Chapter 413: Confused Rescue
Yan Jiekuang woke up in excruciating pain. When he opened his eyes, he recalled what happened last night. It seemed like something happened, but it also seemed like nothing happened. Yan Jiekuang had an even bigger headache and simply stopped thinking about it. He got up and leaned against the head of the bed to relax. At this time, Ji Lian came in with a bowl of honey water. Seeing that Yan Jiekuang was awake, she walked straight to the bed and handed it to him.

Yan Jiekuang drank it all in one gulp, and instantly felt more alert. His headache was no longer so severe. He looked at Ji Lian and said, "How did I get back last night?"

Ji Lian was stunned at first, then burst into laughter and said, "You don't remember? You don't have any impression at all?"

Yan Jiekuang shook his head in bewilderment. Ji Lian said, "You walked back by yourself last night, and you even acted like a hero saving a beautiful girl."

Yan Jiekuang really had no impression of it at all. How could there be a scene of a hero saving a beauty? He looked at Ji Lian, and Ji Lian repeated what happened yesterday. After listening to it, Yan Jiekuang still had no impression of it at all.

After getting up, Ji Lian asked, "How much did you drink yesterday? How come you lost your memory?"

"Don't mention it. We had agreed to have a drink with my second brother yesterday, but then my parents came to the table. Especially my dad, he was sad about something, so he drank a lot. The three of us drank nearly five kilograms of liquor. It would be strange if I didn't stop drinking. Fortunately, I could still walk home." Yan Jiekuang said.

Ji Lian was so happy after hearing this that she said, "This is the first time I've ever seen you black out."

After Yan Jiekuang finished washing up, he went to the front yard. The children and Ji Lian had finished eating, so he planned to go to the entrance of the alley to finish his fried liver.

As soon as he reached the door, Xixi blocked his way and asked, "Dad, what did you do yesterday? Why didn't you come home all day?"

Yan Jiekuang was delighted when he heard this. This little housekeeper asked about everything, so he said, "She was drinking with your grandparents. She drank too much and came back late."

"Then where are you going now?" Xixi asked again.

"Can I go to the alley and have a bowl of fried liver? Housekeeper." Yan Jiekuang said with a smile.

Xixi snorted and said, "Then I'll go with you."

Yan Jiekuang said, "Didn't you finish your breakfast?"

Xixi replied: "I'm done, but I think I can still have a bowl of fried liver."

"Okay, little aunt, let's go." Yan Jiekuang said, and then took Xixi to the breakfast shop at the entrance of the alley.

It was already noon at this time and there were very few people eating breakfast. Yan Jiekuang took Xixi to find a seat, ordered two bowls of fried liver and four buns, and sat down to eat.

While I was eating, I saw a woman running over and said, "Brother, brother, do you remember me?"

Yan Jiekuang looked up and saw a very beautiful girl, who looked to be about 20 years old and dressed very fashionably. However, he had no impression of her at all, so he shook his head and said, "I don't remember knowing you. Did you recognize the wrong person?"

"Brother, have you forgotten everything overnight?" said the girl.

Yan Jiekuang was stunned. The people in the shop fell silent instantly and focused their attention on Yan Jiekuang. Yan Jiekuang was angry and said, "How can you talk like that, kid?"

The girl also realized that what she said just now could be easily misunderstood. At this time, Xixi said quietly: "Big sister, my dad slept at home last night, please don't make a mistake."

Yan Jiekuang's face instantly turned red, and the girl quickly said, "Don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand. Last night, at the entrance of this alley, you saved a girl. Have you forgotten?"

Yan Jiekuang remembered Ji Lian's words, but still said, "Tell me the truth. I heard my wife talk about what happened last night, but I really don't remember it. You don't have to care about it. Just pretend it never happened, okay?"

When the people in the shop heard that he was their savior, they immediately lost interest and went about their business.

The girl said, "How can that be possible? I was thinking of treating you to a meal to thank you. If you hadn't been there yesterday, I don't know what would have happened to me."

Yan Jiekuang was a little overwhelmed. He kept chatting with her and didn't even eat. Xixi said at this time: "Sister, no matter what you have to say, can you wait until my dad and I finish eating the fried liver? It's almost cold."

The girl saw that the other person was eating and thought it was disturbing, so she said, "You guys eat, we can talk later, I'll wait for you at the door."

After the girl left the shop, Yan Jiekuang sighed and continued eating. Xixi was also eating, but she was secretly looking at her father while eating.

Yan Jiekuang said as he ate, "It's delicious. Is there something wrong with my face?"

Xixi nodded and said, "Yes, there are peach blossoms."

Yan Jiekuang was so angry that he stopped eating. He looked at Xixi and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Your father just did a good thing, but he didn't expect it to become a trouble. What does it have to do with peach blossoms?"

Xixi stuck out her tongue and started eating the fried liver. Yan Jiekuang looked at the leftovers on the table and felt it was a waste, so he started eating again.

After dinner, as soon as Yan Jiekuang went out, the girl was waiting at the door. Yan Jiekuang didn't know what she was going to say, so he thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll invite you to my house and we can talk about anything. And don't always mention your savior." The girl nodded in agreement when she heard that.

