Siheyuan: Relieve stress and relieve worries

Chapter 322 Liberation and Solving the Case

Chapter 322 Liberation and Solving the Case
After the fifth day of the New Year, many people became busy. He Yuzhu opened his second store near Wangfujing. It was a very large store. This was the store introduced to him by Minister Wang. He Yuzhu was the owner of this store, but also the head chef of this store. The kitchen of the store in Nanluoguxiang had been handed over to Ma Hua and Fatty.

Those who have jobs have already gone to work. The management of factories is becoming more and more strict now. No one is slacking off like before. Everyone is busy. After all, no one wants to lose their iron rice bowl.

The yard became quiet all of a sudden. Yan Jiekuang had no plan to gather his subordinates before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in order to let them have a good holiday. But Ji Lian was not like that. Now all four stores were opened on the sixth day of the first lunar month, so she also became busy. Yan Jiekuang himself began to take care of the children, and whenever he had nothing to do, he would make delicious food for his parents.

Yang Ruiping is very comfortable now. Yan Bugui is busy selling the store, so she is no longer worried about Yan Bugui. Apart from taking care of her grandson, she watches Yan Jiekuang draw pictures. Yan Jiekuang spent two days drawing the blueprint of the west wing. It is a standard two-courtyard building with a back garden. Moon doors are specially opened in the gatehouse and the east wing of the front yard, which connects the west wing of Courtyard No. 95 with the west wing.

When Yan Bugui returned home, he was very satisfied with the drawings. Yan Jiekuang asked him to go find Wang Xuan himself. Wang Xuan's engineering team had also returned to Sijiucheng, and they had no work at the moment, so they were all idle.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Yan Bugui sold his shop. Yan Bugui was Yan Bugui. He bought the shop for 18,000 yuan and sold it for 22,000 yuan. When he came back, he was carrying a glass of wine and humming a little tune.

When Yi Zhonghai heard the news, he didn't believe it at all. He actually went to the store to ask the boss, and then he confirmed that it was true. He returned to the courtyard and went to Liu Haizhong with a sad face to complain.

After that, Yan Bugui focused his main energy on the west wing and was very busy every day.

After the tenth day, Yan Jiekuang took the children back to his home. Yang Ruiping was now busy cooking for the west wing and had no time to pay attention to him and the children. Yan Jiekuang also felt that he could not cause more trouble, so he said goodbye to his mother and left with the children.

After returning to Yuer Hutong, the first thing Yan Jiekuang did was to go to the studio to make a walker. What he didn't expect was that Dapang accompanied him every day, busying around. It turned out that Dapang was very interested in handicrafts. Yan Jiekuang also slowly taught him how to use the tools. Now Dapang follows Yan Jiekuang every day until Yan Jiekuang finishes the walker.

But Dapang still likes to go to the studio when he has nothing to do and tinker with wood. He also listens to Yan Jiekuang and starts with making simple wooden building blocks.

Ever since Yan Jiekuang returned to Yuer Hutong, Big Cat has stopped eating the food that was left for him before. Every time it is time for dinner, he waits at the kitchen door to eat the food that Yan Jiekuang cooks freshly. The only one who can do this is the foodie Xiaopang.

After the walker was made, the children added a new activity. They enjoyed watching Xiaohai and Xixi wandering around the house until the two little ones stopped moving.

Time flies and it is the Lantern Festival. Yan Jiekuang and his family went to his mother's place early. This year, Yan Jiekuang's restaurant also made a lot of Lantern Festival dumplings, some of which were for guests to taste for free, and some of which were for employees' welfare. Ji Lian also brought some back for her own home and sent them to her mother's place.

As soon as Yan Jiekuang's family entered the courtyard, Yan Jiefang was standing at the door with a frown on his face, smoking a cigarette. Yan Jiekuang greeted him and said, "Second brother, you are smoking. Come to my mother's place to eat glutinous rice balls later."

But unexpectedly, Yan Jiefang rushed over, grabbed Yan Jiekuang's arm, and pulled him to his house.

Yan Jiekuang was startled and said, "Let go, second brother, what's going on?"

Yan Jiefang said, "I want to ask you something."

Yan Jiekuang followed him back to his home. Yan Jiefang handed him a cigarette and took out another one to light up. Yan Jiekuang asked in confusion, "Why didn't you smoke in the house just now?"

Yan Jiefang said: "Isn't that waiting for you?"

Yan Jiekuang took a puff and said, "What's the matter?"

Yan Jiefang then told the story. It turned out that the problem he encountered was a burglary case.

A supply and marketing cooperative in Fengtai was robbed on New Year's Eve. There was a person on duty that day, but he was knocked unconscious. When he woke up, he had no memory of what had happened, but he immediately called the police.

