Start with the fisherman

Chapter 226 Unexpected Harvest

Chapter 226 Unexpected Harvest

Luo family, outside the clan ancestral hall,

"Brother Cao, wait a moment. I will go and make the announcement."

Luo Qingyun looked at Cao Ze apologetically.

Cao Ze didn't mind. Although it was the Luo family who asked him for help, he still had to give face to the great master in the Dharmakaya realm.

"Brother Cao, come in!"

But a few minutes later, Luo Qingyun returned to the entrance of the ancestral hall and waved to Cao Ze.

This is a side hall of the ancestral hall. It is not big, only about 30 to 40 square meters, with a bed, a desk, and a cushion, and that's all.

There was a skinny old man sitting on the cushion, looking as if he might run out of energy at any time. In Cao Ze's spiritual perception, his life breath was already quite weak, but there was a powerful force constantly pouring strength into it, so that this weak fire of life would not be extinguished.

The power of origin!

Cao Ze's eyes flashed with a gleam. Having activated the Dao Seed, he could already sense the original power. However, the original power floating between heaven and earth was too explosive, and he did not dare to absorb it rashly.

The original power around the ancestor of the Luo family is as gentle as an ordinary docile puppy. He can also absorb such original power!
This is the Heart of the Ocean!
However, at this time, the ancestor of the Luo family was like a sieve. As much original power entered, the same amount of original power went out. It was impossible to restrain and refine it.

What a waste, what a waste!
A huge amount of original power was wasted, and Cao Ze felt heartbroken.

"Sure enough, a hero comes from a boy!"

The old man gave Cao Ze a friendly smile, like a kind grandfather next door, and nodded to Cao Ze with satisfaction.

"Come here, calm down and concentrate. I will guide the purified power of the Heart of the Ocean into your body. How much you can absorb depends on your ability."

As the Luo family ancestor spoke, a water-blue bead the size of a walnut appeared in front of him.

The bead was crystal clear, and seemed to be filled with liquid like azure blue sea water, which only occupied about one third of the bead.

"Thank you, senior!"

Cao Ze bowed respectfully and came to the front of the Luo family's ancestor, sitting cross-legged on the cushion that Luo Qingyun had just placed.

"I should be the one thanking you!"

The Luo family patriarch shook his head and said, "If you were not willing to help, my Luo family would soon be in turmoil."

His eyes were filled with regret.

If the genius of their Luo family was still alive, the Luo family would never have fallen into such a situation. He regretted letting his great-grandson go out to gain experience.

But he also knew that jade cannot be made into a useful object without being carved. What could he do?
As he recalled, the crystal clear bead had already burst into a brilliant blue light. A drop of blue liquid seeped out of the bead and in the blink of an eye it had sunk into Cao Ze's forehead.

Cao Ze felt dizzy and felt as if he had suddenly arrived at the rough sea, being hit wildly by the waves, swaying from side to side, unable to control himself. It seemed that he might be destroyed or killed at any time.

At this moment, the seed in the upper dantian began to beat violently, and a mysterious wave instantly spread throughout Cao Ze's body, making Cao Ze's mind clear.

Even the original power after being purified by the Heart of the Ocean cannot be absorbed by ordinary people. If Cao Ze had not activated the Tao Seed, it would probably take a long time for him to regain consciousness.

The next moment, the Dan Ding Jue began to operate naturally, and a huge cauldron phantom appeared in Cao Ze's body, but this time the cauldron phantom did not appear outside, but fit perfectly with Cao Ze's body. Five-colored light flowed on its chest, like a millstone, constantly grinding the drop of blue liquid in the middle.

It really feels like being a cauldron!
This Dan Ding Jue can even refine the original power, it is truly magical!

But this is reasonable, the Dan Ding Jue is powered by the power of the Five Elements, and the power of the Five Elements is the purest original power between heaven and earth.


"You actually regained consciousness on your own?"

The Luo family's ancestor exclaimed in surprise. Normally speaking, the person receiving the initiation needs to be guided by his spiritual power to allow him to slowly adapt to the original power before he can begin to absorb and refine it.

Unexpectedly, before he even started, Cao Ze had already started refining.

What kind of technique is this?
So domineering!
Even the original power can be refined.

Glancing at the shadow of the big cauldron on Cao Ze's body, the Luo family's ancestor was amazed.

Generally speaking, under the protection of his soul, the person receiving the initiation can gradually adapt to the original power, but he can only rely on the body's instinct to absorb it. He has only seen active absorption like Cao Ze in the Dharmakaya realm. Logically, only the Dharmakaya realm can do it.

In the past, when he presided over the infusion, those grand masters, even the ninth-level grand masters, could only absorb it passively and watch helplessly as a large amount of original power was wasted.

But now, as this kid actively refines it, the amount of original power wasted is minimal.

Perhaps, he has the opportunity to improve his cultivation by an entire level!

Luo Zhenduo, the ancestor of the Luo family, was horrified and thought that this was a truly monstrous genius!

