I just covet their strength

Chapter 277: Encountering the Dragon Lady in the Holy Pond, the Dragon Thunder Continuous Shot is as

Chapter 277: Encountering the Dragon Lady in the Holy Pond, the Dragon Thunder Continuous Shot is as strong as a monster, and no matter how hard you try, you can't defeat her

Yonglan Knight has a standard path promotion process.

One first learns about the path of knighthood from the magic code, becomes an apprentice, and then joins a family or order of knights. After training to the [Elite] level, one can receive missions from the mentor and officially begin traveling and trials.

During this time, the knights would look for things to do everywhere, from clearing out bandits, suppressing rebellions to participating in martial arts competitions, and defeating monsters. In short, they would do everything, and these were collectively referred to as knight training.

The final step in a knight's training is to drink the Holy Grail mixed with Eternal Mist's blood in the Holy Grail Pool and enter the realm of a legendary great knight.

The path to the Holy Grail Pool is the final step in the Knight's training. For most extraordinary paths, the legendary level is the ceiling, and the rest of the road cannot be walked by following the rules.
After the floating fleet passed several knight territories, they were finally able to see their destination from the bridge.

Looking around, you can see a field covered with yellow maple leaves. The big trees on both sides of the road sway in the wind. Along the way, there are various ruins, hot springs and fortresses. At the end of this endless field, there stands abruptly a mountain that reaches into the sky.

This blue-gray mountain is out of tune with the surrounding geographical environment. Endless storms and thunder entangle the mountain range, as if the actual strong winds act as a barrier, wrapping up the mountain range.

"Is that the Holy Grail Pool? The mountain created by the gods?"

Seeing this, Leixia said:

"I heard that the Holy Grail Pool was formed when [Eternal Storm Rider] dripped his own blood into the top of the mountain."

Myvana: "It's similar to the small sacred trees of the empire, but more useful and much less in number."

Among all the gods, the [Holy Tree of Great Glory] is probably the one that manifests itself most frequently. Almost every citizen in the empire can enjoy the blessings and protection bestowed by this little holy tree.

In comparison, other gods seem a bit stingy, and the blessing of [Yonglan Qishen] has a high threshold.

"Those who climb the Holy Grail Pool must overcome the storm and move forward courageously."

The Knight lady involuntarily tightened her grip on the hilt of the silver sword and said:
"A Holy Grail Pool will only produce one Holy Grail over a long period of time, and only the final winner can get this honor."

Climbing to the Holy Grail Pool is a daunting challenge. Along the way, you will not only face treacherous environmental trials, but also trials from other people who also desire the Holy Grail.

Although the test given by the God Ancestor is the former, most of the time the latter brings more danger.

"Then you may have too many competitors."

Resia and Myvana took a few steps forward and stood in front of the French window of the main ship, looking into the distance. They saw that on both sides of the distant avenue, there were continuous camps standing in the lush woods, and even in the back, there was a half-kneeling giant statue.

Even though the outline of the colossus can only be vaguely seen, its terrifying size and power are enough to shock people.

"They even moved out the God-riding Colossus. They really don't want you to reach the Holy Grail Pool."

Leixia chuckled, and it was unclear whether it was a mockery or an exclamation.

At the beginning of the journey, the pilgrimage team did not hide their intentions. Everyone who knew about the pilgrimage knew that the orc lord of Dusklight Territory must first be promoted to Legend to add bricks and tiles to the pilgrimage.

Therefore, the Yonglan Knights who are dissatisfied with Westhead's proposal will inevitably block it.

Normally, there is no need to worry about Mivana's promotion. She has already accumulated enough merits and her strength is as strong as a monster. No one is more qualified than her to be promoted to a legend. Unfortunately, this is an ideal situation. Any competition is bound to involve tricks.

Perhaps there are restrictions on who can climb the Holy Grail Pool, and even if everyone is hostile to Myvana, the latter can still slaughter them at will, but what if we set up checkpoints on the way to the mountains?

How should you respond?

"This is too despicable. It lacks the grace and tolerance that a Yonglan Knight should have."

Mivana made a direct and sharp comment:

"Not a knight."

"There is a God-Knight Colossus, but no sign of the Great Knight yet. Are you still waiting and watching for now?"

Leixia also nodded and said to Myvana:
"I will take care of these trivial matters, you go climb the Holy Grail Pool."


