The cosmic sea.

The boundless chaotic air currents surge endlessly.

A small universe with a diameter of 100 million light years is gradually moving away from the original universe with the surging chaotic airflow.

A towering black human figure appeared out of nowhere and immediately floated in the chaotic airflow, without a trace of breath leaking out of his body, as if he were an ordinary person.

"Great Axe, as planned, I'm here at your place." said the black figure.

"Xiao Yu, come in." A message came from the small universe.

"Okay." Xiao Yu nodded slightly.

Then he took a step inside and appeared in the small universe.


primordial universe.

The universe of creation.

One after another, spaceships that looked like ancient monsters flew into a fixed transmission channel.

Inside one of the spacecraft.

The universe-level, domain-level, world-level, and immortal-level masters were all sitting on the chairs.

An Earth human immortal in a black robe walked slowly to the center of the spacecraft and glanced at the human geniuses around him.

The black-robed immortal slowly spoke: "Everyone, I am Xiao Zhanxiong, and I am here on behalf of the human race on Earth to welcome everyone from the Virtual Universe, the Giant Axe Fighting Arena, the Universe First Bank, the Universe Galaxy Bank, and the Universe Mercenary Alliance."

"Next, you are going to enter the Creation Universe, which is as famous as the Initial Universe. This Creation Universe is a newborn microuniverse. The laws within it are evolving. The ten basic laws are manifested, and the law fluctuations are obvious. It is easier to comprehend the laws than in the Initial Universe." Xiao Zhanxiong said.

The spaceship quickly flew through the time turbulence area and entered a vast world.

"Open the skylight." Xiao Zhanxiong said.

Suddenly, the metal cover on the top of the spacecraft opened, and the metal plate on the top of the cabin slowly began to turn transparent.

"Wow! Is this the manifest law? The secret pattern of the law is so clear." A realm master in the front row wearing a blood-colored battle suit exclaimed.

Previously, he had entered the primordial universe to comprehend the laws and experienced the fluctuations of the laws of the primordial universe, but none of them were as clear as this.

Inside the spaceship, all the geniuses were stunned by the scene outside the spaceship.

I saw chaotic energy surging, and endless secret patterns of laws appeared, as if they were magnified countless times. Even the secret patterns on the horizon seemed to be right in front of me as long as I looked carefully.

"Close the skylight." Xiao Zhanxiong said, "Okay, now that we have arrived at the Spacetime City, there is plenty of time to comprehend. There is no need to rush."

Xiao Yu divided an area on the continent and built a space-time city. He re-established chaos monuments and law secret pattern monuments in the space-time city.

The speed of the spacecraft easily exceeded the speed of light, but even if it exceeded the speed of light, it still did not enter the dark universe, because this is Xiao Yu's creation universe, and there is no such thing as a dark universe.

In just a moment, the spaceship arrived at a city that was a hundred times larger than Chaos City.

Although this city was newly built, it seems to have existed for a long time.

After arriving at the destination, Xiao Zhanxiong guided the people on the spaceship into the Space-Time City.

"Everyone, in the Spacetime City, just like the original universe, there are 52 Chaos Monuments and one Law Secret Monument. In addition, the City Lord's Mansion also has a huge Martial Arts Hall and Fighting Martial Arts Hall. The Martial Arts Hall is where the powerful Universe Venerables and the Lord of the Universe give lectures. It is divided into three levels for Realm Lords and below, Immortals, and Venerables, namely Realm Lord Hall, Immortal Hall, and Venerable Hall." Xiao Zhanxiong pointed to two towering palaces in the distance. Each palace covers an area of ​​hundreds of millions of kilometers.

"The Fighting Hall is the favorite place for the strong men of Earth like us. This Fighting Hall is a place for everyone to fight life and death. It is similar to the Giant Axe Fighting Arena. However, all soul attacks and all teleportation secret techniques are prohibited in the Fighting Hall. All other means can be used. There is only one way to end the battle, and that is the death of one of the parties." Xiao Zhanxiong continued.

“Death is the end.”

"So cruel!"

The human geniuses who were flying closely behind Xiao Zhanxiong were all shocked. Even in the Giant Axe Fighting Arena, the bloody fight inside was only against ordinary strong men. It would never be like this for the truly selected geniuses.

"I knew you would react like this. Don't worry, if you die in the Douwu Hall, you will be resurrected immediately as soon as the fight is over." Xiao Zhanxiong said with a smile, "The Douwu Hall is currently only available in the Creation Universe, but it will soon be built in the Great Axe Universe and the Initial Universe."

Xiao Zhanxiong's words attracted a lot of discussion from the people behind him.

They also speculated what the principle of resurrection was. Was it the same as in the virtual universe?

"If you are interested, go and experience it for yourself. I believe you will fall in love with it like I do." Xiao Zhanxiong smiled mysteriously and then introduced the other facilities of the Temple of Time and Space.


The changes in the human race cannot be hidden from the top races such as the demon race, the mechanical race, the insect race, the crystal race, etc. who have planted many secret agents in the human race.

To this end, under the strict investigation of the virtual universe system, batches of spies were arrested and killed.

The demon race, as a top ethnic group closely adjacent to the human race, was the first to receive the news.

The secret realm of the demon ancestor.

In the towering temple.

Meng Yaozu received the message and was puzzled, "Zhenjiao, the human race has increased from five major forces to six major forces. This is not difficult to say, after all, Xiao Yu has become a true god."

"But these six major forces have actually united to cultivate talents together. The geniuses of the Great Axe Fighting Arena can freely go to the Creation Universe to gain enlightenment, or go to the Initial Universe of the Virtual Universe Company to gain enlightenment."

"What the hell is going on? The original internal competition no longer exists?"

"Also, the human race has actually opened up a large number of secret techniques to ordinary immortals. Although they still require a certain amount of money or battlefield points to redeem, these secret techniques are all at the original core level!"

"These secret methods are considered the most core secrets even within our demon race. Only geniuses with sufficient authority can obtain them. But among the human race, an ordinary immortal can easily obtain them!"

"What on earth happened to the human race?" The Dream Demon Ancestor roared, venting his dissatisfaction.

Previously, the demon race was forced to cede territory, and she had always been unwilling to accept it. Now the human race seemed to have become a nouveau riche, squandering it wantonly, and she was even more indignant when she saw that it was a rare fortune.

"Perhaps, the human race discovered some incredible treasure in the universe sea, which is why they are like this." Zhenjiao said, "However, we still need to find out the details."


Each superpower that received the news had its own calculations.

“For the human race to be able to do this, they must have discovered a huge inheritance in the ocean of the universe, just like the Divine Eye Clan.” The Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan chuckled.

"The secrets that can be opened to ordinary immortals are definitely not the most core ones. Those core secrets will only be more extraordinary." The Demon Ancestor ordered, "Pass the order and spread the news that the human race has obtained the inheritance of ancient civilization."


The Universe Masters of the Prison Clan immediately received the order and rushed to various parts of the Universe Ocean to spread the news. (End of this chapter)

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