I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 96: Human trafficker? It shouldn’t be a human trafficker!

Chapter 96: Human trafficker? It shouldn’t be a human trafficker!

From what we can see so far, the conflict and feud between the murderer and the victim began twenty years ago.

Twenty years ago, a group of people fled to Jiangsan City and lived in hiding.

In the past twenty years, has the murderer looked for these people?

He must have looked for her, otherwise there is no reason for her to hide her identity.

I just found it this month!

That is
"During these twenty years, the murderer was completely unaware of the victim's current circumstances."

"So, how did the murderer suddenly find these people?"

How did you find it?

Humans are extremely complex creatures because they have strong sociality and intense personal emotions.

In other words, if you find one person, you can pull out the radish and the mud, and find the rest of the people at the same time.

"I remember that Sun Qiang was recently taken to film a documentary because of his monkey-training skills."

"We filmed twice in total. The first time was last month, which took about 30 days. After we finished filming during that period, we sent the film out 15 days later and the response was pretty good. Then we invited Sun Qiang to film again."

"And the time was exactly three days before the murderer arrived, that is, fifteen days ago."

"Do you think this is a coincidence?"

It is indeed a coincidence. Although the ending did not change, at that time, I really had a brush with death!

"You mean, the other party may have accidentally seen Sun Qiang appear on TV, and then rushed here and wanted to kill Sun Qiang?"

Li Sheng was stunned. He pondered for a moment and extracted two key words.

"But Sun Qiang was invited to film a monkey show, so we just happened to miss it."

"The murderer didn't know Sun Qiang's environment and didn't know he had left Zhangjia Village, so he stayed here."

"And it was precisely because of staying here that we found the second person, Zhao Guang!"

"The other party was also related to something that happened twenty years ago and was one of the murderer's targets, so he was killed directly!"

According to this speculation, Zhao Guang was unlucky enough to be the first victim instead of Sun Qiang from the second victim.
"And the deceased were most likely a team 20 years ago."

"So, the murderer could naturally dig out Zhang Peng's address from Zhao Guang, and naturally he could also dig out the others' address from Zhang Peng."

Zhangjia Village is thirty kilometers away from the edge of the city.

Zhangjia Village is located on the right side of the urban area. If people from outside the province want to come to Zhangjia Village, they must pass by Zhang Peng's location before they can reach Zhangjia Village.

Judging from the fact that the other party passed by Zhang Peng but did not kill him first, the murderer probably did not know that he had missed his target.

After killing Zhao Guang, he got Zhang Peng's location from him, and then turned back to kill him.

One person brings out one person, two people bring out a bunch of people!

"No one knows how many people the murderer wants to kill now!"

Mr. Xu fell silent, and the people around him looked at each other, obviously shocked by these words.

These people seem to have no mercy. As long as the other party is their target, they will kill him when they find the right opportunity!

Time goes by too fast.
In just two days, three lives were found!

"Who is the person who reported the case?"

Xu Sheng suddenly looked at Han Yang and asked.

"The person who reported the case was a passerby. He saw a dog with internal organs in its mouth and thought something was wrong, so he called the police."

Han Yang heard the voice, quit checking Qian Hai's contact status, and quickly responded.

"After investigation by nearby police officers, they locked onto Zhang Peng."

From this perspective, the passerby is a suspect, but not a big suspect, not as big as Chaozi.

And Xu Sheng also set his sights on the other information points.

"That is to say."

Xu Sheng spoke thoughtfully.

"Is there anything wrong with Zhang Peng's dog?"

Han Yang nodded. "Yes, the dog is fine. The chain around its neck has been removed. The initial guess is that the murderer took it off."

"Is the dog okay?"

Xu Sheng was stunned. Now he thought back to the second murder scene, and nothing happened to the dog in Zhao Guang's family.

At the first crime scene, although Sun Qiang’s monkey was not seen, the monkey’s body was not found at the scene either.

There is a high probability that monkeys will be fine too!
And the murderer is related to the victim, so it makes sense to let the dog go!

Any emotional animal, when it feels extremely angry and does not feel relieved after killing another, will then vent its anger on the people or things around the deceased.

For example, the so-called "annihilation of an entire family".

Especially pets like dogs in the other person’s home!

When people face other animals, they naturally have a condescending attitude. A dog's life is not a life, but something that can be taken with a touch.

So, when negative emotions fill our minds, these animals become the best outlets.

The simplest example is those who have n cats and n dogs. In the eyes of these people, life is not life.

"Why not kill?"

Xu Sheng was puzzled, and so was Li Sheng standing beside him.

Judging from the crime scene, the other party's hatred has obviously not diminished.

Since it has not decreased, it needs to be vented.

When the murderer is venting his anger on the victim, he is most likely to lose control, but even so, he can control himself and not vent his anger on the dog.
"There's something wrong. There's something wrong with these people."

In an instant, Xu Sheng frowned as if he had caught some clue.

It is indeed wrong, but at the scene, there is no information to explain this behavior.
You know, when people are angry, they will even fight with those who try to stop the fight.

Not to mention the 'person' on the other side.

"It's getting late, go and rest first and recharge your energy."

After a while, when the scene was investigated, Li Sheng looked at the sky and shook his head.

The time has come to 2:30 in the morning.

If you don't sleep at this time, your brain will go on strike during the day.

"Let the second shift continue the survey, and the first shift take a rest."

For some minor cases, the police will not devote too much manpower.

But for such a big case, most of the local resources are invested in it, including manpower.

Therefore, even at night, there were people constantly investigating the crime scene, trying to find something.

And the internal staff is also checking something 24 hours a day.

With the support of this efficiency
A person's name was soon thoroughly investigated!

October 13th, 12 noon.

A name found at the third scene investigation reappeared in front of everyone, along with a series of information.

When this information came to the attention of the police
"Qian Hai, there are 130 people named Qian Hai in Jiangsan City."

"We have identified one of them, Qian Hai, who is the closest to Zhangjia Village. He is the director of the Welfare Home. He is a male, 67 years old, has no parents, no wife, and has two children, a boy and a girl."

"After careful investigation, we finally found out this morning that Qian Hai's home had a large amount of cash from unknown sources. Based on this information, we started to investigate and finally found a fact."

At this time, everyone was standing at the fourth scene, which was also the scene they took the initiative to investigate.

This is a welfare home.

"Qian Hai, for the past ten years, has been in the hands of human traffickers under the pretext of being 'found', in order to obtain local government funding and donations from caring people in society."

"At the same time, they will secretly look for suitable buyers every year and sell the prettier children who are gradually growing up."

“Profiting from the CCP”

"Three hundred and seventy thousand yuan!"

An astonishing number slowly came out of Han Yang's mouth.

Everyone looked at the tragic scene in front of them in silence.

In front of me, there was a human head thrown casually on the ground.

This person is Qian Hai.

Compared with the previous three people, the opponent's body was less damaged.

As for Qian Hai's two children.
There were pieces here and there, and it was a bit difficult for the two of them to collect them.

"Human traffickers? Is it related to trafficking?"

Li Sheng looked at the report in front of him, and his eyebrows gathered into a knot.

He felt something was wrong.

“Something’s wrong”

Xu Sheng murmured, his brain working at high speed, staring at the things in front of him, thinking constantly.

“It shouldn’t be a human trafficker.”

"At least, the crime committed against the murderer should not be so light."

"something wrong"

"There must be something wrong!"

"what exactly is it!?"

(End of this chapter)

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