I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 270 The criminal described as 'simple'! [3-in-1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 270 The criminal described as 'simple'! [Three-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

There is a very famous name in the drug world, called "Two Lions Stepping on the Earth".

This is not a single drug, not heroin, cocaine, marijuana or anything like that, but a brand.

For example, a brand of shoes does not produce just one type of drug, but a wide range of drugs!

They produce any kind of drugs!
In the eyes of drug traffickers, they are the authority and the bosses in the drug world!

As long as the goods come from Shuangshi Stepping on the Earth, in their eyes it means that the quality is absolutely good enough, and no matter how much goods there are, they will be divided up.

This is the effect of the brand.

This thing is a headache for the whole world, and its source is the so-called mian dian, well, that is the habitual kidney of the person, or the thing used for electronic fraud.

In the beginning, he used high-purity heroin to create a name for the Twin Lions Stepping on the Earth.

And now.
Someone wants to give the RMB of the East a brand label like this! ?

"external factors?"

Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes, with a myriad of thoughts in his mind.

If this counterfeit money case involves external factors, such as political conspiracy
When the task arises, the so-called three attentions are completely sufficient!

If there were no external factors, it would be enough.

Don't say anything else.

As long as they circulate a small portion of the goods.

As long as they carry hundreds of thousands of counterfeit bills through customs and go abroad, they will not be able to remove this label in the short term.

In other words.
Their goods are enough to bring shame to the Eastern RMB!

"I'm not sure. You'll have to ask Captain Li."

The forensic doctor shook his head and looked at Li Sheng beside him.

He is just a forensic doctor, responsible for testing and investigating the body for clues. Now that there is no body, he can only do the testing.

"My initial suspicion is that it was foreign forces."

Li Sheng was silent for a moment, then spoke, his expression extremely serious at this moment.

"At least, this new type of drug has never appeared in the Six Continents Province in the past ten years!"

"Logically speaking, drugs, like counterfeit money, will improve, from being of coarse quality to becoming of higher quality bit by bit!"

"But these things didn't. Instead, they achieved results in leaps and bounds!"

"Do you understand what I mean?"

for example.

Take a country as an example.

If a small country that is so poor that it has no money at all is squeezed by other countries all day long, its best equipment is the AK47 that has been eliminated by other countries, and it may even be a pirated one.

At this time, he suddenly took out dozens of missile vehicles and rocket vehicles.

At the same time, controlled nuclear fusion technology was also developed.

So, do you think this is normal?

That's not normal, so how did he get it?
There is only one answer.
“Someone shared a certain skill with them behind their back!?”

Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes. The process of making drugs is not difficult. The difficult part is that you know this process, and then you can gradually improve it based on this process to improve the quality of drugs.

"Then the RMB was bundled with drugs!?"

Wang Chao's face looked a little ugly. He now felt an unknown fire burning in his chest.

"Damn, these bastards!"

What will be the consequences if RMB becomes a new type of drug?
The consequences are dire!

First of all, the international image of the East is that of a good guy. If you hear that the currency in circulation in the East, RMB, is a globally branded drug, does this image of a good guy still exist?

At the same time, the emotions of the people will become more intense!
The temperament of the Dongguo people is very contradictory. Under normal circumstances, they are relatively mild, but once something happens, they become radical among radicals!

The consequences of radical public opinion conflicts are series.

At the same time, this is not just public opinion.

The same is true for international public opinion!

The public opinion of a country lies in its image. If the official currency of the East, RMB, becomes a drug, what image does it have?

Or when others take out sticks, knives and other currencies for trading.

You took out RMB, and people asked you why you were using drugs for the transaction.
“Is this a strategic long-term conspiracy?”

Mr. Xu now has no idea where this trouble came from.

For a country, does this kind of public opinion have any negative impact other than a few words?


War of public opinion!

The war of public opinion is also a war, and so is the economic war. These things are no less effective than launching missiles!

for example.

