Chapter 244 Glorious House
On the last day of September, the children finished school early. It was just after three o'clock when Aunt Wang picked them up. Yan Jiekuang thought that they would have a holiday the next day, so he did not urge them to study. Unexpectedly, the three children went into the study to do their homework as soon as they came back.

Yan Jiekuang was very pleased. Seeing that their older brothers and sisters did not want to play with them, the three younger ones also ran to the study room. However, they did not disturb their older brothers and sisters. Each of them read a picture book by the side.

Yan Jiekuang was packing up ingredients in the kitchen. He packed out three portions in total, one for Aunt Wang, another for Aunt Wang to help deliver to the restaurant for his three apprentices, and the last portion was for himself to take back to the courtyard.

Aunt Wang left with two portions of food. Just as she left, Ji Lian came back. The couple looked in the direction of the study and did not disturb the children. They talked while packing the children's clothes. They would be gone for three days, so how could each child have to bring back a set of clothes?

At six o'clock in the evening, Yan Jiekuang looked at the time and felt that he had to go home. Maybe the family had not yet prepared for them to have dinner. Yan Jiekuang started to make arrangements. The children were very obedient, but three of them who went to school brought their own schoolbags.

Yan Jiekuang and his wife took their six children to No. 95 Courtyard. When they were still far away, they heard a commotion in No. 95 Courtyard and the faint sound of gongs and drums. Yan Jiekuang even joked, "The gongs and drums are finally being played in Nanluoguxiang."

But when they reached the gate of the courtyard, they found a group of people surrounding Yan Bugui and his wife and Shi Xiaoya. Shi Xiaoya stood shyly between the old couple. At this time, Yan Jiekuang suddenly remembered the telegram from his second brother.

Yan Jiekuang quietly said to Yongchang and Yongxin: "Your father has done a great deed, hurry to your mother."

When the two children heard this, they immediately ran to their mother. When Shi Xiaoya saw the two children coming back, she quickly hugged one of them. Yong Xin asked, "Mom, is there a letter from Dad?"

Shi Xiaoya cried with joy, touched Yongxin's head, and said, "Your father is a great hero, he has done a great job."

The two children were very excited, smiling and holding their mother's hand.

At this time, Director Yan stood up and said, "Okay, don't stand at the gate. We have to hang up the sign and go into the hospital quickly."

People in the yard went out one after another. Yan Jiekuang and his wife followed with their four other children. A large group of people walked in and came to the door of the south room of Shi Xiaoya's west wing.

Director Yan organized the armed forces to put up a sign with the four words "Home of Gloriousness" on it. The sign was golden and dazzling. The neighbors in the courtyard were very envious. Even Yan Bugui was envious. After listening to the neighbors' discussions, Yan Bugui initially said that it should be hung on his door, but Director Yan refused.

Yan Jiekuang really loves and hates what his father does. He wants to take advantage of everything. Is this also possible? Yan Jiekuang was very angry. He and Ji Lian took the children directly to the backyard. Grandpa Shi was lying on a recliner drinking tea, and a radio was playing crosstalk on the side.

Ji Lian went up and called out "Grandpa". The old man then saw the couple and the children. The children gathered around and called out "Great Grandpa". Old Man Ji was very happy and sat up all of a sudden. He hugged each of the children. Yan Jiekuang said, "Grandpa, I know you are tired of me, so I brought all the children here. You should be happy now, right?"

The old man said disdainfully: "The children are good, but I am still annoyed by you. You have disturbed me for a whole month, and my ears are no longer obedient."

"Okay, I'll go cook for you, okay? You can play with these grandsons." After saying this, Yan Jiekuang went into the kitchen. Ji Lian also wanted to go, but Yan Jiekuang drove her out, indicating that she should spend more time with the old man.

Yan Jiekuang didn't cook many dishes. The old man's teeth were not good, so he made beef porridge, chicken slices with lotus leaves, pot-fried tofu, yam and crucian carp soup, and a few side dishes. It was estimated that the old man couldn't eat them, so he finally made a steamed egg with minced meat.

When the dishes were almost ready, Yan Jiekuang made some pies with pork and green onions. He originally planned to give two pies to each person, but then he thought of his second sister-in-law and her family in the front yard, so he made thirty pies and kept them warm on a large frying pan.

Yan Jiekuang walked out of the kitchen and was about to call Ji Lian when he saw Yan Jiedi walking in with a smirk on her face. Yan Jiekuang said, "Girl, you really know how to hurry up for dinner. Just like when you were little, quickly call your sister-in-law and the old men back to eat."

