I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 101: Harvesting and dismembering! 'The process of creating a beast!'

Chapter 101: Harvesting and dismembering! 'The process of creating a beast!'

In ancient times, there was a street performer who led two dogs out of a wooden box.

The black dog is huge, has a strange shape, and can speak human language.

One hundred and fifty years ago, during the feudal period, a temple fair was held in a certain area and a snake charmer appeared.

The snake charmer released a snake with shiny scales and an extremely strong body from a cage, but this snake had a human face and a snake body, and its facial features were stiff. When it was released, it kept twisting and crawling on the ground and sticking out its tongue, which attracted the amazement of passers-by.

Two hundred and fifty years ago, on the street, a man led a bear as big as a Sichuan horse, with strong hair and sturdy arms. This bear could recite poems and compose couplets. Every time it appeared, passers-by would reward it with money to write poems. For each poem, it would be rewarded with a hundred coins!

In modern times, there was an artist on the street who brought an octopus man.

This person had tumor-like tentacles on his body, the skin of his mouth drooped, which was extremely disgusting, and his hands had no five fingers, but instead looked like octopus tentacles. He swam in the water like an octopus spirit, which attracted passers-by to exclaim in amazement.

"How do you think these people appeared?"

Xu Sheng looked at the two people in front of him, whose mouths were wide open with shock and whose minds were blank, and continued speaking with a blank expression.

"This is the so-called witchcraft, 'harvesting life and dismembering'!"

"Does this word sound very delicate? Is it a good word?"

"采 (pick) means to select, 生 (shou) means living things, 折 (cut)"

Having said that, Xu Sheng paused and looked at the trees around him.

The tree is very big, with lush leaves, and more than ten people can sit under it to enjoy the shade.

"Have you ever seen an axe chopping down a tree?"

"Put the immature person on the board, control his body, swing the axe, and then drop it heavily"

Xu Sheng said expressionlessly, recalling in his mind how Sun Qiang and others died.


"The axe fell, chopping off the arms and thighs!"

"This is 'cutting'."

"Do you still think this word sounds good?"

Does this word sound good?
Wang Chao was stunned, his eyes were unfocused, and it was obvious that Xu Sheng's words were like a thunderbolt exploding in his mind.

After a long while, he moved his dry mouth.

"The talking dog."

"It's simple. Use an axe to chop it off at the knees and elbows, then use a needle to poke a bloody hole in its body and cover it with skin. Then..."

Mr. Xu continued to explain, ignoring the shock of the two.

"Skin a dog and put the dried skin on the bleeding skin. Then the skin will stick to the human skin. Then use drugs to make the person mute and train him to make fixed sounds."

"In this way, a 'money tree' and a talking dog appeared before our eyes."

Wearing dog skin does not mean replacing it with human skin, nor does it mean peeling off human skin and transplanting dog skin.

for example.

When a person gets injured, the gauze wrapped around the wound will often stick to the skin and form a scab.

It can also be understood as putting super glue on the skin and then gluing dog skin on it, which is completely different from modern skin transplantation surgery.

Or they can artificially create wounds on the human body, put dog hair on the wound and wait for it to heal. After healing, the dog hair will appear to have grown together.

The creation of animals is not a real transplant, but a cover-up!

Of course, there is nothing that can be hidden from the world with this stuff, it’s just that the ancients were not wise enough and were ignorant.

Having said that, Xu Sheng paused and then added.

"Although it's not skin grafting, we don't have to worry about rejection, but..."

"The mortality rate is still extremely high. Bacterial infections are very likely to occur, and people often die soon after. Only those who poke them out with a needle have a higher survival rate."

"Of course, the money earned during this period before death is enough."

"Besides, this is not something that is difficult to replicate. For them, if one dies, they can just make another one."

Extremely high mortality rate?
But as long as there is a little success, it will continue!!!

Wang Chao's lips were trembling, his body was covered with goose bumps, and his heart was shaking.

Behind a 'talking dog', there are at least five or six
"By the way, people who use these methods to make money are usually beggars."

"The organization composed of these people is generally called"

Xu Sheng looked at Zhang Miu who was stunned and continued.

"Beggars' Gang!"

In ancient times, begging was classified as the lowest class of people.

Most people may think that beggars are just not presentable, or that beggars’ faces are too dirty, so they belong to the lowest class.

It's called the Lower Nine for a reason!

Stealing, robbing, killing, he is capable of doing all kinds of evil!
The so-called "living dismemberment" is one of the most "evil" methods they have ever used.

It's 'one', not the only one!

The so-called "animal-making magic" is nothing more than a form of living dismemberment.

To say that "harvesting and cutting" does not exist
In 10, a woman on the other side of the mountain found a child who had been missing for a year on TV. There was a hole in his head and the child was begging for food in front of the TV. In 09, a child who had disappeared for 16 years was found by his parents. When he was found, his tongue was cut, his body had multiple fractures, and his body was severely deformed.

