After winning three times in a row and turning ten taels of silver into one hundred and sixty taels, Qinghuan ended this trip to the casino with an attitude of being bored.

On the way back, Sangsang said unhappily, "You can obviously continue to win, why don't you win more?"

Qing Huan smiled and said, "Anyway, the casino is right here. Whenever you need money, you can come back to get it. If you win too much, it's still a question whether they will let you leave!"

Ning Que remained silent until this moment when he asked, "You seemed to have known that you would win?"

Qing Huan said proudly: "If I can't guarantee winning, why should I gamble?"

Ning Que asked curiously, "How did you do that?"

Qing Huan pointed to his eyes and said, "I can see the number on the dice, how can I not win?"

Ning Que was surprised: "Did you see the points?"

Qing Huan patted Ning Que's shoulder and said, "Just because you can't see it with your naked eyes doesn't mean you can't see it with your heart. When you feel it, you'll know it."

As Qinghuan spoke, dust flew all over her body, and her hair and long gown seemed to be covered in dust as if the wind had blown away the dust, revealing her true appearance.

A handsome young man turned into a bald monk wearing a patchwork robe.

Ignoring Ning Que's surprised look, Qing Huan spread his hands towards Sang Sang and said, "One hundred and sixty taels, I'll return twenty taels to you, and the remaining one hundred and forty taels, give it to Master Buddha!"

From "poor monk" to "Buddha".

Sangsang's face was full of reluctance. She rolled her eyes and said, "Master Buddha, your money will be used as food expenses!"

Qing Huan asked in surprise: "Is your family's food expenses so expensive?"

Sangsang whispered, "How about I smile again for Master Buddha and sing a little song?"

Qinghuan blinked, feeling a little moved.

Just as he was about to agree, Qinghuan suddenly fell to the ground.

It wasn't a fall, nor was it a lie down. Instead, the whole person was spinning like a spinning windmill, hitting the ground headfirst, and then the body and feet landed one after another.

Qinghuan smashed a hole in the bluestone pavement with his head, and gravel flew everywhere.

Ning Que and Sangsang were both stunned. They looked at the monk with his bald head almost embedded in the stone slab and were stunned for a long time: How could he fall like this if he fell on flat ground?
With this kind of noise, an ordinary person would probably have his brains burst out!
Unexpectedly, Qing Huan jumped up directly. His bald forehead was intact except for a few red marks. He cursed, "Which bastard dared to attack Master Buddha..."

Before he could finish his words, he dived headfirst into the stone floor again.

This time Qing Huan was obedient. He got up obediently, put his hands together, and said, "Amitabha, I know I was wrong!"

Ning Que and Sangsang stared in amazement.

Qing Huan waited for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief and said, "You guys go, I'll be back later."

Ning Que was speechless and asked, "What just happened?"

Sangsang said dimly, "Could it be retribution? Young Master, Master Buddha will definitely go to hell in the future."

Ning Que thought about it, nodded in agreement, and looked at Qing Huan with pity.

It would be a miracle if a monk like this didn't get punished and go to hell!

Qing Huan said with a righteous look on his face, "If I don't go to hell, who will? I'm going to hell right now!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

He walked a few steps and then stopped, turned around and said, "Sangsang, Master Buddha has paid for the food, so we have meat tonight!"

Sangsang touched the silver in the bag in his arms and said with a smile, "I'll cut half a roast duck for Master Buddha."

"Get on the road!"

Qinghuan gave a thumbs up.

Looking at Qing Huan's receding back, Ning Que stroked his chin and said, "Sangsang, do you think this monk is ready to die bravely?"

Sangsang chuckled and said, "It would be better if he doesn't come back. This money will be ours."

Ning Que said sternly, "No, if this monk never comes back, how can we make money from him?"

Sangsang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, "Young Master is right."


There is a mountain outside the south of Chang'an City. Ordinary people cannot see how high the mountain is because it is covered by fog, but what is at the foot of the mountain is known to the whole Chang'an, no, the whole Haotian world.

Because the academy is right here!

South of Chang'an, under the mountains, is the academy!

It is the academy that has gone through thousands of years of ups and downs, has never had a name, has a history older than the Tang Empire, has trained countless sages and famous officials for the Tang Empire and other parts of the world, and is not mysterious but almost divine.

