I just covet their strength

Chapter 307: World No. 1 Foreign Aid, Records Available

Chapter 307: World No. Foreign Aid, Battle Records Available

The dark clouded sky was torn and pierced by transparent beams of light. The platinum-colored beams of light seemed to connect the dark sky and earth, appearing extremely bright.

“Gurgle, gurgle—”

On the ground, pairs of metal legs stepped through the muddy swamp. It was the remnants of dead plants. The black and purple sticky and thick substances were all highly corrosive and filled with an unbearable stench.

The miasma and poisonous fog in the air were burned by the flames, turning into flying sparks that floated all over the sky.

In the distance, a majestic giant tree whose size was difficult to measure with the naked eye was being devoured by embers, and all kinds of broken tree tissues were cut into pieces like broken limbs.

The battle is over, and these knights in bright armor are merely cleaning up the battlefield. After the Chaos-corrupted creatures fall, the remaining aftermath will breed a number of Chaos monsters.

However, even though the environment was so harsh, the soldiers who set foot here did not have any difficulties. Instead, they chanted war songs loudly as they moved forward.

Wherever it passes, the sword will plow through all obstacles and thorns.

On a high cliff in the distance, Westhead leaned against his motorcycle and looked out from the high ground. All he could see was a scene of withering and corruption. The original towns, fields and valleys had all been flattened by the corrupted holy tree and became the nutrients that nourished the twisted jungle.

The corrupted jungle was ravaged again and again by sword and fire, leaving only a desolation that was so abrupt that it made people feel like they were at the end of the world.

Although he was very close to the battlefield, Westhead had no intention of taking the initiative. Even the fallen holy tree in front of him was brought down by the concerted efforts of his knight army and the Qinghui Guards.

Because it is no longer necessary. Once you enter the legendary realm, ordinary achievements will not qualify you for promotion. It is better to leave the opportunity to young people. This is also the consensus and tacit understanding among the extraordinary people, king against king, general against general.

However, if there are a large number of other spectators nearby, that’s a different story. Westhead must make a heroic appearance in the most handsome way and make a strong presence.

In fact, that's what he did, and every time he did it, it would be edited into a promotional video and copied for the world to enjoy!
Westhead was not afraid to use these methods to promote and build momentum. Who said this was not the right way? Even among the gods in the past, there were bards who were inspired by God and would travel around and tell stories.

That's right, I'm talking about you [Emperor Qianlu]! You're always thinking about doing something out of the ordinary, and Westhead said he likes to do that, too.

Now we are just adapting to the development of the times and using some faster carriers.

"Da da da"

Hearing footsteps behind him, Westhead retracted his gaze and looked at Knight Yonglan who was walking towards him.

The armor of the two great knights of Storm Heart, Mephis and Leiwu, had some slight scratches on them, but was generally intact.

"Your Majesty, we have fulfilled your mission. We have eliminated all the enemies you pointed out."

The blue-haired knight girl knelt down in front of Westhead without any burden, with her delicate and pretty face tilted up, and her beautiful indigo eyes were filled with a fanatical look of admiration.

Westhead was a little uncomfortable at first, but after getting along for a long time, he found that Mavis was really a good dog (in a positive sense).

"This is the largest corrupted sacred tree in the empire. There shouldn't be any other occupied areas in the southeast of the empire, right?"

Mephis: "If it is limited to the scope that you and Her Highness Resia have the right to govern and interfere with, yes."

"Then there will be some grass in the future. I don't know where to go."

Westhead stroked his chin and said.

After the meticulous work of the Knights' Army and the Qinghui Legion, nearly a quarter of the provinces in the southeast of the empire have now been purified, and the chaos corruption has been completely eliminated. The remaining remnants are not worth even a second look and can be pacified by any knightly order.

As for other imperial territories...to be honest, it is impossible for them to pass through. Although Westhead has raised his intentions very high, such as saving the people from dire straits and bringing peace to the world, for the imperial nobles, isn't this just expanding their sphere of influence?
It’s already good enough that the southeastern part of the empire is granted to you and Leixia, but don’t push your luck!