Needless to say, this was an arrangement made by Westhead, and even if the two women had disagreements on other issues, at least they respected Westhead's words.

In front of the mountains, in a makeshift camp, Yonglan knights from all directions gathered in the woods, bustling with activity and noise.

As the Holy Grail Pool is brewing again, a large number of Yonglan Knights who want to reach the legendary level will head here to participate in the Holy Grail Trial.

But the knights gathered here at this time were not here to climb the mountain or join the Holy Grail Trial.

Some are nearby knight lords, some are apprentices in training, and some are formal members of the Knights Templar.

The quality varies and the origins are varied, but they all have one thing in common: they are opponents of pilgrimage.

When this group of people gathered together, they naturally criticized Westhead's behavior of claiming to be king:
"Letting an imperial man do whatever he wants on Yonglan's land, what on earth were those gentlemen thinking?!"

"The most important thing is the reform plan. It's really a fantasy. Abolish the serfdom system? It seems to be for the sake of development, but how can those impure external things be compared with true blood and courage?"

"If we really do this, we will be drowned in the land of comfort. Forgetting about fighting will lead to danger!"

"This must be a conspiracy of the Empire, to blunt our blades and numb our wills. If the new generation does not have the experience of climbing out of the bottom, how can the blood of Yonglan be pure and powerful?"

"It's all the work of the orcs on the border. They are not of our race, so their hearts must be different."


The knights who participated in the discussion were filled with indignation. Not only the knight lords, but even some of them were knights who had been promoted from serfs, but they were also extremely resistant to the liberation of serfs.

It's not even out of the mentality of "others have to suffer the same hardships as I have suffered", but I believe from the bottom of my heart that this kind of training is necessary.

In the camp in the woods, on a high platform, a knight lord in black and gold armor was leaning on a sword with one hand and stroking his mustache with the other, looking at the magnificent scene in front of him with contentment.

He is the lord of the nearby knight territory, Morris, and the instigator and largest sponsor of this event.

After the detailed information of the pilgrimage spread, Morris expressed his firm opposition and immediately took action, even bringing all his family property to the front of the Holy Grail Pool to block it.

"Da da da--"

Clear footsteps were heard from behind, and a confidant came up behind the Knight Lord and reported:

"Lord Morris, the pilgrimage fleet has arrived."

Morris looked sideways at the end of the sky and smiled:
"Under the might of the God Ancestor, even the warships of the Sky Kingdom will succumb to the storm. They can only go so far. It will be our battlefield next."

The metal shins stepped on the yellow maple leaves, and Morris raised his arms and shouted:
"Brothers! Knights of Yonglan! Listen to me."

The powerful voice spread throughout the forest, immediately quieting the noisy scene. Morris still had some prestige as the host. Everyone looked towards the platform, only to see the knight lord in black and gold armor speaking passionately:

"We are gathered here today because we cannot bear to see the throne of the Knight King being stolen by villains, and we are here to defend the purity of the Kingdom of Yonglan!" "I believe you all know that not long ago, a murderous demon from the Empire blocked the pace of the Knight's Expedition. Not only did he massacre Jinquan Territory, he also claimed the throne of Yonglan. What a blasphemy!"

"And now, Qinghui's usurper is advancing towards the Holy Grail Pool, wanting to allow the filthy and barbaric orcs to be ranked as great knights. Can any Yonglan person with principles and conscience tolerate such a thing?"

The knights in the audience raised their weapons and shouted:

"No! Absolutely not! Not easily!"

"Kill the Imperials! Kill the Orcs, too!"

Morris turned sideways and said, "Of course, no great knight has joined us yet, but don't worry, I brought this colossus of the Knight God!"

The construct, which appeared in a half-kneeling and bowed posture, had a shape almost identical to that of an armored knight. On the shell made of mithril, platinum and blue carvings covered every inch of the steel, giving off a faint ripple glow.

In its hand, it held a huge lance with a spiral blue tip.

The hundred-meter-high statue looks even more majestic and magnificent under the sun.

"With the help of the God-Riding Colossus, we can also fight against the arrogant usurper!"

This is the characteristic structure of the Kingdom of Yonglan, which can be classified as a "God's Structure". Even in the Empire, it is only used during the Dragon War. But in the Kingdom of Yonglan, God's Structure can be forged by mortals.

And a colossus of a knight god is a legendary fighting force that can be mass-produced.

