I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 126 Shocking reversal!

Chapter 126 Shocking reversal!

What is split personality?
To put it simply, it can be seen as two consciousnesses within one body.

And both consciousnesses have independent thinking.

Unlike ordinary sleepwalking, each of these personalities can be considered an independent person, an independent individual, but they just share the same body.

It's similar to the so-called 'conjoined twins', but usually both personalities don't appear at the same time.

"In a typical split personality, the two personalities don't know each other's affairs, and their memories are not interoperable."

"Of course, they can communicate with each other and even talk to each other, but the symptoms Yang Hong showed do not match this. It should be the former!"

Xu Sheng glanced at Fu Bo, and a plan came to his mind, so he spoke slowly.

"What Wang Bao and Zhang Yong described is very similar to sleepwalking."

"But judging from the clues we have found through our investigation, the other party seems to have split personality."

The word "sleepwalking" is actually very metaphysical.

Some people sleepwalk and may just walk on the ground.

But some people sleepwalk with their eyes open, smile, talk to others, and speak fluently!
This kind of person is very similar to someone with split personality, but not really. It sounds quite scary.

Think about it, the person you are talking to may be sleeping, but his body can laugh and talk with you.
Some people also create while sleepwalking.

There was a man in the West who would make some painting movements while sleepwalking. Although his eyes were closed, the paintings he produced were amazing and sold for a lot of money. However, the level of his paintings when he was awake was far inferior to that of his sleepwalking state.

Some sleepwalking is even more severe.

There was also a case that once left people confused. A man was sleepwalking after falling asleep. While sleepwalking, he actually put on his clothes, got in the car, drove 30 kilometers, and went all the way to his wife's hometown.

Then, while sleepwalking, he took a knife and killed his wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law and others who were in his hometown!
He then drove back home, took off his clothes and continued to sleep. When he woke up, he was arrested by the police. He didn't know what had happened.

Not to mention the 30-kilometer journey, how did he do it after falling asleep? Just the fact that he was able to kill people and go back is beyond ordinary metaphysics.

Therefore, it is possible that Yang Hong committed murder while sleepwalking.

The rest of the things can be understood.

Mr. Xu once thought that he was sleepwalking and doing his homework, but he just didn't finish it.

"But sleepwalking doesn't affect your personality, it just makes your body tired."

"The words of the neighbors around here clearly rule this out."

Xu Sheng said lightly, and a slight smile appeared on his face as he looked at the document.

"So it's a split personality!?"

Fu Bo raised his eyebrows.

On the premise of ensuring that the murderer is not wrongly accused, he naturally hopes to solve the case as quickly as possible.

At present, if the speculation is true,
Then we can declare the case closed tomorrow!

"Interrogate first."

Mr. Xu calmed her down a bit and then looked at his phone.

The time is half past eight in the evening.

'Calculate the time. Nine o'clock?'

Xu Sheng smiled, then stood up and walked towards the interrogation room with Fu Bo.

So far, the case is crystal clear.

Well, at least it was clear to him!
The two men came to the interrogation room, prepared paper and pen, and turned on the recording while waiting.

Yang Hong herself was in the detention room. She was not averse to this place, but there was a hint of panic on her face. She looked no different from a normal person.

After a quick call from the police, Yang Hong was brought to the interrogation room in about five minutes.

Arriving at the interrogation room, Yang Hong still looked a little uneasy. She looked at the two people in front of her and asked cautiously.

"Officer, do you have any clues?"

Xu Sheng and Fu Bo looked at each other, then slowly said:

"Ms. Yang, before I cross-examine you, I would like to ask you, what is your relationship with Cheng Yu?"

"A simple tenant relationship? Or friends? Or even..."

As he spoke, Xu Sheng's fingers kept tapping on the table, his sharp eyes staring at Yang Hong.

"A mate!?"

Hearing this question, Yang Hong paused.

She moved her lips for a while and was about to speak when she heard Xu Sheng say again.

"Before you speak, please think carefully, Ms. Yang."

"This matter concerns the truth of Cheng Yu's life and death. Please think carefully before answering."

Xu Sheng said calmly, but his eyes never left Yang Hong.

With the two skills of Falcon Eye and Master of Psychology fully utilized, anyone in front of him will be as clear as if they were not wearing any clothes!

He looked at Cheng Yu's file. He was just an ordinary college student with no family background, no work outside the home, and no habit of saving money.

