I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 127 Case closed! Montage technique!

Chapter 127 Case closed! Montage technique!

Xu Sheng felt that something was wrong with Yang Hong.

No, I just think Yang Hong is just so right!

Not to mention the so-called sixth sense, just look at the information extracted from the system.

There are dozens of people living in an apartment, and everyone's mental state is not very good.

Voyeurism, incest, lying, exhibitionism, theft, domination.
In just one and a half days, the information obtained by the police and the interviews allowed Xu Sheng to obtain a clue that made him extremely silent.

This apartment is absolute hell!
No, even hell may not have so many talents.
Especially since there is a super kid living on the fifth floor.

The buff is full!
And that is in this case
Is Yang Hong a normal person?

"Because she is so normal, it seems like she is just an ordinary person who is sick."

"And in this case, being too normal is truly abnormal."

The next day, Xu Sheng stood in the office, looking at Li Sheng beside him, and casually told him what happened during the case.

"And the subsequent investigation into Yang Hong was also very normal, so normal that the police couldn't find any fault with it!"

"This is totally normal, just like when a baby eats, the food is fed to the baby's mouth by the parents, and the baby will have food as soon as he opens his mouth. Once he finds one clue, he can immediately associate it with the rest of the clues."

"It went very smoothly. It went much more smoothly than any other case I've investigated before. It's even the smoothest murder case I've ever investigated in my life!"

Just when I wanted a clue, Wang Bao happened to say it.

They wanted to collect evidence, and it just so happened that the residents outside all had an impression of Yang Hong and could prove her mental illness.

Wanting to verify it, Yang Hong was very cooperative.

So, Xu Sheng wanted to give it a try.
"If I secretly replace the subsequent framework with someone that no one else realizes, will it be able to go on smoothly?"

As Xu Sheng was speaking, Li Sheng beside him seemed to be thinking about something, then paused.

He pointed at himself.

"So you called me secretly and asked me to find someone with a white coat to pretend to be a psychiatrist when I came?"

"You even found a suitable excuse to get Captain Fu out?"

"Yes, I want to try to see if a person who has nothing to do with a doctor can get the correct answer through hypnosis."

Mr. Xu did not refute and just nodded.

To solve a criminal case, several veteran policemen would have to scratch their heads and lose a lot of hair before they could get the answer.

And this case seemed to be progressing smoothly even with a three-year-old child!
During the whole process, they only conducted the most basic investigation by visiting the site.

Any subsequent information is based on the conversation between Wang Bao and Zhang Yong!

"That's it?"

Li Sheng raised his eyebrows. He was in a pretty good mood. He had just arrived in Linhai City for a few dozen minutes, but he had already made a great contribution by stealing peaches like a monkey, and directly identified the murderer!

So I am quite curious about the clues of the investigation.

"Nothing else? You called me earlier."

"At that time, she should not have been led away by the nose. The police probably had not yet finished interviewing the surrounding residents to collect evidence of Yang Hong's mental illness."

"How did you notice it before?"

"Because of a question."

"A question?"

Li Sheng was stunned.

"At the beginning of the case, when I first met Wang Bao and Zhang Yong, I asked Yang Hong for their information. She only gave me their names. When I asked for more specific information, she said she didn't know."

Xu Sheng spoke, bringing his thoughts back to the beginning of the case.

"Wang Bao and Zhang Yong have been renting this house for not just one or two days, but two years!"

"During this period, the surrounding residents all knew the personalities of these two people, but Yang Hong, as the landlord and who often inspected the floors, didn't know about it. This is suspicious."

“Now that I think about it, I realize.”

He paused, then suddenly changed the subject to another matter.

Looking at Li Sheng, he uttered a few words.

"Captain Li, have you ever heard the saying 'Hearing is believing, seeing is believing'?"

"I've heard of it." Li Sheng nodded. Almost everyone knew this sentence.

People are complicated. If they rashly hear something that does not conform to their own values, the first thing that will come into their mind is to question!
This emotion drives people to progress and develop civilization and technology bit by bit.

But similarly, if you take the initiative to find something that does not conform to your three views.
Then they won't think too much, but will directly choose to believe the 'facts' they see with their own eyes!
No matter how outrageous this matter is, they will choose to believe it!

for example.

The Earth is Flat.

Even after 24 years, there are still people who support the flat earth theory. These people have their own "self-awakening" thinking that leads them to search for such theories and then regard them as the truth!

At first glance, one would think that these people are not very smart, perhaps their brain is not fully developed, or their cerebellum is completely underdeveloped.

But I will trust!

As for Yang Hong's usage.
"He is the guide, guiding the police to find out the 'facts' themselves!"

"Looking at all the clues laid out by Yang Hong, they were all discovered bit by bit by the police!"

"She just planned it out in advance and hid these clues around herself. She didn't lead them out herself, but let the police investigate!"

Xu Sheng looked at Li Sheng and took a sip of tea.

