I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 92 Murder! The body was torn into pieces!

Chapter 92 Murder! The body was torn into pieces!

"What the hell?"

"I have already made the investigation plan, and you said this kid called the police!?"

Li Sheng was completely stunned.

To be honest, after he guessed that Wang Chao was abducted last night, he and Xu Sheng stayed up all night and started searching in the direction the other party left.

Now we have finally found the other party's whereabouts.

Even the reconnaissance plan has been prepared.

This guy called the police!

Then wouldn't the sleep they stayed up all night have been in vain?

"Where is he?"

Li Sheng asked with a dark face.

When Zhang Miu heard this, a serious look appeared on his face. This scene made Xu Sheng and Li Sheng realize that something was wrong.

"Wang Chao said something happened."

"What's the matter?" Li Sheng suppressed his emotions and said with a frown.

"Big case!"

Zhang Miu uttered two words slowly, his face full of seriousness.

"Zhangjia Village"

"Someone was torn to pieces!!!"


Everyone was stunned.

The next moment, Li Shengxu's face changed.

this means


Zhangjia Village belongs to Jiangsan City, a rural area on the fringe of the urban area.

However, this place is different from other rural areas.

Because it is close to the film and television base and has beautiful scenery, many people choose to shoot movies here.

Also, most of these films and TV series are related to ancient crafts.

Therefore, Zhangjia Village has gradually gathered many inheritors of intangible cultural heritage.

Such as shadow play, opera singing, tooth playing, etc.

"According to our survey."

"The victim's name is Sun Qiang, he is 62 years old, and he lives in a corner of Zhangjia Village. He usually makes a living by performing monkey shows."

"He has no children, and doesn't have many close friends. There's only one person in his village who would drink with him from time to time."

"Similarly, we didn't find any information about the other party's enemies."

At twelve o'clock noon, under the scorching sun, a group of policemen gathered in Zhangjia Village.

Zhang Miu was speaking while holding up the information he had obtained through field visits and investigations in a short period of time.

"How's the on-site investigation going?"

Li Sheng listened to the information silently, then looked up at the scene in front of him with a frown on his face.

What caught my eye was a field of corn, the corns were taller than people.

Of course, it can also be called a cornfield.

A cornfield in mid-October, and the time was exactly twelve noon.

The sun baked the ground, and the dazzling light made everything on the ground invisible.

The heat wave visible to the naked eye is blinding.

More than a dozen policemen in uniform were shuttling back and forth in the cornfield.

Cordon tapes surrounded the cornfield, and a shed was set up on the side of the road in the farmland, providing the police with a cool office space.

“The farmland survey is still ongoing and no useful information has been obtained yet.”

Zhang Miu glanced at the dense cornfield and sighed softly.

This is farmland.

September and October are the time for harvesting corn. The farmers in the nearby fields who are harvesting and looking here curiously can explain this well.

Of course, it is also because this time is harvest time.
This made the police's investigation work very difficult!
Anyone who has worked in the fields and harvested corn knows this.

When you break it, you have to wear long sleeves and cover your face. In this situation at noon in mid-October, you are like a human-shaped self-propelled steamer!

It's very hot, and it's normal for people to faint due to the heat.

But if you don't wear
The mosquitoes, the sun and the corn leaves will teach you how to behave!
These are not the most important.

The main thing is
"From what we can see so far, the victim's body was dragged into the center of the cornfield and then torn into pieces by the murderer and his companions. The body fragments were spread over an area of ​​10 meters, making it difficult to conduct an investigation."

Li Sheng murmured.

The victim was dragged into the center of the cornfield by a group of people and his body was torn into pieces.
What do you mean?
literal meaning!
The victim, Sun Qiang, was torn into pieces alive by a group of people!

Someone scratched a hole in his stomach with his hands.

The opponent's body was torn into thousands of pieces and thrown on the ground at random!

The body was minced into pieces, and the blood mixed with the soil.

Flies, ants, centipedes and other insects kept going in and out of the huge, rotten hole in his stomach.

Judging from the expressions on the victims' faces, all of this happened while they were still alive and conscious.
In other words, Sun Qiang died in agony!

"What did the murderer want to do?"

Li Sheng frowned, took a puff of cigarette, and then waved his hand to drive away the mosquitoes.

He couldn't understand why they were targeting an old man like this.

He was 63 years old. Why was he killed like this?
Killed someone?

"Boss, there is a new discovery!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded and Li Sheng came back to his senses.

He quickly ran to look at the person who was holding something and rushing out of the cornfield.

The man was a police superintendent, not too old, about thirty years old, holding a package stained with blood.


Li Sheng frowned.

That’s right, this thing is a bag, it should belong to the victim.

Several people opened the package.

There was only a stack of money and a few sets of clothes in it.

A total of more than 10,000 yuan, scattered here and there, probably earned from his monkey tricks in recent years.

But the other party only has this ten thousand.

"Take all your possessions and clothes"

Li Sheng was a little stunned. He looked up and looked at the remote farm road.

"Are you leaving? Leaving the village?"


"Did Sun Qiang notice something?"

Questions kept popping up in Li Sheng's mind, and the hot weather made him even more irritated. He waved his hand and asked the others to continue investigating the scene.

The police have been at the scene for too short a time and have not found any useful information.

There is no point in speculating at this point, so it is better to think about where the doubts are.

"Captain Li, where is Brother Xu now? I miss my brother."

In a trance, a voice sounded in Li Sheng's ears.

Li Sheng turned his head and saw that it was Wang Chao who was sitting on the ground with a sad face and a look of despair in his eyes.

