Swallowed Star: Wish Fulfillment System

Chapter 492: Invisible Devouring Essence

After the Lord of the Alien Universe left, the Founder of the Giant Axe also returned to his own small universe to continue his meditation and seclusion.

Xiao Yu stood alone in the sea of ​​the universe with turbulent chaotic air currents. He pondered for a moment, and nine-colored divine light emanated from Xiao Yu's body, and then a figure walked out from the majestic divine body.

This figure looks exactly like Xiao Yu, but is only 1 light year tall.

"Is this the ability that comes with my perfect life structure? It can be divided into thousands. As long as I give it a certain amount of soul power, it can exert all my strength." Xiao Yu sighed.

"With my current soul power, I can create 99 clones, and each clone is up to 1 light year tall. Even if I split all 99 incarnations, my own divine power will actually be reduced by less than one thousandth, and it will have no effect on my strength." Xiao Yu kept thinking in his heart.

Then he took the split incarnation and walked into the small universe again.

Such a huge miniature universe must have someone stationed there to make it safer.

"After Luo Feng's life structure is perfected in the future, he will possess the ability to be invisible and intangible. Do I have this ability too?" Xiao Yu's mind moved, and he restrained the fluctuations, and suddenly he became like an ordinary person.

Invisible has done it.

"Where is Wuxiang?" Xiao Yu's mind moved, thinking of the appearance of the Lord of Chaos City, but no matter how hard he tried, he still maintained his own appearance.

Obviously, when the system is not used, it can only be invisible.

Because the structure of life is perfect, it is natural not to leak any fluctuations, thus achieving invisibility.

"It can be invisible but not formless, which means that a perfect composition of life does not necessarily mean it can be formless. Only being invisible is the standard, and formlessness is related to the structure constructed by everyone who reaches this level. At that time, I felt that my 100,000 light points were like the world. Does it mean that my special ability is similar to a small universe?" Xiao Yu kept thinking.

I found the trick almost instantly.

He could sense other universes, and apparently, he himself was like a universe.

Xiao Yu immediately understood all his abilities.

As soon as he thought of it, endless suction power emerged from the pores of his majestic body. Suddenly, the endless chaotic airflow around him was sucked into Xiao Yu's body, forming huge chaotic airflow vortices.

The chaotic airflow was swallowed up and transformed into pure divine power through the evolution of the life composition.

After understanding the special abilities he possessed, Xiao Yu stopped absorbing the chaotic airflow.

"Haha, the invisible devouring power." Xiao Yu was very happy. He was happy that his body could also devour any form of ability and transform it into divine power.

Even if the small universe is gone, perhaps he can continue to improve his strength.

"The Split Winged Incarnation will return to the original universe, and my original body will rush to the spaceship." Xiao Yu planned.

A divine light flashed, and an incarnation with a height of one light year flew out from Xiao Yu's original body. After flying out, the incarnation quickly shrank and returned to a height of 100,000 kilometers.

Xiao Yu's mind moved, and two treasures flew out from the small universe, one was a peak realm treasure, and the other was a peak palace treasure, and they were given to this incarnation.

Then Xiao Yu's real body stepped into the small universe and appeared directly in front of the Palace of Time and Space.

"The system opens the law manufacturing module." Xiao Yu muttered silently.

Then, a huge furnace shadow three hundred light years tall appeared in front of Xiao Yu, and only Xiao Yu could see this furnace shadow.

Even the highest rules cannot discover it.

Then Xiao Yu poured one millionth of his original divine power into the treasure-training furnace, which was equivalent to the total amount of divine power possessed by one clone.

[Please select the type of magic weapon to be refined: attack type, defense type, soul type, auxiliary type. ]

"Sword attack type."

[Offensive magic weapons are being manufactured. 】

As soon as Xiao Yu thought about it, the flow of time in the entire Space-Time Palace accelerated ten thousand times.

Thirty years later, the lid of the Lianbao furnace was opened, and a sword appeared in Xiao Yu's hand.

"System analysis magic weapon."

[1 trillion wish coins have been deducted! ]

[Battle Blade Attack Magical Weapon: Void Blade] [Ability 1: Chaos Law-type Secret Magic Power Increased Ten Thousand Times.]

[Ability 2: Breaking the seal, can break all the binding secrets of the Eternal True God level and below. ]

[Ability 3: Increase the power of the fourth level of the True God-level secret technique, increase the power of the fourth level of the Void True God-level secret technique.]

[Ability 4: Void, can create a certain range of void with a thought, the range of void increases as the user's realm improves.]

Then Xiao Yu refined four more Void Blades, making a total of five.

Afterwards, Xiao Yu refined five defensive treasures, the 'Void Armor' and the soul treasure 'Void God Tower'.

Analyze these treasures.

[Warframe Defense Magical Weapon: Void Armor]

[Ability: Complete True God-level material attack, Void True God-level attack weakened by 99.9999%, Eternal True God-level attack weakened by 99%. ]

[Soul Defense Magical Weapon: Void God Tower]

[Ability: Completely defend against soul attacks below the True God level, weaken 99.9999% of the soul attacks of the Void True God level, and weaken 99% of the soul attacks of the Eternal True God level.]

The two treasures can weaken the attacks of the Void True God level to one millionth, which is definitely a life-saving weapon.

Then Xiao Yu distributed two sets of Void Blade, Void Armor and Void God Tower to the two incarnations, replaced his own equipment, and put the remaining two sets into his world ring.

An incarnation teleported to the outside of the original universe, and then took a direct step into the original universe.

In an empty area, the experiment was carried out as the power of the true God. His words became laws and the laws of the universe temporarily retreated.

"How cool!" Xiao Yu sighed, "Unfortunately, this is just the face that the original universe gives to the true god, and it does not really have such ability."

Then he kept teleporting and appeared in the Creation Universe Kingdom, sitting directly in charge there.

In the cosmic sea, outside the small universe, Xiao Yu's human body shrank to 100,000 light years and then rushed towards the spaceship.


virtual universe.

A space-time plane shrouded by endless chaotic air currents.

In front of the towering temple, next to a huge round table, on stone chairs engraved with complex secret patterns sat the masters of the universe.

Xiao Yu and Ju Axe sat next to each other, and on the other side of Xiao Yu were the Chaos City Lord and others.


"Congratulations, Xiao Yu, you have become a true god."

All the universe masters of the human race congratulated them.

"Third brother, congratulations on your promotion to a true god." Luo Feng also raised his glass to congratulate.

Xiao Yu raised his glass and clinked it with Luo Feng's, then drank it all in one gulp. He looked at Luo Feng and said with a smile, "I heard from the teacher that you have returned to the spaceship during the time I was promoted."

"Yes, I got a map and a blue token during my adventure in Qingfeng Realm." Luo Feng said happily.

"Oh." Xiao Yu nodded slightly, which meant that Luo Feng had already encountered the Chaos Golden Wings, and also encountered the map and token left by Jie Fanzi.

It seems that the world has strong inertia and is almost impossible to change.

So will the founder of the great axe also fall in the dark land?
Xiao Yu didn't know, and didn't want to ruin his good mood, so he didn't think about it any further. He turned to look at Luo Feng and asked, "You returned to the spaceship this time to temper your will at the black-veined stone pillar, right?"

"Not bad." Luo Feng nodded slightly.

"Xiao Yu, Luo Feng, what are you guys secretly plotting? Come, continue drinking and celebrating." Peng Gongzhizhu came over with a bottle of wine and said as he walked. (End of this chapter)

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