Swallowed Star: Wish Fulfillment System

Chapter 456 The Land of Nothingness

A cold light flashed, and Xiao Yu entered the particle-like Lengya Castle again.

With time accelerated ten thousand times, Lengya Castle almost instantly broke through to ten thousand times the speed of light.

In addition, Xiao Yu's divine power continued to burn throughout his body, and the Eternal Star Realm continued to resist the sucking force.

He also continued to use the Source God Sword to perform "I am Time and Space" to continuously hinder the suction force of the dark vortex.

"In one more light year, we can escape from this area of ​​wind, thunder and quicksand." Xiao Yu could already see the Ice Star Region not far ahead, as if he saw hope.

Although the Ice Star Region is also extremely dangerous, and even time is frozen and falls under the influence of endless time slowdown.

But in Xiao Yu's eyes at this moment, perhaps only the Ice Star Domain could hinder the expansion of the endless dark vortex.

A moment later, when Lengya Castle was about to fly out of the wind, thunder and quicksand area, the speed of the dark vortex had increased to tens of millions times the speed of light.

However, Lengya Castle's speed has dropped to a hundred times the speed of light under the endless suction force.

Despite the resistance of the Eternal Star Realm, it was still unable to fight against the natural disaster that seemed to cover the entire spaceship.

The dark vortex was already millions of kilometers behind him.

Xiao Yu could only gather all the power in the field, protect himself, and use "I am time and space" to cover himself.


Xiao Yu felt that he was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

The endless sucking force tore Xiao Yu apart. 'I am time and space' lasted only for a moment before the endless river of time and space was shattered.

Even the endless ice and fire planets could not effectively hinder the endless tearing force.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Endless tearing and strangling forces acted on Lengya Castle.

Lengya Castle was suddenly torn apart by endless chaotic forces, flying wildly in the darkness.

However, Xiao Yu still felt as if he was flying downwards.

"Hold on." Xiao Yu kept praying in his heart.

If Lengya Castle was torn apart and destroyed, he would only have the Zeus Armor as his last resort.

for a long time.

With his will immersed in endless darkness, Xiao Yu felt the huge objects constantly colliding with each other in Lengya Castle.

The defense of Lengya Castle reached its limit several times, and endless tearing force penetrated in time and time again, but was resisted by Xiao Yu's Zeus Armor.

The divine body suffered severe damage several times, but fortunately there were branches of the World Tree that could restore the divine power, so his will was intact.

"Huh?" Xiao Yu suddenly looked at the coordinates in his consciousness in surprise.

In the virtual image, Xiao Yu has already approached the treasure that exists in the most core area of ​​the spaceship.

Three months later, Xiao Yu stood on the edge of death several times, but he survived.

Xiao Yu found himself as if he had come to a place of nothingness.

There is no fluctuation of any laws here, nor any light.

But according to his coordinates in the virtual image, he should be in a treasure house.

"What is going on? Could it be that I have been affected by an illusion and everything in front of me is fake?" Xiao Yu thought to himself.

But no matter how firm Xiao Yu's soul will was, even if he used the fourteenth level of "Reincarnation", he could not break the so-called illusion.

Although he still didn't understand the situation, Xiao Yu felt that he had escaped from the fatal crisis.

With a thought, he and the two treasures entered the inheritance space.

In the inheritance space, Xiao Yu looked at the two treasures in his hands, the Netherworld Wind Ball and the Nine Heavens Thunder Crystal.

The controlled world seed began to absorb these two treasures at the same time.

Instantly, endless absorbing power was generated, and the absorbing energy of the World Seed seemed to have suddenly increased by thousands of times. The two treasures, the Netherworld Wind Ball and the Nine Heavens Thunder Crystal, were shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Three days later, the World Seed once again obtained the treasures of the Law of Wind and the Law of Thunder, and the Law of Wind and the Law of Thunder began to grow within the World Seed.

The world seed also changed from four colors to six colors.

"Now the seven major laws of wind, water, fire, earth, thunder and lightning, time and space have begun to emerge in my world seed." Xiao Yu was still secretly happy about the progress of the world seed.

But being trapped in this empty place is quite difficult.

Unable to escape from this place of nothingness for the time being, Xiao Yu exited the inheritance space and continued to ride Lengya Castle towards the distant coordinates.

Lengya Castle was flying rapidly, accelerating towards the coordinates.


In the virtual universe, Luo Feng’s exclusive dimension.

Xiao Yu appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of the towering palace. The next moment he had locked onto the positions of Luo Feng and Hong.

Then he immediately teleported into the palace.

"Third brother, you are here." Luo Feng was very happy.

He has now officially advanced to become the Lord of the Universe, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

"Third brother, you're here!" Hong Ye said with a smile. He was now searching for treasure with his teammates on the primitive star.

"Third brother." Although the Thunder God is still in Xiao Yu's kingdom comprehending the Law Monument, he also wants to attend the fourth brother's promotion celebration banquet.

"How can I miss Luo Feng's celebration banquet?" Xiao Yu said with a smile, then sat on the chair, picked up a glass of wine and started drinking.

"Luo Feng, how are you doing on the primitive star recently?" Xiao Yu asked. He was also concerned about the situation of the people on Earth.

"The fourth brother is very powerful now. It is said that he has already possessed the top overlord-level strength and is comparable to the Lord of the Sky Eclipse Palace." Hong Kai said.

At the beginning, Luo Feng killed Lord Fanguang, who was the overlord of the universe. After Lord Fanguang was resurrected, Luo Feng's strength was confirmed.

This message quickly spread throughout the original universe.

"I guess we might be targeted in the future." Luo Feng sighed.

Xiao Yu had not made any response to their previous actions against Luo Feng, which was bound to foster their ambitions.

"Please notify me if anything happens. I'm always in the Creation Universe Kingdom and can get there as quickly as possible." Xiao Yu said.

In a star region next to the Creation Universe Kingdom, there is a passage leading to the original star.

The celebratory banquet lasted for three days and three nights, and the four brothers drank well for three days.


The plane space of the giant axe founder of the virtual universe.

On both sides of the long table, all the universe masters of the human race were present.

Xiao Yu and the founder of the giant axe also arrived at the main seat.

The founder of the Great Axe looked around and said, "Everyone, the Star Tower has disappeared."

"I just found out."

"How could the Star Tower disappear? It has stood in the void for endless years. Even the strongest person in the universe cannot take it away by force. How could it suddenly disappear?" The Lord of the Wilderness and other Lords of the Universe were all shocked by the explosive news.

Then, under the instructions of the founder of the Great Axe, the virtual universe system presented the process of the disappearance of the Star Tower in front of many masters of the universe.

Then, all the masters of the universe expressed their opinions.

"Xiao Yu, what do you think about this matter?" The founder of the giant axe suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiao Yu who was in a trance beside him.

"The appearance of this Star Tower was sudden. It must have been placed there by a powerful person. As for why this powerful person placed it there, I have some guesses. He should have chosen a master for the Star Tower." Xiao Yu said directly, "Now that the Star Tower has suddenly disappeared, it should be that someone has already recognized the master of the Star Tower." (End of this chapter)

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