However, this was not the end yet. Luo Zhenduo soon realized something was wrong.

too fast!
The drop of original power that he poured into Cao Ze's body was refined too quickly!
According to his previous experience, it would take at least half an hour for a grandmaster to digest one drop of original power, and it would often take a whole day to complete an infusion.

But now, in less than a quarter of an hour, most of that drop of original power has disappeared, four or five times faster than before!
How did he do that?
Luo Zhenduo widened his eyes, his expression became serious, and he looked at Cao Ze intently.

Only then did he realize that not only was the speed of refining the original power astonishing, but what was even more shocking was that while refining the drop of original power he infused, there were actually wisps of original power floating between heaven and earth that sank into the phantom of the cauldron and were refined by Cao Ze!
He knew that this was because the free original power from the heaven and earth was very small, and when it was mixed into the original power refined by the Heart of the Ocean, it was like a small stone falling into the sea, unable to create any waves at all, and was naturally assimilated, refined, and then absorbed by Cao Ze.

How did he absorb the original power from between heaven and earth?
Unless, he can sense these original forces!
Unless, he has already crossed the state of perfection and activated the Tao Seed!

Luo Zhenduo came to a conclusion that shocked him beyond words.

How old is he?
Less than 25!

With the cultivation level of a second-level Grandmaster, he has already activated the Tao Seed.

How deep is his understanding of the great Dao of heaven and earth?

What kind of monster is this?
Luo Zhenduo lived for eight hundred years and traveled to most of the territory of Daqian, but he had never seen such a terrifying genius, and he had never even heard of him.

Luo Zhenduo was speechless for a long time. He didn't know how much time had passed. He suddenly woke up and hurriedly activated the Heart of the Ocean, forcing out another drop of original power, which bounced into Cao Ze's forehead.

Cao Ze couldn't describe his state at the moment. He felt like a man who was about to die of thirst and suddenly encountered a large amount of sweet spring water. He opened his mouth wide and gulped down the water recklessly.

It feels better than ever before!

It’s so refreshing!

In the lower dantian, the dragons of qi and blood are also churning actively.

Different from adding points through the panel, adding points through the panel provides pure energy and blood, which seems to be inexhaustible.

Although the amount of this original power is small, it is more refined. Just a small strand is enough to make the real dragon, which has not yet transformed into a divine dragon, feel a little bloated. It needs some time to digest it before it can swallow the next strand.

As they were devouring and digesting the food, some mysterious changes began to occur in their bodies.

Slowly, Cao Ze entered into a mysterious state, where there was no self or others, he forgot himself and others. Only on the panel that was invisible to outsiders, the numbers were skyrocketing!
...Wang Family,

Wang Dehua walked along the corridor all the way to the deepest part of the clan ancestral hall and entered a side hall. He paused in the room for a moment. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he took two steps forward, three steps to the left, and finally stopped with both feet on a floor tile.


A slight friction sound was heard, and a passage about one meter wide appeared in the ground.

Wang Dehua walked into the tunnel without hesitation. After walking along the narrow corridor about one meter wide for about a quarter of an hour, he pushed open a stone door beside the corridor and entered the stone chamber.

The moment I stepped into the stone chamber, a strong smell of blood hit me in the face.

In the center of the stone chamber, there was a blood pool with a radius of ten meters. The sticky blood in it was swaying like sea water, emitting a sticky bloody smell.

If Cao Ze was here, he would definitely feel very familiar with it. This is exactly the same as the Blood Demon Cult altar he saw in the canyon!
In the middle of the blood pool, there stood a figure. It was undoubtedly Wang Zongheng, who had a life-and-death duel with Cao Ze.

At this time, he was naked, with his feet standing in a pool of blood. His body was covered with disgusting purple-black lines. The blood in the pool continued to flow along these lines on Wang Zongheng's body and sink into his body.

Suddenly, Wang Zongheng opened his eyes and looked at Wang Dehua who broke into the stone chamber. His eyes were blood red and filled with bloodthirsty light, as if he was going to pounce on Wang Dehua and eat him alive in the next moment.

However, he quickly regained his consciousness, the bloodshot light in his eyes faded, and the hideous purple-black lines on his body gradually faded until they disappeared completely.


Wang Zongheng saluted Wang Dehua, but just a simple action made a few streaks of blood appear in his eyes again. Wang Zongheng took a lot of effort to suppress the blood.

"You have reached your limit. Come out. If you continue to absorb the power of blood sacrifice, you will probably be affected by the will of the demon god and completely turn into a bloodthirsty monster."

"There is only one day left before the life-and-death battle. Go back and rest for a while. Don't go crazy before the competition!"

Wang Dehua instructed, "Don't worry, when the competition is over, the ancestor will be able to easily remove the demon power in your body with the Heart of the Ocean."


Wang Zongheng licked his lips.

He felt more powerful than ever before. Now, even if a sixth-level Grandmaster stood in front of him, he was confident that he could defeat him.

