I just covet their strength

Chapter 308: Ascension First Leads to Ascension Later

Chapter 308: Ascension First Leads to Ascension Later
Now that the situation has developed in the direction he expected, Westhead can no longer pretend to be reserved.

The persona he has created for himself now is that of a hero who is dedicated to serving the country and the people with kindness, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trustworthiness!

So after Rozana's message, Westhead immediately summoned his elite troops.

The most core Qinghui Guards must be brought along. They are the direct troops of Lord Qinghui, and they are usually brought along to gain experience. It is really a bit difficult for them to maintain their legendary combat power with only the Yonglan Knights.

Then came the Eternal Storm Knights. Forget about the other knight lords, who only fulfilled their basic feudal obligations, but still brought a part of the Knights of the Storm Heart along, with Yulda leading the Qinghui lineage and Mephis commanding the Eternal Storm Knights.

And the absolutely indispensable [Ring of Clear Sky] spellcaster team, how can we do without demon students to fight against the demons wreaking havoc in the Land of Music?

The half-elf maid watched Westhead deploy his troops in various ways, feeling a little nervous:
"Maybe we don't need that many troops. The royal court is unlikely to tolerate so many foreign troops entering."

Westhead smiled and said, "It's okay. Such worries and doubts are understandable, but we are only stationed in Yuanxi Territory. I believe Yuanxi Palace won't care about these minor issues, right?"

Rozana thought for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Yuanxi Palace really doesn't care too much about these things."

The chaos and corruption within the empire had been almost eliminated, and all that remained was reconstruction work. Westhead was able to free up his hands and lead the well-prepared team to Yuanxi Territory.

Qinghui Territory and Yuanxi Territory were not far from each other. In the past, they were only separated by the Chaos Realm. However, under the expeditionary force's sweeping destruction, the Chaos Realm had no reason to survive at all. The two places had long ago built a track that could communicate without the help of star gates. It was also one of the few logistics channels that were worth spending a lot of manpower to maintain in the current situation of scarce resources.

In Westhead's plan, the Southeast Mutual Protection was originally composed of three forces: Qinghui Territory, Yuanxi Territory and Leixia's royal territory. They should share what they have with each other.

Starting from the train track, even without the stargate transmission of the airship, it was possible to cross the long distance in a very short time and arrive at the main city of Yuanxi Territory.

The train traveling on the water slowly stopped in the main city, and the troops brought by Prince Qinghui walked down in neatly equipped troops. They were all well-trained elite troops. Even though they came to a completely unfamiliar place, they contacted the local Yuanxi Corps as soon as possible, and were guided by the Yuanxi Corps to the prepared camp.

Even though the various forces in the Southeast Mutual Protection are relatively close, they do not belong to the same force after all, and the necessary procedures still need to be done, especially for the Yonglan Knights, who cannot be allowed to wander around Yuanxi Territory with weapons.

Westhead himself did not have so many restrictions. He stepped onto the wave-breaking ship on the lake and looked up at the scenery of the Lord's City of Yuanxi. It was actually his first time here.

What meets the eye are gorgeous and exquisite buildings, built in an extremely clear lake. Various fantastic buildings float on the lake, beautiful and gorgeous, presenting the colors of a fairy tale kingdom.

People were coming and going on the clean and prosperous streets. Even though there was a martial law area under the Yuanxi guards, there were still many onlookers. It was obvious that there had been peace here for a long time and Luyetan's rule was relatively peaceful.

"This is Yuanxi Territory. It has a completely different scenery from Qinghui Territory."

"Brother, do you still have the nerve to say that? You have dug up all the natural geography of the Bright Forest. Now, everywhere is planned like an ideal city."

Yulda immediately complained that she was quite dissatisfied with the urban planning of Westhead. There was no nostalgia at all. The old town and the forest were completely destroyed, and the White Forest was completely transformed.

Except for the holy land at the core of the Bright Forest, all other large tracts of forest were transformed into ideal cities, and the machines of the Sky Kingdom were used to ruthlessly cultivate Hongru.

“Nothing can be done without destruction.”

Westhead smiled slightly and looked at Myvana who was squatting by the side of the boat. The wolf-eared girl seemed to be quite curious about the clear lake water. She stretched out her fingertips to touch the ripples on the lake surface, then stretched out her tongue to taste it, her golden eyes slightly lit up:

"Weiss! The water here is so sweet!"