Yang Hong is very smart. Although she looks simple and honest, her figure is as bloated as that of an old lady.

But it doesn't change the fact that she is very smart!

"This way, I can clear myself of 95% of the suspicion!"

"Because these clues were found by the police themselves, and Yang Hong never revealed anything from beginning to end, no one would think that Yang Hong was setting them up."

"Including conducting a psychological test on Yang Hong later!"

"These were all decided by the police. There was no external influence. Who would have thought of Yang Hong?" Hearing this, Li Sheng nodded thoughtfully.

Being too normal is also a kind of abnormality.

Being too smooth is also a kind of bad luck!

"So, you later thought of cheating Yang Hong?" Li Sheng suddenly asked, looking at Xu Sheng with a strange look in his eyes.


"The last time I visited the rest of the people, ostensibly to find evidence of 'whether Yang Hong had ever gone out.'"

"In fact, I was looking for, 'Who knows Yang Hong will come out!'"

Mr. Xu admitted it very frankly.

Although this kind of deep thinking does not match his sincere and sunny appearance, but.
It doesn't matter.

He doesn't care.

"If Yang Hong has a second personality, then the second personality that went upstairs that night must have been conscious."

"After the second personality made the murder plan, didn't he think that he would be caught?"

"If you get caught, you can totally reduce your presence."

“But unfortunately, except for the fifth and sixth floors, the other four floors all noticed Yang Hong’s action of going upstairs!”

"This is outrageous. It's impossible to do this unconsciously, unless it's intentional!"

There is an elevator in Unit 5, and there is no surveillance in the elevator.

There were no surveillance cameras or other residents on the sixth floor, so Yang Hong could completely hide herself as long as she made sure no fingerprints were left and was good at disguise.

Even if the second personality has flaws, it can't be so stupid.

Therefore, Xu Sheng guessed that the other party did it on purpose!
"Because it was intentional, these people realized that Yang Hong was patrolling."

"Because these people knew, the police immediately found Yang Hong."

"In addition, Yang Hong may have created some stereotypes about herself among people around her before or after the murder, so the second personality issue will become..."

"It's recorded in the files!"

Xu Sheng pinched the corners of his eyes. Breaking this pre-prepared trap took a lot of effort on his part.

If he hadn't realized something was wrong in advance, perhaps Yang Hong could have really disguised it.

"Second personality."

Li Sheng was silent. He understood Yang Hong's idea a little bit.

There are not many people living in the fifth unit, only a few dozen, and the surveillance outside can show the classification of the murderer.

Therefore, even if the police adopted the dumbest method and checked each person one by one, she would inevitably be exposed after killing someone. The only difference was the length of time.

She chose to fake a mental illness and then switch to a trial where she was sentenced to a mental hospital! ?

If he behaves well and cooperates, then as long as he is diagnosed with mental illness, he will be released in a few years.
"It's a good idea, but it doesn't work."

Mr. Xu smiled.

When he first realized something was wrong, he was thinking about the source of it.

By the time he felt everything was going smoothly, he had already figured out where the source was and what this type of sending and receiving material was like.

“Montage technique uses different images at the same time to enhance the impression and express emotions.”

Suddenly, a word came out of his mouth.

"What is montage?" Li Sheng was stunned. This kind of vocabulary is relatively unfamiliar to old policemen of this era.

"A filming technique that can be simply summarized as using different and fast shots to convey the same emotion."

"For example, a house looks cooler when viewed this way."

"But if you cut to three shots, the sound of the mother cooking in the kitchen; the greasy-haired father reading the newspaper with the TV on; and the floor full of toys and noisy children; and finally give a picture with all three shots in the same frame."

"In this way, the audience can immediately experience a sense of 'restlessness'."

Mr. Xu gave a brief summary.

“It’s a way of guiding thinking.”

This technique is very unique and is often seen in the hands of film and television masters.

The reason why it is unique is because
It can also be used to kill people!
"That's what Yang Hong is like!?"

Li Sheng pondered it carefully, and suddenly his expression froze, with horror showing on his face.

"Use actions that do not conflict with the case and take action in front of the people around you."

“And these actions can be very impressive!”

"Finally, when the police put these clues together, the originally fragile 'schizophrenia' was instantly rendered as if it were real!"

Li Sheng realized it later and found out that Yang Hong was a cunning person.

Xu Sheng nodded, which was considered as his agreement.

This method is difficult to investigate because it has no relevance to the case at all!
It's perfect for exonerating yourself.

Since Yang Hong set a trap for Xu Sheng.

Then Xu Sheng can also set a trap for Yang Hong!

Do you think everything is going according to your plan?
Well, this plan is mine!
"Captain Li, you have made an invaluable contribution to this case. Your acting is excellent!"

Xu Sheng patted Li Sheng on the shoulder.

Li Sheng’s acting skills were really good, at least he scared Yang Hong!

Just as Li Sheng was about to speak, the office door was suddenly pushed open.


(End of this chapter)

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