I just covet their strength

Chapter 276 I became stronger entirely through my own efforts!

Chapter 276 I became stronger entirely through my own efforts!

Even though he really wants to defeat the whole fucking world by himself, unfortunately, Westhead's current strength only supports his invincibility in single combat. In a one-on-one situation, there is currently no one who can match him in the Kingdom of Yonglan. This is the confidence that [Withered Glory Yang] and [Cursed Source Blood] bring him!
The round-robin fight was not a disadvantage at all - in fact, it was an advantage. However, two fists could not beat four hands, and it was difficult to withstand being surrounded and beaten.

Although Yonglan Knights usually don't gang up on others, even without considering this, it would be a good idea to increase their combat power in order to complete the pilgrimage as quickly as possible.

On the road to conquest, the king does not need to conquer everyone personally. The king's power is also part of his strength.

In other words, the people defeated by Resia and Myvana are also counted as Westhead's achievements, which is quite humane.

Therefore, Myvana's promotion is crucial. With three T0 warriors who are invincible at the same level, the speed of sweeping the enemy will undoubtedly be terrifying.

So Westhead and others continued to prepare in Twilight Territory for a few weeks, leaving enough time for the expeditionary vanguard to return and carry out propaganda before officially setting off.

The Qinghui Guards, the Princess's personal troops, and a very small number of orc warriors boarded the floating battleship, and the residents of Mudeng Territory came to see them off with food and drink.

The fellow villagers surrounded the wolf-eared girl, and dozens of Mivana's brothers and sisters held her hands and cried loudly.

"Myvana! You must win!"

"It's a pity that we are not qualified to participate in this battle, otherwise we would go with you."

"Don't let outsiders look down on us!"

"And your mating partner, are you really not going to reproduce with your sisters?"

Although there were some strange remarks mixed in, Mivana selectively filtered them out. She clenched her fists, pounded her chest, and said solemnly:
"For the sake of Teacher Viona's last wish, we must win this journey!"

Amid the gazes of the simple folks, the floating fleet took off from the open space in front of the Dusk Lord City and officially set off.

Westhead stood on the projection of the Yonglan map in the center of the bridge command room, and he used his fingers to outline a concise and clear itinerary.

"The first stop is the Holy Grail Pool. The nearest Holy Grail Pool is here, about two or three days away from the Dusk Light Territory. The knights near the Holy Grail Pool will definitely protect the pool. They are all considered tough elements, so we can just deal with them all at once."

Before setting off, Westhead had already drawn up a pilgrimage plan, which was more than just a simple route planning.

All the knight lords along the way were clearly marked, including which ones were potential allies that could be won over, which ones were wavering neutrals, and which ones were opposition factions that must be struck hard.

Mivana looked at Westhead's profile as he planned and couldn't help but complain:

"Although I've asked this many times before, why is Weiss so familiar with Yonglan?"

"Local customs and geography are fine, but how come you even know the preferences of the Knights' Territory?"

"Practice makes perfect."

Westhead said calmly that he had made countless pilgrimages in "Poem of Destiny" and was already familiar with the main knight lords.

Which one is a war maniac, which one is a precious item, and which one is against the sky, I have tasted them all.

I feel like vomiting when I recall it once. Do you understand the value of the Knight King in the 32nd round?

Westhead sat back in the main seat in the command room, leaning his hands on the hilt of Shadow Life, and looked at Leixia and said:
"Can you solve the obstacles on the road to the Holy Grail Pool?"

The silver-haired princess who was standing by with her arms crossed loosened her arms and said, “Hmm.”
"That's no problem, but why let me come?"

According to her understanding of Westhead, the latter would not miss the opportunity to show his divine power before anyone.

Westhead crossed his legs and sat on the main sofa. "Because I still need to make some preparations for the final battle. My current strength is not enough to guarantee a foolproof victory. So when I have free time, I will practice in meditation. During this time, I will block my perception of the outside world."

Myvana: "It really is a knight's training method."

This was one of the meditation methods of Knight Yonglan, but Westhead obviously didn't really want to use the meditation method. He stroked the scabbard of Shadow Life and said with a smile:

"Those who dare to block our way to the Holy Grail Pool are no longer ordinary opponents. We must strike hard! Teach them a good lesson!"

