I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 259: Lady Gouyi is mine?

Chapter 259: Lady Gouyi is mine?

While praising Liu Che's wisdom in his heart, Su Wen had already walked quickly to Liu Ju's side, bowed and saluted.
"Your Highness, I am just following orders, please forgive me if I offend you."


You say you're offended, but what's going on with the almost uncontrollable joy in your eyes? Do you think I'm blind and can't see it?

"No need. My father doesn't allow me to speak, so I won't speak."

Liu Ju glared at Su Wen, waved his hand and sat back in his original seat to prevent Su Wen from touching him.

Anyway, there is no need to rush. Liu Che cannot stop him from speaking forever. After the two fortune-tellers finish speaking, it will naturally be his turn.

After all, even if it was Gu Luan Sha, it was his own business.

No matter what plans these two fortune tellers have, they still need his cooperation.

As the saying goes, good food is never too late, and good words are never too slow.

It was just in time for him to listen to the two fortune-tellers' words completely, and make a comprehensive judgment in his mind. When he launched a counterattack, he could just take care of them all at once, thus saving some words and brainpower.

As for Su Wen...

I have remembered today's grudge and will take my revenge someday. Let's see if you can still be happy then.


Naturally, Su Wen did not dare to give up. After all, Liu Che's order was to cover his mouth. Since it was an order, he had to carry it out to the end. Even if he had ten times the courage, he would not dare to make any concessions on his own. He could only look at Liu Che in embarrassment.

But Liu Che nodded slightly, which was considered as tacit approval of Liu Ju's consciousness.

Su Wen just bowed slightly and saluted, then stood behind Liu Ju like a military supervisor, still ready to carry out Liu Che's orders at any time.

the other side.

Wang Shuo, however, was confused.

He looked at Liu Ju in confusion, wondering what the prince was planning to say to him just now.

He secretly observed Liu Che's expression out of the corner of his eye. He really didn't understand what this most powerful father and son in the world were doing. It felt like they had just played a very strange riddle in front of him.

"Mr. Wang, please continue."

Liu Che turned around and motioned Wang Shuo to continue.

"Your Majesty, I am an expert at observing celestial phenomena, but my research on physiognomy and the four pillars of gods and demons is really not worth mentioning."

Wang Shuo also came back to his senses and bowed slightly, saying modestly,

"So what I just said is just a guess based on the records of astronomical phenomena and the actual situation. I have said everything I need to say, and it is only for your reference."

"So if Liu Ju's situation is indeed as you said, do you know how to resolve it?"

Liu Che asked again.

"Forgive me for my incompetence. Astronomy and astrology are all books of heaven. I am just an ordinary person. Although I have observed the stars and the weather for many years, I dare not say that I can fully understand their meaning. I can only speculate based on the records in ancient books."

Wang Shuo looked embarrassed, shook his head and sighed,
"If Your Highness is really destined to be alone, and this evil is a bad omen brought down by the stars, this old minister is really powerless to help."

"But after I return, I will search through ancient astronomical books. If I am lucky enough to find something, I will immediately report it to Your Majesty."


After listening to Wang Shuo's words, Liu Ju had a slightly different opinion of him.

The old man now looked less like a rumormonger who was deliberately making mysterious claims. At least he was willing to admit that he did not know much about physiognomy and the Four Pillars of Devilry, and he did not completely insist that he was the Solitary Luan Demon.

Even when Liu Che asked for a solution to the problem, he did not boast or take the opportunity to ask Liu Che for an official position or money.

This doesn't fit the rumormonger's pattern.

This is tantamount to completing the preparations for the rumormonger's "quick attack and slow attack", but giving up the most critical harvesting link...


After hearing Wang Shuo's words, Liu Che frowned.

However, he did not continue to question Wang Shuo. He just nodded slightly and told him to sit down and rest first. Then he looked at Guo Xuanzi, who had not opened his eyes since Liu Ju entered the hall:
"Lord Guo, it seems I have to trouble you."

After hearing this, Guo Xuanzi slowly opened his eyes, revealing his brown pupils hidden under his eyelids.

Liu Ju looked around and felt that the old woman's eyes were very strange, giving people an unnatural feeling. As for what was strange about them...

After taking a closer look a few more times, Liu Ju finally made up his mind.

The strange thing about her eyes is that the white part is larger than that of ordinary people, while the brown part in the middle is smaller than that of ordinary people.

There are no cosmetic contact lenses these days, and related surgeries cannot be performed, so this should be considered as a congenital abnormality.

There is a saying that has been passed down in ancient China: "People who are born with unusual appearances must have unusual talents."

And there are many historical celebrities related to this.

For example, Confucius had a dot on his head, Xiang Yu was born with double pupils, Liu Bei had hands that were below his knees, and so on and so forth... There are countless examples like this, and they have existed since ancient times.

Although Liu Ju was unable to verify the authenticity of these records, he had some doubts about them in his heart.

But at this moment, the old woman's eyes were indeed very different, and they were deeply memorable at first sight... a bit like the image of a female ghost in some horror movies in later generations.

In the meantime. "I am willing to serve your majesty."

