Start with the fisherman

Chapter 26 Sword Practice

Chapter 26 Sword Practice
"I told Xiaozhi about this before we set out. She shouldn't be worried!"

Looking at the remaining balance of the love points, Cao Ze's mind naturally emerged with that beautiful figure, and he became more eager to go home.

And since I didn’t go home last night, my love points didn’t grow at all. Every extra day I stay on this island is a huge loss.

Putting aside all distractions, Cao Ze took a deep breath and dived deeper into the seabed again. Soon, through his ability to see the sea, he found the prey he wanted.

After a while, he saw a school of saury ahead.

He swam gently, closing the distance, and then suddenly leaped into the school of fish and caught two saury in an instant. With his perfect swimming skills, he had turned into a predator in the water.

He strung the two fish together with a rope, hung it around his waist, and chased after the fleeing school of fish again.

After catching more than ten fish in a row, Cao Ze swam towards the island with satisfaction.

He did not go ashore directly. Instead, he carefully explored the surrounding environment around the island to see if anyone had been to the island and if anyone was chasing him from a distance. Only then did he go ashore from the back of the island and return to the cave where he was hiding.

Cao Ze was in a dilemma when he tried to cut the saury into sashimi with a short knife, put it in a ceramic bowl brought from the black-winged boat, and brought it into the cave.

The woman still had her eyes closed and did not move. Could it be that she needed to be fed by herself?

But he didn't hesitate for too long. The woman opened her eyes, reached out to take the ceramic bowl, picked up the sashimi, looked at it carefully before putting it into her mouth, as if she was observing whether there was poison in the sashimi.

Cao Ze didn't care. It turned out that the woman was able to move. This was good news, which meant that the day for them to leave the island and return home would not be too far away.

Cao Ze picked up a fish and started cutting and eating it.

Without any seasoning or dipping sauce, the taste of the saury was surprisingly good, fresh, tender, and even had a hint of sweetness in the mouth. Cao Ze ate seven or eight pieces before he felt a little full.

As for the remaining saury, they all naturally fell into the woman's stomach. Looking at her appearance, she didn't look like she had eaten a dozen saury at all. She even looked a little hungry.

The more powerful the warrior, the better his appetite.

The woman didn't say much, and Cao Ze didn't ask any more questions.

The more times you go out, the greater the chance of being discovered. It is better to stay in the cave and wait for this woman to recover her strength before making any long-term plans.

"Do you need any treatment for your wound?"

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, Cao Ze looked at the woman opposite whose white dress was mostly stained with blood, and asked.

It’s not that he had any other ideas, but the faster this woman recovered, the faster he could return to Bishui Village.

"Need not!"

The woman didn't know if she had misunderstood what he meant. She opened her eyes and replied coldly with a warning in her eyes.

Since that was the case, Cao Ze decided not to bother himself any more. After having eaten and drunk his fill, he decided to just sit back and do nothing.

He took out the booklet he bought at an auction from the hidden pocket on his chest. The pocket sewn by Su Xiaozhi was of very good quality. Even though he swam back and forth in the sea water several times, the booklet was still not soaked.

He opened the booklet and flipped through it in the dim light from the cave entrance.

Striking the Ocean, every move and posture contains the power and grandeur of the ocean. Water drops can wear away rocks, and the ocean is boundless. It emphasizes the clever use of strength and the precise grasp of rhythm.

Every movement is like sailing through the waves in the surging ocean, with both the surging power of the waves and the unfathomable artistic conception.

In the process of practicing "Ji Cang Hai", one needs to put oneself in others' shoes, integrate oneself into the vastness of the sea, and feel the power and life of the sea. Only in this way can one truly master the essence of the "Ji Cang Hai" sword technique and bring it to its extreme...

The mind is as calm as water reflecting the bright moon, and the energy is as condensed as a mountain that is unstoppable.

The sword dances in the vast ocean and breaks through the waves, and the steps of the magic circle determine the fate of the universe.

The moves are varied but never depart from the original, and the charm is hidden in the heart. There is no end to the practice, and when you succeed, you will turn into a flying dragon.

Large sections in the booklet were devoted to the introduction of swordsmanship, like a general outline or something like that, and at the end there was a verse for practicing it. Cao Ze felt quite excited after reading it. Judging from the description, this "Ji Cang Hai" sword move was definitely not something that could be bought with twenty taels of silver.

But he soon understood why.

Turning to the next page, which is also the last page of the booklet, there is only a lonely picture of a sword-drawing posture and a few words of formula on it.

Ji Canghai only had one move left of his sword skills, and even this one move was not complete.

No wonder no one wants it even at ten taels of silver.

What could Cao Ze do? He had to practice the sword skills he bought with his own money, even if it meant crying!
Looking at the sword moves on the last page, recalling the general introduction to the sword techniques above, and carefully comprehending the key points, Cao Ze sat in the cave, just like the woman opposite him, closing his eyes, but waving his hands to imitate the sword moves.

For the entire day, Cao Ze was immersed in the understanding of fighting against the vast ocean.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

He did not learn how to hit the sea, and even the attribute of hitting the sea did not appear in the small print on the panel.

After dark, Cao Ze came out of the cave again and found a group of saury, returning with a full load.

Seeing that Cao Ze brought back more than ten more sauries than last time, the woman's expression changed slightly. She still didn't say anything, but silently ate up all the extra sauries that Cao Ze brought back.

Night, leaning against the cold cave wall.

Cao Ze couldn't help but miss the bed at home that he had wanted to replace a long time ago, the warm quilt, the person on the bed, her smile, her cheongsam, her kiss, and the smell of her body...

[You and Su Xiaozhi spent a harmonious and loving night, love points +3]

Cao Ze suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the direction of Bishui Village.

Even though there was a huge ocean between them, he could feel that Su Xiaozhi must be missing him right now!

Nothing happened that night. Before dawn, Cao Ze opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep. He jumped into the sea again in the dark to harm the school of saury.

After eating, he took out Ji Canghai's booklet again and continued to study it.

He knew that as long as he could make it appear in the attribute column, he could improve it by adding points, and then it would not matter whether it was incomplete or not.

Another day of research, another day of getting nothing.

Facts have proved that he is not a martial arts genius, and he can do nothing about the incomplete pieces that so many people cannot master.

With a light sigh and looking at the sky outside which was already dark, Cao Ze walked towards the beach.


At this moment, the woman suddenly spoke.

When Cao Ze turned around, a booklet flew towards him.

I reached out to catch it, and when I looked at the cover, it turned out to be "Snowfall Knife"!
"Just watch in the cave. How much you can learn depends on your ability!"

The woman spoke again.

Cao Ze stroked the dry pages of the book and looked at the exquisite little cloth bag around the woman's waist again, with some vague guesses in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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