The supply and marketing cooperative's turnover for the day, more than 300 yuan in cash, the watch of the staff on duty, and some cigarettes and alcohol were stolen. When the investigators went to the scene to investigate, an old policeman immediately judged that it must have been done by someone familiar with the supply and marketing cooperative. Others also agreed because except for the place where the money was kept and the counter of cigarettes and alcohol, the thief did not move anywhere and did not walk around randomly. Not much evidence was collected at the scene, just one shoe print and two fingerprints. Based on the shoe print, it was judged that the thief was a male, about 1.7 meters tall and thin.

Everyone thought that this case was easy to solve, so they checked people who had frequently entered and exited the place recently, as well as relevant personnel and family members of the supply and marketing cooperative. There were eleven suspects. With the cooperation of people from the local police station, the investigators collected shoe prints and fingerprints of these eleven people and compared them. The final result was surprising, not a single one matched.

Everyone was confused and started investigating again. After much investigation, everyone thought that the perpetrator must be among these eleven people, but they just couldn't match them. The case was at a standstill. The old policeman was so angry that he got high blood pressure, but he still insisted that it must be someone familiar with the supply and marketing cooperative, or he had been there before, or he knew someone from the supply and marketing cooperative.

Everyone was worried about this case. The leader saw that it was better to give the task force members a holiday first to change their minds and perhaps come up with new ideas. So everyone was given half a day off for the Lantern Festival. Yan Jiefang thought of Yan Jiekuang, who was waiting for him in the yard early in the morning.

Yan Jiekuang smoked a cigarette, thought for a moment, and said, "Who is the person who took the sample?"

"One of our criminal police officers brought police officers from the police station and two people from the security department of the supply and marketing cooperative. Why are you asking this?" Yan Jiefang asked.

Yan Jiekuang smiled and said, "What do you think? Since you believe that it is among the eleven people, but none of the eleven people can be matched, it can only be that someone helped the criminal escape the crime. It is probably either that policeman or someone from the security department of the supply and marketing cooperative. Maybe one of their relatives is among these eleven people."

Yan Jiefang understood immediately, stood up, turned around and walked out, stopped at the door, turned around and said: "Thank you, Lao San, tell my wife that I won't be back for dinner."

Yan Jiekuang also stood up, walked out of his second brother's house, and came to his mother's room. Seeing Shi Xiaoya and Yu Li preparing the dishes, Yan Jiekuang said, "My second brother has returned to work and said he won't be home for dinner. Mom, are you going to cook or am I going to cook?"

Yang Ruiping said, "Let me do it, you can take a rest, because your second brother is busy and doesn't even come home during the holidays."

Yan Jiekuang wandered out of the house and went to take a look next door. His father was busy there. The children wanted to go too, but Yan Jiekuang said, "It's very messy over there. You guys can just play here."

Yan Jiekuang arrived at the west wing. The original houses in the yard had been demolished and the weeds had been cleared away. Blue bricks and wood were placed in the front yard. Several people were digging a pond in the backyard. It was a pond designed by Yan Jiekuang for the old couple to raise fish. Several workers knew Yan Jiekuang and greeted him.

Yan Jiekuang asked, "I thought there was no construction today. Today is the Lantern Festival."

The foreman on duty said, "We plan to dig the pond this morning and then go back in a while."

Yan Bugui was busy in the backyard, and the foreman complained, "I told him not to use the old man, but he refused to do it, saying he wanted to do it himself."

Yan Jiekuang said, "Don't worry about him, he will go back when he is tired." Yan Jiekuang greeted his father, pulled Yan Bugui aside, and whispered, "The tree hole in your secret room must be blocked, leaving a secret door, and build a warehouse behind the secret door. I have drawn it on the blueprint, but we have to block the tree hole ourselves. I'll come over when no one is here in the afternoon." After listening, Yan Bugui nodded, turned around and went back to work.

Yan Jiekuang returned to the courtyard. When it was almost noon, Yang Ruiping and Shi Xiaoya delivered Yuanxiao to the workers next door. After eating the Yuanxiao, the workers went home.

Yang Ruiping arranged for everyone to have dinner. Yan Jiecheng went to call Yan Bugui, and several women brought dishes to the table. The children also came back, washed their hands, and sat in their seats waiting to eat.

Soon, all the people from the Yan family gathered and started to eat. Yan Jiekuang was not actually that hungry. He was full after eating a bowl of rice. He got up from the table, asked Yan Bugui for the key, and went to the west wing. He had to cut down the tree first.

After a while, Yan Bugui also came and helped him work on the tree hole. Yan Jiekuang went downstairs and dismantled the slide first. Then he thought of setting up a template underneath and sealing it with cement. But then he thought it wouldn't work because it would collapse easily. So he came up to ask Yan Bugui where he could buy a larger steel plate so that he could bury the steel plate directly and then cover it with cement.

Yan Bugui thought for a moment and said, "This thing is not easy to get. Why don't we ask He Yuzhu to see if the steel mill has it?"

Yan Jiekuang said, "Then I'll go ask. Don't move. Wait for me to come back."

