I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 326: The Divine Will of the Emperor of Heaven, You Should at Least Become Lower Households!

Chapter 326: The Divine Will of the Emperor of Heaven, You Should at Least Become Lower Households!
Through the description of the Niaonu tribe's Beinu, Liu Ju and others quickly learned about Xu Fu's true experience.

When Xu Fu crossed the ocean and arrived at Kyushu Island a hundred years ago, the stranded "mirage" had already been in ruins. The Japanese did not know how long he had been floating on the sea. When he docked, there were less than two hundred boys and girls left alive on the ship.

After landing, they built a simple camp on the beach and began to explore this strange land.

The nearby Japanese tribes soon discovered them. At first, because they didn't know much about them and saw that Xu Fu and his men were tall, the Japanese were a little in awe of them.

And Xu Fu wanted to gain a foothold in this land.

Naturally, he was also happy to give the rare objects he brought to the nearby Japanese tribes, teach them the writing and etiquette of the Great Qin, and try to establish good relations with them.

But with further contact, especially after seeing the rare things brought by Xu Fu, such as millet, rice, fruit and hemp seeds, easy-to-use farm tools, efficient fishing nets, linen to cover the body and keep warm, the Japanese mentality quickly changed.

Some tribes began to secretly climb the "mirage" to steal the rare objects brought by Xu Fu.

In order to avoid enmity with the Japanese, Xu Fu and the boys and girls were on high alert. However, even if they caught the Japanese in the act, they would usually just scold them and give them some gifts, hoping to influence them in this way.

However, Xu Fu's kindness did not win the Japanese's gratitude. Instead, it encouraged this evil trend and made them even worse.

Anyway, they would not be punished if they were caught stealing, so in the end the whole family simply climbed up the "mirage" and robbed openly.

In just one month, the already dilapidated "Mirage" was reduced to just a skeleton.

However, although the various Japanese tribes had robbed these things, they had no idea how to use many of them, so these robbers and thieves shamelessly came to seek help.

At this time, Xu Fu was extremely disappointed with these Japanese and refused to continue communicating with them.

But how could these Japanese let him go? They united and besieged Xu Fu and the few boys and girls, not allowing them to move and cutting off their food, trying to force Xu Fu to compromise by such despicable means.

Even later on, they began to plunder the boys and girls who were traveling with them.

It’s a pity that most of these boys and girls are children from poor families. They do not have Xu Fu’s knowledge or abilities, and they cannot learn much from them.

So in the end, the boys were used as coolies and the girls were used as breeding tools.

During this process, most of the boys and girls were quickly tortured or tormented to death, and those who were lucky enough to live a little longer turned into walking corpses without human form.

In the end, even Xu Fu was forcibly captured and taken back to the tribe by the more powerful "Nu State".

No one saw Xu Fu again after that, and the "Nu Kingdom" quickly mastered many technologies that were ahead of other tribes. They wove linen, mastered various farm tools, grew higher-yield rice in paddy fields, caught more fish than several tribes combined, learned more and more characters, and taught these characters to other tribes.

They even learned some methods to treat illnesses and injuries.

They exchanged woven linen for food from other tribes, and used their uneaten fish and shrimp for the lives of other tribes. They treated diseases and injuries for people from other tribes and demanded their submission...

Other tribes became increasingly aware of Xu Fu's importance.

But the "Slave State" has become strong enough, so strong that it is no longer willing to exchange with other tribes. The "Slave State" needs more people and more land. If it does not exchange, it can only rob.

As a result, the "Slave Kingdom" began to expand its power and constantly attacked other tribes.

Just like they plundered Xu Fu and those boys and girls in the past, the "Nu Kingdom" began to plunder other tribes and soon became the largest tribe on Kyushu Island.

Many tribes disappeared, and their people became the prey of the "slave country".

Many tribes fled into the mountains and to the seaside, struggling to survive.

The bird slaves were driven into the sea, and a few of them were lucky enough to reach Tsushima Island, where they barely survived in this even harsher place...


After listening to the description of the Bird Slave Tribe's Beigou, everyone fell silent.

Even Zhao Zhou and Ni Kuan, who had just arrived, showed some empathy on their faces, and their eyes looked at these short savages with a little more coldness.

They finally understood why Xu Fu taught these savages to respect "lowly", "dog", "slave" and "Japanese". This was his silent revenge on these savages...

Although Xu Fu and those boys and girls were Qin people.

But at the same time, they are also our compatriots who once lived on the land of China, and most of them should be Qi people.

Gongsun Qing and those alchemists and wizards were also from Qi. They were fellow countrymen in the true sense of the word.

Perhaps during the Qin Dynasty, because the country had just been unified, the survivors of the six kingdoms still had the concept of their own country in their hearts, but in today's Han Dynasty, whether it is the people of Qi, Chu, Zhao, Yan... they have all become synonyms for a region, and people have a common name - Han people.