16 years later, a man looked at the man with a broken leg and found him more and more familiar.
In 17, Shanghai Metropolis Daily reported that a mother saw her daughter who had disappeared for years on TV. Her limbs were missing and she sang in front of the camera with a microphone. Every time someone gave her money, she had to bend down and bow.
In 23, a group of Dongguo people with the same wounds appeared in Xiangguo. Their faces were disfigured by sulfuric acid, their hands were chopped off, and they were begging on the street. After they were arrested by the police, a man driving a luxury car took these disfigured people away.
There are many similar examples, such as outside the train station in 00, temple fairs in the countryside, big markets, and streets in the city. These places could have answered this question in the early years.

As for the art of animal creation, it is no longer feasible in the modern age of enlightenment, but.
It worked twenty years ago!
Zhang Miu was stunned when he heard this.

His worldview seemed to be greatly challenged.

People born in the 1980s often grew up reading martial arts novels.

In almost all novels, the Beggars' Sect is described as loyal and righteous heroes who are extremely noble in the martial arts world!

But in reality, the Beggars' Gang...
No, calling this thing a beast is an insult to beasts!
It is estimated that the notorious members of the Beggars' Sect would never have thought that hundreds or thousands of years after their death, they would actually gain an image as a chivalrous hero in modern times.

Xu Sheng took a breath, looked at the house where Sun Qiang lived, and sighed.

"Don't think that this kind of thing only happened in ancient times."

"In modern times, even now, this kind of thing still exists!"

"It can even be said that due to the development of modern medicine, the success rate of circumcision has increased significantly."

"Twenty years ago, it was around the 80s. That was the time when live sex was the most prevalent mainstream practice!"

Mr. Xu understood.

He understood why these people hated Sun Qiang and others so much.

He understood why Sun Qiang would rather risk being killed than call the police.
And, even after twenty years, he still hunted and killed Sun Qiang all the time, and put all his energy into finding out the news of Sun Qiang.
Twenty years!

It has been twenty years. During this time, even the death of a loved one should have become a dull matter.

But these people, every minute and every second, 24 hours a day, wish to eat their flesh, drink their blood, knock their bones, suck their marrow, sleep on their skin, and pull their hair!

Whether in a dream or in reality, I have been searching for it for twenty years.

Finally, one day, they saw Sun Qiang on TV.

Even though twenty years have passed, even though Sun Qiang is already very old, he has changed his identity and become an intangible cultural heritage inheritor, a monkey trainer.
They still recognized it at a glance!

So he drove from a place in the east to Jiangsan City with a clear destination.

Just to kill him!


Now, he finally understood why this mission was named "Circus".

"Tsk, a whole circus. It looks like it's not a small mobile circus."

Xu Sheng's eyes were filled with sadness. He stood up and walked towards the police car.

“I don’t know how big this circus is.”

"Seventeen people."

"I guess only seventeen people found them."

Xu Sheng couldn't help but sigh, if this kind of circus became popular in the 1980s.
That would be a huge hit!
There are definitely more than seventeen staff members alone.

Sun Qiang, Zhao Guang, and Zhang Peng, these three people are estimated to be a small group that fled to Jiangsan City, and no one knows how many others there are!

As for those 'animals'.
How many are there?
That depends on where the circus is and how popular it is.

However, because of this.
“This also makes the case easier to investigate.”

"Twenty years ago, there was a fire, a circus, physical disabilities, and human traffickers. With all these involved, I estimate that the case will be solved tomorrow. All that's left is to arrest the perpetrators."

Mr. Xu got into the police car, lay on the chair and closed his eyes.

"Go back to the police station."

Exactly what Xu Sheng thought.

With this speculation and so much information at hand, the cause and effect of the case were quickly uncovered.

Just as Xu Sheng thought, the case was indeed based on the circus.

But unlike what Xu Sheng thought, this place name
It's a bit scary.

The next day, October 16th.

In Zhangjia Village, in the temporarily formed investigation area, all the police officers present had cold hands and feet, cold sweats, and were frozen in place.

At this time, the message was repeated on the phone.

"Twenty years ago, a famous circus in a certain area brought all its employees there. It grew in a short period of time within a month. However, it was just noticed by the higher-ups, and before they could conduct a thorough investigation, the circus caught fire in just one day."

"There were only a few bodies left at the scene, and everyone disappeared completely!"

"After that, the higher-ups sent a lot of resources to investigate the matter, but the fire was too intense and there was no information, so they had to give up."

“And this area is”

Hearing these words, cold sweat broke out on Li Sheng's palms.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated. It was so quiet that they could hear each other's breathing and heartbeat clearly.

In this state, two words slowly rang out from the phone.

"Imperial Capital!"

 I recommend this book. When the leader picks up food, I turn the table. When the leader raises a glass, I drink first. When the leader’s wife is touched, I find someone else to touch her. When the leader washes his feet, I call the police.
(End of this chapter)

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