Then the question is, where did she get the money to rent the house?
You know, a monthly rent of one thousand is extremely expensive during this period!

Hearing this, Yang Hong was silent for a while, then her eyes turned red and she lowered her head slightly.

"Officer, Xiaoyu and I met at a bar."

"She is very nice, a college student, and has a similar personality to me. We have a lot to talk about."

"So you fell in love with her? You even gave her a huge rent reduction for this?"

Fu Bo frowned and glanced at Xu Sheng. He had not thought about this point of information yet, but it did not prevent him from interrogating him.

Yang Hong was silent.

"Officer, actually I didn't like men when I was a child, but my family forced me to marry a man. Later, I got rid of the marriage after I became rich."

"Then I met Xiaoyu. I admit that I do like her, but I know that Xiaoyu's sexual orientation is normal, and she told me not long ago that she found a boyfriend."

"So, you killed her directly in a fit of emotion!?"

Suddenly, Xu Sheng asked a question, his eyes fixed on Yang Hong.

Yang Hong was about to answer subconsciously, but after a moment of silence, she continued:
"I don't know, officer. I don't know."

"During that time, I was in a very bad mood. Although I was physically tired, I couldn't sleep. I could only seek treatment for insomnia online."

"Officer, I really don't know. I just slept for a while, and when I woke up the next day, I didn't go to find Cheng Yu because she had a boyfriend. But I couldn't help but go to find her for a few days, and when I opened the door, I found that she was dead."

As she spoke, Yang Hong's eyes turned slightly red, and then she seemed to be a little overwhelmed, with tears continuously falling from her eyes.

Xu Sheng stared at her for a long time.

"From this perspective, the testimony of the people around me is indeed consistent."

Fu Bo nodded thoughtfully.

Then, his expression became a little serious, and he looked at Yang Hong in front of him very seriously.

"Okay, Ms. Yang, according to the police's speculation, you are very likely suffering from an extremely severe split personality!"

"Because of your subjective consciousness, it is very likely that your second personality will be affected. Or maybe your second personality has similar ideology to yours, but a more extreme personality. After receiving this information, it will go directly to the victim's home and kill him!"

"Split personality!?" Yang Hong was stunned.


Fu Bo nodded and then explained the symptoms of split personality to the other party.

Hearing this, Yang Hong fell silent, then broke down again, lying on the table and crying.


Her tears soaked her sleeves and she looked very sad.

After she cried for a while, Fu Bo spoke tentatively.

"But we still lack substantial evidence, so we are going to arrange a consultation for you."

"A psychological consultation!"

"If you get a diagnosis of split personality, you're going to most likely end up in a psychiatric hospital."

Fu Bo said seriously.

Yang Hong was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.

"Okay, we will." Fu Bo was about to speak. Suddenly, Xu Sheng beside him spoke up.

"Captain Fu, it's time. Please go outside to greet them."

Time is up?

What time?
Fu Bo was stunned, but looking at Xu Sheng's calm eyes, he thought for a moment and thought that he might have forgotten something, so he stood up and walked out.

Xu Sheng followed him and walked to the door.

After about a minute or two, a middle-aged man in a white coat appeared in the interrogation room.

"Where is the patient?"

The middle-aged doctor frowned, looked around, and then focused his attention on Yang Hong.

"is her?"

"is her."

Xu Sheng nodded, and then the two of them sat opposite Yang Hong.

"Ms. Yang, this is the psychologist the brigade has arranged for you."

"Dr. Wang, a famous doctor in Hanhai City, is a well-known professor of psychology at Jiangsan University, one of the top professors in the country. Next, he will hypnotize your mind and guide your second personality."

Mr. Xu opened his mouth to explain, and the middle-aged man next to him did not refute, but nodded slightly to show his approval.

"Just call me Doctor Wang."

"The induction of split personality is very simple. I will try to hypnotize you, let your main personality sink, and awaken the second personality."

"Generally speaking, the second personality is basically flawed, with a more extreme character and no normal emotions."

"If everything goes well, I estimate he can be awakened in a short time."

The middle-aged doctor spoke.

"Okay, I will cooperate with the police officers." Yang Hong was silent, and suddenly said something, then took a breath, his eyes full of determination.

"If it was really me who killed Xiaoyu, I will accept the court's trial!"

Doctor Wang nodded.

But this is obviously not within his scope.

After a slight pause, Dr. Wang looked at Yang Hong with a serious look in his eyes.

