I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 258 Cover Liu Ju’s mouth for me!

Chapter 258 Cover Liu Ju’s mouth for me!

"What if my father can't resolve it even if he tries his best?"

Liu Ju asked again deliberately.

Su Wen still lowered his head and answered without any mistakes:
"Your Highness, please do not say such unlucky words again. I firmly believe that Your Highness will be blessed by heaven."

"Then I'll borrow Minister Su's good words."

Liu Ju chuckled.

He naturally knew that an old fox like Su Wen would never give anyone a chance to criticize him, especially not on such a question. The fact that the old fox answered so evasively at this moment was enough to explain the problem.

If he was really predicted to be doomed to be alone and no one could help, the consequences would be very serious.

But it was just as he had thought before.

Even if there really is such an evil fate as Gu Luan Sha, it seems that it should be related to the heavenly stems and earthly branches such as the day pillar and the hour pillar in the eight characters. Even if he does not understand the eight characters, he knows that this kind of thing is innate and accompanies one's life, and it should not appear out of thin air.

Although he is a time traveler, it is only his soul that travels through time, not his body.

Therefore, the birth date and horoscope of this body must be the same as that of the original owner. In history, the original owner married several women and gave birth to several children, so there is no need to worry about this issue at all.

And if he went into the palace to see Liu Che this time.

If someone insists that Wang Shuo and Guo Xuanzi are the Lonely Luan Demon, then it can be basically determined who has ill intentions towards him, and it is more likely to be the unknown fortune-teller he suspects...

At this moment, Liu Ju was mentally prepared.

Such a person who harbors ill will towards him and constantly influences his thoughts and decisions in his later years must not be kept.

It was just that he didn't know how the other party would attack, so Liu Ju couldn't think of what method he should use in advance. He could only wait until he entered the palace and saw the other party, then act according to the situation and counter the opponent's moves...


Greenhouse Palace.

"My son has met my father..."

After paying his respects to Liu Che, Liu Ju glanced at the two unfamiliar faces who had already been given seats by Liu Che.

These two people are not young anymore.

The man had a head full of white hair and might be in his seventies or even eighties, but he looked in good spirits. At this moment, he was holding a crystal-polished, copper-inlaid transparent disc and was concentrating on flipping through the bamboo slips that filled the desk in front of him.

This should be the earliest glasses that appeared in China, right?

However, the glasses at this time should be a magnifying glass, which only has a certain function of reading glasses, and seems to be called "叆叇".

Although it was the first time that Liu Ju saw this kind of thing, he knew that as early as the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, there were records of using convex lenses to make fire in the State of Qi. The "Mo Jing" written by Mozi in the Warring States Period had already mentioned the principles of related convex lenses and concave mirrors. Therefore, the use of this thing may have been earlier, and it is reasonable that it has developed into a tool to assist the elderly in reading.

But this kind of thing is definitely not cheap, and only kings and nobles can own it.

After all, there was not even glass in that era, so such transparent crystal must be more precious than jade, so it would naturally be priced sky-high. It is normal that it is rarely seen.

Needless to say, this old man should be Wang Shuo.

Not far from Wang Shuo, sat an old woman with the same gray hair, who looked to be around sixty years old.

This person should be the granddaughter of Xu Fu, the first female fortune teller in history, and Guo Xuanzi, who claimed to have inherited Xu Fu's fortune telling skills.

At this moment, Guo Xuanzi closed his eyes slightly, looking like a hermit who was indifferent to worldly affairs. Even when he heard Liu Ju's greetings to Liu Che, he never opened his eyes to look at him.

"Let's find a place to sit first."

Liu Che first stared at Liu Ju's face and looked at it carefully, as if he was also reading Liu Ju's fortune, but it was obvious that he could not see anything. In the end, he just nodded slightly.
"Su Wen, those who are not related to my life should leave."


Su Wen responded and quickly turned around to ask the rest of the attendants and warriors in the hall to retreat.

When most of the people had left, he bowed to Liu Che and said softly:
"The servant has also withdrawn."

"You stay."


Su Wen suddenly froze in place.

Under normal circumstances, if the emperor leaves someone alone, it would be something that others would envy. This shows that the emperor really regards that person as one of his own and looks at him/her differently.

But swearing to God, he just wants to retreat with everyone else!

He knew why Liu Che summoned Liu Ju, Wang Shuo and Guo Xuanzi to the Greenhouse Palace, and it was not difficult to guess the content of the conversation that followed.

These contents were definitely the top secrets of the royal family. Although he was curious, he also knew that there were some things about the royal family that the more you knew, the better. Otherwise, you would be implicated if you were not careful, and you might even lose your life.

the most important is……

Su Wen subconsciously glanced at the back of Liu Ju's head with a protruding occipital bone.

Although his relationship with Liu Ju was still pretty good now, at least he no longer took advantage of Liu Ju's misfortune whenever he saw an opportunity, and he even often secretly communicated with him.

But the reason why the relationship between the two developed to this point was entirely because of their fear of Liu Ju.