Even though public opinion in the empire has been extremely favorable to Westhead during this period, and people are almost praising him as the great contributor to the reconstruction of the empire, sometimes when Westhead attends meetings, he is treated like a star. Various beautiful big sisters and lords flirt with him, wishing to take Westhead to a remote place.

However, you can touch anywhere except my territory, which is the most sensitive.

"Okay, let's talk about it when we get back. Also, ask Elena, Hecas and the others to come over and build the [Circle of Clear Sky] here. I have a disease that makes me want to die when I see Chaos Water."

Westhead glanced downward and said slowly.

In the occupied areas submerged by the waves of chaos, what is really difficult to deal with is the order environment that has been completely destroyed. In some areas, colorless and lightless water has appeared. That is the embodiment of the water of chaos. When the water of chaos accumulates to a certain limit, it will completely drag the order realm into the sea of ​​chaos, making it almost impossible to recover.

Westhead has already tasted a lot about the nature of the Chaos Sea in his memory of Evening Prayer. Hurry up and take it away! (annoyed).

To completely clean up these residues, a thorough purification ritual and years of continuous maintenance are required.

Mephis: "Yes, the witches under your command are really busy, but the contribution and assistance they bring to our Lord are also real. I believe that after this province is rebuilt, it will also be under your command!"

The blue-haired girl had a very warm smile, and it was rare to hear her say anything nice about her colleagues.

Even for the Seiki Guards, Mephis's evaluation is that "they were just lucky enough to be born into the same race as my lord, the pure people", and they are not as capable as the Eiran Knights.

But the reason why they are so optimistic about the Witches of the Clear Ring, a group of spellcasters who were originally on the margins of society, is because they are so useful.

It is easy for the expeditionary force to severely damage the chaotic forces, but how should the anti-chaos system be built afterwards?

You must know that the reason why the little sacred tree was corrupted was because of the collapse of the anti-chaos system.

The once orderly kingdom basically relied on the protection of the laws of the God-Ancestor. This was the only anti-chaos system in the entire kingdom, and there were almost no backup plans - because no one would even think about it.

The God Ancestor no longer protects the country? How is it possible?! I ask you how is it possible?!
If the God Ancestor is unwilling to protect the country, then what difference is there between us and the country being destroyed! If you are still thinking about rebuilding the anti-chaos system, you can just kill them all!

But this thing that absolutely shouldn't have happened actually happened, and everyone was completely at a loss, with no basis for building an anti-chaos system.

Developing from scratch is also a considerable burden for the imperial provinces that are in need of reconstruction.

The "selfless" Lord Qinghui will naturally help the local area rebuild its anti-chaos system, and will use the most mature and effective [Circle of Clear Sky] to enable the rebuilt province to recover as quickly as possible.

After all, [Circle of Clear Sky] has been tested in practice. It is a top-level anti-chaos spell that uses secondary divine power. All the value of [Circle of Clear Sky] is contained in it. However, in order to continue to operate the spell, Qinghui Territory must continue to maintain it. If there is no money to pay, Qinghui Territory can also provide a lot of interest-free loans.

In this way, Westhead did not force the locals to sign any unequal treaties, nor did he annex any territory, but through this means, he had actually exerted great influence on these liberated areas.

The original [Ring of Clear Sky] relied on this skill to grow into a leader in the border area. It was its old business, but it was unexpected that with the passage of time, the "unconventional methods" relying on the power of demons turned out to be the most effective method.

Of course, Westhead would not tell anyone that this was the power of the devil. All the witches in the [Ring of Sunny] only had the position of "courtier" and were just consultants.

Maybe someone noticed it, but no one dared to say it, and no one dared to ask.

Otherwise, how do you know that there is something wrong with this technique? Have you studied it privately? And if you anger Lord Qinghui, who else will fight against you!
Leading his personal guards back, Westhead came to the rear settlement.

An imperial province that is being rebuilt. After clearing out the remnants of the corrupted sacred tree, a town was built on the ruins of the original capital, taking in all the displaced people nearby.

When Westhead led the army into the city gate, he was greeted with warm praise and cheers:
"Prince Qinghui has returned in triumph!"

"Your Majesty the Knight King!"

"Lord Westhead has severely insulted Chaos Corruption!"

