Siheyuan: Relieve stress and relieve worries

Chapter 268: Female General Arrangement

Chapter 268: Female General Arrangement
At the end of August, Yan Jiekuang received a notice from Liu Zheng, asking him to prepare his documents. The trip to Hong Kong Island was scheduled for mid-September. Prior to this, Yan Jiekuang had already called Lou Xiaoe and informed her that he was going to Hong Kong Island, but did not say the specific time.

The courtyard has been very peaceful recently, and every household has been living a stable life. Yan Bugui's store has made a lot of money, but no one knows exactly how much. Yan Jiekuang once asked Yang Ruiping privately, and Yang Ruiping shook his head and said, "You don't know your father yet. He won't tell anyone how much money he has."

Yan Jiekuang’s second restaurant is about to open. According to the assignment in the previous meeting, Yin Liguo is the head chef, Wang Yue is the foreman, and Wang Qing is fully responsible for the initial development.

Wang Qing originally thought that Yan Jiekuang's new restaurant would also be called Yan's Restaurant, but Yan Jiekuang went to find Lao Jintou himself and asked him to help pick a name. Lao Jintou thought about it and said, "In the past, people usually gave it a three-character name, or a festive name. You are the third child and you happen to be studying history, so why not call it Chaofengzhai? Anyway, your crispy chicken is famous."

Yan Jiekuang thought for a moment and said, "You know what, it's quite appropriate, let's call it Chaofengzhai."

Lao Jin said, "I haven't eaten your food for a long time. Look at my health, it's getting worse day by day. You have to treat me to a banquet when the time comes, so I can eat less and less."

Yan Jiekuang's eyes lit up and he said, "Don't worry, I'll give you a big surprise this time. I'll let you experience the fun of Kangxi."

Lao Jin had a vague idea of ​​what kind of dish Yan Jiekuang was going to make, but he didn't point it out and said, "Don't forget Lao Chen when the time comes. I haven't seen him for a long time."

Yan Jiekuang said, "Don't worry, you don't have to worry about him. He is doing well now and has been rated as an expert. I saw him a few days ago."

Lao Jin sighed and said, "Alas, what a pity for you. If you were in this field, you would definitely be a top expert. That damn director does nothing good."

Yan Jiekuang consoled him, "It's nothing. He probably thinks that I'm young and don't know much. One more or one less won't make much difference."

The two chatted for a while and then Yan Jiekuang said goodbye. Yan Jiekuang had just come up with a new idea from Lao Jin. He was originally hesitating about the opening banquet, and Lao Jin gave him an inspiration. Only elderly people over 65 years old would be invited to the opening banquet, and the banquet would be a banquet for thousands of old men.

Yan Jiekuang returned home and plunged into his study, starting to write a menu of ingredients. After he wrote one, he thought about it carefully and circled several wild game with a red pen. He thought that if he really couldn't find any, he could use poultry instead.

The next day, Yan Jiekuang told Wang Qing his idea and handed him the list of ingredients. Wang Qing was very excited, but a little embarrassed, he asked Yan Jiekuang if his mother, who was 67 years old, could attend. Yan Jiekuang said, "Of course. By the way, all our employees with elderly people at home are invited to come."

Wang Qing raised the list in his hand and said, "Leave this to me. Even if I have to dig deep into the ground, I will get it all for you, brother."

Yan Jiekuang decided to open the new store before going to Hong Kong Island. Here, Yin Liguo and Wang Yue were very busy with the newly recruited employees. The initial work was very tiring. Yan Jiekuang was not stingy and prepared a lot of food and drinks for the employees, for fear that they would not eat well.

After a busy day, Yan Jiekuang dragged his tired body back to Yuer Hutong. Yongchang, Yongxin and Shilei had already gone home after class and were doing homework in their rooms. Dapang, Xiaopang and Shi Li were reading picture books in Yan Jiekuang's study. When they saw their father coming back, they immediately gathered around him, chattering about the interesting things that happened that day. Yan Jiekuang listened patiently and finally asked them if they were hungry.

