Chapter 85 Wuhun City

It takes more than twenty days to walk from Tiandou City to the Spirit Hall.

Qing Huan, on the other hand, maintained his spirit meditation state the entire time until they arrived at the Spirit City, where the carriage stopped at the accommodation area arranged by the Spirit Hall.

Ye Lingling looked at the carriage worriedly and asked, "Is he still not awake?"

Lan Yin sat in the carriage, swinging his legs, and said, "No, don't worry, he slept for fifteen days before, and he's fine... Hey, he woke up!"

Lan Yin turned around in surprise and saw Qing Huan opening the door and getting out of the carriage.

Ye Lingling and Lan Yin hurried over and looked at him.

It seems that the whole person has not changed, but both Lan Yin and Ye Lingling can see that Qinghuan has an indescribable feeling.

Ye Lingling asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Qing Huan shook her head and said with a smile: "It's a great harvest, don't worry, it's a good thing."

Lan Yin asked excitedly: "Qing Huan, what have you researched?"

Qing Huan smiled, raised her hand and snapped her fingers, a spot of light popped out and sank into Lan Yin's forehead.

Lan Yin covered his forehead and was about to speak when his expression suddenly froze, his eyes rolled around, and he spread his hands.

The next moment, a thick book appeared and hovered above her small palm.

Lan Yin couldn't help but open his mouth: "This... this..."

Qing Huan did not hide many things from her, so Lan Yin naturally knew what they were. This was the source of points coveted by all Tianci owners!

Qinghuan’s “Book of Systems”.

Ye Lingling had also seen the scene where "Heaven's Gift" and "System Book" were trying to merge, and was surprised and asked: "Qinghuan, can you give this thing to others?"

Qinghuan smiled and waved.

The "Book of System" in Lan Yin's hand disappeared, and a spot of light flew out from her forehead, returned to Qing Huan's hand, sank into it, and disappeared.

Qing Huan then said: "The "Book of Systems" has been integrated with a certain thought of mine. It is the manifestation of one of my thoughts. Naturally, there is no question of whether my thoughts will be given to others or not, or whether they will be snatched away.

It's just that I have refined this idea, and now I can lend it to others temporarily."

Unless the old man takes action again, no one else can take it for themselves.

Qing Huan regarded this "Book of Systems" as a test. When he could completely remove the thoughts from the "Book of Systems", it would mean that he was beginning to get close to the old man.

Ye Lingling seemed to understand what he said, but she didn't ask any more questions. She said, "I have already tidied up the room for you. I have also explained everything to the other people in the second team."

What a good wife!

Qing Huan smiled and nodded, looking around, and said, "Spirit Hall, the dream place in the hearts of all spirit masters. When we come here, how can we not take a good look around? Let's go together."

Ye Lingling's eyes lit up and she nodded slightly: "Okay."

She didn't plan to call Dugu Yan... Unfortunately, she forgot that there was another "person" next to her.

Lan Yin squeezed in between the two of them and said, "Don't pull me down!"

Qing Huan smiled, turned around and got off the carriage, took the Blue Silver Grass that Blue Silver was parasitizing in his hand, and said, "Let's go."


This is Wuhun City, a city built on the basis of Wuhun Palace. It is a city that belongs entirely to soul masters!

Therefore, in the entire city, soul masters make up the vast majority, and the remaining few ordinary people are just the descendants of soul masters who have not awakened their innate soul power.

In the original novel, the army of 70,000 soul masters that the Spirit Hall called upon to declare war on the two empires was composed of the soul masters of this city.

So when you walk down the street, nine out of ten people you see are soul masters.

Ye Lingling and Qinghuan strolled side by side. As they walked along, Wuhun City gave people a very good feeling, it was peaceful and harmonious. At least there was no scene of nobles oppressing the common people as was common in other cities.

They are all soul masters, so there is naturally no difference in their identities. Although there is a difference in soul power level, don’t forget the Spirit Hall. No matter how high the soul power level is, can it be higher than the bishop and elders of the Spirit Hall?
Not to mention there is also an Angel Temple where seven Titled Douluo worshippers live in seclusion.

The Spirit Hall has a magnificent building, and its protruding part into the sky can be seen from any corner of the city.

However, the finals had not started yet, and they had not yet entered the Spirit Hall. "What is that?" Ye Lingling suddenly pointed to where a group of people were gathered.

