhappy.

She didn't take it to heart because strength is the best proof.

I took Nan Yi to the kitchen, which was empty at this time.

Oh, no, Song Lin is here too.

He stood silently in the warehouse counting the ingredients.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't do this kind of thing, but he seems to have developed a habit and has to do it himself.

When Nanzhi went to the warehouse to pick out what she needed, she ran into Song Lin there.

She suddenly thought of something and said:
"My grandfather also runs a restaurant. The first thing he does every morning when he wakes up is to personally check the kitchen and confirm the status of the ingredients and utensils. He said that a good chef must know every corner of the kitchen."

Song Lin's body froze as soon as Nanzhi mentioned the word "grandfather".

He opened his mouth, wanting to ask Nanzhi more about her grandfather.

The words came to my lips, but I didn't know how to say them.

Finally, I swallowed it and pretended I knew nothing.

As he turned around, Nanzhi glanced at Song Lin again.

Seeing him standing there motionless somewhat deliberately, she pursed her lips and left with a bunch of things.

Nan Yi was waiting for her in the kitchen, already wearing a custom-made little chef's uniform and a matching chef's hat.

Just like the children's version of the waiter uniform that Nanzhi wore when she was a waiter, they should all be masterpieces of the program crew.

Nan Yi raised his head with some pride:

"Mom, look!"


Nanzhi opened her eyes slightly, somewhat surprised.

Along with the complicated emotions that had just arisen, they disappeared.

She pulled Nan Yi to look left and right, and thought she was so adorable. She couldn't help but take several photos of Nan Yi with her mobile phone.

Nan Yi was a little uncomfortable with taking photos at first, but gradually he was able to cooperate with Nan Zhi's camera.

Nanzhi: “…Ah, I almost forgot about the important matter.” It’s all because Nanyi is too cute, making it impossible for her to concentrate!

Nan Yi clenched his fists, his eyes full of fighting spirit: "Mom, I'll help you!"

Nanzhi didn't want to dampen his high spirits, so she ordered him to run errands and move things.

Nan Yi doesn't think that the matter is trivial. Instead, he will do everything seriously.

Nanzhi smiled with relief.

When she looked away, the joy on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by seriousness and concentration——

Nanzhi’s cooking skills are indeed very high and she is very confident in her skills.

But confidence does not mean complacency.

Even if it is the most basic dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, she will try her best to make it.

What’s more, it is very difficult to make a soup now?
Nanzhi raised her knife and chopped the whole hen into pieces.

Nanzhi then processed the other ingredients, washed them one by one, and after making sure there was no blood, she put them into boiling water to blanch them thoroughly. After all the blood and foam came out, she poured clean water into a large bucket, brought it to a boil over high heat, and continued to boil.

Nanzhi's expression was more serious than ever before.

Some time passed.

Near 7 o'clock in the morning, the sound of laughter and playfulness was finally heard.

"Hahaha! I'm number one!"

The young chef who suddenly jumped into the kitchen was stunned by the scene before him.

"Master Nan?"

He was obviously surprised to see Nanzhi.

Nanzhi was distracted by other things, but she always kept her attention on the soup pot.

Someone greeted her, and she responded somewhat nonchalantly:

"Well, good morning."

"...This is too early. How early did you arrive?"

Nanzhi thought for a moment:
"About half an hour ago."

The young chef was stunned.

Soon his companion came and was puzzled to see him blocking the kitchen door.

When he got closer and took a look, he was also frightened by Nanzhi and blurted out:

"Is it so tight to record a show now? It starts at 7 in the morning?"

Nanzhi casually explained that the people who were recording the show had not arrived yet.

So only Nanzhi arrived first?

The young chefs were curious and came over to see what Nanzhi was doing:
“Is this a soup stock?”

They are also chefs, so it is not difficult for them to see what Nanzhi is doing.

So they got even weirder:

"Master Nan, we have a chef in the kitchen who specializes in making soup stock. You can find him if you need it."

One of the reasons why large restaurants are so efficient is that everyone has their own duties.

There are separate people for steps like cutting vegetables and making soup.

Except for very few chefs who want to have 100% control over the kitchen, they will choose to use the broth prepared by the soup chef.

Nanzhi didn't even raise his eyes:

"Well, I'm still used to using the soup I made myself."

The other young chefs fell silent.

They always felt that Nanzhi's behavior was a bit unnecessary, so they thought of her as stubborn and conservative, and finally walked away silently.

After a while, Song Lin also came over.

He naturally realized that Nanzhi was just trying to get some attention, but he didn't ask anything and just let her go.

Soon, people came one after another, and they all noticed Nanzhi hanging soup in the corner, and couldn't help whispering.

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