Yan Jie Di said proudly, "Of course, you didn't see whose sister I am. Wait." Then she turned and left. After a while, Ji Lian and Yan Jie Di came in to serve the dishes. Yan Jie Kuang also brought out a small bowl of garlic sauce that he had specially made. When Yan Jie Kuang entered the hall with a plate of pies, he saw the old man sitting in the middle, with two children on one side, and then Yan Jie Di and Ji Lian. Yan Jie Kuang jokingly said, "Well, I've been busy for so long, and now I'm sitting down?"

The old man said without changing his expression: "That's good. Usually, people who cook have to eat in the kitchen." Everyone laughed after hearing this. Just as everyone sat down and the old man took the first bite, when everyone started to eat, the door outside rang. Yan Jiekuang turned around and saw that it was Xu Damao who came in with a bottle of unknown wine.

Yan Jiekuang thought to himself that Xu Damao was really an indestructible cockroach. He was very shameless and no one knew why he came to him.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person. Yan Jiekuang stood up and said, "Oh, I thought it was someone else, it turned out to be Brother Damao, how did you have the time to come here?"

Xu Damao remained calm, put the wine on the table and said, "I saw my sister-in-law in the yard and knew you were here. I'm alone at home too, so I came to have a drink with you and visit the old man."

Yan Jiekuang secretly glanced at the old man. Old Master Ji didn't even look up. He was still eating and urging the children from time to time. Yan Jiekuang wanted to see what Xu Damao was up to, so he said, "Okay, come on, Damao, come and sit down. Lian'er, go get a set of bowls and chopsticks. Let's have a drink together."

The two men sat down next to each other. Just as they were about to pour the wine, Yan Jiekuang found that someone was pulling his clothes on his right arm. Yan Jiekuang turned his head and saw that Xiaopang was holding him with one hand and holding a cup with the other. Xiaopang said in a baby voice, "Grandpa wants to drink too. Dad, pour me a glass."

After listening to this, Yan Jiekuang turned to look at the old man, who was looking at him with a smile. Yan Jiekuang said, "Grandpa, you can't drink too much. I'll pour you half a cup. Just try it."

Yan Jiekuang lowered his head and poured half a cup into Xiaopang's cup. Xiaopang held the cup in both hands and ran carefully towards his great-grandfather.

Xu Damao and Yan Jiekuang took a sip, and Yan Jiekuang said, "Brother Damao, you are here. Come, have a taste of my pie."

After saying that, he picked up a piece of pie and put it in Xu Damao's bowl. Xu Damao started to eat it with big mouthfuls without any hesitation. After he finished eating, he saw Yan Jiekuang eating it with garlic sauce, so he picked up another piece and put some garlic sauce on it.

This was Xu Damao’s second time eating Yan Jiekuang’s food. He forgot everything else while eating and didn’t even say a word. This directly caused the children to start fighting for the food. They had to fight for it because Xu Damao ate too fast.

Yan Jiekuang rolled his eyes, and Yan Jiedi didn't care about anything and just served the dishes, not forgetting to give some to the four children. After the dishes were finished, Xu Damao realized that he had gone a bit too far, but no one at the table said anything. Ji Lian and Yan Jiedi stood up to clear the dishes. Old Man Ji was already angry, so he didn't say anything, stood up and took the children to the yard to digest the food.

At this time, Xu Damao remembered the purpose of his coming here, but he didn't know how to start. Seeing the half bottle of wine on the table, his eyes lit up and he said, "Old Third, you've been busy eating and haven't drunk much. How about my place? I still have some sausages and peanuts. Shall we drink some more?"

Yan Jiekuang smiled and said, "Forget it. I haven't been to my dad's place yet. Brother Damao, if you have anything to say, just tell me. You're welcome."

Xu Damao hesitated for a moment, but still spoke up and said, "Old Third, are you still short of people at your acquisition station?"

Yan Jiekuang was stunned. He had never expected Xu Damao to ask this. Yan Jiekuang asked, "Aren't you working in a movie theater? Isn't that a good job? I heard that there is extra income. Isn't that good?"

Xu Damao replied: "It's not me, it's my ex-wife, who is also your relative, Yu Haitang. She heard that you have a good salary and is wondering if she can go."

When Yan Jiekuang heard this, he immediately understood that Xu Damao and Yu Haitang were still in contact.

(End of this chapter)

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