Swallowed Star: Wish Fulfillment System

Chapter 526 Complete Spacecraft

All the forces in the cosmic sea evacuated from the vicinity of the spacecraft.

"This is the first time that I've enjoyed having my strength suppressed by the laws of operation." Xiao Yu sighed. Just now, his twelve incarnations of divine power fought against the Lord of the Universe at the same time.

Since it was a true God fighting against the Lord of the Universe, his divine power was suppressed by the Lord of the Universe's genes ten thousand times more. As for the rest, his comprehension of the laws and his creation of his own secret techniques, there was not the slightest suppression.

After killing the twelve masters of the universe, Xiao Yu did not pick up any treasures, but left them all there to intimidate any strong man who dared to provoke him again.

"Now that the energy circulation system has been completely repaired, the internal energy has begun to circulate, and many functions can be used." Xiao Yu said secretly.

At the same time, his mind moved, and then communicated with the control core, and shouted in a low voice: "Concentrate!"

Suddenly, invisible waves emanated from the control core in Xiao Yu's body. The radiation speed of these invisible waves was faster than that of the domain treasure.

Endless energy filled the entire spaceship, and endless huge waves emanated from the spaceship. Waves of pressure accompanied by the waves were continuously transmitted to the sea of ​​the universe.

Even the endless chaotic airflow was forced back by this tremendous pressure. After moving away from the spaceship for a distance, it retreated back, stirring up layers of chaotic airflow waves.

"The spaceship has undergone another drastic change." Beizhen Star Lord looked at the spaceship in the distance. The aura emitted by the spaceship at this time made him feel frightened.

Suddenly, a secret pattern on the spaceship flashed with dazzling light, followed by endless secret patterns that continued to radiate, and finally the entire surface of the spaceship was covered with secret patterns.

Endless secret patterns appear and disappear from time to time.

In a moment, even the countless fragments surrounding the spaceship were flashing with endless secret patterns, but many of the secret patterns on these fragments had been damaged and were no longer continuous.

At the same time, invisible and even greater waves emanated from the spacecraft, continuously affecting the surrounding cosmic sea.

The huge dark green vines on the surface of the spacecraft were broken, and then the energy was swallowed and absorbed.

Huge electric snakes tens of thousands of light years long were dispersed by the waves containing endless power, transformed into the purest divine power, and pulled into the spaceship by the endless suction force of the spaceship.

Flame, cold air, wind, thunder and lightning, vines, light...

There are various dangerous places outside the spaceship. They were created because of the spaceship and now they have disappeared because of the spaceship. They have all turned into the purest energy of the spaceship and been swallowed and absorbed.

Xiao Yu, who was in the control room, shouted in a low voice: "Gather!"

Suddenly, endless secret patterns were transmitted from the control core, and the endless secret patterns were integrated into the control room. Suddenly, the endless original energy in the source space began to be rapidly consumed.

Almost instantly, endless secret patterns outside the spaceship emitted divine light, which radiated hundreds of millions of light years around it, and the endless divine light formed countless secret patterns.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Huge pieces of spaceship debris began to tremble. At first, there were only fragments with a diameter of tens of billions of kilometers, but as time went on, the tremors became more and more violent, and even fragments with a diameter of several light years began to tremble.

After a while, all the fragments began to vibrate continuously, and the vibration became more and more violent.

Endless waves continue to transmit to the distance along the universe.

"This vibration, what happened?"

"What happened to the spacecraft? Why are there so many vibration sources?"

"This should be the vibration of all the fragments of the spaceship. Are these fragments going to be sucked into the spaceship, or are they going to fly away from the spaceship?"

The huge fluctuations could be sensed even by the fourth-order Lord of the Universe, not to mention the True Gods such as Juehua and Beizhen Star Lord.

They were all shocked by the continuous changes that took place in the spacecraft.

"Could it be that the Creator God can really repair the spaceship?" The Northern True Star Lord thought to himself. Although he had reported this to the Eastern Emperor many times, he did not believe it from the bottom of his heart. Since the spaceship came to this universe sea, no one has been able to take away a piece of it, let alone repair it, in the endless reincarnation era.

However, the recent continuous changes in the spacecraft have made him question his own thoughts.


The spacecraft was broken into countless pieces and continued to vibrate for more than a month.

The extremely violent tremors caused the surrounding universe to resonate continuously, and even caused endless space to break.


A piece of debris, which was a million light years away from the spacecraft and had a maximum diameter of 10 billion kilometers, suddenly broke away from the original space and flew towards the spacecraft at a speed exceeding 100,000 times the speed of light, and continued to accelerate during the flight.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

More debris, larger diameter debris, and farther debris are gradually flying towards the spacecraft.
As time went on, more and more debris flew towards the spacecraft.

Soon, all the fragments, whether they were tens of billions of kilometers in diameter or more than thousands of light years in diameter, whether they were millions of light years away or hundreds of millions of light years away, all flew towards the spacecraft.

Huge pieces of debris were flying around the spacecraft at a fast speed. Some were flying in a straight line, some were flying in an arc, and some were flying diagonally.

Pieces of debris flew towards the places where they were destroyed and fell off.

The fragments continued to accelerate, and soon reached a billion times the speed of light.

Deep inside the control room of the spacecraft.

Xiao Yu looked at the virtual projection of the entire spaceship in front of him and sighed: "I was just trying it out, but I didn't expect the original will to actually give up suppressing the spaceship."

If the original will had not given up suppressing these fragments, even if he repaired the energy circulation system of the spacecraft, he would not be able to restore all the fragments to their original positions, and he could only take the most stupid method.

Disassemble the fragments into modules and then assemble them together.


Time flies, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

All the fragments have flown back to their original positions, and the spacecraft has become basically intact, except that there are still some cracks on the surface, as well as countless pits of varying depths.

These cracks were all directly annihilated by the endless power when the spaceship was fighting.

"The next step is to replace all the modules at the locations of the gaps and holes that need to be repaired and patched." Xiao Yu said secretly.

As soon as Xiao Yu had a thought, endless secret patterns flashed inside the spaceship, detecting everything on the surface of the spaceship. Immediately, Xiao Yu knew the total number of modules that needed to be repaired and replaced.

"There are about 2262 trillion pieces in total, 250 trillion pieces need to be repaired, and only 12 trillion pieces need to be re-refined. In addition, there are nearly 2000 trillion pieces that need to repair the secret patterns."

"Each of these spacecraft modules is much more complex and mysterious than the true god's treasure. With my current ability, it would take about 30 years just to repair the secret pattern of one module. A simple repair would take about 300 years, and it would take 10,000 years to refine another module."

"According to this calculation, it will take 25.5 trillion years just to complete these tasks. Even if it is the incarnation of ten thousand divine powers, plus the time flow rate of the black stone pillar space is tens of millions times faster, it will still take 255 million years. In addition, we have to take into account the time for taking out the modules and replacing them. It will probably take nearly three million years."

"That doesn't even include repairing the spacecraft's unique attack module. If it's all repaired, it might take tens of millions of years."

Xiao Yu kept calculating the time needed to repair the spacecraft. (End of this chapter)

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