I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 219 This is simply immersive! [2-in-1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 219 This is simply immersive! [Two-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

Zhao Jian is a veteran insurance manager.

He graduated from a junior college, and as soon as he entered society, he knew that insurance would inevitably radiate to every household and even children in the future. However, when he graduated, in the 1980s, there were large numbers of people without insurance. In other words, this was an untapped market!

So, Zhao Jian entered the industry and quickly became a manager based on his abilities. In 80, his basic salary reached nearly a thousand.

Correspondingly, Zhao Jian has now interviewed countless, hundreds of candidates.

He has seen all kinds of reasons for joining the insurance industry, countless reasons for being late, and even the words used to sell insurance policies sound pretty much the same, which are basically the same words normally used by insurance personnel in the market.

I thought he would slowly rise to the top and then retire and live a stable life, but today.
Today, Zhao Jian is like a knife pulling the buttocks.
Opened his eyes!

Zhao Jian looked at the document handed to him by the interviewer. The moment he turned to the second page, a few lines of words appeared in front of him.

[In late August 2003, outside the film and television base, a dog with a human head and a stiff smile stood in the shadows, looking at passers-by. His eyes were weird and terrifying.]

Zhao Jian:???
'This horror story!? '

Zhao Jian's eyes twitched. It was the first time he met an interviewee who told horror stories to the interviewer.

Looking at the descriptions of people's tragic deaths, not only him, but also several interviewers around him were shocked and their eyes could not stop twitching.

"Hiss, is this file a story novel?"

"It doesn't seem right. Why does the writing feel weirdly heavy? It's like it was described based on something rather than imagined!"

"What does this have to do with insurance? Wait, is he threatening me?"

"Something's wrong. Why do I feel like this is a bit familiar? And this text doesn't seem to be a joke. There are so many details, it's even more detailed than some of the case files released by the police!"

“It’s like being there!”

Several interviewers showed strange emotions on their faces and were whispering to each other.

There was a hint of shock in the look he gave Wang Chao.

Especially Zhao Jian!

"In 03, that is, last year, at the end of August, at the film and television base. Why does it sound familiar?"

The intensity of Zhao Jian's breathing changed slightly, and his breathing became heavier.

He tapped the table unconsciously with his index finger, frowned, and became irritated unconsciously. He kept thinking until...
'Wait, a film and television base!?'

Zhao Jian was stunned and looked up at Wang Chao.

"This is an incident that I personally experienced, and it's only been nine months since May 1st."

Wang Chao’s deep voice sounded.

Most cases have confidentiality agreements to prevent leaks.

However, these cases are only half-completed or unsolved, and cannot be disseminated due to regulations, but those that have been solved and made public can be talked about.

Even the chef case is fine. The authorities don’t care about this kind of case which has no subsequent impact, but they will not take the initiative to make it public.

For example, the 'people and animals' in the imperial capital, that's not allowed. I can't reveal any details about the 'manor'. I can only say something vaguely related.

Wang Chao stared straight at the interviewers, making them feel uneasy and scared.

"This is the case of the human head dog!"

"A case that occurred in Jiangsan City was investigated in August or September last year. There were more than ten people involved!"

"Only one of the victims was guilty. The rest were implicated. There were men and women, young and old. They were all innocent and had never committed any crime. But one day, the murderer cut off their heads and then sewed them on the neck of a dog."

The corner of Zhao Jian's eye twitched, he was a little shocked, the corner of his mouth smacked his lips unconsciously, and his body leaned back.

Not only him, but also several interviewers around him were like this!
Well, just like the interviewees who were interviewed by the interviewers, they were also nervous.

"And guess what the process was for them to be involved in?"

Suddenly, Wang Chao asked back.

Zhao Jian was stunned and asked subconsciously, "What?"

"What is it? Nothing. It's just an unexpected disaster. There's no reason for it!"

Wang Chao said in a grim tone, "They just went to work as usual and took a bus!"

"They get up at five or six in the morning, work in the dark, and work hard at the construction site, all they think about is whether their families at home can have something good to eat."