"Now close your eyes. I will try to hypnotize you. Don't resist mentally. Just follow my words. If you encounter anything uncomfortable, you can tell me."

Doctor Wang spoke softly. Yang Hong took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"You start to imagine that you are on a small island. There are no cities or cars around the island. There is only warm sunshine and endless sea. The waves gently hit the beach. You lie on it and feel the warm sun."

"Your consciousness gradually sinks, as if you are slowly falling into a vortex."



The middle-aged doctor's voice was extremely gentle, sounding like a loving mother's embrace, making people unable to help but throw themselves into her arms.

About ten minutes
"who are you?"

The doctor suddenly asked inquiringly.

The next moment, Yang Hong in front of him slowly opened her eyes, with a hint of confusion in her eyes. She first looked at the surrounding environment, then was stunned, and then looked at Xu Sheng in front of her.


Yang Hong's voice became a little sharp, and she stared at Xu Sheng.

"Is it really a second personality?"

Xu Sheng paused, lowered his voice, and then looked at Yang Hong in front of him.

"You killed Cheng Yu? Then you hid and let the main personality provide cover for you?"

"Tell me, why did you kill Cheng Yu?"

Xu Sheng's face was very gloomy.

Yang Hong in front of him seemed mentally immature, staring at Xu Sheng, and then a trace of gloom flashed in her eyes.

"You mean that bitch!?"

"That bitch deserved it! She deserved to die!"

"Deserve to die? As a woman, you raped and killed a woman, and then say here that she deserves to die!?" Xu Sheng's emotions were a little fluctuating, and he looked at Yang Hong with an extremely ugly expression.

"That's right, damn it!"

Yang Hong's expression was very excited, and her facial features looked rather ferocious.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

"I gave her money to spend, she paid her tuition, I gave her a house to live in, and I even bought her the latest jewelry on the market, but she turned around and threw herself into the arms of another man, and even ran up to me excitedly to tell me about the experience she had with that bastard!"

"Damn it!"

"This adulterous couple deserves to die!"

Yang Hong said viciously, her words filled with hatred towards Cheng Yu.

"Oh, so you killed her because of this?"

Xu Sheng was slightly angry.

"You beast, I guess Cheng Yu will never know that you like her until she dies!"

"So what? When she decides to sleep with someone else, she's dead!"

"You have no idea how excited I was when I cut open her belly with a knife and stabbed her body! She deserved to die, but it was worth it!"

Yang Hong excitedly wanted to stand up and scratch Xu Sheng's face, but she was restrained and couldn't stand up.

"You beast!" Xu Sheng cursed.

"You deserve to die too! Wait until I get out, I'll kill you, I must kill you!"

Yang Hong's face was extremely red, and looking at her facial features was like looking at a devil.

Mr. Xu originally wanted to say something.

But the next moment.

The door of the interrogation room was suddenly pushed open.

"Advisor Xu, I don't think I forgot anything. Please let me go."

Fu Bo's puzzled figure suddenly pushed the door open, and the environment in the room suddenly froze.

Fu Bo wanted to continue asking, but he saw the man in the white coat in the room pause, and his expression suddenly became strange after seeing his face clearly.

"Captain Li? Why don't you wear your police uniform and wear a white coat instead?"

Captain Li?
Yang Hong, who was about to get angry, suddenly froze, and the next moment, a chill ran through her heart.

Li Sheng greeted the other party with a smile, then looked at Yang Hong.

"Reintroduce yourself."

"Li Sheng, a police officer from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Jiangsan City, and the current captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade."

"Well, I don't know anything about hypnosis. Before I learned literacy, I couldn't even read a few words."

Yang Hong was completely stunned, as if she was frozen in place.

Looking at this scene, Xu Sheng put away all his anger.

He sat down calmly, stretched out his hand, and tapped the recorder that had been working beside him with his index finger.

"Now, I have a question, Ms. Yang Hong, please explain it to me."

The interrogation room was windless, and a gust of cold wind seemed to emerge.

The cold wind blew past the corners of her clothes and scraped Yang Hong's back, making her fingertips extremely cold. Although she stared at Xu Sheng intently, she felt...
Like falling into an ice cellar!

Xu Sheng looked at her calmly, looking at this person who was playing tricks on him.

"why would"

"Fake split personality."

 I recommend a book, a masterpiece with more than 2 million words written by an old author. If you are interested, you can go and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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