Chapter 387 Return Home
It took the Yan family seven full hours to reach Jade Emperor Peak, and this was because Shi Lei kept taking turns carrying Xiao Hai and Xi Xi. When they arrived at Jade Emperor Peak, the Yan family quickly checked into the Shenqi Hotel. Everyone was exhausted.

Yan Jiekuang looked at the time and saw that it was almost five o'clock, so he did not disturb everyone and asked them to rest and go to the restaurant for dinner at six o'clock.

When Yan Jiekuang went from room to room to call everyone to eat, he did not see his father in Yan Bugui's room. After asking Yang Ruiping, he learned that Yan Bugui had gone to the Qingdi Palace alone for a stroll.

Yan Jiekuang did not go to look for Yan Bugui and took his family to eat. Not long after they started eating, Yan Bugui came over alone.

After dinner, Yan Bugui suggested that everyone visit the Qingdi Palace and Yue Lao Temple.

After dinner, everyone did not return to their rooms, but went to visit the places recommended by Yan Bugui. Yan Bugui also led the way and introduced the places along the way.

The next morning, before daybreak, just after four o'clock, Yan Jiekuang called everyone to get up. Only Xiaohai and Xixi were still drowsy. The others knew they were going to watch the sunrise, so they got up quickly. The military coats rented the day before had been distributed to everyone, so they set off.

The hotel is very close to the best spot to watch the sunrise, just a few steps away. The Yan family occupied the best observation position, facing the east and waiting quietly in the dark distance.

When a hint of red appeared on the horizon, the children cheered, knowing that the sun was about to come out. The hint of red slowly spread, like a beautiful painting slowly opening. The red slowly occupied the horizon, and the sun slowly rose. When the first ray of golden color rose towards Jade Emperor Peak, the children cheered, and slowly the entire Jade Emperor Peak turned golden, and the sun slowly rose.

Yan Jiekuang felt the magnificence of nature and was deeply moved. Ji Lian leaned on his shoulder and looked into the distance. Yan Jiekuang seemed to hear Yan Bugui excitedly saying, "This trip is worthwhile. We have to thank the third brother."

After watching the sunrise, everyone went back to have breakfast, then checked out and started to play down the mountain. It was around three o'clock in the afternoon when they returned to the car. Yan Jiekuang asked his father if he wanted to stay in Tai'an for a day, or take a break and go directly to Qingdao?

Yan Bugui thought for a moment and said, "Let's go directly to Qingdao. I heard that the accommodation conditions in Qingdao are better."

Yan Jiekuang talked to Ji Lian and Yan Yongqing, rested for about half an hour, and drove directly to Qingdao. When they arrived at Qingdao Haitian Hotel, it was almost ten o'clock.

When the car stopped, adults and children woke up from their drowsiness. Of course, the youngest one, Dudu, was already fast asleep. Yan Yongqing's wife, Lv Yanling, got out of the car holding the child.

Yan Jiekuang went to open eight rooms and distributed the meal cards to them. Yan Jiekuang asked if they wanted to eat something before resting. Yan Bugui quickly said, "Let's go. We'll go in a while. We don't have to drive. The seafood stall in front is good." Everyone responded, only Lu Yanling said, "I won't go. I'll just ask Yongqing to bring me some."

Everyone went back to their rooms to put down their luggage, and then gathered in the lobby on the first floor. Once everyone was gathered, they went straight to the food stall.

When the boss saw so many people coming, he smiled so hard that he couldn't stop. He quickly set up two large round tables outside. The boss and Yan Jiekuang went to see the seafood, chatting as they walked. The boss introduced Qingdao's famous attractions to Yan Jiekuang, and Yan Jiekuang listened carefully.

When they arrived at the seafood stall, Yan Jiekuang displayed his rich character and ordered almost everything except fish, and in double portions. When the boss saw this, he knew he was a big customer, so he quickly called the kitchen staff to come get the seafood and quickly cooked it.

Yan Bugui was in high spirits and was busy drinking Tsingtao beer. The owner directly moved a barrel and placed it next to the adults' table, saying: "Dear guests who have come from afar, this barrel of beer has just left the factory today. It's a little gift from my small shop. Come, I'll pour beer for everyone." After that, he took the draft beer cups and started pouring beer for everyone. Yan Bugui thanked everyone on behalf of everyone.

Yan Yongqing got the beer and took a big sip without waiting for the food to come. Then he burped and said, "It feels so good!"

At this time, the dishes had already been served, and Yang Ruiping said, "Yongqing, do you want to send some dishes and cakes to your wife first, and then come back to eat?"

Upon hearing this, Yan Yongqing said, "Yes, yes, we don't know when we'll eat yet. I'll go take the meal to my wife first."

The child from the Yan family didn't stop from the first bite, and started to eat with great relish. Not to mention that the seafood was really fresh, even his mother Yang Ruiping praised it highly.

We ate until almost twelve o'clock before going back to the hotel to sleep. The next day, Yan Jiekuang did not wake everyone up so early. He waited until nine o'clock before knocking on every door.

The Yan family spent two days in Qingdao. On the first day, they went to the pier and had a simple meal nearby. In the afternoon, they played at the beach for half a day. In the evening, Yan Jiekuang took his family to Chunhelou to eat Qingdao's special Shandong cuisine.

