I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 325: Begging for mercy is useful, so what are swords for?

Chapter 325: If begging for mercy is useful, what are the uses of swords?
"General Yang, we can't come to an agreement!"

Gongsun Qing's eyelids twitched when he saw this, and he quickly backed away while shouting at the top of his lungs.

He was now a little unsure whether he had not understood the situation clearly.

It was still the leader of the Bowing Tribe on the opposite side who didn't understand the situation.

Even though Liu Ju and Yang Pu had deliberately shown weakness to these barbarians, there were still three hundred fully armed and battle-ready elite Han soldiers standing behind them.

Just based on the short and thin bodies of these savages, their ragged clothes that barely cover their bodies, and the so-called weapons and farm tools in their hands that even dogs among the Han people don't use, Gongsun Qing was confident that these 300 elite Han soldiers would be enough to slaughter these short and stupid savages in front of him.

So he really didn't understand what these short savages were thinking.
They seemed to have not taken the Han army seriously at all, or simply chose to ignore the Han army and only focused their attention on these savages from the Bird Slave tribe.

Also, what is a "gift for grown-ups"?
It is understandable that these short savages call the Han people "adults", but why do they regard the Han people as "gifts from the sun god"?
Also, there seemed to be something wrong with the tone of the Bird Slave leader just now.

When he spoke to the leader of the Gongshen tribe just now, he was completely condescending, and the words and tone he used were somewhat ambiguous, as if the Han army was a vassal and subordinate of the Bird Slave tribe, and he could give orders to the Han army at will...

Even if the fox is taking advantage of the tiger's might, it shouldn't be this way, right?
"That's when I've been waiting!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Pu, who was hiding in the forest, jumped out, drew his sword and gave an order:


Suddenly, there were loud sounds of crossbows coming from all directions, and countless arrows shot towards the enemy formation like locusts.

The strength of the Han crossbow lies in its range and power. Even a Han crossbow weighing one or two stones has a range of over a hundred steps. One step of the Han Dynasty is about 1.4 meters, which means that the shortest effective range is about 150 meters.

This is just an arm-drawn crossbow, a crossbow that can be strung with just the arm.

If it is replaced with a crossbow or waist-drawn crossbow with a weight of more than three stones, the effective range will be close to two hundred steps.

The most powerful single-soldier weapon, the Dahuang crossbow, had an effective range of nearly three hundred steps. It had been used many times to take the heads of enemy generals in the midst of thousands of troops. When the Xiongnu generals saw the Han army's crossbow formation, they all stayed away, fearing that they would be hit by a crossbow if they were not careful.

The Japanese, who are still mainly in the Stone Age, have never seen such powerful weapons.

When the Japanese people from the Gongshen tribe heard the noise, they looked around in a hurry, and then they saw countless black spots covering the sky and coming towards them.

The next moment, many people felt a sudden chill in their body. They collapsed to the ground before they could even lift their spirits. They were nailed to the ground by more arrows that followed...


It took less than a cup of tea.

This battle, which could not even be called a battle in the eyes of the Han army, came to an end in a flash.

The Han army soldiers walked through the mud and blood with spears and swords in hand, and humanely gave a quick death to the Japanese who had been shot in the vitals and could only lie on the ground groaning in fear.

A small number of Japanese who had managed to survive but were trembling with fear were taken aside and made to kneel and await their fate.

The leader of the Gongshen tribe was also hit by two arrows.

One arrow pierced his right arm, and another pierced his abdomen, with turbid blood gushing out.

For these savages who had no armor, the Han crossbows mostly caused piercing wounds. As long as they were shot through the vital parts, the bleeding effect would be maximized and their lives would be lost very quickly.

However, the Han soldiers did not stab his chest with a spear or slit his throat with a knife as they did to the other wounded.

Because he is the leader, perhaps he still has some value before he dies.

Clearly feeling his life slipping away rapidly, the leader of the Gongshen tribe tried desperately to cover the wound on his abdomen with his hands, but even if he covered the front wound, the wound at the back was still bleeding.

He felt unprecedented despair and fear, and his mind was filled with doubts beyond his comprehension.

He knelt on the ground, his pupils trembling wildly, looking in horror at the Han soldiers who were coming to finish him off. These "adults" who were supposed to be polite and docile had unsatisfied expressions on their faces, as if they were very dissatisfied with their vulnerability?
It shouldn't be like this!

Xu Fu of Qin a hundred years ago was not like this. They were not good at fighting, they were submissive. They were not as strong as they looked, nor were they so cruel. Was there something wrong?

Soon, a tall shadow stretched out by the setting sun blocked his sight.

He was a middle-aged man whose armor was different from other soldiers.

He should be the leader of these adults, right?