He Yuzhu was also taking a break today. When he saw Yan Jiekuang coming to him to ask about the steel plate, he said, "It's just a small matter. Come on, I'll take you there."

Yan Jiekuang said calmly, "Stop it. You can buy it with money, but you can't take it. If someone reports me, I'll have to stay in jail."

He Yuzhu thought about it and agreed, so he took him to see the logistics director. When the director heard the purpose of the visit, he readily approved the note for him. Yan Jiekuang went to the finance department to pay the money, and took the receipt to pick up a steel plate. He Yuzhu borrowed a tricycle from the kitchen, and the two of them returned to the west wing. After unloading the steel plate, He Yuzhu rode away on the tricycle without Yan Jiekuang having time to say thank you.

Yan Jiekuang looked at his father's small body and thought, "Okay, let's ask his eldest brother and Yongqing to come over. He can't lift the steel plate by himself, and he can't let Yan Bugui lift it either. If he sprains his waist, it will be a waste of time and effort."

Finally, Yan Jiekuang and two other brothers worked together to lift the steel plate to the pit they had dug earlier, covering it perfectly. After lifting the steel plate, Yan Bugui let the eldest and second brother go back. He and the third brother completed the final work, and only then did they feel relieved.

The father and son locked the door of the west wing before returning home. Yan Jiekuang washed his hands and returned to the north room. The two children were asleep. Ji Lian was sitting next to them reading a book. When she saw Yan Jiekuang coming back, she asked, "Are you done with your work?"

"Yes, this old man's secret room must be kept for him." Yan Jiekuang said.

Ji Lian chuckled and said, "Your father is keeping it a secret. I guess only the eldest brother's family doesn't know about it. Our family knows about it. My second sister-in-law said that Yongchang told her when he got home."

Yan Jiekuang laughed and said, "Just pretend you don't know and give the old man some space."

Ji Lian asked, "Where are those children? I haven't seen them since dinner."

"I guess he's at my second sister-in-law's house. When I left, Shi Lei was still thinking about the remaining firecrackers and said he would set them off today." Yan Jiekuang replied.

"Take a nap. You're tired. I'll call you if there's anything." Ji Lian said.

Yan Jiekuang nodded and said, "Okay, when I wake up, let's go to the backyard to see the old man."

In the afternoon, the young couple took their two children to Grandpa Ji's place, and stayed with him talking and drinking tea until Shi Xiaoya came to bring food to the old man. Then the couple took the children back to their mother.

When he entered the room, he saw that Yan Jiefang had returned. He looked at Yan Jiekuang with a smile and said, "You guessed it right. It was the deputy chief of the security department and the uncle of the thief. We didn't know it. They were killed in two hours."

"That's good. I'm not guessing. That's called logical thinking. Have you read the book I recommended to you?" Yan Jiekuang asked.

Yan Jiefang said embarrassedly: "I really don't have time to watch it. I'll watch it when I have time. Is that okay?"

In the evening, to celebrate the case being solved, Yan Jiefang invited his uncles to have a drink and even went to buy a few bottles of Lianhua Bai liquor himself.

The men started drinking in the evening. Yan Jiekuang asked his father why he hadn't seen Xiao Hei at home, and where had the cats in the west wing gone?
Yan Bugui said, "Xiao Hei, you have to ask your second brother. As for those cats, they were kidnapped. It is said that there was a cat breeder who kidnapped a few female cats. I heard it from He Xiao. He said he saw it."

Yan Jiekuang looked at Yan Jiefang, who said embarrassedly, "Isn't this for police use? Xiao Hei is too smart. The captain of the police dog team came to me and took a liking to him at first sight. He said that Xiao Hei is a wolfdog, born from a dog and a wolf, so he requisitioned him."

"Then my mother isn't sad?" Yan Jiekuang asked.

Yan Jiefang said: "No, I was included in the system anyway, and my mother agreed."

Yan Bugui was drinking some wine when he asked Yan Jiecheng, "How is your factory? I heard from people in the hospital that it is undergoing reforms now."

Yan Jiecheng nodded and said, "Yes, I'm fine. After all, I have a technical background and graduated from a technical secondary school. Those temporary workers with poor performance have been fired, and the staff has been reduced. Now I dare not be late or leave early."

Yan Jiefang was a little confused and asked, "Isn't it said to be a stable job? How can I quit?"

Yan Jiecheng said: "Now we are implementing the responsibility system. The tertiary industry of many factories has been contracted out, mainly because the losses are too serious. Our factory is fine, but look at the steel mills. Once the production plan is reduced, the steel mills can't hold up."

The men were chatting and drinking. Yongqing drank a glass of wine and ran away.

After a while, Yang Ruiping came to the table and sat down. He poured himself a glass of wine from Yongqing's glass and said, "I'll have a drink with you guys."

The old men were amused and quickly toasted their mothers.

(End of this chapter)

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