I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 271 Found it! [3-in-1 monthly ticket request! ]

Chapter 271 Found it! [Three-in-one monthly ticket request! ]

The coast guard force in 04 was not very strong. After all, not long ago, the East was still a weak country that had to use land artillery on ships and was forced to fight the enemy.

But in just 20 years, 24 years later, the East Coast Coast Guard.
Become the second in the world!

Well, it is possible that it is the first. After all, it has never been fully demonstrated and there is no way to determine its true combat power. But looking at those fleets, its strength is definitely not weak.

But in 04.
The coast guard is quite average, and most of the resources are with the air force.

However, resources are resources and archives are archives!

“Transnational smuggling?”

"A few months ago, we were alerted by the diplomatic service that a batch of low-quality counterfeit banknotes were circulating around the world."

"We conducted a detailed search and confirmed one of their sales routes a month ago, but when we were about to make a move half a month ago, they suddenly disappeared."

The next day, at 7:30 in the morning.

Mr. Xu stood along the coast, holding a mobile phone in his hand, frowning as he listened to the voice coming from the other end of the phone.

"The counterfeit money that appeared a few months ago?"

"Yes, this batch of counterfeit banknotes appeared in large quantities in various small countries. We suspected that they were smuggled from the country, and then we investigated the coastal areas for a long time before we found them."

If the official currency of the East is counterfeit, then as a Dongguo person, you can almost tell the difference at a glance when you see a relatively crude counterfeit banknote.

Then the problem is coming.

What if I gave you a Western banknote?
That’s right, it’s fake money from the West. Can you tell it’s fake money?

You can't tell the difference because you are not familiar with it at all. Unless it is extremely poor, you won't know what the problem is even if you feel something is wrong.

People in the East cannot recognize counterfeit money from the West.

The same reason.

Westerners cannot easily identify counterfeit currency from Eastern countries!

As a result, a large amount of counterfeit currency was sold abroad.

“When did the missing persons appear?”

Mr. Xu suddenly asked something that most people already knew.

"Half a month ago, that's when the first group of missing persons disappeared."

"Does that mean that they only mastered the production process half a month ago?" Xu Sheng frowned.

Hearing this, Sha Yuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"When did the counterfeit money itself appear?" Xu Sheng asked again.

"About three months ago." A voice came from the other end of the phone.

"That is to say, the other party started selling counterfeit money three months ago, and half a month ago, the other party started selling 'counterfeit money'. So, we can conservatively estimate that the other party produced the chemicals a month ago."

"That is to say, three months."

Xu Sheng paused, looked at the people around him, and said something that made everyone present silent.

"The other party has completed everything from purchasing raw materials to making counterfeit banknotes, and at the same time has been able to open a sales line?"

How long will it take to establish a stable domestic sales line?

Putting this aside, just to make the perfect banknote, even if you succeed in one go, it will take you a month!

The sales line was even slower. No one dared to buy or sell easily. No one was sure whether the other party was the police's probe. It was normal for a transaction to take a month and for mutual investigation and scrutiny.

But the other party.
However, in a short period of time, just three months, they were not only able to produce counterfeit money, but also had a sales line that could sell counterfeit money on a large scale!

The most important thing is to find time to make this
That's a bit exaggerated.

The other party can't be all elites, right?

Everyone is good at chemistry and chemistry, and also has a super high IQ?


The things left on the counterfeit banknotes and the fact that the counterfeit money was discovered and cracked down by the police in a short period of time prove that these people are not very smart.

However, the other party's development speed is so fast.
Then there is only one reason.

"Cross the river by feeling the stones!?"

Sha Yuan was stunned. He knew how the East Country developed and why it developed so fast.

They follow the lead of the Eagle Sauce, do whatever the Eagle Sauce does, and design whatever the Eagle Sauce designs.

But the essence is that someone can use it as a reference for themselves and put themselves in this case.
“Someone is giving them guidance!?”


Sha Yuan spoke quickly and uttered two words.

Someone must have paved the way for them so that they can move so fast and so steadily!

"A plate?"

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to have heard something extraordinary. His voice was a little high-pitched, and his tone was filled with heaviness.

