Swallowed Star: Wish Fulfillment System

Chapter 375 Human Race Crisis Meeting

Virtual universe, giant axe plane.

At the long table in front of the Great Axe Temple, a throne suddenly appeared at the main seat.

The Lords of the Universe sat down on both sides of the long table, all with stern expressions. Every Lord of the Universe felt the invisible and terrifying pressure.

On the main seat, Xiao Yu, the founder of the Giant Axe and the Lord of Creation, appeared one after another and sat on the main seat.

Xiao Yu was also satisfied with the special arrangement of the giant axe.

In the human race, strength represents status and the right to speak.

"Lord of Creation, please tell me the situation." said the founder of the giant axe.

"This is what happened..." Xiao Yu recounted the entire story from the moment he entered the Qingfeng Realm.

"It is foreseeable that the God's Eye tribe will launch a full-scale attack on us soon." The founder of the Great Axe said, "The impact on our human race will be catastrophic."

"The harm of war with the Divine Eye Clan is obvious to all. Is it possible to resolve it?" asked the Lord of the Wilderness.

“How do we resolve it? Do you want us to hand over the Lord of Creation?” The Lord of Darkness growled.

"Uncle-master, don't be angry. If handing me over can allow the Divine Eye Clan to destroy our human race, then I can do that." Xiao Yu said with a smile on his face at the main seat.

"The power of the God's Eye Clan is obvious to all. Now, we humans have killed two of their strongest men in the universe, and two more masters of the universe have also fallen one after another. This hatred cannot be resolved." The Lord of Chaos City also spoke up, "This reincarnation era is the end of the God's Eye Clan. They have always had the idea of ​​going crazy, and now it happens that we humans have such an irreconcilable cause and effect with them. The war is unstoppable!"

"The war is unstoppable, there is no need to discuss this further. What we need to discuss next is how to deal with the subsequent situation? Will there be forces in the original universe colluding with the Cosmic Sea God's Eye Clan? Are there other clans in the cosmic sea that will also participate in it?" said the founder of the Giant Axe.

"This war will be a battle for the survival of our race. On the side of the Divine Eye Clan, I'm afraid the remaining five strongest men in the universe and nearly a hundred Lords of the Universe will all participate." The Lord of Chaos City said, "Although the Lord of Creation has the ability to kill the strongest man in the universe, I'm afraid he can't deal with the five strongest men in the universe at the same time. Maybe with the addition of the Great Axe Founder, the two of them can compete at the same time."

"The remaining Lords of the Universe of the Divine Eye Clan are not someone that the more than 40 Lords of the Universe of my Hong Alliance can fight against." The Lord of Chaos City sighed.

Today, humans have two of the strongest fighters in the universe and 2 lords of the universe. Even if the lord of the universe of the alien race of Hongmeng is included, there are only more than 18 of them.

"In order to deal with this crisis, we should unite all the people we can." said Peng Gongzhizhu.

“I’m afraid that all the tribes from the first and second reincarnation eras, as well as the strongest people in the lone universe, will not be willing to participate.” The Lord of Chaos City analyzed.

"It is even more impossible for the two holy places to participate. Whether our human race wins or the Divine Eye Clan wins, it will not have any impact on the two holy places. The changes in the cosmic sea and the original universe are nothing to them!" said the Lord of Chaos City.

"And the only forces that could form an alliance are those from the original universe." The Lord of Chaos City continued.

Unlike the forces in the original universe, the main battlefield for the forces in the first and second reincarnation eras was the cosmic sea. They had already lost the rights and interests in the original universe and could not lose the cosmic sea as their place of survival.

At this time, the best thing for them to do is to remain neutral.

Whether the God Eye Clan succeeds in establishing their prestige, is eliminated by the human race's cosmic sea forces, or there is a one in a million chance that humans win, as long as they remain neutral, they will not be in big trouble. But if they fight and make the wrong choice, they will fall into an irretrievable situation.

Genocide is just a matter of words.

"What happened in the Universe Sea will probably spread to the Primordial Universe soon." The Lord of Chaos City said solemnly: "In the Primordial Universe, the two top tribes, such as the Crystal Tribe and the Prison Tribe, have always envied the fact that we humans have occupied a vast territory. They hope that we humans will lose this battle."

"I'm afraid the ones who most hope that our human race will be destroyed are the Zerg, the Mechanical, and the Demon races. On a normal day, there are many fights between our four races. Maybe this time, the three races will unite and even cooperate with the Divine Eye Clan to besiege our human race." Xiao Yu said.

The human leaders present were actually well aware of the nature of the other five top clans. Let alone helping this time, it would be a great fortune for them not to join forces with outsiders and become traitors of the Third Reincarnation Era.

In the original universe, the territorial disputes between the nine super powers and the twelve top powers have never stopped, except for a few special ethnic groups and forces.

Where there is conflict, there is war, but the frequency has always been very low.

Everyone also maintains the level of military training.

And this time, with the super-powerful force in the universe taking the lead, there will inevitably be forces taking advantage of the situation.

"Among the nine superpowers, in addition to the six peak tribes, there are the Northern Frontier Alliance, the Star Beast Alliance, and the Ancestral God Cult." The Lord of Chaos City said. "As the representative of the original will, the Ancestral God Cult will not easily express its own inclinations."

"It may be difficult to win over the Zushen Sect, but I am also their guardian god, so I can give it a try." Xiao Yu accepted the task.

"Let me try the rest of the Northern Frontier Alliance!" said the founder of the Great Axe.

"Star Beast Alliance, I'll go and contact them and see." Xiao Yu said with a smile. He was thinking in his heart how to pull the Star Beast Alliance into the human chariot.

"The remaining ones are the twelve top forces, and we need someone to win them over. Even if we cannot win them over, we should try our best to prevent them from participating in the siege of our human race." said the Lord of Chaos City.

"In order to win in this upheaval, we need to fight for everything we can." said the founder of the Great Axe.

"By the way, I will also try to win over the God of Craftsmanship, and I think I can pull him into our camp. In that case, perhaps our human race can also win over more tribes and forces." Xiao Yu said solemnly. He did not mention the Mountain Sitting Guest. First, it might be useless if he tried to win him over. Second, even Luo Feng might not be able to get him to join the battle.

“Well, with the two treasure-making masters, the God of Craftsmanship and the Lord of Creation, I’m afraid many forces will give face to our human race. Even if they don’t join us, they will not participate in the siege of us.” said the Lord of Ice Peak.

"This war is not a minor one like before, but a true war of extinction of the race. The intensity is unprecedented. I'm afraid even the God Eyes are experiencing it for the first time. So no matter what, we must first preserve the seeds of the race. No matter what the war is like, we must be prepared for failure!" The founder of the Great Axe said solemnly, "We must also be prepared for a possible war over the race's territory."



Everyone nodded. In a war involving the extinction of a race, one must consider failure before the battle even begins. (End of this chapter)

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