Qinghuan walked all the way to the foot of the mountain, and what came into view was a large area of ​​gentle slopes composed of green meadows and hills. The undulating shape looked like solidified waves, and the green grass was picturesque.

There are a few flower trees planted at intervals beside the dozens of crisscrossing driveways, and there are clusters of flower trees in the center of the meadow.

What a beautiful painting, like a fairyland on earth.

There was a spacious stone terrace at the entrance of the academy. An old lady was sweeping the floor. Without waiting for Qinghuan to speak, she pointed in a direction and continued sweeping her floor.

Qinghuan had a smile on her face, a holy and soothing look on her face, and she moved forward in the direction without haste or slowness.

They met quite a few people along the way, some were students of the academy, and some were teachers of the academy, but after seeing Qinghuan, especially Qinghuan's sanctimonious appearance, they couldn't help but put their hands together and greet him.

Qinghuan clasped her hands together and responded with a smile.

We came to an old book building called "Old Book Building". A woman was standing at the door. She was petite and had a cold face. She looked young, but anyone who saw her could feel that she was not young, at least that was her mentality!
Qinghuan looked at the woman in surprise, as if she was looking at a volcano that could erupt at any time!

And it is a very awkward volcano, a very incongruous volcano!
It's like a cicada pupa hiding in the soil to transform and be reborn, but it gets stuck halfway through, feeling awkward and uncoordinated.

The woman was also looking at Qing Huan, her eyes were calm but also had a hint of intimacy, she said: "My name is Yu Lian, the third one."

Qing Huan suddenly understood, put his hands together and bowed, saying: "Hello, Third Senior Sister!"

Yu Lian nodded and said, "Junior brother, I have heard of you a long time ago."

Qing Huan said seriously: "Senior Sister, the outside world spreads rumors, and most of the bad rumors cannot be believed!"

Yu Lian looked at Qing Huan for a moment and said, "Don't believe bad rumors. What about good ones?"

Qing Huan sighed and said with emotion: "I just did what I should do."

Yu Lian nodded and said, "Well, now I believe it."

Qing Huan blinked, wanting to ask what to believe in? Is it a good belief or a bad belief?
Yu Lian didn't give him a chance to speak, motioning him to follow, saying, "Teacher and fellow apprentices are waiting for you on the mountain."

Qing Huan followed, half a step behind Yu Lian, and said, "Master, if you want to see me, just ask someone to pass the message. Why make such a big fuss? I feel ashamed to accept the invitation!"

Yu Lian looked at Qing Huan strangely and said, "It's a brothel and a casino, and you still remember the academy?"

Qinghuan opened her mouth.

Yu Lian said: "The teacher said that you have been well-versed in reasoning since childhood. There is no need to argue with me. If you have anything to say, go and tell the teacher."

Qing Huan thought about it and finally said in defense: "I haven't debated with anyone for a long time."

Yu Lian said nothing, but just took Qinghuan all the way up the mountain.

Yu Lian stopped in front of a white mist, pointed to one of the two forked paths in front of him, and said, "Teacher asked you to go this way."

Qing Huan looked slightly bitter and said, "Third Senior Sister, I'd better go with you. I'm timid and afraid of getting lost."

Yu Lian said: "Just keep going down this road, there is no fork in the middle."

Qing Huan pulled Yu Lian's sleeve and shook it, saying, "Good brother...good sister, my brother is still young, so I won't feel bad for him..."

Yu Lian grabbed Qinghuan's neck. With her small body, she easily lifted up the strong man Qinghuan and threw him into the white mist as if he were throwing a kitten or a puppy.

"Ah - help -" Along with the miserable voice, Qinghuan was swallowed by the white mist.

Yu Lian clapped his hands and whispered, "What the teacher said is indeed right. This monk is very interesting."


In the eyes of outsiders, the second floor of the academy is a mysterious and sacred existence, and it is one of the four unknowable places in the Haotian world.

But in the eyes of the academy, especially the second floor of the academy, the second floor of the academy is just a place to teach people knowledge, there is nothing mysterious about it.

There are two ways to reach the second floor. One is to climb up the mountain.

The second is the second floor, the second floor of the old book building. (End of this chapter)

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