The leader of the Bowing Tribe thought to himself… He heard a ringing in his ears, and his vision gradually became blurred, and it seemed that he could no longer feel the pain.

"That's it?"

The middle-aged man looked at him with contempt, his lips curled as if he was laughing.

He couldn't understand what the middle-aged man was saying, but he could understand his expression.

At this time, a young adult came over from behind, his smile looked much clearer than that of the middle-aged adult:
"General Yang, can he still survive?"

"It looks like he is on his last breath. Your Highness, do you have anything to ask him? Call Gongsun Qing over now, and maybe we can have a chance to talk."

The middle-aged man bowed to the young man and spoke respectfully.

The leader of the Gongshen tribe still didn't understand what the two were saying.

However, judging from the middle-aged man's bowing to the young man, the young man is more likely to be the leader of these adults. At least in the Bowing Clan, the lower-ranking people need to bow to the higher-ranking people to express respect and submission. This is the etiquette that the ancestors learned from the adults such as Xu Fu of Qin a hundred years ago. The name of the Bowing Clan also comes from this...

"I don't think that's necessary."

The young man shook his head, not even looking at him again, and just pointed at his surviving tribesmen and said,

"This kind of tribe shouldn't have any secrets, and there are so many mouths. The savages he knows should be able to tell us roughly. And from the performance of the Bird Slave Tribe's Beigou just now, we can also see that he should know something, but he has been hiding it from us."

As he spoke, the young man turned around and waved:
"Gongsun Qing, come here and bring the Bird Slave Tribe's Beigou and Beinu here."


In his increasingly blurry and starry vision, the leader of the Gongshen tribe saw the man with a strange tattoo on his face who had shouted at him before waiting for the two Japanese to come over.

One of the Japanese was the leader of the Bird Slave tribe.

The other is the deputy leader of the bird slave tribe.

Although he didn't understand what the young man was saying, he still understood what "lowly dog" and "lowly slave" meant.

At this moment, the eyes of these two guys were also filled with fear. They didn't even dare to look at these adults directly. They were like wolves who didn't dare to look directly at their leader, or dogs who didn't dare to look directly at their owner.


He could hardly hold on any longer and couldn't even maintain a kneeling position, so he fell heavily to the ground.

His perspective became even lower, and he could only see the adults' calves and feet. He wanted to raise his head to see higher, but he couldn't do it anymore.

The man with the strange tattoo on his face and the Bird Slave tribe's Beigou and Beinu all came closer.

Compared with the feet of these adults, the Japanese people's feet seem so small.

These adults are wearing leather boots. Their feet must not have so many calluses and cracks, and they don’t have to worry about being cut by stones or pricked by thorns when walking, right?

The place where they live must be a fairyland...

He heard the young voice again:

"Gongsun Qing, translate my words to them. I treated them so well before, but they were reserved towards me. They hurt my heart and must pay the price for it."


The man with the strange tattoo on his face immediately translated this sentence.

This time, the leader of the Gongshen tribe understood that the young man was blaming the inferior dogs and inferior slaves of the Bird Slave tribe, but he didn't know what price he would make them pay.

After hearing these words, the Beigou and Beinu of the Bird Slave Tribe were all frightened and knelt down.

He could see that the legs of these two guys were shaking constantly. They were extremely scared. Perhaps they didn't know before this that these adults were not the same kind of people as Qin Zhi's Xu Fu?
"If begging for mercy is useful, what are swords for?"

Facing the two guys' pleas for mercy, the young man's voice was very cold.

"General Yang, please lend me your hand and sword to escort this humble dog on my behalf."

"Yes!" "Swish!"

The Bowing Tribe leader's increasingly dull brain had not yet realized what was happening, and the Bird Slave leader had already fallen face to face in front of him.

Very close.

The distance between the bird slave leader's face and his face was less than a foot.

Even though his vision had begun to flicker, he could still clearly see the fear in the eyes of the Bird Slave Chief, the blood gushing from his neck, some of the blood seemed to have spilled onto his face, and he could also feel a hint of pleasing warmth.

Isn't this kind of adult so different from Xu Fu of Qin?
Could it be that they were summoned by Qin Zhixu Fu this time, and knew what they had done to Qin Zhixu Fu, so they came to avenge him?

The Japanese, are you finally going to face the wrath of the adults?

"Humble slave, your humble dog has paid the price. Do you choose to tell everything you know and take over as his humble dog, or pay the same price as him?"

The young adult spoke again.


The leader of the Gongshen tribe seemed to have understood the meaning of these two words.

It should be death, right?
When the young master just said these two words, the leader of the Bird Slave tribe was killed.

Talk about it.

The arrows of these adults can be shot so far...

These adults' knives are so sharp...

My eyes...are so heavy...

(End of this chapter)

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