Leixia nodded: "I understand, leave it to me."

Westhead naturally trusted the White-haired Dragon Lady very much. He confidently handed over the command of the fleet to the princess, and then drew out Shadow.


Relax your mind and your consciousness will sink into the sharp blade in an instant.

Once is new, twice is familiar. For Westhead, entering the mind space of the Lord of Absolute Extinction is like going home. He sneaked in with ease.

He didn't even need to walk some distance. When he opened his eyes, he was directly at the Candlelight Throne of the Lord of Extinction.

The girl with gray hair and red eyes was still wearing the red dress stained with countless blood. The black thorns pierced between the red dress and her hair. The moment she saw Westhead, the big devil's cherry lips trembled slightly and she gave a gentle and cheerful call.

"Welcome, my love."

"Good night. No, there is no concept of day and night here, right?"

Westhead waved his hands subconsciously and looked at the black sun hanging high in the sky. The light from the edge of the vast giant that was enough to make people speechless was so dim that it only made the outline of the ruins look more creepy.

"I don't have the concept of time. This place has always been in a constant period of time, and it keeps repeating. But fortunately, I still remember that time is passing, but I don't know how long it has passed."

When Westhead heard the words of the evening prayer, he felt a little regretful for bringing up such irrelevant issues.

It’s too heavy!
He quickly changed the topic:
"It's been a month since I last came here. I mentioned to you that we have now arrived at the Kingdom of Yonglan. Oh, don't tell me, don't tell me, with the knight."

Evening Prayer tilted his head and listened to Westhead's endless words with an inorganic expression, until Westhead stopped with a look of unsatisfied desire.

"Evening prayers. Do you understand?"

The gray-haired devil shook his head slightly:

"I don't understand. I don't know the current situation in the mortal world and what's happening."

"But, I can sense my love's emotions. My love, you are excited and happy. That's enough. I feel happy too. I like listening to you chat."


Westhead was silent for a while, then said:

"Next time you come, I'll teach you how to play a set of war chess. This way we can have some interaction."

The man stepped forward and said:
"But I have to wait until I finish my current work. I can't wait to get the title of Knight King, so I have to improve my strength." "I hope to continue observing the memory. It would be best if I can put it into your body and experience it for yourself, just like the previous times."

Evening Prayer did not comment, but she proved with her actions that she would not refuse any request from Westhead.

She stretched out her finger and extinguished the candle, and everything in her mental space turned to ashes like a flame, and the scene before her became dark and obscure. From all directions, chaotic monsters surged in like a tide.

This was the memory of Vespers, and Westhead's perspective was locked on her. Not only vision, but other senses were shared as well.

The cold and bloody wind penetrated into the nose, the viscosity and filth of the chaotic water made people depressed, the hoarse cry of the monster was like a sharp object rubbing on smooth glass, and the sword held in the hand was so hot that it burned the bones and scorched the heart.


Westhead had a clear sense of how Vespers mobilized power and ignited souls through its exquisite craft.

And how to use them to attach blades for fighting.

This was Westhead's preparation for the decisive battle, constant training and study in the mental space.

Since everyone knows that the speed of consciousness flow between the devil's mental space and the outside world is very different, how could Westhead let this bug go?

While chatting with evening prayers to relieve boredom, the intensity was also raised.

With Westhead's diligent efforts, he finally mastered Evening Prayer's fighting skills.

[Soul-burning Skills]

[In ancient times when the gods had not yet appeared, warriors who carried the souls of 783 million compatriots on their shoulders learned this combat technique by burning these souls as sacrifices.]

[This is an unforgivable sin that burns the soul, an act that defies human ethics and goes against the will of heaven, and also a sad elegy]

[You can use souls as burning materials, or you can use pure life energy instead to add the special effect of "extinction" to the attack]

This was not shared through [Granted by the Mind and Soul]. Although Westhead wanted to get it for free, he had not yet formally met Evening Prayer. A meeting in the gap between time and space in the mind-image space could not meet the requirements.

[Soul-Burning Technique] was something Westhead learned after carefully imitating and absorbing the combat experience of Evening Prayer countless times.

I became stronger because of my own efforts!