"Working as a receptionist, I have to put on a fake smile for twelve hours, face all kinds of harassment, and live in fear of being fired. I dare not offend anyone."

After hearing these words, several interviewers who had worked their way up from the grassroots level and had worked in sales were a little moved.

They know how difficult it is to be at the grassroots level and how cautious one has to be.
Wang Chao, who was adding fuel to the fire and expressing his literary talent, suddenly changed his tone.

"And in this situation, these people died!"

"Workers died on the way to save money for their children."

"Women die on their way to becoming independent women."

"The child died on the bus on the way to school. The extra had been an extra all his life. He was just happy because he got a role by smiling, but he died before he could step into the door of his dream."

"The murderer and the first victim were just two homeless people who could be seen everywhere on the roadside. Before they died, they just wanted to pick up two plastic bottles to survive."

Wang Chao's words sounded like the whispers of a devil.

After a few words, the interviewers in front of him were suddenly a little confused. They subconsciously straightened their backs and tightened their abdominal muscles.

The victim did nothing, yet he was killed.
The murderer did nothing, but died suddenly.
I just got in a car, a normal car to go to work!

How many cars has the salesperson been on? How many roads has he walked?

Several interviewers were a little nervous, but it was okay, after all, I was still alive.

But Chaozi didn't let them go.

“They died suddenly, but where are their families!?”

"The family members are still alive!"

Wang Chao's tone changed again, becoming extremely tough and decisive.

"When workers die, children are left without a support system, families are left without a pillar of support, and mothers are left insecure. Working so many jobs will wear down one's health and significantly reduce life expectancy!"

"The receptionist who was the only daughter died, and her parents will have no one to take care of them in their old age. Even if they are in a nursing home, they will be bullied by the caregivers because they have no one to rely on."

"They are dead, but their families are still alive!"

"Their families are miserable, miserable as hell, their once happy families are on the verge of breaking up in an instant, without anyone to rely on, struggling to survive, but still unable to avoid falling into the abyss."

Wang Chao became excited and extremely radical, his voice ringing in everyone's ears.

Even the interviewee waiting outside the door couldn't help but raise his head and look inside through the blinds.

"But there is no reason for this scene!"

"It's not that nothing will happen if you're not wrong, and it's not that you can avoid it if you're too cautious!"

"Disasters are around everyone. Accidents will come to you suddenly without any preparation!"

"But what you are going to lose is your life and a broken family!"

These words made everyone present feel numb.

Several interviewees who were originally thinking about how to pass the interview showed horror on their faces.

It's never something that can be avoided by preparation!

Maybe they will be hit by a car when they go out.

Maybe they have nothing to do and are going back to school, and they might be hit by a car that makes a 360-degree detour on the way to school.

There is no reason, no logic, you can't predict it, but it will happen.

Regardless of status or wealth, no one from the interviewer to the interviewee knows whether they will be alive tomorrow or even this afternoon, but they know that if they die, it will be a huge disaster for the family.
"And now, it only costs a hundred, or even just a few dozen dollars, to avoid this disaster!"

Wang Chao suddenly spoke again, bringing everyone back to their senses.

"For a few dozen bucks, you can't see or touch what you buy, but it can buy you accidental protection for a year!"

"A few dozen dollars can buy a chance to survive in the future, and can also buy support for your loved ones to survive!"

Wang Chao looked at everyone and spoke in a calm and peaceful voice.

"A few dozen dollars is a lot, but I think death is more expensive."

Wang Chao looked straight at everyone, his gaze piercing through his eyes, through their skin, and staring deep into their souls!
"Perhaps, when something unexpected happens, you will regret not signing this list today."

The chilling question appeared again.

There were some sweat stains on Zhao Jian's head, his face was a little red, and he stared blankly at the man with a crew cut in front of him.

"This is a threat, right?"

'This must be a threat!?'

Zhao Jian looked at Wang Chao, his lips moving constantly, as if he wanted to say something but stopped, his face flushed red but he didn't say anything.

The interviewers around me were not much better.

These words made them feel like they would be hit by a car if they went out, and they might die at any time in the next second!
How ridiculous!?
Which insurance company would say this to customers?