Around the 90s, a big red bear died, and what was the final straw that broke the camel's back?
It is a public opinion coming from the Western countries.

Let’s not talk about whether this public opinion is true or false.

Big Bear believed it, and then the world's second most powerful country, a country that could compete with the West, was dragged down!

If it was false, then the Western Kingdom would have almost hastened the collapse of its old rival without having to fight a single blow.
If that were true, I guess Big Bear would die with regrets.

"Let's check the port first!"

Xu Sheng thought for a moment and stopped considering it too much.

"Block the docks, block the ports!"

"Investigate the surrounding area thoroughly to find out why the first batch of 'counterfeit money' appeared half a month ago!"

After a few orders were given, Xu Sheng was about to head towards the port.

Several voices came from the intercom.

This made him pause slightly.

Then he turned around and walked in another direction.

A moment later, Xu Sheng saw several familiar faces at the Jiangsan City Public Security Bureau.

"What's going on? What happened in Jiangsan City?"

Sha Yuan, who had just left last month and came back this month, frowned. He had just got off the car when he happened to meet Xu Sheng who had rushed to the Municipal Bureau.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"What happened?"

He only received an order and directly ordered to bring the remaining groups of people to Jiangsan City.

Wow, three teams are investigating one case together!

Sha Yuan has never experienced such a thing in his life. This is the first time.

Mr. Xu didn't say anything.

He paused, then led his men to the city bureau's laboratory.

The Municipal Bureau naturally has forensic doctors now, otherwise they would not have asked people to bring some of the counterfeit banknotes to the Municipal Bureau before.

The information received by the Municipal Bureau at this time was the same as that received by the brigade's forensic doctor.


Mr. Xu put on gloves and a mask, and stood in the laboratory. He looked at Sha Yuan, thought for a moment, and then held up a two-yuan bill.

"This thing is sprayed with 20 micrograms of LSD hallucinogen."

"You don't need to use any specific inhalation techniques. You just need to hold it in your hand or stick it on your skin to complete the inhalation process!"

As he spoke, Xu Sheng shook the banknote, which looked like a brand new one, making a rustling sound.

A banknote.
Could it be drugs!?
Sha Yuan was stunned, but the next second, he turned his head sharply and looked at the countless currencies lined up on the side!
"all these are!?"

His pupils constricted as if he had thought of something.

LSD hallucinogen is one of the most powerful psychoactive drugs discovered by mankind so far, and the consequences of taking it are naturally predictable.

Only thirty micrograms are needed to make a person feel like they are in another universe within ten hours!
Thirty micrograms! Or even less after volatilization!

That's it, just put it on your skin.

Just a slight touch will complete a series of drug-taking processes. Even if you are innocent, it is useless to seal your mouth and you will still become addicted to drugs.

"That's right. The amount of hallucinogens hidden in the two yuan and five yuan bills is different."

Mr. Xu sighed and recalled the files provided by the forensic doctor.

“There are even different types of drugs!”

"For 'fake' notes of 20 yuan or less, the potency of the drug will increase as the amount increases."

"Give drug users the feeling that one person and twenty people are two completely different experiences!"

"And at 50, the toxicity is even stronger!"

Having said that, Xu Sheng paused, his eyes and brows revealed an unprecedented solemnity.


What is a composite form?
It can be roughly seen as several drugs condensed into one.

The most commonly heard 'ice' is a compound drug that is highly toxic and sells very well all over the world.

Why does this happen?

Because drug addicts don’t feel satisfied!

Their initial intake of 1 gram gave them great pleasure, but now they only get a little pleasure even if they take a dose that is close to death.

In order to pursue the ultimate experience, I thought of a way.

Taking multiple drugs at once!
Hot-selling products such as heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana, etc., are smoked once and then given the ultimate experience!

And now, this counterfeit 100 yuan bill
“That’s the principle.”

Xu Sheng opened his mouth and spoke slowly.