Looking at the pool of blood behind him, his heart was filled with reluctance. He still wanted to absorb more power. He felt that he had not reached his limit at all and he could still become stronger!
However, Wang Dehua was a top grandmaster after all, so he did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Wang Dehua. After all, he had not been completely controlled by the will of the devil.

After I kill that brat, I will apply to come back here. The Heart of the Ocean Purification is not as good as a hair of the Demon Lord!


Most of the day passed in a flash.
In the Luo Family Ancestral Hall, beads of sweat appeared on Luo Zhenduo's forehead. The Heart of the Ocean floating in front of him was empty, and the original power within it was completely consumed.

In the shadow of the big cauldron on Cao Ze's body in front of Luo Zhenduo, the last trace of water-blue liquid finally disappeared completely.


A dragon roar came from Cao Ze's lower dantian, and a five-clawed dragon with scary scales and majestic horns moved around in Cao Ze's lower dantian.

Unlike the previous two dragons, the scales of this dragon are a mixture of gold and blue, with the blue having an absolute upper hand, and a mysterious power is faintly released from it.

The third level of divine blood is accomplished!

Luo Zhenduo nodded secretly. Just as he expected, this initiation of the Heart of the Ocean directly allowed Cao Ze to improve his cultivation level. He became more confident in the upcoming fight.

About a quarter of an hour later, Cao Ze finally opened his eyes.

"Thank you, senior!"

Cao Ze stood up and bowed sincerely to Luo Zhenduo again.

Only he himself knows how much benefit this initiation will bring to him!

"No need to be so polite, this is just a deal, you don't owe our Luo family anything."

Luo Zhenduo raised his hand, and Cao Ze felt a gentle but irresistible force lifting him up.

"It's only a few hours until the life-and-death battle. Go back and adapt to your sudden increase in cultivation. Tomorrow, be careful!"

Luo Zhenduo waved his hand and started to drive people away. This initiation was not easy for him either. The original power of the Heart of the Ocean was completely consumed. Without the nourishment of the original power, the fire of his life became more and more shaky. He now needed to meditate.

"Junior, take your leave."

All of this was visible in Cao Ze's consciousness. He did not delay any longer and got up and walked out of the house.

After Luo Qingyun saluted Luo Zhenduo, he followed Cao Ze out of the side hall. Suddenly, a voice came into his ears, "Make friends with him. Even if the Luo family is destroyed, as long as you follow him, there is still hope for a comeback!"

"Don't look back, let's go!"

Luo Qingyun paused for a moment, then followed Cao Ze out of the ancestral hall as if nothing had happened.

Even if the ancestor didn't say it, he would do it!
Luo Zhenduo looked at the two young men who left, his eyes full of regret. Once upon a time, he was also young, but unfortunately...

He withdrew his gaze and looked at the Heart of the Ocean in front of him, and suddenly made a decision in his heart.

As long as nothing unexpected happens, that kid is destined to be able to forge a Dharma body. He has never seen a person with such incredible talent and understanding in his life. Perhaps, his upper limit is more than just the Dharma body!
Cao Ze said goodbye to Luo Qingyun and returned to his own courtyard alone.

When the gate opened, he saw the four beauties waiting in the courtyard. They smiled at each other and Cao Ze silently said in his heart, "Dan Ding Jue, give me some more!"

Yes, he has accumulated enough love points!

After receiving the initiation this time, his improvement was far more than one level, but a full 80 million points of improvement. Not only did the third true dragon transform into a divine dragon, but the progress of the fourth true dragon also reached more than 20 million.

The four original powers that were supposed to be wasted were stored in the form of love points. This time, he accumulated more than 50 million love points, which were enough to improve his cultivation level again.

It was just so outrageous that he didn’t start adding more until he got home.

This is not the biggest gain.

Cao Ze released his spiritual consciousness, communicating with the original power floating between heaven and earth, and then attracted a very tiny strand of it into his body. He used the Alchemy Ding Jue to refine it, and it entered his lower Dantian to be absorbed by the Qi and Blood True Dragons.

Perhaps because his body has been strengthened by the power of origin, he can now directly absorb and refine the power of origin.

Although the amount of original power he can refine at one time is very limited, this is already a huge leap forward in progress.

With a thought, I opened the panel.

【Wu Fu:
Cultivation: Fourth level Grandmaster
Dan Ding Jue: Divine Blood Level 24000 (6000/4*)
Dao Seed (Snowfall Blade, Strike the Sea, Wind Shadow Step, Heaven-Flipping Seal, Thunderbolt): Minor Success (3/4000 million)
Sea Covering Decision: Perfection
Love Points: 1333 million]

Cao Ze clenched his fists. His cultivation level increased by two levels in just one day, but he did not feel any discomfort. The surge in strength was completely under his control.

A battle of grudges, a fight of life and death.

Cao Ze looked up at the sky and suddenly felt a sense of heroism in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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