Westhead nodded and said, "The soil and water of Yuanxi Territory are just good for nourishing people."

In other words, all lakes in the Land of Luyin are like this. They are kept absolutely clear and sweet. You can drink them directly without any filtration, without any impurities.

This is the [Clear Sound] manifested by the laws of the [Emperor of Thousand Laws].

Yuanxi Territory can receive such a favor. It is almost no different from the city in the lake of the royal court. This half of the butt is a bit biased. The laws of the [Holy Tree of Glory] cannot be popularized, but the laws of the [Emperor of Thousand Laws] can be popularized, right?

"There are many beautiful sights and specialties in Yuanxi Territory. You will have plenty of time to visit in the future."

As soon as Rozana got off the train, she automatically changed her identity to a guide, bowed gracefully to Westhead, and even changed her maid outfit into a more elegant long skirt, but her vulgar figure could not be concealed at all:

"Lord Qinghui, and everyone else, please follow me."

The wavebreaker shuttled through the lakes between the streets and headed straight to the High Garden in the center of the main city.

Elf-style buildings are rarely so tall. Westhead knew without hesitation that this was Luyetan's personal preference. Led by Rozana, Westhead and others set foot into the luxurious and extravagant High Garden. After walking a few steps, they met Luyetan who came to greet them in the hall.

The [Branch of Prosperity] in Yuanxi Territory remains exactly the same as it was in the past. Time can hardly leave any trace on the extraordinary people.

The soft hair, which was brown mixed with a slightly dark yellow, cascaded down her back. The dress with pure white lace lining and gold thread made her look extremely noble and graceful. However, the smile in those dark golden eyes was full of charm. The pointed ears hidden by the hair trembled slightly, and there was an inexplicable astringency.

Gently lifting one side of her long skirt, Luyetan smiled sweetly:

"Welcome to Yuanxi Territory. I am flattered that you responded to my invitation so quickly."

Westhead: "Since Yuanxi Palace has invited me, how could I possibly hesitate? Especially since you said you needed help. I have never forgotten the help Yuanxi Palace gave me."

There is some truth in these words. Westhead is actually a loyal and honest man!
Luyetan tilted her head slightly, and supported her cheek with a jade hand wrapped in a long white glove, and said:

"Ah, Westhead, just call me by my name. If you're too polite, I'll be a little sad."

"Yuan Xigong, you have never said such humble words before. If you want to discuss something, then just get straight to the point. We don't like the traditional aristocratic way of testing and persuading."

Leixia said to Lord Yuanxi, who was as charming as a fox, that the silver-haired princess had been dissatisfied with Luyetan for a long time, and even though the misunderstanding was resolved later, the prejudice was not eliminated.

Don’t ask, the answer is we are not compatible!
"Haha, Your Highness Leixia is really strict." Luyetan smiled, but still followed the other party's instructions and slightly turned sideways to reveal the person behind him.

The elf executive in a platinum robe stepped forward and looked at Westhead carefully. His eyes, which had been calm before, suddenly widened and stared at him intently.

It even lasted so long that it was a bit impolite.

Westhead had to interrupt: "Who are you?"

Xavier then leaned forward and saluted: "Oh, excuse me, I am the executive officer of the Qianlu Royal Court, the messenger of Queen Fenglu, Xavier Emerald. Even though I have seen your demeanor in the video, it is really shocking to see you in person. Your heroic demeanor is a thousand times more than in the video."

Westhead smiled and said, "Emerald. Are you also from the elven royal family?"

Xavier: "I am just a branch. There are thousands of branches like me. How dare you call yourself a royal family?"

That's not surprising, that's not surprising.

Westhead instantly forgave the other party's rudeness. This was the underlying code.

Because the elven royal family was chosen by the gods and became the rulers of the royal court, they were also influenced by the Emperor Qianlu, and their resistance to the charm attribute showed extreme duality.

Generally speaking, the elves' charm threshold is very high, and ordinary charms cannot shake them at all. But if the charm is high enough to penetrate the defense, then the elves, as the blessed followers of the enchanting [Emperor Qianlu], will also be deeply enchanted.

