Chapter 332 Big Fat Little Fat
After the Chinese New Year, Yan Jiekuang became even more low-key and hardly went out except to send his children to school. But, that's often the case: the more you want to keep a low profile, the more trouble will come to you.

On this day, there was a knock on the door of Yuer Hutong. Tian Guixiang let the guest in and went to the backyard to inform Yan Jiekuang that Minister Liu had come with two people who were carrying gifts.

"Why are you here, Minister Liu? I heard that you are retiring." Yan Jiekuang enthusiastically led him into the hall.

After a while, Tian Guixiang came over with tea. After Liu Zheng sat down, he said, "Why? I can't come to your place now that I'm retired?"

Yan Jiekuang said with a bit of embarrassment: "You know that's not what I meant. I visited you a few days ago. I'm a little confused that you came all the way here."

Liu Zheng smiled and said, "I really came here specially today. Let me introduce you to these two people from the Enterprise Reform Office. This one is Xiao Zhang, you can call him Comrade Zhang, and this one is Xiao Wen, you can call him Comrade Wen. I brought them here to visit you specially."

Yan Jiekuang was very surprised. He had heard of the Enterprise Reform Office before, but he was a little surprised that they found him. He asked, "You two, I am just an unemployed person. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Comrade Zhang laughed when he heard this and said, "Chairman Yan's name is well-known in our unit. If you say we are unemployed people, then what have we become?"

Yan Jiekuang knew that the other party had done his homework, so he did not hide anything and said, "You tell me, I will do my best."

Comrade Wen put down his teacup and said, "Some time ago, we held a meeting to study the relocation plan of the winery. It feels novel and there is no sign of loss of state-owned assets. In addition, the new factory area includes supporting facilities such as family residential areas, kindergartens, primary schools, hospitals, parks, etc., and the land replacement is also borne by Keda Group. We don't quite understand why you have to pay so much for us, so we took the liberty to come and ask for your advice."

Yan Jiekuang knew their purpose and felt relieved. He took a sip of tea and said, "Yes, our investment is relatively large, but our company's board of directors once held a meeting to study it and believed that the current land of the winery is worth the value, so we have a later replacement plan."

Comrade Zhang nodded and said, "Our idea is the same as yours, Director Yan. You see, many of our state-owned factories are considering relocation. Can your company consider it?"

Yan Jiekuang was happy and said, "This is a good thing, but you have to have an overall plan. For example, which factory do you plan to relocate and where to relocate. Of course, there must be several options for the relocation direction, otherwise, people will raise the price. For example, we spent a lot of money on the land in Fangshan."

The two comrades nodded at the same time, and Comrade Wen said, "Excuse me, who designed the new winery plant? This design has been well received by many people."

Yan Jiekuang said: "This factory was designed by a construction company in Hong Kong Island, but their designers are from our company. This year we are going to set up our own design company."

The two comrades were very excited and said, "That's great. It will save us a lot of trouble. We would like to contact the relevant person in charge of your company to learn more about the situation. Is that okay with Director Yan?"

"Of course, I'll give you the president's phone number and office address, and you can go to her directly." Yan Jiekuang said.

After saying that, he took out Ji Lian's business card from the drawer and gave one to each of the two comrades.

After the two comrades had finished their business, they were about to say goodbye, but Liu Zheng did not leave. He asked them to go first, saying that he had something else to do with Yan Jiekuang.

Yan Jiekuang sent the two of them out of the yard, watched them get into the car, and then returned to the yard. When passing by the front yard, he told Sister Tian to prepare a fruit plate and send it to the study.

Back in the study, Liu Zheng was flipping through a book. Yan Jiekuang took a look and found it was a volume from the Yongle Encyclopedia.

Yan Jiekuang did not disturb him. He sat behind the desk and read a book. After a while, Sister Tian brought a fruit plate. Yan Jiekuang pointed to the east room. Sister Tian understood and went to the east room to see the two babies.

Liu Zheng looked at it for a while, put it down, and said, "It's a unique piece. How did you get it?"

Yan Jiekuang said: "I got it by chance when I was eight years old, but only half of it. Later, I collected more than 20 books, but they are still not complete."

Liu Zheng curled his lips and said, "It's strange that you can do everything, the rest is in the National Museum."