"Let's go take a look." Qing Huan brought her to the back of the crowd, looked over, and immediately smiled, saying, "It's an announcement from the Spirit Hall."

Ye Lingling asked curiously: "What does it say?"

Qing Huan recited: "Yu Xiaogang, the son of Yu Yuanzhen, the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, once studied at the Spirit Hall, and combined the strengths of the two families. He published many theories, which promoted the development of spirit masters and was once named an honorary elder of the Spirit Hall.

After years of verification, it was found that Yu Xiaogang's theory had many errors and omissions, and caused great harm, so Yu Xiaogang's title of honorary elder was stripped... Ha!"

After reading it, Qinghuan couldn't help but laugh.

Bibi Dong knows how to hurt people’s hearts!
Ye Lingling listened and nodded, "Well, Spirit Hall did a good job. I have also read Yu Xiaogang's theories. They make sense to a certain extent, but when I really delve into them, I find that there are many mistakes and omissions!"

Qinghuan smiled and thought it had nothing to do with him anyway, so he took Ye Lingling away.

After walking a short distance, Qinghuan suddenly turned his head and looked towards a teahouse on the roadside with a strange look in his eyes.

Ye Lingling asked: "What's wrong?"

Qing Huan shook her head and said, "A dead rabbit, what bad luck... Never mind, let's go save her."

As he said that, he took Ye Lingling into the teahouse.

Most of the tables and chairs in the teahouse lobby were empty, with only two tables occupied.

Sitting at one table were Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing. Sitting at the other table were two men, one with blonde hair and the other with black hair. Both had extraordinary temperaments. They looked young, yet gave people a sense of deep vicissitudes of life.

Ye Lingling called out, "Xiaowu, Rongrong, Zhuqing."

After she finished shouting, she realized something was wrong. Xiao Wu's face turned pale, she was sweating, and her eyes were filled with fear. Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing's pretty faces turned red, their eyes were anxious, but their bodies were completely motionless.

Ye Lingling looked at the three women suspiciously, then looked at the two men at the next table.

Qing Huan walked over, inserted herself between the two tables, and said with a smile: "You guys are quite leisurely, and you still have time to drink tea here? Don't you need to prepare for the finals?"

The three women suddenly relaxed, gasping for breath and unable to speak.

Xiao Wu even grabbed the corner of Qing Huan's clothes, her knuckles turned white and her whole body was trembling.

The two men at the next table showed surprise in their eyes. The black-haired man said, "Brother, we haven't been out for a long time. How come the kids nowadays are more weird than each other? And each one is more courageous than the other!"

When he said the last seven words, his voice was like a dull thunder, shaking the entire teahouse.

Qing Huan turned around calmly and said with a smile: "It is normal for each generation to be stronger than the previous one. If each generation is weaker than the previous one, that would be terrible!"

The black-haired man who was speaking could not hide the surprise in his eyes, which was revealed on his face. He looked at Qing Huan and said, "Brother, is this kid trying to provoke us old guys?"

The blond man also looked at Qinghuan, causing Qinghuan to pause!
"Don't say that. I still respect my seniors."

Qing Huan said as he walked to their table, sat down, poured himself a cup of tea, and waved to Xiao Wu and the others, saying, "Stop hanging around, go back and prepare. This competition is hosted by the Spirit Hall, so you have to behave properly!"

Xiao Wu and the other two still had fear on their faces and stood there, not daring to move.

It was Ye Lingling who stepped forward, took Xiao Wu's hand, turned around and left. Only then did Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing react and hurriedly followed.

The black-haired man narrowed his eyes, and a terrifying aura swept over him, but it dissipated in front of Qinghuan like a breeze and did not affect behind him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Lingling finally pulled Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing out of the teahouse.


There was a crack on the ground, with the table they were sitting on as the dividing line, spreading to both sides.

"Good, good, good!" The black-haired man laughed wildly and said, "I haven't seen such a good guy for a long time. Big brother, what do you say?"

The blond man's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "Didn't you hear what the kids said? This competition is hosted by the Spirit Hall. The participating kids need to have a proper attitude, and so should we."

The black-haired man retracted his aura and said, "Well, it will be the same after the game. It can't escape."

Qing Huan smiled and said, "Bullying a little rabbit, bullying it so domineeringly, I have seen it too."

(End of this chapter)

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