Chapter 342 God Fall
Ever since Xiao Yu comprehended the laws of time and space and became the master of the universe, and successfully cultivated the sixth level of "Phantom Slash", Xiao Yu only needs to use Phantom Slash as if it doesn't take any time at all.

As long as his divine power spreads, he can complete countless attacks in an instant, and the number of attacks is determined by his divine power.

As Xiao Yu took a step, it was as if more than 30,000 Xiao Yus were formed, and they appeared in front of the Lords of the Universe and the True Gods of all three alliances as if teleporting.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

One after another, the "Falling Gods" enveloped the 22 Lords of the Universe and the True Gods of the Demon, Mechanical, and Zerg Alliances like blood-red tombstones emitting a captivating aura.

When Xiao Yu took a step forward and appeared outside the encirclement of the three tribes.


"Ah! The pain I've never felt before!"

"It hurts! I can't move!"

"The soul and the divine body are dissipating!"

"What happened?"

"It hurts! I want to die!"

Each of the 22 Lords of the Universe simultaneously endured the attack of Xiao Yuqian's powerful secret technique that reached the top level of sixth order. The reason why they were not annihilated instantly was the special feature of "God's Fall".

In fact, they were already dead the moment they were hit by the Thousands of 'God's Falls', but this secret technique had a peculiar effect, which was that it could prolong the time of their divine body annihilation to 10 seconds, but they would endure tens of millions times more pain.

The pain of having one's soul shattered bit by bit would be felt by even a true God, let alone if the pain was intensified a million times.


In the distant Zerg territory, inside a huge spherical temple.

The Lord of the Zerg Universe, the Lord of the Locust Jar, was originally practicing with his eyes closed, but suddenly he let out a creepy howl, as if he was already dead.

"Lord of the Locust Jar, what happened?" A reptile with a height of 36 kilometers and a long neck like a giraffe, but with sixteen pairs of purple wings on its back and long legs, the alien lord of the universe appeared out of thin air in the temple.

"Lord of Sky Burial, it hurts so much! I feel like I'm about to die!" The Lord of the Locust Jar said with difficulty.

"What happened?" asked the Lord of the Sixteen-Winged Burial Sky. He did not find any signs of alien invasion.

"I will pass on the details to you." The Lord of the Locust Jar reluctantly passed on a message to the Lord of the Burial Sky.

The Lord of Heaven Burial seemed quite happy at first, but his expression became uglier the more he looked at him, and in the end he was extremely shocked, "What? The Lord of Creation is so powerful!"


In the sea of ​​the universe, a demon lord of the universe who was rapidly returning to the original universe suddenly curled up into a ball and began to wail.

His consciousness was unable to control the direction of teleportation due to the pain, and he crashed straight into a broken wall about 10,000 light years high.


The shock wave formed a series of chaotic air vortices.

"It hurts so much!" Compared with the pain endured by the soul, the pain of the collision of the divine body is nothing!

Among the 22 Lords of the Universe who followed the three true gods, 16 of them had clones, and most of them came with their clones. Only 6 Lords of the Universe did not have clones.

However, for these masters of the universe who have the ability to split themselves, when their clones suffer pain, that pain is still transmitted to their other clones and their original selves through the unknown connection between souls.

They all wished they could die immediately to put an end to this unprecedented, year-long suffering. …

"It hurts so much!" The Dream Demon Ancestor roared, and suddenly the divine power in his body surged, for a moment the surrounding space and time were distorted and vibrated. The powerful divine power caused all the 3000 tombstones that were suppressing his body to break open one by one.

After these tombstones left their target, they quickly dissipated.

"This Lord of Creation can actually make me lose 3%. "The Dream Demon Ancestor's eyes turned cold, and she also felt pain at the same time. However, the pain she felt was nothing compared to those of the Lords of the Universe.

As a true god, she possessed the most powerful and precious armor, and withstood three thousand "God Falls". Her divine body only lost 3%, and the pain she felt was only for a moment.

The loss of these divine bodies was nothing, and the small universe could recover by absorbing the chaotic airflow in the universe sea. However, she did not want to endure such torture again.

However, the Mechanical Father God, who also endured the attacks of 5 'God's Fall' tombstones, lost %, and the pain he endured was dozens of times greater than that of the Dream Demon Ancestor.

But the Zerg Queen, who had been staying in the 'Queen's Nest', a most powerful palace-type treasure, had all three thousand 'God's Falls' borne by the palace, with only partial vibrations transmitted, which were easily resolved by the Zerg Queen.

"Lord Tianzhi, what's wrong with you?" The Dream Demon Ancestor looked in disbelief at the Lord of the Demon Universe beside him, whose divine body had half dissipated.

This time, the Dream Demon Ancestor brought 5 Lords of the Universe. Only the Lord of Tianzhi was from the demon clan, and the other four were all from other races. Moreover, this Lord of the Universe did not have a clone.

Although both the alien race and her own race are part of the demon alliance, they are different after all. No matter how many alien universe masters die, she will at most care and feel sorry, but she will not feel heartbroken, let alone guilty.

"Ancestor of the Dream Demon, I feel like I'm going to die." The Lord of Heaven forced himself to stutter out a complete sentence.

At the same time, the Lord of Machinery and the Queen of Zerg also discovered abnormalities in their subordinates.

"Ah, how could this happen?" The Zerg Queen's divine power spread in an attempt to prevent the demise of the 11 cosmic lords under her command, but found that her divine power had no effect.

The divine powers that were gnawing at and destroying their divine bodies were like bone-eating insects, and their numbers were increasing rapidly like bacteria.


All the Lords of the Universe who could not withstand the ‘Fall of God’ wailed, and their howls became more and more intense!
"Human, Xiao Yu, you are looking for death!" The Father God of the Mechanical Clan looked at the screams of the Lord of the Universe under his command, and his hatred for Xiao Yu deepened.

"Ah! Human, I will kill you!" The Zerg Queen was extremely angry. This time she brought five alien universe masters and six Zerg universe masters. These six universe masters were usually hidden in the palace by her and were released just now when the joint material attack took place.

Moreover, among these six Zerg Lords of the Universe, only five have clones. But among these five Zerg Lords of the Universe, three came in their original form, while their clones are still exploring the ocean of the universe!

But now, she can only watch them go to extinction.

"Human, this is the first time I feel powerless since I became a true God. Thank you so much!" The Zerg Queen's voice was cold and full of hatred.

The Zerg Queen launched several virtual divine power attacks with hatred, but they all disappeared beside Xiao Yu, like a stone sinking into the sea.

"I'm sorry, Queen of the Zerg. I just slipped and killed four more." Xiao Yu turned around and smiled, looking at the Queen of the Zerg. "If you want to taste it a few more times, you can try to attack me a few more times."

Xiao Yu was unwilling to attack again. Although his previous attack seemed easy, the divine power in the body of the World Tree God, which was as big as a world, inside the World Ring was almost exhausted.

To perform "Phantom Slash" and "God Fall" more than 30,000 times at the same time, it would consume thousands or even tens of thousands of times more divine power.

"Human! You!" The Zerg Queen was angry, but did not continue to attack. Instead, she tried every possible way to save the 11 masters of the universe.

Xiao Yu ignored the Zerg Queen and looked at the Mechanical Father God. "Mechanic, you haven't paid off your bet yet? You still need a Universe Lord. Do you want to send him over, or do you want me to find him? At that time, it won't be enough for just one Universe Lord to solve the problem."

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(End of this chapter)

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