"Are you sure!?"

"This counterfeit money case involves a plate!?"

Economy has always been a priority for all countries.

Doesn’t it seem childish and lame that one’s own country makes counterfeit money for a hostile country as a means of economic warfare?
But, in fact, this thing is very useful!

At that time, Little Mustache used this trick to beat the neighboring Sun Never Sets so hard that his face turned red. He wanted to pick up a knife and kill him in Little Mustache's bedroom.

“It’s not an economic war, it’s a war of public opinion. They want to tie RMB to addiction.”

Xu Sheng began to explain solemnly, and the other party was speechless for a moment.

The Eastern Kingdom has a longer-term strategic vision and likes to use tactics such as slowly boiling a frog, forming alliances, and making friends with distant countries and attacking nearby ones.

There are two requirements for this kind of move. First, your own strength cannot be weak, which Dongguo has achieved.

Second, the international image cannot have any major stains. Even a small stain may greatly affect efficiency.

And what is public opinion?
Public opinion is image!

In the past 20 years, except for a few old colleagues, the whole world thinks that Dongguo is a good guy. Even Dongguo netizens think that he is too friendly, and the irritable people even angrily criticize him for being too cowardly. This is public opinion.

Right now, there is something in this case that can cast a dark spot on public opinion.
"Why did you catch these bastards!?"

Wang Chao didn’t think so deeply about it.

He simply felt uncomfortable when he heard the word "plate", and he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't punch them twice.

"There are no clues. All we know now is that the bills are fake, and there is no identity information of those bastards left in the laboratory."

Sha Yuan sighed and frowned.

It is really difficult for him, a man born in the military, to solve the case.

But unfortunately, during this year, he was involved in various criminal cases. The process was extremely painful and gave him a headache, and his hair became much thinner.

"At present, we can only judge that the other party may be in Jiangsan City based on the disappearance of the missing person."

"But Jiangsan City has a population of 10 million. How can we check this?"

Jiangsan City currently has a population of nearly 10 million and an absurdly large land area. We can't just do a carpet search.
Or it is based on the fact that the other party is very likely to have discovered something and has taken precautions!
"Clues, or lack of clues."

Li Sheng sat on the public chair and murmured.

He hadn't slept for the past two days, and his eyes were red. He had collected a lot of information, but none of it was useful or could directly advance the case.

How to check?
I knew that the other party might be a counterfeit money dealer.
How can this information be traced back to the other party?!

The other party has not been very active in Jiangsan City at all. The road ahead has already been paved by that bunch of dishes, and they are being fed bit by bit. Their target market is the international market!
Since it is international.

Then keep a close eye on international investigations!
"Which country?"

Mr. Xu pondered for a moment and asked the person on the other end of the phone.

The coast guard thought for a moment, then said:
"It is not known which country it is, but the information about the counterfeit money was provided by the Northland."

Reminder from the North?
Then Xu Sheng probably knew who it was.

“Has anyone been caught internationally in the counterfeit money sales ring?”

The Coast Guard was able to make a breakthrough in this counterfeit money case and forced the other party to abandon the goods, but it was impossible for them to make such a breakthrough relying on just one word from the North Country.

At least, the other party has to catch someone!

"We caught them. They are a resource trafficking company in the West. They have a lot of foreign exchange from the East and have used counterfeit banknotes to conduct many international transactions. This company helped a lot when counterfeit banknotes were first circulated internationally."

The coast guard spoke up and retrieved the company's files.

It's really a Western country.
Sha Yuan narrowed his eyes.

There is something wrong with the selection system in Western countries. There is collusion between officials and businessmen. Having money means power, and power means having money. The relationship between companies and politicians is like that of master and servant, or partners, with common interests.

If a Western company suddenly targets a certain country, then there is a high probability that the Western government is behind it!
"Didn't you investigate further?" Sha Yuan asked.

If we can directly trace back to the Western mainland from this company, then this case will not be so difficult. We can just condemn the other party directly!
"There is no evidence." The coast guard sighed.

"They didn't make counterfeit money locally, but had it made in some places in the East Country. Strictly speaking, they can still be considered victims!"