"Not surprisingly, they used the denominations of the counterfeit bills to classify the drugs and set different prices."

for example.

Suppose, if heroin is less toxic, then it would be five yuan.

And LSD is more toxic, so its price is fifty yuan.

The selling prices of the two types of counterfeit banknotes are naturally very different.

The former may sell for one thousand, while the latter can sell for five thousand!
Almost instantly.

Sha Yuan's face immediately turned gloomy.

He finally understood why he came to Jiangsan City.

Logically speaking, it is quite normal for the case involving the dispatch of three national security teams to be handed over to the military for takeover.

But the problem is that this kind of case is not suitable for using the military.

It is suspected to be caused by external factors!

If we mobilize the army, we may accidentally come into direct conflict with the other side, which will lead to a greater disaster!

Therefore, the police and national security became the best things.

For example, in the incident between Snow Island and the British Cod, Snow Island exploited a bug and used the police, leaving the other party helpless.

For example, the country where a certain mustache guy lives cannot have an army after being defeated in a war, so they have one million police officers, which can be considered a bug.

"Heh, you're selling drugs in the East Country, and you dare to do this?"

"I really don't know how to write the word 'death'!" Looking at the pile of counterfeit money around him, Sha Yuan's face darkened.

"Check the recent movements of the National Security Bureau and whether the drug enforcement police have recently chased anyone around the customs."

"The drugs in Jiangsan City appeared too abruptly!"

"There are even ordinary counterfeit bills that have not been sprayed with drugs. There are too many of them. Even if it is to confuse people, it is not done this way."

Xu Sheng pondered for a moment and spoke solemnly.

He suspected that this drug case was most likely the result of some accident that had happened before!
"has a problem!"

"The sudden large-scale spread is definitely a problem!"

"These drugs are money. Even if there are external factors involved, it can't be that all drug dealers are outsiders, right!?"

"Drug dealers, you all know their nature."

What is the nature of drug dealers?


Many drug dealers produce and sell their own drugs, and they sell them themselves and also take them themselves.

Don't you feel bad about suddenly releasing so much high-quality "counterfeit money"?

It must be painful!

They would secretly keep some of it, but at the moment, it seems that the other party has no intention of keeping it.

The currency circulating in just one seafood market is nearly 100,000!

You know, the denominations are not all one hundred, most of them are a few yuan.
A few dollars, when put together, becomes nearly 100,000 dollars!


Sha Yuan suddenly thought of something.

Close to the sea, suspected to have been raided, large-scale scattering among the people
That's customs!

"Yes, my initial guess is that he was being tracked down at the port and had no choice but to do this."

Mr. Xu nodded.

Many drug traffickers like to transport drugs at sea.

Three reasons.

It’s not easy to get caught at sea!
It is easy to escape at sea. As long as the motor is turned on quickly, they can run faster than anyone else without positioning and monitoring.

Third, when they are discovered at sea and cannot escape, they can quickly throw the drugs into the sea, and when the drugs enter the sea, nothing will be left.

"'Counterfeit money' doesn't sink!"

Xu Sheng spoke up and gave the other party a reminder.

Sha Yuan paused, then suddenly realized.

Since the counterfeit money is real money, there is no way it can sink in water!

Even if you have a bunch of money tied up, it won't sink.

If you want to destroy it, you have to burn it.

However, the speed of burning a lot of money
Don’t think burning paper is fast!

People in the countryside must have visited someone’s grave and burned yellow paper money. You probably know how long a pile of paper money can burn, right?

Not only that, we also have to worry about whether some damaged banknotes will be blown away by the wind and later discovered by the police.

In contrast
"So, instead of taking advantage of people's greed, it's better to just throw them on the road?"

Sha Yuan's heart moved.

"Like that kid?"

"Money is on the road. Even if the child is not greedy, if he is an adult, he will almost certainly pick it up. And if he picks it up, it will inevitably be contaminated with drugs!"

"But for drug dealers, it doesn't matter whether they are involved or not."