Having said that, Zhao Jian did.
What does it mean to have a vague desire to buy one?

"Okay, although you took more than five minutes, I think your ability can bring a lot of long-term and stable customers to the company."

Zhao Jian's scalp tingled. He wanted to end the interview and check his insurance.

"Your pitch is great, I think I can go in"


Before he could speak, Wang Chao's expression became determined again.

Zhao Jian:???
"Please continue to flip through the documents I gave you!"

"I think that just one example is not enough to make you feel the importance of insurance!" Wang Chao said firmly.

And. And! ?
Zhao Jian was a little confused, but he still endured the tingling scalp and continued reading.

On the next page, there were a few big words written.


Superboy's intimate note:
[The merchants you meet and the passers-by you see may all be well prepared to turn you into a delicacy! ]

Zhao Jian: Fuck!

Other interviewers: Fuck!

Superboy's intimate note:
[You may be walking on the side of the road, and soon you become a delicious meal in someone else's stomach. ]

Zhao Jian:.
Other interviewers:
'Happy Circus'

Intimate Note:

[Have you ever seen a juggler? Perhaps, if you do nothing, someone will take you away and train you in juggling skills.]

The papers turned one by one.

I have seen examples one by one.

Zhao Jian's expression changed from horror to numbness, and from numbness to shock, and finally to a chill in his heart.

They stopped talking.

Then it's Chaozi's turn to speak!

"Accidents are everywhere, and dangers are everywhere. How much can a few dozen dollars of insurance pay? Do you think that in this life-threatening situation, getting that little money is worth it?"

Wang Chao said seriously:
"Do you think that exchanging your life for a family that can barely get enough food and clothing is worth it!?"

"Since they are all going to die, why not let the children eat more and live better!?"

"Since you've already decided to buy it, why not add a few dozen dollars? If something goes wrong, you'll get more than a few dozen dollars. So what impact will these few dozen dollars have on you?"


Wang Chao threw away the cheap insurance service that the interviewer handed to him.

He looked around the table and a more expensive one popped out.

Then I handed it to several interviewers.

“I personally recommend that you buy this!”

Good guy, I told you to sell cheap ones, but you just increased the difficulty and sold expensive ones.
Looking at his sincere expression, the interviewer was stunned.

To be honest, in a normal interview, if the candidate is asked to sell something, the interviewer usually does not have the desire to buy.

They just look at the person's thinking and whether he has the ability to eat into the market and get customers to buy.

but now.
Zhao Jian really wants to buy it!
I wasn't persuaded by Wang Chao.

He felt that he had been threatened, but the problem was that the other party did not seem to be threatening him. He just took out a bunch of data and put it in front of him.


Zhao Jian took a deep breath, then looked at the person in front of him with sharp eyes.

this man
The sales tactics are simply terrifying!
Without giving you time to think, the data of nearly a hundred deaths and hundreds of victims are smeared in your face!

Just standing there without playing any tricks is enough to make people terrified.

"Mr. Wang, right?"

"Welcome to join our insurance company!"

"I believe that you will be able to make Jiangsan City's insurance industry bigger and stronger, and even lead our branch to a whole new level!"

As he spoke, Zhao Jian put the insurance policy away carefully.

"After you sign up, I will be your first customer."

Zhao Jian was not joking.

He was really scared.
He had lived in Jiangsan City for decades, but he had no idea that so many things had happened secretly in less than a year!
In particular, he had been to the film and television base and took the bus on the road where the victim died!


Wang Chao scratched his head. He felt that what he said was quite standard.

After all, the scene was not brought to them. If one of them died on the spot, I guess all of these people would come to him to buy their property.

On the first day of work, it is not difficult to break the monthly performance record!

"Okay, Mr. Wang, you must come!"

Zhao Jian looked excited.

Wang Chao gave a nonchalant smile and slowly walked out the door.


The moment the door closed, Chaozi couldn't hold it anymore and said excitedly:

"Brother Xu, do you think I'm hanging?!"

Mr. Xu:?
(End of this chapter)

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