This is also the reason why Rozana fell in love with Westhead at first sight. The Qinghui bloodline instantly attracted him!
It seems that the setting of the elves is still there, so we can use some tricks on this trip to the royal court.

Westhead lowered his eyes slightly, and had already thought of many interesting ideas.

Sitting on the sofa in the hall, Qinghui crossed his fingers, rested his chin on his head and said:
"I heard that the Qianlu Royal Court seems to need our support?"

"Yes, I asked Yuanxi Palace to make the request to you, and this matter has also been approved by the royal court."

Since he had chosen to ask for external assistance, Xavier no longer cared about his face and admitted openly:
"I will serve as the Queen's special envoy and represent her will to negotiate with you about assistance."

The current Queen of Fenglu? In the absence of [Emperor Qianlu], does that little girl still have real power? However, the Age of Strife has only been going on for a few years, so she shouldn't be reduced to a puppet now.

Westhead thought about it for a while, then pretended not to understand and asked the question even though he knew the answer.

"Oh, may I ask what disaster is difficult for the royal court to solve? Is it the invasion of the Chaos Tide? This is our professional counterpart."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xavier's face turned very embarrassed. The executive officer of the royal court stroked his sleeves and stammered:

"It's not really chaos, it's easier than that. No, it should be more serious?"

"What does that mean?"

Xavier struggled for a long time, but finally realized that if he wanted to invite Westhead to the customs, he would not be able to conceal the most crucial information from him. So he sighed and whispered to Lord Qinghui:
"It's the Shadow of the God. Not just one or two, but multiple Shadows of the God have invaded the territory of the Land of Music and destroyed the harmony of the ensemble. We are really having trouble dealing with it."

This is already Xavier's limit. As a follower of Emperor Qianlu, he cannot give any more explanation about the filthy shadow of the God Ancestor.

Westhead raised an eyebrow, and his expression suddenly became a little funny.

Suppressing laughter.jpg
Why [Emperor Qianlu] can expel so many demons is indeed a puzzling question.

The elves in the royal court knew that their ancestor god had sealed away many demons, but they did not know why.

Is this something you can ask? It's a topic you can't even mention!

However, Westhead knew the inside story.

The origin can be traced back to the time when [Emperor Qianlu] set his ambition to restore harmony to the land of Thousand Lakes. However, the little demon at that time was not so powerful. Even though it was a genius, the burden of race was too great. How could a thing like succubus develop into a strong one?

What's more, the Thousand Lakes Land at that time was a barbaric era, filled with all kinds of powerful creatures, and all races were engaged in free fighting.

So the special demon made up his mind to climb up by taking an unconventional and evil method.

And this method is soul fusion. Yaohuo uses various means, such as winning over, making friends, or seducing. Anyway, he uses all means to make many powerful demons and monsters entrenched in the Thousand Lakes at that time voluntarily choose to merge into his body.

Among the creatures of order, the God is undoubtedly the only T0, and the Holy Spirit is the T1 second only to the God. However, although the Holy Spirit is pure, it is not a gap-level existence. Many beings in ancient times are not much weaker than the Holy Spirit, such as the goblins and monsters in the Thousand Lakes, all of whom have quite good status.

Emperor Qianlu merged the souls of all these diverse spirits into his own body, and promised them that they would share the glory of reaching the highest level.

As long as you can help me accomplish my great cause, I will certainly help my brothers and sisters, and those who ascend first will help those who ascend later, and we will eventually achieve our common ascension! Isn't that wonderful? !
This incident is also recorded in the "Song of the Ensemble of Rhythms"!

“One person can’t do anything alone, but together we can overcome all difficulties!”

"Come, let us play this flawless music together, so that the many are kings! The king is the many!"

Through such a crazy method, [Emperor Qianlu] expanded his strength in a very short period of time, and eventually traveled around the country, completing the unification of the Thousand Lakes and the tuning of the [Qianlu Ceremonial Code].

This great achievement also created the long step for [Emperor Qianlu] to ascend to godhood.

Unfortunately, this god fulfilled all his promises to his mortal followers, but failed to keep his promise to the goblins and monsters whose souls had merged with his.

When [Emperor Qianlu] ascended to heaven, he directly expelled all the impurities in his soul that did not belong to him as filth.

The first one to ascend leads to the next one to ascend? I'll give you a kick, get off!
(End of this chapter)

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