"What the drug dealers want is for them to take it away and then hide it!"

Banknotes with less toxicity will not easily make people addicted to drugs.

But here comes the problem.
You are at home and suddenly feel dizzy and have never taken drugs through your mouth or nose.

Would you suspect that you are addicted to drugs or feel that you have a fever or are sick?
The probability is the latter.

In this case, naturally no one would call the police to report drugs.

Eastern people are very suspicious of drugs, but you also have to have "suspicions" that are consistent with your cognition!
Cash, which everyone has and spends on a daily basis, suddenly becomes a drug. No one will consider it in this way. Even if you tell the other party, some greedy people will still think you are cheating them and secretly take the money away.

Not to mention.
“There are many elderly people in the neighborhood, so it’s difficult for the police to collect them.”

Mr. Xu sighed.

Hearing this, Sha Yuan also felt troubled, "We have to find a way to collect these things."

It is not an insult to say that the quality of the elderly in Dongguo is relatively low, but it is indeed true.

It is hard for people who have experienced a period of material scarcity to not have low quality.

If they find money or eggs on the street, they will definitely take them away. Even if the police say they are drugs, they will not hand them over but will think of "saving" them because they think they may need them someday.

It's just as weird as storing plastic bags.

"Forget it, let's assign some police forces to carry out the confiscation work, and the rest of the people will come with me to cooperate with the anti-drug police and national security personnel to check the customs!"

Xu Sheng shook his head, clearing the excessive worries from his mind.

The two of them hit it off immediately, and while the contact person was checking, they drove to a certain area.

As long as you are an enlightened Oriental, you will understand the shame of more than a hundred years ago.
Almost all of them will ban drugs completely!

The authorities do the same thing. In their eyes, there is zero tolerance for poison. If you dare to touch it, they will kill you!
This represents a shame, a shame hanging over the head of a great country, a shame that still makes people angry when it is mentioned even after so much time has passed.

A great country was destroyed by a bunch of drugs.

Being toyed with like a piglet, divided up
This led to the sacrifice of countless predecessors, resulting in the lack of forward equipment, and the only way to fight was with millet and rifles, and planes and tanks. The battles were extremely heroic.
The battle was won, and how was it won despite such a huge difference in equipment?

Filled with human lives!
How can this not be hateful?
It's hateful.

When Xu Sheng arrived at the port, it had already been temporarily controlled.

“Is there any recent list of suspicious ships?”

Xu Sheng glanced at the scene around him and frowned.

The port can be regarded as the boss of the dock. This place is really too big.

Various ships, various containers, various personnel movements!
How can I find one out from here?
I can’t find it. I can’t find it at all!
If there was a suspicious ship, it would have been detained long ago. By then, nothing would be found on it, so it would naturally no longer be a suspicious ship.

"No, our people have already contacted the Coast Guard."

Sha Yuan shook his head and changed the subject in another direction.

It is known that the current information shows that the other party is spreading this drug "counterfeit money" on a large scale and in an unorganized manner, and also leaving phone numbers on it to make drug users disappear.

So, based on human nature, something must have happened to the other party, which made him throw away the counterfeit money in a hurry!

what's up?

When it comes to matters involving their own lives, the greed of poisonous insects is such that unless their own lives are at stake, even their wives and children are not as important as these goods!
Who can threaten drug addicts? The police!

Where are they now? Where was the first area in Jiangsan City where counterfeit banknotes appeared?
Jiangsan City, coastal area!

When integrated together, it becomes the Coast Guard!

"The phone number on the counterfeit bill is no longer reachable, and it is impossible to accurately locate the other party."

Sha Yuan thought for a moment and said, "It is initially speculated that the other party may have reacted to the police's actions, so the card number was destroyed. We are currently tracking the area where the card was issued."

Phone cards need to be purchased in a physical store. Although private information such as ID cards are not required, there is a possibility that the surveillance cameras in the store may capture the other person's face!
However, the time is too short and they haven't found it yet.

