Self-struggle starting from Douluo

Chapter 84 Inner Alchemy Theory

Chapter 84 Inner Alchemy Theory
Seeing that everyone was confused, Qinghuan repeated the concept of "seeing yourself, seeing the world, and seeing all living beings."

Shui Bing'er pondered, "According to what you said, only by becoming a god can one be qualified to "see the heaven and earth"? "

Qing Huan thought for a moment and said, "The position of a god is a ready-made rule, a manifestation of the power of heaven and earth. Becoming a god may indeed allow one to "see heaven and earth", but it is too one-sided."

Meng Yiran was dumbfounded: "Ah? Even after becoming a god, I can't "see the heaven and earth"?"

Shui Bing'er asked curiously, "Then how can we truly 'see the world'?"

Qing Huan thought for a moment and said, "Heaven and earth were born with me, and all things are one with me, which is the unity of heaven and man."

Seeing that everyone wanted to ask more questions, Qing Huan said directly: "I just know this concept, but if you want me to explain it, I have already said that I can't even see myself clearly, let alone see the world clearly!"

Everyone looked regretful, but there was nothing they could do. They could only change the subject and discuss their own understanding of martial spirits.

Qinghuan continued to ponder, but unlike before, he was thinking about the concept of "harmony between man and nature".

In the "internal alchemy" of the previous life, there is such a saying: "To connect the boundless primordial energy to the finite physical body, to connect the heaven and man, to form the elixir, to enlighten the yang spirit, and then to refine the spirit and return it to the void, to be in harmony with the Tao, to be in harmony with the natural way of inaction, to be one with the Tao, is the ultimate "unity of heaven and man". "

The three treasures of the human body are "essence, energy and spirit". "Spirit" controls "essence" through "energy"...

If we expand this concept to the space between heaven and earth, is it also possible to control the "essence" of heaven and earth through "spirit" and "qi" as the intermediary?
Unfortunately, the "Qi" cultivated in Douluo Continent is soul power, and there is no "Qi" between heaven and earth that resonates with soul power, which makes it impossible to release soul power. Naturally, it is impossible to use "Qi" as a medium to control the power of heaven and earth.

Soul power cannot be released from one's own body, but martial soul can!

There is no "qi" between heaven and earth that resonates with soul power, but the top-level mimicry environment can simulate it to a certain extent...

If I use my own martial soul and the "qi" simulated by the top-level mimicry environment, can I borrow the power of heaven and earth in a small range and for a short period of time?

A flash of enlightenment appeared in Qinghuan's eyes. He made a note of this and planned to try it out in the future.

Think carefully, what do you remember about the "Inner Alchemy Theory" in your previous life?

Dan means single, and one means single.

The sky is clear with one, the earth is peaceful with one, the valley is full with one, and people live long with one...

The so-called "internal alchemy" technique uses the human body as a cauldron and the essence, energy and spirit as medicine...

In this way, as long as the "spirit, energy and spirit" are satisfied, even the whole world is just a "pill".

One Dan, One World…

Inexplicably, Qing Huan suddenly thought of the old man whom he had vaguely glimpsed in the void. The scene in his mind froze on the old man's palm with black flames gushing out, refining the "Book of System" and his soul into one.

An impulse suddenly surged in Qinghuan's heart, and he spread out his hands, and a bright white flame like moonlight surged out from his palms.

"Ah..." Everyone who was communicating with each other was suddenly startled and looked at Qinghuan in surprise.

Qinghuan ignored it and picked up a piece of blue silver grass from the window while thinking. After hesitating for a moment, he threw it into the flame in his palm.

Now that I have the "essence", then... input soul power? Add a little of my own thoughts?

Qing Huan tried little by little...

The bright white flames, the burning blue silver grass, his own soul power, his own thoughts, these things combined together and some magical changes took place.

Qinghuan could understand it, but he couldn't say it or express it. He just felt like he had touched some kind of spiritual light.

Seizing this glimmer of inspiration, Qing Huan suddenly knew what to do. The flames in his palms suddenly erupted, whistling...

After a moment, the flames in the palm of his hand dissipated, and a round ball of blue and silver appeared in his hand.

Is this "Dan"?
Qing Huan frowned and pinched it in confusion, but as soon as he touched it, the blue-silver ball shattered and dissipated, turning into invisible... Strange waves spread in the carriage.

The next moment, a large amount of blue silver grass grew wildly from various places in the carriage, on the table, floor, roof, silver plates... even the clothes on everyone were covered with blue silver grass out of nothing.

The interior of the originally luxurious carriage became a space filled with blue silver grass.


"How is this going?"

"Qing Huan, what did you do?"


The women exclaimed and looked at the scene in disbelief.

Amid the exclamations, Qing Huan seemed to hear an old voice: "Well, not bad, but it's too early."

It seemed like an illusion, but Qinghuan knew clearly that it was the old man who was speaking.

He couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. This was the joy that came from being recognized by the person he admired - in the deepest part of his heart, Qinghuan had always regarded that old man as his goal.

"Qing Huan!"

The screams finally brought Qing Huan back to his senses. Seeing the miserable appearance of the girls with their clothes covered with blue silver grass, Qing Huan couldn't help laughing and said, "Sorry, sorry, I just tried it because I had some understanding..."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and all the blue silver grass in the carriage disappeared without a trace.

Lan Yin suddenly jumped out, looked at Qing Huan suspiciously, and asked, "Is it like this again?"

Lan Yin had seen this scene once before. Qing Huan did not summon his martial soul, nor did he use his soul power. He could directly control the Blue Silver Grass as easily as using his own arms, just like a general commanding his soldiers.

But this time it was even worse than last time, it directly made the blue silver grass disappear!
Qing Huan also looked at his palm in surprise - he had just briefly mobilized the power of heaven and earth to erase everything that existed!

In other words, he created the blue silver grass and then wiped it out!

Qinghuan looked at the small holes on the girls' clothes and the spring scenery that was vaguely visible, and thought: It seems that not only that, he also changed the existence state of certain substances?
The blue silver grass did not appear out of thin air, but was transformed from other things... such as the silk threads on the women's clothes, the wood on the table, and the decorations on the inner wall of the carriage...

The girls also noticed their own miserable appearances, and hurriedly took out their clothes, wrapped themselves up, and glared at Qinghuan fiercely.

Ye Lingling said in a sad voice: "Qinghuan didn't mean it..."

Qing Huan was still thinking, he just used a blue silver grass, his soul power, and his thoughts to refine a "pill"?
My soul power has the property of growth, my thoughts are the blue silver grass, and with a real blue silver grass as a guide...

These three stimulated and merged with each other in his sixth soul skill "Moon Fire", and magically merged into an unstable "pill"?
The moon fire comes from the martial soul, from one's own soul, that is, one's own thoughts...

Isn't the essence of the inner alchemy theory to use the human body as the furnace, the mind and breathing as the fire, and the essence, energy and spirit as the medicine to refine a great medicine?
Qing Huan's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly sat cross-legged, saying, "I'll meditate for a while, Lan Yin, keep an eye on it for me."

Then the whole person enters the state of "Martial Soul Meditation".

The remaining women were dumbfounded and looked at each other.

After a moment, Shui Bing'er laughed and lowered her voice to ask, "Has he always been like this?"

Lan Yin raised his chin and whispered, "It was the same in the past. Whenever I thought of something, I would lock myself up to study it."

The girls' eyes flashed with realization, and Shui Bing'er said softly: "So he is the young master... Let's go, let's not disturb him."

(End of this chapter)

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