Yan Jiekuang had never been there before, so he really didn't know. He asked, "There are several sets. Are you sure the one I have is the same one?"

Liu Zheng said, "There is only one set of the Yongle Encyclopedia of Emperor Jiajing, and it has been lost. Do you think it is a set?"

Yan Jiekuang knew that this was really a trick, so he said, "You can think of anything about me, but don't think of my books. I made a vow since I was a child that I would never lend out my books."

Liu Zheng shook his head helplessly and said, "How did your company become so big?"

Yan Jiekuang said: "This company is not mine. I am just the chairman. This is a three-party company, the United States, Hong Kong Island and me."

Liu Zheng knew that some companies have their own secrets, so he didn't ask any more questions. However, he asked a question that Yan Jiekuang didn't expect. Liu Zheng asked, "You know, I'm retired, but some people asked me to ask you, why don't your restaurants accept meat coupons and grain coupons?"

Yan Jiekuang knew that someone was looking for trouble, so he said, "It is necessary to explain this issue. We have three channels for purchasing goods. The first is Shijia Village, the second is Sanyuan Village, and the third is the Ocean Union Bank in Hong Kong Island. The ingredients provided by these three places are all unplanned materials. If we accept the invoices, it will disrupt the market for planned materials. How can we accept it?"

Liu Zheng listened carefully, looked at Yan Jiekuang and said, "What you said does make sense."

"That makes sense. If it weren't for the unplanned supplies, do you think they would sell it to me?" Yan Jiekuang said seriously.

Liu Zheng was thinking seriously. After waiting for a few minutes, Liu Zheng said, "You are doing the right thing. This is the only way to make the market prosperous."

The two men discussed for a while, and half an hour later, Liu Zheng left in his own car. Looking at the car going away, Yan Jiekuang breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Jiekuang feels that the current environment is still not suitable for taking big steps forward, and stability should be the main focus.

Yan Jiekuang returned to the study and called Lou Xiao'e to discuss today's events. Finally, the two decided to set up a Sijiucheng Architectural Design Company. The general manager would be Lou Xiao'e's husband Huang Zhiqiang. In addition, Lou Xiao'e would discuss the possibility of acquisition with Dayang Bank.

At the end of the call, Lou Xiao'e told Yan Jiekuang that her parents, who were also Yan Jiekuang's godmother, would move back to Sijiucheng a week later and would not leave. Yan Jiekuang was very happy and said, "Finally, someone is taking care of my son and daughter."

Lou Xiao'e was so amused that she said, "His own grandson will be born next month, and he will still want yours."

The children came back from school at around four o'clock. Yan Jiekuang looked at the muddy little fat boy, frowned and asked, "Did you fall into the ditch?" The big fat boy smiled and said, "He didn't. He was just a hero saving a beautiful girl. The beautiful girl didn't save him, and she kicked him into the river as a gangster."

Yan Jiekuang laughed so hard that his stomach hurt. Tian Guixiang also laughed, but she felt sorry for Xiaopang. She said, "Hurry up and change your clothes and take a shower. I'll wash your clothes for you."

Shi Li ran over and said, "Dad, I'm first in the class again. Look at the test paper and you have to sign it."

Yan Jiekuang looked at the papers and felt very relieved. Suddenly, he thought that Shi Li had taken the exam, but where were Da Pang and Xiao Pang? He turned to look at Da Pang, who took out the papers and handed them over with disdain. Both papers had 60 points. Yan Jiekuang said, "How come they both passed the exam?"

Big Fatty said, "I did it on purpose. Long live passing. No one can find trouble with me, and I am happy to have some free time."

"I'll give you some free time." Yan Jiekuang got angry, picked up the bamboo next to him and stood up.

"You can't hit me. Hitting people is wrong. Hitting people is a symbol of barbarism." Dapang said as he ran to the backyard.

As soon as he reached the backyard, he saw Xiao Pang coming out of the shower room. Yan Jiekuang stopped and asked, "Where's your test paper?"

"Well, well, I haven't finished washing yet. I'll give it to you when I'm done." Xiaopang turned around and went into the shower room.

Yan Jiekuang understood that he was not as good as Dapang, and said, "You don't need to wear clothes in the shower room, so I'll beat you up."

"Dad, I was wrong. I will never hand in a blank paper again." After saying that, Xiaopang also ran to his room.