"Mr. Xu has gone to investigate. You will be able to see him later."

Li Sheng said this and expressed his sincere emotion about it.

This unfortunate child was indeed abducted as they had guessed.

This guy had just walked out of the police station and was eating a bowl of noodles when he saw human traffickers kidnapping children.

Then he wanted to chase after him, but after only a few steps, he was discovered by the human traffickers, who came back to knock him unconscious and carried him away.

after that
"Are you sure that the trafficker who kidnapped you was abducted by a human trafficker?"

Although Li Sheng confirmed it many times, he still found it unbelievable and couldn't help but ask again.

"Yes, I remember it very well."

"The trafficker who abducted me brought me to the farmland behind Zhangjia Village and got off the car to go into the town to buy something to eat."

"After walking a few hundred meters, a van appeared at the edge of the village. Several men got out and abducted the three women and one man."

Thinking back on his own experience, Wang Chao couldn't help feeling aggrieved.

“It’s exactly the same scene as when I was kidnapped!”

"When I saw they were gone, I quickly got out of the car. As soon as I got out of the car, I smelled something wrong, but familiar."

"Then I followed the scent to the cornfield. I pushed aside the corn stalks when I saw a head facing me with its eyes dangling from its eye sockets and connected by optic nerves. When I looked up, I saw a piece of intestine hanging from the corn stalk in my hand."

Wang Chao couldn't hold it in anymore and tears appeared in the corners of his eyes.

"Captain Li, these bastards took me to a murder scene!"

"You have to help me get revenge!"

"I can't swallow this, it's so frustrating, wuwu"

“Why is my life so miserable? Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu”

Li Sheng:.
He looked at the crying Chaozi, his mouth twitched, and he was very silent.

Although he has listened to it many times, Li Sheng still feels a little nostalgic every time he listens to it.

He left the police station and was kidnapped by a human trafficker while eating a bowl of noodles. Then the human trafficker who kidnapped him was kidnapped by another human trafficker. When he got off the car, he found himself at the scene of an extremely serious criminal case and murder.
This experience is so fucking outrageous!
The experience of two or three days is more wonderful than that of others in their entire life.
But if it happens to Wang Chao, it is very normal.

Li Sheng quickly comforted the other party.

"Your brother Xu is visiting and will give you justice later."

"Besides, you've been through this four times, so you should be used to it."

It would have been better if he didn't comfort him. After he did, Wang Chao's already uncontrollable emotions instantly burst out.


Tears as big as beans flowed from the eyes of this man in his twenties.

But none of the dozens of police officers present dared to laugh.

There was even awe in his eyes!
People can live to this point.
In a sense, it is also a kind of talent!

At the same time, on Xu Sheng's side.

He and Han Yang are currently visiting.

The main behavior is to conduct certain investigations on the people around the victim.

"Is this the place where Sun Qiang has one of the few people who can barely be considered friends?"

Han Yang looked at the wooden door in front of him and said while touching his chin.

Mr. Xu nodded and knocked on the door.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Apart from the barking of dogs, there was no other sound in response.

Xu Sheng and Han Yang looked at each other.

The next moment, he increased the strength in his hands slightly.


The wooden door was pushed open.

Xu Sheng walked in.

Behind the door was a free-range dog that was not tied up. It was standing in front of its own kennel, grinning at Xu Sheng and Han Yang with its teeth bared.

"Tsk, this little dog is quite fierce."

Han Yang smiled.

Xu Sheng was about to agree, but the next second, he stopped.

I saw
Inside the doghouse, a blurry shadow appeared in his eyes.

This is a bone that has been gnawed. The shape of the bone is very strange, but it is hard to tell what the strangeness is. There are still some meat scraps left on it.

Xu Sheng paused and subconsciously looked at the dog bowl.

The bowl was very dirty. Apart from the dried food residue, there was not even a drop of water, let alone any fresh food.

I estimate that the other party has not been fed for at least four or five days.

But if no one feeds it and it can't get out
Where does it get the strength to shout like that?

Suddenly, Xu Sheng's face changed. He saw the coagulated brown sticky substance left on the dog's mouth.
In the air, there remains
A slight stink!

Without any hesitation, he turned his head to look at the main house, his face solemn, and walked forward.

He took three steps at a time and then kicked the door open.


The moment the door was opened
A stench that seemed to devour people's hearts was released, rushing towards them and suddenly swallowing up the two of them!

Compared to this smell, the smell of the garbage dump can be considered a 'fragrance'!
Xu Sheng stood at the door and watched silently.

The house is messy, and the source of the odor
Is it the intestines?
Xu Sheng shifted his gaze and looked at the torn and rotting intestines hanging on the table, surrounded by flies.

Or blood?

The flowing blood covered the entire ground. Before, the insects would be eager to taste this "sweet spring", but now it has dried up, leaving brown marks.

Or was it the minced meat that was smeared all over the room?
The whole house and the walls were splattered with blood.
Mr. Xu believed that the source of the stench should be the corpse leaning against the foot of the bed.

The corpse's limbs were ripped out.

A big hole was cut in the stomach.

The internal organs and intestines flowed all over the floor like water.
There were bite marks all over his body, and the ground was littered with chewed and spitted out flesh.

All kinds of insects kept flying into the man's opened stomach.

The white maggots were wriggling in the stomach, and through the hole, they were clearly visible.
这 是
The second body!!!
"Tsk, I'm late."

 I feel like this chapter might be deleted tomorrow at noon, and a lot of words will have to be deleted (scratching my head)

  This chapter is currently 18 pages long and contains words.

(End of this chapter)

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