Some very unnecessary processes are actually all about clearing oneself.

Just like these counterfeit banknotes, they can be made in the East and the West, but the problem is that they make them directly, so their nature has changed.
On the contrary, if the people of the East make their own counterfeit banknotes, there is no way to hold them accountable even if the whole world knows the reason.

Mr. Xu didn't care about this.

This is normal. It would be disgusting enough if the other party used counterfeit currency to purchase resources from the East Country.

His attention is on.
"Which company!?"

"Is it a company in the coastal area?" Xu Sheng thought for a moment, "What's the amount?"

"What is the initial estimate of the amount of counterfeit money?!"

The coast guard was a little overwhelmed after hearing so much information and only responded after a little thought.

"It's a Western company that sells raw materials. Its address is in the coastal area."

“As for the amount of counterfeit money.”

"8 million counterfeit banknotes have been found so far!"

8 million counterfeit bills
This is because the other party is not focusing on the economy, but on the public opinion created by this thing!
The key is
“We didn’t find out which route this sales line was delivered from!”

The deep voice of the coast guard sounded.

"We searched various trade routes within the territorial waters, even some cargo ships, and some uninhabited areas."

“But there are no clues.”

"If we hadn't found out from that company that the counterfeit money originated from Jiangsan City, and secretly planted a lot of people nearby with a try-it attitude, we wouldn't have achieved any results."

"But even so, because the information was not accurate enough, they still disappeared without a trace."

Eight hundred million in counterfeit money.

What kind of waves will it cause when it circulates internationally?
To be honest, this amount of money is relatively small and won't cause much trouble.

But the problem is.
Someone was selling goods, but someone else used counterfeit Dongguo currency to buy them. Then he wanted to use the counterfeit currency to conduct transactions in Dongguo.

So, after the counterfeit currency is detected, will Dongguo continue to use it as real currency, or will he directly tell the other party that it is counterfeit currency and he will not accept it?
If it is the former, then the counterfeit currency is indistinguishable from the real one, which would be a huge loss for the East Country, as it is giving away a lot of resources for nothing.

If it is the latter, and if the counterfeit money is found to be from one's own country, it is equivalent to one's own people cheating the other party of a lot of resources, completely making a profit out of nothing, and then telling the other party that they paid a lot of resources and got a pile of waste paper.
What would these people think? And how would they view Dongguo?
What if we use a small amount of real money to buy counterfeit money? Dongguo will still lose money!
Moreover, businessmen from other countries will also feel that they are losing out!
This is also public opinion. In the long run, not many people will do business with the East Country.

Just like in India, you can make a lot of money there, but unfortunately, India will never give you the opportunity to take the money away. In the long run, there are far fewer investors in India than investors in other countries!
However, Xu Sheng's focus is more peculiar than others.

"More than a million?"

Mr. Xu suddenly spoke, and the questions he asked left everyone puzzled.

How much?

A banknote is so light that you can't even feel it in your hand. Even if you stack ten of them together, there is no noticeable weight.

But what if you have a million dollars?
"23 pounds!"

Mr. Xu opened his mouth and gave an answer.

One million is 23 kilograms, which is about the weight of a bucket of water.

"Even if all the 18 million fake notes were -yuan notes, that would be tons!"

How to transport 18 tons of banknotes?
To be honest, there is no way to ship it abroad without sea transportation.

It cannot be transported by land, and it is even more impossible to transport it by air.

Although some people use airplanes to transport drugs or smuggle weapons these days, this approach is not feasible in the East Country.

Then it’s still sea transportation!

There is no way to transport 18 tons of banknotes to the West without putting them on a ship, and it has to be a cargo ship. An ordinary small yacht is not enough.

But the problem is.
"We have checked everything we can in the East Country's domestic territory."

"We checked all the routes that transport goods to the West. There are no suspicious ships. There are only a few smugglers, but they have nothing to do with the case."

On the other end of the phone, the coast guard frowned.

Weighing 18 tons, it cannot be transported except by sea.

But for shipping by sea, the coast guard checked everywhere but still couldn’t find it!
"Have you checked everything?"