Although it takes a lot of energy, resources and time, it can indeed be replicated. This is also one of the few black technologies of the Kingdom of Yonglan that surpasses other countries.

When Morris was feeling proud and proud, he didn't notice the thunder breaking through the sky at all.


The whistling sound that tore through the atmosphere and ignited space was accompanied by strong winds and arcs of electricity, and it fell directly onto the side of the forest.

"what happened?!"

"Enemy attack!"

The Yonglan Knights in the woods immediately entered a state of combat readiness, looking intently at the place where a certain being fell.

The graceful figure walked out and stretched out her hand. The moment the pure golden dragon thunder took shape, the dust shattered and the wind blew up her sleeves. The princess with a silver high ponytail swept the people present with a cold gaze and said:

"What were you talking about just now?"

"Who is the villain? Who do you want to kill?"

The knights saw Leixia's appearance clearly, especially the pair of white jade dragon horns that looked like frozen lightning, and immediately said:

"Where did the dragon man come from?"

"Whose Dragonborn?"

"Wait, is she the princess of that empire?"

"I said that the imperial people really don't care about meat or vegetables. They can even kill their mortal enemies and give birth to an inhuman bastard."

When Leixia heard the word "bastard" which she had not heard for a long time, she actually felt nostalgic. No one in the empire would call her that anymore, but the Yonglan people were still very realistic and spoke their mind directly.

She couldn't help but reveal a grim smile, took a step forward, raised her head and said:
"You seemed to be discussing something impolite just now. Those who gathered here should all be those who are hindering the pilgrimage, right?"

Morris felt the overwhelming might of the dragon coming towards him, his eyes shone, but he still stepped forward and said:
"You are the princess of the empire, not the king. When will it be your turn to speak? Call out Lord Qinghui!"

"Weiss doesn't need to take action to deal with you."

Leixia tilted her head and said:
"Although I think it is unlikely, I still have to ask you, are you willing to acknowledge Westhead Qinghui as the King of Knights?"

"Ha! Is it possible that a princess of the empire is going to serve as a pioneer for the king?"

Morris laughed loudly, took out the heavy sword from the scabbard, and pointed it directly at Leixia:
"That's enough. Since Lord Qinghui won't come in person, it might be a good thing for us to stain our swords with dragon blood. We have long wanted to fight the dragon, so fighting the dragonborn shouldn't be much different, right?"

Leixia did not reply. She just observed the number of knights present and urged the dragon thunder to condense into a substantial spear of sunlight in her palms and behind her.



Morris frowned, not quite understanding what Leixia was talking about.

The silver-haired princess raised a finger and said calmly:
"I'll kill half of you first, and then ask again."

As soon as she finished speaking, the princess's slender white fingers gently fell.


In an instant, the spear of sunlight that formed behind her shot out.

Although the knights had already prepared themselves mentally, when the Sunlight Spear actually came rushing towards them, they realized how terrifying this seemingly ordinary lightning spear was.

Yonglan Knight is proud of other countries because of his super model values, but this value is not worth mentioning in front of the real T0.

The spear of sunlight condensed by the dragon thunder shattered the knights' enchanted mithril armor as expected, and tore their steel bodies apart. Bones and flesh evaporated in an instant, and a thin blood mist rose.

The falling lightning spears caused alarming explosions in the woodland, engulfing the dense vegetation.

Just the first round of lightning spear throwing eliminated one-third of the Yonglan Knights present, and the remaining knights were basically all injured.

Without even a moment's sadness over the death of their comrades, the Yonglan Knights' professionalism allowed them to react instantly, and they all rushed towards Leshia.

If the power of Dragon Thunder exceeds the limit of endurance, then you should approach quickly and take advantage of the gap in the preparation of the technique.

This is the only way to fight against the magician!

However, Leixia is not a magician at all. She does not need to chant or prepare to cast the Sunshine Spear. For her, it is an instinctive action like breathing.

The silver-haired princess just stood there, holding the dragon thunder sword and spear in her hands. The space behind her gushed out more dragon thunders, which were thrown out continuously.

Under the torrential attack, no knight could break through. Even a high-level knight of the heroic rank would die on the spot if he did not focus on defense.

After Morris blocked several shots from the Sunshine Gun, his beloved sword broke under the heavy load.

So the Lord Knight made a prompt decision and shouted at the top of his lungs:
"Activate the God-riding Colossus!"

(End of this chapter)

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