The next day they went to Badaguan for a tour. Everyone was amazed at the various exotic villas. At the door of a French-style villa, the owner of the house, who was also from Sijiucheng, warmly invited them to visit his home. The Yan family followed the owner in to visit. The original furniture and furnishings were still preserved inside. Yan Bugui was very interested in a painting and looked at it for a long time.

When the owner saw that Yan Bugui was interested in the painting, he introduced it to the owner, saying, "This is the first owner of this villa, a French comprador, and this painting was painted by his daughter."

"Oh, then how did this villa end up in your hands?" Yan Bugui asked.

"Alas, my ancestor was a prince in the Qing Dynasty. My family lived in Nanluoguxiang. But later my grandfather was a member of Empress Dowager Cixi's faction. After Empress Dowager Cixi died, some people started to cause trouble for my family. My grandfather left a few servants and took the whole family to Qingdao. In order to support the family, he started to do business with foreigners. The owner here was one of my grandfather's partners." The owner said. When the Yan family heard the owner say this, they looked at each other. Could it really be such a coincidence? Yan Bugui asked tentatively: "May I ask if your grandfather was Prince Fu?"

The owner was surprised and asked, "How do you know?"

At this time, Yan Jiekuang thought of the deaf old lady and asked, "Sir, who did our ancestors leave behind in the yard when they passed away?"

The man thought for a moment and said, "We left behind a maidservant of Langgege, a second housekeeper, a cook, a groom, and a grocer. My grandfather wanted to create a false impression that my family was just traveling far away, so he left the maidservant in the capital pretending to be a princess."

Yan Bugui became interested and said, "The maidservant in your family once accompanied the princess to see Emperor Tongzhi. Your second housekeeper's surname is Yi, your cook's surname is He, your groom's surname is Jia, and your purser's surname is Xu. Am I right?"

The man was shocked again, this time he opened his mouth wide and stared at Yan Bugui. Yan Bugui laughed and said, "Okay, I won't joke with you anymore. Now my family has opened a restaurant in the main yard of your house. I have renovated the west wing. Those families used to be my neighbors, but later they sold their houses to me and moved away."

Not only the Yan family, but also the owner felt that this world was truly magical. It was not known whether it was fate or destiny that they could meet the Yan family here.

The man chatted with the Yan family for a while, exchanged contact information, and then parted ways. The man said that he would definitely visit Nanluoguxiang when he had time.

The Yan family continued their tour. In the afternoon, Yan Jiekuang drove the family to Laoshan. However, since they had just been to Mount Tai, Laoshan seemed a bit underwhelming.

It was this trip to Laoshan that made Yang Ruiping suddenly interested in Taoism. Yan Bugui was also curious, but not as enthusiastic as his wife.

In the evening, based on everyone’s opinions, we went to the seafood stall for dinner again. This was also our last meal in Qingdao as we would be returning tomorrow.

The boss saw Yan Jiekuang, a returning customer, and suddenly grabbed Yan Jiekuang and said, "You're here today, and we have some good stuff." Then he took Yan Jiekuang to the backyard. Yan Jiekuang took a look and said, "Wow, where did you get this from?"

The boss said: "It was from Hokkaido. The fishing boats here went there secretly."

Yan Jiekuang looked at the king crab in front of him and said, "Great! By the way, this is the only one?"

The boss said: "The fishing boat also brought back some pufferfish, but that is poisonous and we don't know how to cook it."

Yan Jiekuang smiled and said, "I want both the king crab and the puffer fish. I'll cook them later. I'll lend you the kitchen and leave some for you when the time comes."

The boss was surprised and asked, "Are you a chef?"

"I guess so. Okay, let's go order something else." After saying that, Yan Jiekuang walked towards the seafood stall.

Returning to his seat, Yan Jiekuang said with a smile: "Everyone is in for a treat today. I'll keep you in suspense for now. I'll go and make a dish later. They don't know how to cook, so you guys eat first." After saying that, Yan Jiekuang went to the kitchen.

Looking at the plump puffer fish, Yan Jiekuang's mouth was watering. He put on an apron and started to clean it. Then he started to heat the oil in a pan. Yan Jiekuang used lard. After a while, the kitchen was filled with fragrance. When the chefs saw Yan Jiekuang cleaning the fish, they knew he was extraordinary.

A large pot of white sauce puffer fish was ready. Yan Jiekuang left one third for the boss and got two large soup bowls for himself. He then asked the waiter to bring it to the table. When he returned to the table, he saw the whole family staring at the big crab. Yan Jiekuang quickly asked for crab claws and scissors and started to cut the king crab apart. At this time, the white sauce puffer fish was also served.

Yan Bugui asked, "What smells so good?"

"This is a delicacy on earth, white sauce puffer fish, made by me. Come and everyone try it, and then eat this king crab." Yan Jiekuang said.

The whole family had a feast this time and said that the trip was worthwhile. They saw the most beautiful scenery, the beautiful sea, and delicious food along the way. Everyone raised their glasses to thank Yan Jiekuang.

When it came time to pay the bill, the boss gave him a discount and even packed a box of seafood on ice, insisting that it all be given to Yan Jiekuang. Yan Jiekuang refused twice, but finally accepted it.

The next day, after checking out, the group embarked on the return journey. This trip was truly wonderful and everyone felt a little reluctant to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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