Due to the example set by a large number of Yonglan Knights and Bright People, many imperial people were also infected by the fanatical sentiment.

Maybe it’s personal experience, maybe it’s the herd effect, or maybe it’s publicity, in any case, everyone has started doing this.

Enjoying the cheers, Westhead came all the way to the central mansion of the rebuilt capital. As the forward base of the expeditionary force, it was also a command post, specifically for receiving requests for help from all over the place and then coordinating the dispatch of the legion.

What surprised Westhead a little was that even Leshia and Myvana returned here one after another in the next few days.

Before this, the three of them acted separately.

"Are all the battles over there over there finished as well?"

Hearing Westhead's question, the wolf-eared girl with purple-black hair nodded heavily:
"Yeah! I've been to almost every place I can go."

Leixia reached out and brushed away the silver hair by her ears, and said lightly:
"There are still some corrupted sacred trees within the empire, but they are all within the reach of the local legions. There are indeed no more corrupted areas within our jurisdiction."

It seems that the [corruption disaster] is about to pass.

Westhead sighed inwardly. During the Age of Strife, the disaster that the Holy Tree Empire suffered, the [Disaster of Corruption], should have destroyed half of the territory and foundation of this huge mortal kingdom, so that when the [Dragons Returned] later, the empire's resistance would be very difficult.

Now, because the expeditionary force wiped out the enemy in time, the strength of the empire has been well preserved, and future dragon groups should not be so devastating.

The empire has been plagued by many disasters.

Seeing that Westhead remained silent for a long time and just sighed, Myvana tilted her head and said:
"Weiss, what should we do next?"

"I don't know either. What should I do?"

Leixia frowned and said, "The Qianlu Royal Court has not responded yet. Will they really place their hopes on us?"

Westhead shook his head and said, "Just wait. If the efforts and management during this period are really effective, then there should be results soon."

Because the Thousand Laws Royal Court could not bear it, Westhead had been spying on the intelligence of the Land of Law and Sound. The latter had now officially entered the stage of [Demon's Feast]. The demons that broke free from the cages divided and dominated large areas of the City in the Lake. The ensemble of the Land of Law and Sound was completely interrupted, which was an absolutely intolerable blasphemy for the Royal Court.

Based on the information revealed by Westhead intentionally or unintentionally, as long as the intelligence department of the royal court is not a loser, it will inevitably have the corresponding intention.

So Westhead waited patiently for two months, and finally received the exciting news as he wished.

The half-elf maid Rozana, who was originally in Suyue, rushed all the way to the front-line base to meet Westhead.

"Yuanxi Palace invites you to be a guest."

Rozana conveyed the will of her master:
"She said, it's time for you to fulfill your promise. This is your obligation."

"Is it about the debt?"

The silver-haired princess stood beside Westhead. She was very dissatisfied with the coercive tone in Luyetan's words and frowned:

"You can repay the assistance Yuanxi Territory provided in the past tenfold now. You are so arrogant and rude. Who do you think you are?"

Just as Myvana and Mephisto don't get along well, in Resia's eyes, Luyetan, this cunning fox-like woman, is also extremely hateful.

"This is not a matter of arrears, Leshia."

Westhead waved his hands and said that the white-haired dragon lady didn't know about the private agreement between him and Luyetan, so it was natural for her to feel unhappy.

But Lord Qinghui is a nostalgic and grateful person. He will not forget Luyetan's kindness in the past just because he is rich now. It can be said that the assistance from Yuanxi Territory is the most critical factor in Qinghui Territory's current development.

"Let me guess. The reason why I am asked to fulfill my promise now must be because the royal court has loosened its grip. If I cannot enter the Land of Luyin, there is no way I can fulfill my promise."

Rozana nodded and said, "As you said, the Far Tide Palace recommended you to the Royal Court's executive officer, Lord Xavier, hoping that you can support the Land of Luyin, but this matter has not been finalized yet. The details will have to wait until you arrive at Far Tide Territory to discuss it."

Westhead laughed and said:

"Please tell the royal court's messenger not to worry. I will be there soon."

"The best foreign player in the world, his record can be checked."

(End of this chapter)

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