The three little girls said that Grandma Wang had already prepared a delicious meal for them and they had finished eating. Yan Jiekuang went to the kitchen alone and made himself a bowl of noodles. He did not disturb Aunt Wang, who was probably more tired than him after taking care of the children all day.

Later that night, Yan Jiekuang made himself a pot of tea in the yard and lay on a recliner to accompany Sanxiao. Shi Lei and the others also came out after finishing their homework. They looked at Yan Jiekuang and shouted "Third Uncle!"

Aunt Wang cut some watermelon from the front yard and brought it over. She looked at the tired Yan Jiekuang and said, "Why are you so tired today?"

"Well, the new store is about to open, and there are a lot of things to do. As a boss, I can't just talk and not do anything." Yan Jiekuang replied.

Aunt Wang consoled her, "You are a person who can accomplish great things. You don't have to do everything yourself, or you will be exhausted to death."

Yan Jiekuang smiled and said, "Just this once. I won't have anything to do with it next time. I plan to leave the restaurant to Lian'er."

Aunt Wang was surprised and said, "Lian'er is going to be assigned a job. What do you think? Isn't this ruining her bright future?"

Yan Jiekuang thought for a while and said, "I don't want anyone in my family to pursue a career in politics. It's very difficult and the road is very narrow. Aunt Wang, you don't understand. If people like Yongchang were to pursue a career in politics, I would still support them. We are still far behind the world, so we have to catch up."

Aunt Wang didn’t understand, so she shook her head and said, “I think Ji Lian lost out, especially by marrying you.”

Yan Jiekuang laughed loudly and said, "We will see in the future, not at this moment."

The next day, Yan Jiekuang notified relevant personnel to hold a meeting at Yan's restaurant. Wang Qing, Ji Lian, Yan Jiedi, Jia Dang and Huaihua, Xu Jingli and Xu Jingping were present, because Yan Jiekuang was not sure whether the two of them wanted to develop with his mother or with him.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Yan's Restaurant closed and the employees had already gone off work, but his three apprentices did not leave. They prepared a table of dishes and waited for Yan Jiekuang.

When Yan Jiekuang arrived, everyone was already there. Yan Jiekuang asked everyone to sit down. Since everyone was present, they ate first. No one drank during the whole meal. Everyone knew that the main content of today was the meeting. Dinner ended quickly. After Yan Jiekuang and they cleaned up, his disciples made tea and brought fruit plates. Everyone sat down and waited for Yan Jiekuang's meeting.

Yan Jiekuang lit a cigarette and said, "All those who came today are my relatives and my apprentices. Without further ado, let's get straight to the point."

Yan Jiekuang first talked about the business situation and management methods of his Yan's Restaurant since its opening, and then talked about his current views on individual business. Then came the key point. Yan Jiekuang said that he has a company in Hong Kong Island, which is an offshore company. Now the main business in Hong Kong Island is real estate and some stocks. Then, Yan Jiekuang said: "I know that among you, except Wang Qing and my apprentice, you are facing internships and future employment assignments this year. I don't know your choice, so I called you here today to know your thoughts."

Yan Jiekuang paused and continued, "Of course, at this stage I still encourage you to do internships and accept jobs assigned by the state, because now is really not the era for truly running private enterprises, and policies are always changing. But I hope that you should continue to study in a direction that suits your preferences, and in the future we can build a truly large enterprise together."

Several people looked at each other, and Ji Lian was the first to say, "I am studying economics, so I decided not to follow the assignment. I will come back to help you."

Yan Jiekuang nodded, and then Yan Jiedi said, "I can't. My father has forbidden me from following you and told me to go to the unit I'm assigned to first to learn more about how to behave in society."

Jia Dang thought for a long time and said, "I have discussed with my tutor this year. If there is an assignment, I will most likely stay in school as a teacher. That is not my choice. I will strive for a normal assignment. If they insist on keeping me as a teacher, I will give up."

Jia Huaihua looked at her sisters. She was the one who had the most smooth sailing among them. She looked at her sisters and said, "I want to continue my studies and don't want to give up my studies. If possible, I would like to study abroad, but I guess grandma and dad won't agree."

