"Mr. Meng, what should I do then?" Xiao Yu asked.

Now he feels that he knows nothing about "Yuanhun".

"This world seed, even in the stage of laying the foundation, needs to be cultivated in a systematic way. If it is cultivated randomly, the future achievements will not be great." Mr. Meng explained.

"Then how should the training system be used?" Xiao Yulian asked.

"Why do you have so many questions?" Mr. Meng was getting a little impatient with the continuous questions.

Xiao Yu spread his hands, his meaning was very clear.

"Okay, take this book and have a look at it first. It contains some common sense knowledge." Old Meng waved his hand, and a huge purple book appeared in his hand. He gently threw the huge book to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu stretched out his hand to take it, and immediately felt a sinking in his hand. He then discovered that this book, which was about one meter long, wide and half a meter thick, was actually made of an unknown material, and his soul power could not penetrate this material.

"By the way, from now on, your study and practice will all be carried out in the inheritance space." Elder Meng seemed to have suddenly thought of something, "Outside, these books cannot be displayed, and you cannot practice either."

Xiao Yu understood what Master Meng meant. The real secret method of "Yuanhun" was not allowed. Even looking at it was not allowed. It was a taboo.

"Will my practice be affected?" Xiao Yulian asked.

"Not for the time being. The Supreme Law cannot discover that seed. Even if that seed becomes a real world, you cannot discover it as long as you don't use your ability." Old Meng said confidently.

Then, Master Meng's mind moved, and the entire space was changing rapidly. Then, the entire inheritance space seemed to be divided into two parts. One half was the starry sky world, and the other half was like the surface of a planet, but the environment on the surface of the planet was changing rapidly.

The weather and time were changing rapidly. Just now the road was blocked by heavy snow, but the next moment it was covered with flames. Just now a small bird like a sparrow flew by, but suddenly the bird fell to the ground and turned into a giant fighting with a group of savages.

Meng Lao pointed to the constantly changing world and said, "That is the world where you will learn and practice in the future."

"Ah?" Xiao Yu was a little puzzled. Is such a changing world really suitable for studying and practicing?
"Don't you call yourself the Lord of Creation? Can you become the creator just by understanding the so-called ten original laws? Then there are too many people in this world who can become creators." Old Meng said sarcastically, and then kicked Xiao Yu directly away.

Xiao Yu landed in a panic on the ever-changing planet. Before he could look around, two huge purple books flew over.

Then a voice came: "These two books are the true inheritance of "Yuanhun". Practice well. If you have problems that you cannot solve by yourself and you still cannot solve them after more than ten thousand years, come to me. It takes a lot of energy to condense these two books. I, an old man, have to sleep for a while."

"Master Meng, how can I enter this inheritance space in the future?" Xiao Yu suddenly thought of a very important thing. He had been led in before when he entered this inheritance space. If Master Meng fell into a deep sleep, how could he get in?

It's impossible that I won't go out anymore!

"Your soul consciousness has obtained the authority. From now on, you can enter and exit the inheritance space as long as you silently recite it in your heart." said Mr. Meng.

"Just think about it? I don't know if it's true or not." Xiao Yu murmured.

Mr. Meng did not answer any of his questions, and Xiao Yu could no longer see the other half of the starry world.

"Perhaps Mr. Meng is really exhausted and has fallen into a deep sleep. I'll know if it's true or not after I try it."

Then Xiao Yu silently said in his heart: "Inheritance space." Suddenly, Xiao Yu felt his soul fall into darkness, and then it regained light. Then he found himself still in the sea of ​​​​the universe shrouded by endless chaotic airflow.

"It's really true!" Xiao Yu was very happy, and then he silently said in his heart: "Inheritance space."

Afterwards, Xiao Yu reappeared on the planet where the environment was constantly changing, and various sounds were heard from time to time.

After observing for a long time, Xiao Yu still discovered some patterns. These changes were not irregular, but the changes in the landforms here seemed as if a million years had passed suddenly, and it seemed as if it was in a slow space.

Xiao Yu then flew across the planet, looking for a relatively stable area.

After a long time, he finally found a space. It was a cave. The cave was a kilometer in size and was naturally formed by some extremely strong metal under special natural conditions.

Xiao Yu has been observing it for a long time, and no changes have occurred.

Then Xiao Yu used this place as his training space.

He took out the encyclopedia-like book and looked at it carefully.

As he watched, he also learned a lot of common sense about the inheritance of the secret method of "Yuanhun".

"It turns out that the world seeds can form different worlds depending on the person and the different nutrients fed. However, even though there are billions of worlds, they can still be roughly divided into the following categories based on their basic structure: energy world, law world, soul world, and mysterious world." Xiao Yu said secretly.

"The energy world, as the name suggests, is a world where energy accumulates. Strength is related to the energy level. It feels like one force can break all laws, but it is not the same."

"The world of laws is like the original universe, or even the world of the origin continent. The world is built on the foundation of various laws."

"The soul world is a world of soul power. It is a world built on the basis of soul laws and soul power. For example, the spirit world and the dream world are all soul worlds."

"The mysterious world is completely different from the three worlds above. Although it also follows some rules, these rules are relatively unpredictable, such as curses, cause and effect, exchange, etc."

Although these four types of worlds are classified in this way, it does not mean that soul laws and energy laws cannot exist in the world of laws. It just depends on who serves as the cornerstone, just like programming, which depends on the underlying language.

"Then how should I choose? Should I choose to build an energy world, or a world of laws, or a world of souls, or a mysterious world?" Xiao Yu kept thinking.

With this question in mind, he opened the first volume of "Yuanhun", and then endless information flooded into his consciousness.

It took more than a day to transmit just one page of content.

The first volume of "Yuanhun" has at least tens of thousands of pages.

"According to the inherited information, these four types of worlds are different and have different emphases in the early stages. After they have achieved great success in cultivation, they all lead to the same destination." Xiao Yu thought as he recalled the inherited information.

"I do understand some of the laws, and I can also continuously improve my understanding of the laws through cultivation and enlightenment. After all, the original universe is a ready-made example. As for other soul worlds or energy worlds, I don't know them very well, let alone the mysterious world." (End of this chapter)

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