I, the outlaw, was caught again

Chapter 98 2 emotions!

Chapter 98 Two emotions!

has a problem.
What's the problem?
Big question!
The police were tacitly aware that the deceased in this case might have violated the law and committed crimes.

After all, 20 or 30 years ago, it was not easy for Zhao Guang to get his 50,000 yuan through legitimate means.
In addition, the other party is obviously living in seclusion, dare not spend money, and dare not show up, which makes it even more certain that the other party must have committed something.

Therefore, when Qian Hai, who was implicated by Zhang Peng, also committed a crime and embezzled 300,000 yuan, the police had anticipated this.

But it shouldn’t be trafficking!

"People will not be dominated forever by short-lived, intense emotions."

"But there are already six bodies of people who have been tortured and killed right under the police's noses. Will the anger of these people never end?"

Mr. Xu was brainstorming and his brain cells were constantly dying.

He looked at the disgusting scene of the death of two middle-aged men and an old man in front of him without feeling the slightest bit of discomfort.

“With human traffickers, there are often only two main victims.”

"They are relatives and abductees."

“These two types of people’s feelings towards human traffickers”

Objectively speaking, what feelings does a kidnapped person have towards his or her biological parents?
To be honest, if a child is abducted at the age of five or six, or three or four, and sold to a normal family, then even after growing up, the most they will feel about their biological parents is confusion.

Rather than the urgent impulse and anger towards the human traffickers; there may be anger, but it will definitely not be able to overwhelm the confusion and hesitation!

Sometimes blood ties are important, and sometimes, blood ties are not that important.

There are many tragic examples of abducted persons who, after being found by their biological families, are unwilling to return.

And for the families of the abducted.
Everyone’s first reaction was definitely the family members’ anger towards the human traffickers!
Indeed, the family members are indeed angry and they should be angry.

Even higher than anger is the boundless sadness that is like the vast ocean!
The so-called anger, in the face of this sorrow, is at best a ship floating on the sea.

Even as time goes by, this anger will gradually fade away!
Most people will become more and more numb, suppressing their sadness in their hearts and not experiencing drastic mood swings.

If they see human traffickers, they will be angry, but what is even stronger is the urgency to get their children back!

At least they won’t kill him directly, but will find out the whereabouts of the child first!!!
"These people will not be able to suppress their anger until they see the child and the traffickers at the same time!"

"Otherwise, no matter which one you see first, your anger will subside for the most part. You may seek accountability, but at least you won't be so impulsive as to keep killing the other person."

Xu Sheng murmured.

Find the child and bring him home, and the emptiness in your heart will be satisfied instantly, and the anger will dissipate a little. The pain carried in the memory will often turn into evidence in court rather than fists.

Even anger will dissipate directly.

There are many cases where the abducted children were saved by passers-by who accidentally killed the traffickers. The family members then found the children but were too afraid to help testify in court.

"What could that be?"

"In this case, it's not the family members, it's the abductees, and it's the opposite of the emotions displayed."

Li Sheng also fell silent. Problems arose one after another in the past few days.

Although some of the problems have been solved, new ones are so confusing that it is difficult to find a breakthrough.

"After a simple classification, Sun Qiang, Zhao Guang, and Zhang Peng, these three people are most likely the ones who had conflicts with the murderer twenty years ago."

"Qian Hai, this person probably asked Zhang Peng about this, and Zhang Peng should have been involved in Qian Hai's child trafficking."

After a long while, Han Yang, who had finished his summary, spoke.

There were no signs of burns on Qian Hai's body, and he did not suddenly come to Jiangsan City twenty years ago.

Most likely he was not among the murderer's targets, but just happened to know about it. "That means the murderer's main conflict and hatred is still with the group of people from 20 years ago."

"But if they encounter other similar people, they don't mind killing them."

Li Sheng murmured thoughtfully.

Although the scene was also disgusting, it was not even on the same level as the previous three incidents. It was just that the number of people was larger.

From this we can see that the murderer’s hatred towards the two is different!

"What on earth did these guys do twenty years ago!?"

"If you can provoke a bunch of people, they will not hesitate to hunt you down across the country for twenty years, and even if twenty years have passed, they will eat you alive."

Several people walked out of the room and breathed in the fresh air around them.

The tense nerves couldn't help but relax a little.

"Also, I have never heard of any human trafficking organization that would hide together at a certain moment and stay in hiding for twenty years."

Human traffickers can hide, but they will never hide all at once at a certain moment without even spending any money!

"Unless they encounter a major incident that is related to trafficking but also endangers their own lives."

"what is this?"

"Can at least three people hide?"

Xu Sheng frowned.

Kidnapping is random, and the families of the abducted are also random. They will never meet each other. Even if they know that the traffickers are Sun Qiang and his people, the rest of the people will not know whether their children were abducted by Sun Qiang.

Therefore, even if they want to take revenge, they can only come one by one.

One person faces three people.
It is not very realistic, and the family’s main goal is to find the child rather than kill the trafficker.

"So, this major incident must involve permanent damage to the other party and generate extreme anger."

Mr. Xu was silent for a while and exchanged opinions with the people around him.

Permanent damage.
For example, ten years ago, you were pushed by someone and were injured with a broken arm, but it healed quickly. Then, ten years later, you probably wouldn't be angry with that person, but you wouldn't want to have any contact with him either.

But if someone cut off your arm ten years ago, then ten years later, you will still be armless and will be an outlier compared to others.

For ten years, others have been looking at you as if you were an alien. What emotions do you feel when you think back on this person ten years later?
"It's like, for example, when abducted families lose their children, whether it's one or two years, as long as they don't find their children, they will continue to grieve, and this is permanent damage."

"As for the deceased, what the murderer did to them will not make them sad, but angry!"

"This anger has not only not diminished in the past twenty years, but has become even more intense!"

"And Sun Qiang and the others knew what the consequences of their actions would be, so they ran away. Then..."

"What is this?"

After discussing to no avail, they looked up at the sky and saw that it was getting dark again.

I had to get in the car.

Mr. Xu was sitting in the passenger seat. He looked at the scene outside the window and felt that everything in front of him was a little unreal.

The marks of burns on Sun Qiang and the other two flashed through his mind.

"Something to do with fire?"

(End of this chapter)

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