I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 93 A brutal murder!

Chapter 93 A brutal murder!
If Sun Qiang was the only victim in this case, Li Sheng would not be worried.

But then the second victim appeared.
Two bodies!

All it takes to change the nature of the matter is one victim!
If there is a third body, the nature of the case will directly become a serial murder case!
This case
The last incident in Jiangsan City was called "human-headed dog".

If the case hadn’t been solved so quickly, the moment its serial nature was determined, the provincial capital would definitely have sent people to investigate and solve the case!

"Second body"

At two o'clock in the afternoon on October 11, Li Sheng came to the home of the second victim. He looked at everything in front of him and was completely silent.

Although the number of victims has not yet reached three, the nature of serial murder has not been determined.
But he didn't think that the case would result in only these two deaths!
If there was a third person, or even a fourth person, their bodies would also be torn apart like this, torn into pieces and smeared all over the room.
The impact on the residents was huge.

No one wants to be around this kind of person!
As long as the case is not solved, you will have to live in fear!

“And these clues.”

Li Sheng took a deep breath, frowned, and looked at the scenes in front of him.

The owner of this house is Zhao Guang.

He has no parents, children, or job. He just wanders around the village all day, playing chess and drinking tea.

But I didn't expect he died.
Such a tragic death!

The whole body's belly was hollowed out!

As you can imagine, the victim was lying all over the ground when he died.

The fishy smell in the house attracted a lot of flies, and even after it dried up, the flies continued to circle in the air.

The chewed pieces of meat were spit out on the ground, like a bubble gum or chewing gum, and the ants kept carrying and chewing them.

Blood spattered the walls, redecorating the thatched hut.

The broken organs were like decorations, stuck to the wall.

The key is
"Seventeen people."

Mr. Xu stood up in the house, his face full of emotion. He tiptoed carefully and then walked out of the door.

"After identification, excluding the victim and Sun Qiang's footprints, at least seventeen people have been in this room!"

He came to the door, next to Li Sheng, and said casually:

"in other words."

"There are at least seventeen murderers!"

The moment these words came out, Li Sheng's heart skipped a beat.

The corner of his eye twitched, and he looked at the tragic scene in the house in silence.

There were many footprints in the house.

The victim's blood flowed on the ground, soaking the murderer's feet, and then leaving footprints.

The floor inside the house is simply a layer of bricks laid on the ground and then compacted with loess, without any cement or floor tiles.

Those who have lived in the countryside should know that most houses that elderly people live in these days have this kind of structure.

This also resulted in clear footprints being left behind where the murderer's feet had been soaked after the blood dried.

Moreover, these footprints were very strange.

"Why are there handprints?"

Li Sheng frowned as he looked at the clear five-finger prints in the pair of brown footprints.

There were two handprints on the ground. How did the murderer walk?
Walking upside down?

Or, was it because the other party accidentally pressed his hands on the ground when killing someone?
If it's the latter, then.
Li Sheng shifted his gaze to the side and fell silent.

Next to the handprint is a footprint.

There is nothing special about this footprint. The special thing is that
This foot is heel forward!

Judging from the direction of the deceased, the victim was in front of the other party's heels. If he was also involved in the killing of the deceased, then the twisted waist
At least one hundred and eighty degrees!

And the rest.

"There are seventeen people in total, and these seventeen people are a bit weird." Xu Sheng stood at the door, silently looking at the environment inside the house.

There are too many doubts.

It's strange just why an old man in his sixties could offend so many people.

Moreover, judging from the force with which these people attacked, they are definitely not very old!

It's not difficult to remove flesh from a person's body.

But tearing a person's legs apart alive
The amount of strength required is enormous!
In his sixties, he had offended more than a dozen middle-aged people, even young people.
How did it happen?!
“Has the victim’s background check been completed?”

Xu Sheng looked at Han Yang standing aside.

After discovering the second murder scene, the two of them immediately sent a message to Li Sheng. At the same time, Xu Sheng was responsible for investigating the scene, and Han Yang conducted visits nearby.

At the same time, cooperate with the Internal Affairs Department to make every effort to investigate the other party's identity.

"I have checked it."

"The person's identification information is very concise, and I don't see any problem with it."

Han Yang sighed, his brows furrowed, holding a notebook in his hand.

There are a lot of scribbled cursive words on the notebook, which he wrote down while visiting.

"The second victim's name is Zhao Guang."

"Sixty-two years old, male, no major conflicts or quarrels, gentle to others, no job, not much spending, I don't know how he survives."

"He has lived in Zhangjia Village for about 20 years and can be considered a local."

"Only one better friend."

Zhao Guang, this is the person who died tragically in front of you.

This man's body has now become a meat grinder, just like the minced meat used to make sausages. There is body tissue everywhere, and the ground is covered with clues such as footprints. They also have to pay attention to signs of fighting, which makes it impossible for the police to preserve the body in the first place.

There is no way to save
You can't just take down the wall paint together!
As for that only friend.
"Sun Qiang!?"

Mr. Xu suddenly spoke.

He remembered that he found out from Sun Qiang that the only person on the other side who could have a say was Zhao Guang.

"It's him."

Han Yang nodded.

"Compared to others, these two are more like friends. They occasionally play chess or chat together."


Xu Sheng paused and turned his gaze to the murder scene in front of him.

"Zhao Guang's death time"

He looked at the worms wriggling in the flesh of the rotting corpse, and the shed shells of the maggots next to the corpse.

There is no air conditioning here, so I just sleep with a fan at night.

This results in the temperature inside the house remaining basically the same as outside.

"In October, the highest temperature during these eleven days reached 38.5 degrees."

"Based on the speed of the rotting corpse and the time it takes for the maggots to shed their shells."

"The time of death was about ten days ago."

Zhao Guang died ten days ago.

As for his friend, Sun Qiang, he died two days ago.

There is a difference of eight days between the two!

But the two residences are only two kilometers apart.

Did Sun Qiang anger the murderer during these eight days and was subsequently killed, or did he and Zhao Guang anger the murderer together, and after Zhao Guang's death, the murderer used these eight days to find Sun Qiang and then kill him?
and also
What exactly is the other party's contradiction?!

(End of this chapter)

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