Westhead was immersed in the mental space, but from the outside, it seemed that Lord Qinghui fell into a state of stagnation the moment he drew his sword. Except for the light flowing on the bright red blade of [Shadow Life], the whole person looked like a sculpture, and even his life activities almost stopped.

"Is this considered a knight's meditative state?"

Leixia sat next to Westhead and carefully observed the latter's condition before asking Myvana.

"Does not look like"

One of Miss Knight's animal ears was drooping, and Westhead's state was not at all like the meditation method she remembered.

"It may be some improved version. Teacher Weiss always likes to add his own modifications."

The silver-haired princess stroked Westhead's cheek and kissed him lightly on the forehead. Then she slid from his forehead to his side, with her eyes slightly lowered, her fluttering eyelashes also stroked the man's cheek.

Mivana stared at this scene for a long time before asking, "Leshia, you like Weiss very much, right? You like him so much that you want to monopolize him. Although I don't understand this kind of feeling, why don't you feel angry?"

"Because I can't be so mean and selfish."

Leixia stood up and looked at Myvana:
"Weiss did everything to save my destiny. How can I stand in the way of him fulfilling his own?"

"I know he has great ambitions. What Weiss wants to accomplish is greater than anyone else's. To do this, he needs power, and he will do whatever it takes to get it. That's why he attracts women. I don't care about those vulgar women who are just greedy for Weiss's skin. I sneer at them. They don't understand Weiss's true value and charm. My lover has never revealed his heart to outsiders."

The white-haired dragon lady raised the corners of her lips slightly, as if she was very proud of her special status.

For the "Pure Love God of War" Leixia, the purity of love is very important. Love and attachment must be everlasting until death. As for the beauties in Westhead's harem, it can only be said that Lord Qinghui is like this. It is just a necessary seeding, which is natural in the eyes of the imperial people.

It is enough as long as you are the one who occupies a special place in your lover's heart.

Thinking of this, Leixia's mood became unhappy. She looked at the beast-eared girl with purple-black hair and said slowly:

"But you are an exception. Weiss likes you, just like he likes me, so he did everything to save your fate. To be honest, I hated you a little at first."

"I still don't like you very much, but I will open the way to the Holy Grail Pool for you. You have to be promoted to Legend as soon as possible. Weiss needs help. If you want to stay by Weiss's side as his lover, don't let yourself fall behind."

The wolf-eared girl straightened her back and nodded solemnly:

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me. The one you need to repay is Weiss. I'm just following his wishes."

Mivana smiled brightly and said with emotion:
"Leshiya, you are indeed a good person. We will become friends, for sure."

The silver-haired princess stood in front of the French window with her arms crossed. When she heard Mivana's sigh, she pursed her lips slightly:


The floating fleet sailed through the neighboring knight territories in a mighty manner. There was no need to fight. Before the parade began, the knight lords near the Dusk Lantern Territory fell to their knees at the speed of light.

They had seen Westhead's heroic figure in front of the boundary river, and were immediately impressed by Lord Qinghui's powerful will and expressed their willingness to surrender.

These people are the most typical admirers of the strong in the Kingdom of Yonglan. As long as the king shows overwhelming strength, they will immediately support him. They are also the easiest group of knights to deal with.

Of course, if we talk more realistically, the lesson of Jinquan Territory is still there. Those who don't kneel will be wiped out. The pilgrimage may seem gentle and polite, but if the reputation of the king is not enough, the pilgrimage will be a bloody massacre.

Because of the unique stubbornness of the Yonglan Knights, those who refuse to accept their defeat will really risk their lives, and it is common for their entire clan to be destroyed.

From sparring to tutu, the pilgrimage allows for any level of fighting and violence.

After asking these surrendered knights to raise a small flag representing Qinghui, the floating fleet continued forward and headed straight for the Holy Grail Pool.

That is the end point of Yonglan Knight's legendary achievement, and also the source of the talent of [Bestowed Holy Grail].

Although [Bestowed Holy Grail] is a completely inferior version compared to [Cursed Blood] and does not require such a talent, Mivana gave up the feat of annihilating the corrupted holy tree in the empire in order to become a proper great knight.

Therefore, the Holy Grail Journey is imperative.

(End of this chapter)

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