Xu Sheng frowned.

"We've checked everything!" The coast guard hesitated, but still responded.

"Is it possible that there are some places you can't find?"

Xu Sheng paused and asked a question.

Unable to find the sea area?

high seas?

No, the high seas can also be checked. The nature of the high seas is a public area and anyone can go there, but there is no jurisdiction.

Just like, when you go to the park, you can sit on those public chairs and so can others, but can you carry them home?

You can't carry it, but you can go there and do it often, and you can also clean it from time to time.

The same is true on the high seas.

If it was in the past, it is likely that the high seas had not been checked.

But the problem is, not long ago, in the "unscrupulous and ruthless" case, the "surgical ship" on the sea was caught on the spot by the East Country in the East China Sea!

During this period, the East Country pays much more attention to the East China Sea than before.

Mr. Xu knew without a doubt that the coast guard must have checked the high seas. After all, they were able to track down a company along the coast of a Western country.

What if this area is not the so-called high seas?
"If this area is not the high seas, then what is it?"

Mr. Xu suddenly spoke.

The people around were stunned. When they saw Xu Sheng’s expression, they knew he was not joking. They immediately frowned and started thinking.

It is within the waters of the East Country, but there is no management right, or it has management rights but is unable to manage in detail?
To be honest, the probability of this happening is very small.

The Eastern Kingdom is still very stubborn. Whenever it comes to territorial issues, it will refuse to give up an inch, even in the sea.

Unless this place is the waters of another country.

For example, the Russian bear in the north has its ports that the East Coast Coast Guard has no way to manage, and it is even difficult to enter.

"The coast guard found out the starting point and the end point. The starting point is Jiangsan City, and the focus is Xiguo."

"There is no information in the middle of the line. In other words, the other party's location cannot be traced by the East Country at all!"

“Or it’s not easy to find.”

Xu Sheng spoke as he glanced at the people around him.

Sha Yuan seemed to have thought of something, his eyes twitched, but he didn't dare to say it.

"Remember that the route will not be discovered by the East Country. Then, Suo, with the other party's professionalism, can they accomplish such a task?"

What was accomplished?

Carrying 18 tons of counterfeit banknotes by sea, evading official inspections, achieving perfect covert transportation, and at the same time crossing kilometers to the waters of the West?
It's okay if the other person is smart and capable.

But the other party is obviously a makeshift team!

Xu even speculated that this case should not have happened so quickly.
It is very likely that their action half a month ago was to transport counterfeit money and conduct research and development at the same time, but they were blinded by greed and brought a batch of new products in advance and mixed them with counterfeit money for sale.

Xu Sheng even dared to guess that the person who made the dish didn't even know that his fact of making this thing had been exposed!
He may still think that he was just transporting counterfeit money and was noticed by the coast guard.
I just don’t know if those missing people will remind him after going to a certain area.


The other side is just a bunch of idiots!
A plate, and a bunch of idiots!
and so.

The other party’s ability is definitely not enough to accomplish tasks of this level.



He doesn’t have this ability, you know?!

But the other party still went to the Western Country through a channel. So who built this channel?

First of all, the other party can be divided into two categories of people.

One is Caotai steamed buns.

The second is the plate.

If the former doesn’t work, then it must be the latter!

Where could the plate be from?
There are three other countries in the world that are on the same stage as the East Country. The first country to be murdered is the East, and the one who informed on the crime is the North.

Beyond that, it is unknown who it is.

"Think along these lines."

"In addition to the previous speculation, this transportation channel route must start from Jiangsan City, and the area where it is located will not be discovered by the Coast Guard."

Mr. Xu continued to reason.

No message?

Then we can speculate from all aspects and create information out of nothing!
“A sea area that will not be discovered by the Coast Guard.”

"The place where the saucer is can be intervened."


No need.

As long as the other party has used a boat in this direction and in certain areas, they can find it!
The next day
Eight in the morning.

After 24 hours of non-stop search, the three departments of criminal police, maritime police and national security simultaneously searched some time points.
A message appeared in front of everyone.

"I found it!"

"There's a problem with a commercial cargo ship carrying cloth!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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