After finishing speaking, Huaihua lowered her head. Yan Jiekuang said, "What's there to consider? Just study hard. I will cover all your living expenses and tuition fees. Just work hard and don't think too much. Come back to help me when you have learned well."

Huaihua almost jumped up with joy when she heard this. She still believed in Yan Jiekuang and said, "Thank you, Third Uncle. I will definitely study hard."

Xu Jingping and Xu Jingli looked at each other, and Xu Jingping said, "Actually, we sisters also want to continue our studies. We always feel that what we are learning now is not so solid. But we don't need brother's help anymore. We will come back to help you when the time comes."

Yan Jiekuang smiled and said, "Brother believes in you, but you also need to communicate more with your parents and don't make any mistakes."

The two sisters nodded. Yan Jiekuang turned around and looked at his three apprentices, saying, "As for the three of you, I have officially accepted you as my apprentices, but you can't slack off, especially Xiaobao. Although your two senior brothers are chefs and have been promoted, they have less time to practice new dishes. I will open my third store next year. Whether you can take on the responsibility depends on your hard work during this period."

Wei Xiaobao quickly stood up and said seriously, "Master, I know. I will definitely work harder."

Yan Jiekuang turned to look at Yin Liguo and said, "Liguo, you still have a long time to go, you can't change teams halfway."

Yin Liguo had worked very hard in the new store. He was a little overwhelmed and said, "Master, if I did something wrong, just tell me directly. I can accept it."

Yan Jiekuang asked, "How much do you earn per month?"

Yin Liguo answered truthfully: "The salary is 150 yuan, and the bonus is nearly 200 yuan per month, a total of more than 300 yuan."

Yan Jiekuang said: "Well, you are quite honest. How much do you give your mother every month?"

Yin Liguo was stunned and said hesitantly, "One hundred yuan. Master, are you still visiting my home?"

Yan Jiekuang rolled his eyes at him and said, "Nonsense, you are my disciples, I have to be responsible for you. The three of you have almost 300 yuan each, and Xiaobao gave all of it to his mother. I don't advocate this. As far as I know, your mother didn't keep any of it either, and gave it all to your eldest brother. In the end, Xiaobao didn't have any money left, and he won't have enough money to find a partner when the time comes."

Yan Jiekuang turned his head, looked at Yang Liwei and said, "I think you should learn from your senior brother and learn how to distribute your income. Liwei is very good. He gives half to his family and deposits the other half in the bank. This is a reasonable distribution. People should have confidence. Where does confidence come from? It comes from daily accumulation."

Wei Xiaobao and Yin Liguo immediately said, "Yes, Master."

Yan Jiekuang then looked at everyone and said, "I also know what you are thinking. When the time comes, I will know who to look for and who not to look for when I need someone. Thank you all today. Please wait for me for another ten years. Then, I will take you to the world."

Everyone trusted Yan Jiekuang very much. There was a round of warm applause. Everyone knew each other and chatted with each other. Yan Jiekuang whispered to Xu Jingli and Xu Jingping: "Go back and tell your mother to study hard, especially in trade. I think it will be useful in a few years."

At around nine o'clock, everyone dispersed. Yan Jiekuang first sent the Xu sisters home, because tomorrow was the weekend and they all had a rest. After sending the Xu sisters home, Yan Jiekuang led the remaining female generals to Courtyard No. 95.

On the way, Jia Dang kept pestering Yan Jiekuang, saying that if he was not satisfied after graduation, he would be responsible. Yan Jiekuang readily agreed, but Jia Dang complained, "Every time I go home, I squeeze into the small room with Huaihua. It's not comfortable at all."

Yan Jiekuang said, "Your grandmother and your father both favor boys over girls. When I clean up the yard in front of the front door, you and Huaihua can move out. That place will be yours."

"Really? Thank you, Third Uncle, you are really my dear Third Uncle." Jia Dang was very excited.

In this way, several people returned to No. 95 Courtyard and went back to their own homes. Yan Jiedi and Yan Jiekuang did not disturb their parents and went back to their own rooms to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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