Yan Jiekuang had a terrible headache. He just wanted to scare the two useless guys and didn't really want to beat them.

During dinner, Yan Jiekuang became more and more annoyed with the two boys. Ji Lian saw that her husband was angry and asked, "What's wrong with you today?"

Yan Jiekuang sighed and said, "Ask your two precious sons."

After saying that, he put down his chopsticks and went back to the study.

Ji Lian looked at the children in confusion, and Shi Lei said, "It has nothing to do with me. I haven't gotten my exam results yet."

Then Shi Li said, "It has nothing to do with me. I got 100 points in both exams."

Only Big Fatty and Little Fatty didn't even look at their mother. They lowered their heads and ate their food. Ji Lian knew it was these two naughty kids, so she said, "Talk to mom after dinner."

It was not until the evening that Yan Jiekuang found out about the two boys. It was Ji Lian who told him about it.

Dapang has never liked being a student leader. Once his grades are good, the teacher will arrange for them to be class monitors, deputy class monitors, group leaders, etc., as well as various study committee members and class representatives. So Dapang always deliberately lowers his scores so that the teacher won't think of him. Even if he fails, the teacher will always find time to make up lessons, wasting time.

Xiaopang, the idiot, made a bet with someone that he would get ten dollars if he handed in a blank paper. The person he made the bet with was the kid who always ranked last in the class. So, for the ten dollars, he actually handed in a blank paper.

Yan Jiekuang was so happy that he said, "Look at these two children you gave birth to. One is very cunning and the other is a fool, all for ten dollars."

Ji Lian rolled her eyes and said, "They are all your seeds. The roots are with you."

Tomorrow is Sunday. Yan Jiekuang asked Ji Lian if she would take a day off. Ji Lian said, "Tomorrow is the groundbreaking ceremony for the winery. I don't have time. You should take the children back to the courtyard and tell their parents."

Early the next morning, Yan Jiekuang took the children to wash up and went out without eating. They went to Master Tong's breakfast shop. Master Tong had passed away last year. Yan Jiekuang also attended the funeral and gave a contribution. Now it is Master Tong's son and daughter-in-law who run the shop. Yan Jiekuang bought fried liver, tea eggs, bean juice, buns and a bunch of other things, and then returned to the west wing of the courtyard.

Yang Ruiping opened the door and was very happy to see Yan Jiekuang and his children coming over. He said, "This time, all the grandchildren are here except Yan Yongqing."

Shi Lei said happily: "Yongchang and the others live here, I'll go find them." Then he ran to the backyard.

Yang Ruiping looked at the fat guy and the little guy who lowered their heads and asked, "What happened? Who messed with you?"

Big Fatty and Little Fatty looked up at their father and said nothing. Yan Jiekuang said unhappily, "Ask your two eldest grandsons. One got 60 points in both subjects, and the other got even worse, zero points in both subjects."

Yan Bugui had just come out of the house. When he heard what Yan Jiekuang said, he said, "How could I have two grandsons in my life as an innocent teacher? You are the real grandsons. Come here and tell me what's going on."

Yan Bugui dragged Dapang and Xiaopang to the restaurant. The children put their breakfast in the restaurant and ran to the backyard.

When Yang Ruiping heard about Da Pang and Xiao Pang, he laughed and said, "You gave birth to two monsters for us."

After a while, Yan Bugui returned to the restaurant happily and started eating, not taking the matter of Dapang and Xiaopang seriously at all.

Yan Jiekuang asked, "Didn't you take care of those two guys?"

Yan Bugui rolled his eyes and said, "My two eldest grandsons are very smart. What do you call this? This is called hiding one's incompetence."

Yang Ruiping suddenly said seriously: "Jie Kuang, if you have time, take Mr. Ji to the hospital. Your father and I went to see him last night, and he looked a little unwell."

Yan Jiekuang's heart skipped a beat. The person he least wanted to face was Old Man Ji. He also knew that Old Man Ji was about to die. Although Old Man Ji never shyed away from it every time, Yan Jiekuang always felt uneasy after seeing him.

Hearing his mother's words, Yan Jiekuang stopped talking, nodded silently, and ate his meal quietly. Seeing his look, Yan Bugui also sighed and said, "You have to face it. Go ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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