This evil prince had quietly dragged him into a deeper quagmire since he opened his heart to him. Now, the name "Sixth Brother" was his weak spot that he had to submit to.

Moreover, he had already reached a consensus with the palace attendants and warriors:
As long as anything has anything to do with Liu Ju, nothing good will happen!
Even if things were originally good, Liu Ju would definitely jump out to make trouble, so as long as Liu Che and Liu Ju were together, he must try to avoid them, don't make himself uncomfortable, and don't embarrass his knees. However, Liu Che had already said it, what could he do?

Su Wen had no choice but to bow again and responded with a calm "yes". Then he stood beside Liu Che with a nervous heart and pretended to pour tea for Liu Che.

at this time.

"Your Majesty, I have found you!"

Wang Shuo suddenly shouted, and then tried to stand up and present the bamboo slips in his hand to Liu Che for inspection. However, he was really old, and his legs and feet had become less flexible, and he was unable to stand up after trying very hard.

"Mr. Wang, slow down."

Su Wen quickly put down the teapot, walked forward, helped him up, and carefully brought him to Liu Che's side.

Wang Shuo then stretched his neck and pointed at the words on the bamboo slips with the crystal lens in his hand:

"Your Majesty, please look at this astronomical record. One month before the birth of the crown prince, there was a star in the sky that looked like a broom. The light came out from the east and was seen in the north. This is the sign of a comet, a very bad omen."

"But the weather was good that year, and no disasters occurred throughout the year. It was indeed unusual."


Having said that, Wang Shuo glanced at Liu Ju, who was already seated, with his old eyes. His face, which was already covered with age spots, showed a bit of embarrassment, as if he wanted to say something but hesitated.

"Just say what you want to say. I summoned you here today to verify this matter, so there are naturally no taboos."

How could Liu Che not hear the reason why Wang Shuo was in trouble? His face darkened slightly, but he spoke in a very reasonable manner.

Wang Shuo paused, then continued:

"I would like to ask your Majesty, before the birth of the crown prince, do you remember any major events that might have prevented the birth of an heir?"


Liu Che was deep in thought, and soon he thought of an old friend.

——Ah Jiao Chen!

It was discovered not long ago that the cursed puppet left behind by Chen Ajiao before her death was one thing. In fact, this evil woman had already colluded with the wizard, practicing evil witchcraft, praying to ghosts and gods, and harming others.

Liu Che deposed her from the position of queen, which was the year before Liu Ju was born.

It seemed that not long after Chen Ajiao was deposed, Wei Zifu became pregnant. Ten months later, she gave birth to Liu Ju, the first prince, for him when he was nearly thirty years old. He was overjoyed and almost cried with excitement.

now think of it.

Before Chen Ajiao was deposed, other concubines could not give birth to a prince for him even if they were pregnant.

Once Chen Ajiao was deposed, Wei Zifu became pregnant with Liu Ju.

If you think about it carefully, isn't it a bit of a coincidence? Could it be that Liu Ju was the product of a witchcraft curse from the very beginning, and was Chen Ajiao's means of revenge against him?

"Mr. Wang, just speak frankly if you have something to say."

Although Liu Che had such doubts in his mind, he did not tell Wang Shuo, but just said calmly.

"It seems that Your Majesty has thought of something that may be related to this. Although I cannot say for sure, the Crown Prince was born in a very unlucky year according to the astrological signs, and the disaster that should have occurred did not occur that year. Perhaps it is not because there was no disaster, but that it appeared in an unexpected form."

Having said that, Wang Shuo looked at Liu Ju again, his old eyes full of wisdom.

The obvious implication was that Liu Ju was destined to be cursed by the Solitary Luan because of the disaster that happened that year. This was another form of disaster...

Hey, old guy!
Seeing this, Liu Ju immediately became hostile towards Wang Shuo.

This old fellow's trick was actually not that brilliant. It was exactly the same as the method he used to read Li Guang's fortune. He just introduced the vague and lofty astrological theory of that era and even brought in the unlucky star.

Although Liu Ju knew that the so-called broom star was just a comet-like phenomenon.

But people of this era don’t think so, so what Wang Shuo said might make a lot of sense to a Han native like Liu Che…

But this is not important.

What’s important is that Wang Shuo is now forcibly attaching the Lonely Phoenix Demon to Liu Ju, which is enough to arouse Liu Ju’s suspicion of him.

So Liu Ju had already stood up, facing the gazes of Liu Che and Wang Shuo, and said with a smile:
"Mr. Wang, please forgive me for being rude, but as far as I know..."

As a result, he just opened his mouth, and heard Liu Che suddenly shouted, forcibly interrupting him:

"Su Wen!"

"The servant is here."

Su Wen quickly bowed in response.

"Cover Liu Ju's mouth for me. He can't speak unless I teach him to!"

Liu Che glanced at Liu Ju and said in a cold voice.


When Liu Ju spoke, Su Wen had already prepared to kneel down at any time, but at this moment he was suddenly stunned.

So His Majesty ordered me to stay for this?

Your Majesty is so wise!
(End of this chapter)

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