As long as they are Han Chinese, they are all compatriots and have the same national sentiments...

"Your Highness, the barbarians here are cruel and ruthless. I am ashamed to share the same fate with them. How about just killing them all?"

Yang Pu's eyes were full of ferocity, and he swept his eyes over the Japanese who had survived by chance. He tightened his grip on his sword, and one could even faintly hear the crackling sound of his joints. Hearing this, Gongsun Qing, Zhao Zhou, Ni Kuan, Li Ji, Guo Zhen and others also looked at Liu Ju.

Although no one spoke, it was not difficult to see their recognition of Yang Pu...

In fact, before this, Zhao Zhou and Ni Kuan had some contempt for Yang Pu in their hearts. In the current environment of the Han Dynasty, people like Yang Pu, who were born as cruel officials, have never been well-liked by the literati. After all, more often than not, cruel officials were tools used by Liu Che to deal with the literati and nobles.

At the same time, they also thoroughly understood the prejudice that Liu Ju had often revealed towards these short savages.

Conservative of them.

Now I just feel that Liu Ju, the radical crown prince, is too conservative.

Why should we spare the life of this humble dog? Why should we teach the bird slaves their language? Why not just kill the surviving savages of the Gongshen tribe as well?
What's the point of keeping them? Are we going to waste the food and grass that our Han Dynasty brought? Are we going to waste this land that belongs to the king?

Such shameless, ungrateful, cruel and despicable savages, I am afraid they will never be educated!

Didn’t Your Highness see what they looked like just now?

When the Gongshen tribe rushed over with their entire clan, there was only fanatical greed in their eyes. The savages of the Niaonu tribe were also deceiving the Han people. When they looked at the Han people, there was the same greed and covetousness in their eyes. This is their nature!
Give the order, Your Highness, kill them all!
"Look, why are you guys so anxious again?"

Facing everyone's gaze, Liu Ju laughed again.
"This island is bigger than you think. Killing all the savages here may not be easier than exterminating the Huns. So I have prepared a more labor-saving and effective method."

"Now that we have landed on the big island, we have some necessary understanding of the depth of these savages, so we can officially move on to the next step of the plan."

"What is your highness's next plan?"

Everyone calmed down a little bit and started asking curiously.

Liu Ju opened his mouth wide, revealing his full set of white teeth, and said with a mysterious smile:

"The theme of the next plan is 'liberation of the living'. Of course, it is not liberation in the true sense. You can also understand it as 'liberation'."


Everyone looked doubtful, as this was another new word they had never heard of.

"It seems like they are liberated, but in fact they are bound even more deeply. For these savages, this will be a reincarnation purgatory that they can never escape from... Do you love my son?"

This time, Liu Ju explained it again patiently.

"Do you love my son?"

Everyone was even more confused. What did this mean?
However, they did understand some of the previous words. Liu Ju's "if it is understood" seemed to mean that he intended to make these savages "live a fate worse than death". If this result could really be achieved... they were willing to admit that the radicals were still radicals after all, and they, the conservatives, were willing to admit defeat.

But how will the next step be implemented?

They feel that they can also draw inferences from one example and use the phrase "as if I understand" to describe their current state.


Soon Zhao Zhou and others witnessed Liu Ju's methods.

He first ordered Yang Pu to screen out all the living people who were not even considered human among the Japanese from the surviving Gongshen tribe barbarian captives.

Then he ordered Gongsun Qing to take the manuscript and speak in a language they could understand, and asked:
"Are you the most despicable people?"

"You are not. The Supreme Emperor of Heaven has seen your fate. You should at least be a lower household!"

"You can farm, weave, fish, and quarry. You can work with your own hands and enjoy the fruits of your labor after you offer sacrifices to the gods, instead of begging like animals for people like you to grant you the right to live."

"We come here in compliance with the divine will of the Emperor of Heaven, who has bestowed the imperial power on us. We are here for only three things."

"Fair! Fair! Still damn fair!"

"Being a lower household is your destiny. It is the fairness you should enjoy. No one except the Emperor of Heaven can deprive you of your destiny, including those who once forced you to become prisoners!"

"Now, the Emperor of Heaven grants you fair rights and power, and gives you the courage and spirit to resist!"

"Pick up your tools. The Heavenly Emperor allows you to chop off the heads of those who forced you to become prisoners. This is your proof of returning to the Heavenly Emperor's embrace, becoming his subjects, and entering the cycle of reincarnation. It is also the Heavenly Emperor's punishment for those who destroy fairness!"

"Go ahead, chop off their heads, you are the next in line!"

Gongsun Qing raised his hand and pointed at the remaining members of the Gongshen tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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