I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 100 Horrible story!

Chapter 100 Horrible story!

What comes to mind?
Mr. Xu thought of a case.

This was a case that was solved not long ago, and because of it, he was awarded the second-class merit for this major case!

What case?
Xu Sheng suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at Li Sheng with a cold face.

"Captain Li, do you still remember the case in Linhai City?"

The case in Linhai City?

Where is Linhai City?
It is Wang Chao's hometown and the place where Xu Sheng purchases goods. At the beginning of this month, Xu Sheng went there once and later found that the grave of Wang Chao's third uncle had been dug up, and a "Sleeping Beauty" was lying inside.

This case is
'sleeping Beauty!'

The murderer is a monster who looks like a savage.

If the case in front of us is related to the case in Linhai City, then the angle of interpretation is
In an instant, Li Sheng felt as if an electric current ran through his whole body. His hair stood on end and a chill covered his whole body.

His pupils suddenly shrank, like pinpoints.

"Are you sure this case is related to the case in Linhai City!?"

“I’m not entirely sure, but.”

Xu Sheng calmed down and began to recall the case information in Linhai City.

"At least the timing matches!"

"In the Linhai City case, one of the clues we found was that the murderer appeared in Linhai City about a week before the crime and then committed the crime. But we don't know how he got there."

"Captain Li, what do you think seven days means in this case?"

What does it mean?
Not to mention Li Sheng.

At this point, even Han Yang, who was standing by, blurted out the answer instantly.

"It's time to promote Sun Qiang's film!"

"That is, the time when the other party exposed his whereabouts and attracted the murderer!"

Thirty days before the "Happy Circus" case, Sun Qiang was exposed and the murderer began to arrive. Fifteen days before the case, the murderer showed up in Linhai City. Ten days before the case, the first person was killed. Zhao Guang died at the same time.

The time when the murderer of Linhai City appeared in the sight of residents is the estimated time of this case, "within a month"!
"One month before the crime, Sun Qiang's whereabouts were exposed, and the murderer began to hunt him down. They drove the van that Chaozi had seen on the highway, coming to seek revenge."

"It took fifteen days to travel across multiple provinces, and this period of time was exactly when the murderer appeared in Linhai City."

Xu Sheng took a deep breath, and his tone became colder as he looked at the chain used to tie up the monkey.

"Do you think there is a connection?"

Have it?

there must be!
The correlation is so great that the timing and logic can stand up to scrutiny.

The key is
This is exactly what Xu Sheng thought of, and it is a factor that can connect the identities of the six deceased persons in this case!

"That means"

Li Sheng's face looked a little ugly. "When the other party came to Jiangsan City, he passed by Linhai City and then lost the murderer of the Linhai City case."

"Because time is urgent and twenty years of resentment have prevented them from rushing to find the missing person, they continue to search in Jiangsan City!"

"In Linhai City, because the missing person lost his 'babysitter', he committed a crime and became a murderer."

After saying this, Li Sheng looked at Xu Sheng, his throat felt a little dry.

if it is like this.
The nature of this case, what is involved
It's totally incomparable to human traffickers!
"I now understand why these people would rather risk being killed than call the police."

Li Sheng was silent.

They had been curious about this before.

Even for human traffickers, when faced with exposure, the police are often their first choice.

Because the punishment is light, you can often be released in less than ten years, usually around five years.

This is a minor point, which has led to some people expressing dissatisfaction and saying that the death penalty should be introduced.
The criminal law is most likely deliberately set to be lenient.

for example.

A group of policemen surrounded a group of human traffickers. If the punishment was light, they would only be sentenced to five years in prison if caught. Would they resist the police or just let themselves be caught?

They will probably surrender. After all, resistance will only increase their crime, and if they surrender, they will last less than five years.

But if they know that they will die if they surrender, then the child they kidnapped will be their best hostage!

A cornered dog will jump over the wall! A desperate net will break!

Although the lenient punishment has led to the continued trafficking of children, it is still better than a heavier punishment and letting the child die.

After all, saving the lives of the kidnapped people is the most important thing!
Of course, although the sentence is light, the rest of the prisoners who were caught after committing crimes will not go easy on these people!

"What crime did they commit?"

"From being sentenced to five or six years, knowing clearly that he would die, what kind of crime is this?"

Wang Chao scratched his head. He still didn't quite understand why a monkey trainer could see so many things.

Xu Sheng was silent and glanced at Li Sheng.

Li Sheng sighed, without any explanation, and took Han Yang to investigate the case.

This is a .
A brand new! A fast and efficient way to investigate cases!
The key is
The case in front of him was probably just the tip of the iceberg hidden behind it. In the darkness, Li Sheng felt that the chef's case was nothing more than a small case in comparison!
"And the dog. Why would they vent their anger on Qian Hai's descendants but not kill the dog?"

Wang Chao didn't notice Li Sheng's actions. He continued to ask questions with confusion on his face.

He currently only understands why he was kidnapped.
"Chaozi, you should have heard that Sun Qiang came to Zhangjia Village 20 years ago. He didn't learn from a master and just made money by performing monkey shows."

"That is to say, twenty years ago, Sun Qiang knew how to perform monkey tricks!"

Xu Sheng sighed, walked out of the room, sat under a shed nearby, looked at Wang Chao and Zhang Miu beside him, and spoke slowly.

"Chaozi, have you heard of a kind of street performance in ancient times?"

"It's related to monkey show, but the animal they show is called 'dog'."

Playing with dogs?

There are still such people performing arts! ?

"What is this?" Wang Chao became interested and asked.

"Have you heard of Officer Zhang?" Xu Sheng looked at Zhang Miu.

Zhang Miao paused, then shook his head, "No."

"That's right. When we were in Linhai City, I asked you how much you knew about the Beggars' Sect. Then I asked you to ask Li Sheng, but he probably was too busy, so he didn't tell me."

"Then I'll take this opportunity to tell you."

Xu Sheng sighed, looked into the eyes of the two people in front of him, and said slowly:
"Two hundred years ago, at Tiger Hill in Suzhou, there was a lowly street performer who brought two wooden boxes and released two black dogs covered with black hair and with strange bodies from the boxes."

"The two black dogs are quite intelligent. They can perform acrobatics, understand human language, and especially have a unique skill."

"The special skill is that whenever someone gives them money, they will crawl in front of the spectators, stand, clasp their paws together, and bless them in a strange tone."

"'May you be blessed as vast as the East Sea and live as long as the Southern Mountains!' 'May you be blessed as vast as the East Sea and live as long as the Southern Mountains!' 'May you be blessed as vast as the East Sea and live as long as the Southern Mountains!'"

"What do you think of these two dogs?"

"It must be a spirit, so it can perform acrobatics and speak human language."


Xu Sheng looked at the two people in front of him, with a suppressed anger in his eyes.

His tone was chilling.

"Is there something else going on?!"

(End of this chapter)

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