Of course, it is also possible that they want to expand the market, and after selling the "counterfeit money", what should customers do if they still want to buy it but have no channels? So they engraved contact information on the first batch of goods, this brand new drug, to facilitate the next purchase.

"The other party was chased by the coast guard for a while and was short of manpower. Did he use poison to control his subordinates?"

Sha Yuan thought for a moment, frowned, and asked a question.

How do drug dealers recruit people?
One is to not take drugs, and it must have a very strong message.

The other type is drug addicts. This type does not require any trust. After all, drugs themselves can completely control a person!
As for why the missing people did not tell their families that they were working outside before disappearing,
Maybe the person who said it didn't call the police?
Those who called the police never said anything!
"Are these people still in Jiangsan City?"

Xu Sheng's thoughts flashed and he immediately realized something.

If the other party wants to transport drugs by sea, it is normal to lose the goods no matter where they are.

But the missing persons can dial the number and quickly go to a certain area. If the other party is not in Jiangsan City, but in the south, thousands of kilometers away, there is no reason for them to leave these numbers and allow them to get through.

Of course, it could also be the second guess just now.

That is, this is the other party's purchase number, and the missing person becomes the buyer. He then goes to purchase the goods. If he has no money, he will most likely become a running dog of a drug addict.

But no matter what, distance is a problem. If you want to find it quickly, you must be close!

These days, trains take thousands of kilometers to travel, which would probably have caused drug addicts to become addicted.

"By the way, what did the missing person search for in the house before he disappeared?"

Wang Chao, who was looking at the port curiously, suddenly thought of something.

"All the money in the house disappeared, and some even seemed to have borrowed money from their neighbors, which means they left with the money!"

In later times, 1 gram of heroin was sold for 600 yuan, while the cost was less than 20 yuan.

The current 'counterfeit banknotes' are of higher quality and their prices must be higher as well!
And how much should you smoke in a day?
Normally, the initial dose of poisonous insects is 4 grams per day, and the poisonous insects that can disappear.
The initial guess is ten grams a day.

If they want to have fun, they’ll need six thousand a day, sixty thousand in ten days, and nearly two hundred thousand a month!

So, at this price, the other party rummages around the house and then disappears?

“Why do I feel that this sales method is very simple?”

Sha Yuan suddenly stopped and frowned, feeling that there was something wrong here.

The sales model is too simple.
Even the first shipment was discovered and the drugs were thrown away!
This is probably too inexperienced.
What’s even more incredible is that there are still sales calls left!

Drug dealers, their sales methods are kept secret among the most confidential!
The other party is openly in front of him

It was the first time that Sha Yuan described a drug dealer as simple and honest.

It's like a group of people who knew nothing invented the world's top drug for the first time.
"What if this is really the first time for these drug dealers?"

Suddenly, Xu Sheng seemed to have thought of something and he narrowed his eyes.

"As for the source of drug production, we previously speculated on external factors, that is, people from other countries. If these people seek cooperation from drug lords, do you think they will cooperate?"

Will do.

But this is based on the fact that the drug carrier is not RMB!

Drug dealers are smart, smarter than many people, and those who can survive the East Country's sweeping crackdown are not stupid.

These people must realize that once they get involved, they will become victims of the conflict between countries.

If that's the case, then there will be no cooperation.

"But what if the other party is a group of people who have little drug knowledge and are politically minded?"

“Will these people cooperate when faced with high stakes?”

There is a saying that goes well.

Those who don’t know are fearless!
"Is this scene appearing now?" Sha Yuan suddenly paused, and various characters emerged in his mind.

"There's a money printing factory, drugs, cargo transportation, and a place to accommodate drug addicts. It's likely that this place is not small."

Xu Sheng murmured.

After a long while, he suddenly stopped and a picture emerged in his mind.

One likes to have his crops harvested.
A figure planting something good.

"Ask the Coast Guard for the files!"

(End of this chapter)

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