Guo Xuanzi nodded slightly at Liu Che, then looked at Liu Ju with his strange eyes. His brown pupils, which were already smaller than those of ordinary people, shrank even smaller.


Liu Ju did not avoid the gaze and met the strange eyes head-on.

This feeling was strange and made him feel a little palpitated unconsciously. He didn't know if it was because such eyes inherently carried some horror elements. Anyway, if he encountered such eyes in the middle of the night, he would definitely be scared.

Only a moment passed like this.

Guo Xuanzi had already retracted his gaze, then slowly closed his eyes again, and uttered a cold but clear voice:
"Your Majesty, Your Highness is indeed destined to be alone. I am not wrong."

Different from Wang Shuo.

Guo Xuanzi did not provide any basis at all, but directly gave Liu Che the answer, and his tone was unquestionable.

Liu Che's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he asked again:
"So is this Lonely Luan Sha really as rumored, unlucky in marriage and unable to have children?"

"That is indeed the case, Your Majesty, there is no need to question it."

Guo Xuanzi's words were blunt and a little stiff, and her closed eyes made her already expressionless face look even more bleak.

This old lady has bigger problems!
Regardless of whether she was born with a different appearance or not, Liu Ju still had doubts and hostility towards her.

I am obviously not a lonely devil, but she said it so confidently. This woman doesn't look like a good person at all!
But even he had to admit that the old woman's appearance and tone of voice seemed to have a bewitching effect.

Because when Guo Xuanzi said these two sentences so confidently and briefly just now, even he couldn't help but have some self-doubt, wondering if he should find another woman as soon as possible to try...

But he realized it in an instant, because Liu Ju in history had already verified it for him.

Just as I was thinking about it.

But then Guo Xuanzi continued to chant slowly:
"But... the lonely phoenix went to Japan and had no children. Once it met the official star, it was amazing to have a son."

"What does Lord Guo mean by this?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Che immediately asked further questions.

"It is not absolute that the Lonely Phoenix will harm the wife and make one childless. If the lucky star official of the annual luck comes to the body and the extraordinary woman with the lucky star is in harmony, although this action cannot resolve the Lonely Phoenix, it can give birth to children with this extraordinary woman, and the children born will all be extremely intelligent and outstanding."

Guo Xuanzi still had his eyes closed and explained to Liu Che in a calm voice.


When Liu Ju heard these words, a figure immediately appeared in his mind—Han Ling.

Although he felt that what Guo Xuanzi said was becoming more and more ridiculous.

But if we talk about "lucky stars and noble people", Han Ling was very much like his "lucky star" before, even though the rumor that he was doomed to be alone was also caused by Han Ling...

Liu Che instantly regained some spirit:

"Could you please tell me in more detail, Lord Guo, when exactly will the great fortune star official come to me, and where is the wonderful woman who is destined to be a lucky star and noble person?"

He was really interested.

If it is true as Guo Xuanzi said, not only can it solve the problem of Liu Ju being doomed to be alone, but it can also give birth to intelligent descendants for the Liu family. This is simply killing two birds with one stone.

No, no, no, to be exact, it kills three birds with one stone.

The talents Liu Ju has shown now have already made him very satisfied. At least so far, he regards him as the most suitable successor. Therefore, even if Liu Ju is destined to be alone and can only have children with this extraordinary woman in this life, as long as these children are all outstanding, Liu Che himself will feel very relieved and at ease.

"Please allow me to make some calculations."

Guo Xuanzi still had his eyes closed, but he was counting lightly with the fingers of his two hands. It looked very similar to the hand gestures done by Taoist priests in later generations, but there were slight differences.

After a while.


Guo Xuanzi frowned, then suddenly opened his eyes again, and then looked around with those strange eyes, and finally his gaze fixed on the northeast direction.

"Your Majesty, I have it."

Guo Xuanzi closed his eyes again, but his tone finally showed some fluctuations.

"I just saw vaguely that this extraordinary woman who is destined to be a lucky star should be in the direction of Yanzhao."

"I don't know her name, so only Your Highness can find her in person. The only thing I can tell Your Majesty is that this girl was born with her hands clenched into fists. Even though she is past the age of marriage, she still can't open them. When Your Highness finds her, if you can easily pry her fists open and take the jade hook held in her palm, then it will be the time when the star official of great fortune and luck will come to you."

Ah? !
Liu Ju was stunned on the spot and looked at the old woman in surprise.

Isn’t this talking about Lady Gouyi?
No, no!

According to historical records, it was nearly twenty years later when Liu Che met Lady Gouyi, and she was only in her teens at that time, which means that she should not have been born yet.

Therefore, this Lady Gouyi could definitely not be the Lady Gouyi who gave birth to Liu Fuling for Emperor Wu of Han as recorded in history books.

But looking through the history books of the Celestial Empire, it seems that there was only one Lady Gouyi, and only Lady Gouyi had her hands clenched into fists since she was born, with a jade hook in her palms...

At this moment, Liu Ju smelled a strong scent of conspiracy.

But this time the conspiracy was no longer aimed at Liu Che, but at himself!
(End of this chapter)

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