Yan Jiekuang and Xixi brought the girl back to their home. Ji Lian was arranging flowers in the front yard. When she looked up, she saw Yan Jiekuang and Xixi bringing a girl in. Yan Jiekuang introduced, "This is the girl I met last night. You take her to the main hall and sit down. I'll go make tea. This is my wife, Ji Lian." After that, Yan Jiekuang went to the kitchen.

Ji Lian guessed at once that Yan Jiekuang had been pestered by this girl this early in the morning. She laughed and said, "Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Ji Lian."

"Hello, my name is Xu Jingyi, and I'm from Suzhou." The girl said generously.

Afterwards, Ji Lian took the girl to the central hall. After a while, the two became familiar with each other. Yan Jiekuang brought a teapot and teacups to the central hall, poured a cup of tea for Xu Jingyi, and then poured some for himself and his wife.

At this time, Xu Jingyi told her story and what happened. It turned out that Xu Jingyi was a girl with a dream. What dream was it? It was to be admitted to the Central Academy of Drama. In order to achieve this goal, she took a train to Sijiucheng just after the Chinese New Year and rented a house near the Central Academy of Drama to prepare for the exam.

As soon as she arrived yesterday, she came to Nanluoguxiang. She looked for a suitable house for a whole day but couldn't find one. It was already past seven o'clock when she finished her meal. She didn't expect that Nanluoguxiang would be so quiet after the New Year. There were very few people on the street. She lost her direction as she walked. She felt that all the alleys here were exactly the same. She began to remember where her hotel was but couldn't find it.

At around eight o'clock, she was targeted by two people. According to her, she didn't see what the two people looked like or what they were going to do, but when she saw the two people, she ran away and the two people chased her. Not long after she ran away, she ran into Yan Jiekuang, and the two people were scared away.

Ji Lian and Xu Jingyi got along very well. Yan Jiekuang couldn't get a word in, so he just listened beside them while drinking tea. He listened with great interest. Most of the time, Xu Jingyi was talking about the drama academy entrance exam.

After a while, Shi Li came in, said a few insignificant words, and left. Not long after that, Xiao Pang came over again and asked Ji Lian for the clothes she wore yesterday. Ji Lian was also puzzled and said, "Didn't you watch me put them in the washing machine? Why are you asking?"

Xiaopang looked as if he had suddenly realized something and turned around and left. At this time, Yan Jiekuang understood a little bit that these two children came to see this girl. He didn't know what Xixi said in the backyard.

Yan Jiekuang calmly turned around and walked out of the main hall, heading straight for the backyard. The sound of a group of children talking could be heard from the living room of the two-story building in the backyard. Yan Jiekuang lifted the curtain and went in. He saw that all six children were there, discussing the girl.

Yan Jiekuang said, "Don't you know that this is rude? Why are you looking for a lame excuse to go see that girl?"

Xiaopang said, "No, Dad, it was Xixi who said you rescued a super beautiful girl last night. We didn't want to see her, but Xiaosi said that if she was really that beautiful, she would be a good wife for Big Brother. So, everyone wanted to see what she looked like."

Yan Jiekuang looked at Shi Lei, who said indifferently, "I was just bored, so I played with them. I don't have any ideas. There are many beautiful girls in our school."

The others looked at Shi Lei with resentful eyes. Big Fat said, "Just now, that's not what you said. You said you also wanted to see how beautiful it was."

Shi Lei laughed and said, "I was just teasing you guys."

This made the kids angry, and Xiao Pang shouted, "Everyone, come on and beat him up."

A group of children started to fight. Yan Jiekuang saw this and left with his tea. As soon as he reached the middle courtyard, Ji Lian called out, "Third brother, third brother, come here."

Yan Jiekuang walked into the hall again, and Ji Lian said, "Jingyi is looking for a house. Living in my house is a bit inappropriate. Do you think it is possible for him to live with his parents?"

"Okay, okay. When are we going?" Yan Jiekuang asked.

Ji Lian said: "Please treat Jingyi to lunch at noon, and then you can send her over."

Yan Jiekuang nodded, looked at the time, and said, "Okay, I'll go cook now." Then he ran to the kitchen.

Yan Jiekuang didn't do anything special. When he heard that Xu Jingyi was from Suzhou, he added two Suzhou side dishes, one was crab meat and the other was boiled dried shredded pork. The rest were home-cooked dishes, but since he drank too much yesterday, he made a separate yam and pork rib soup.

When it was almost noon, Yan Jiekuang shouted in the front yard: "It's time to eat."

Ji Lian brought Xu Jingyi in. Just as they sat down, the children came in one after another. When Shi Lei came in and saw Xu Jingyi, he was stunned. Xu Jingyi was also stunned for a moment when she saw Shi Lei, but immediately turned her head away. The fat boy walking behind saw that Shi Lei didn't move, so he kicked his heel and said, "Why are you standing there? Sit down."

Shi Lei reacted immediately and found his seat and sat down. Shi Li helped his father serve the dishes. When Xu Jingyi saw the boiled shredded pork and crab meat with crab meat, she was surprised. This family was really thoughtful.

Yan Jiekuang finally came in with the soup, put it on the table, and said, "Let's eat."

Everyone started eating, and Yan Jiekuang introduced them, saying, "These two dishes are specially made for you. How about trying them?"

Xu Jingyi began to eat it in small bites, saying as she ate, "It tastes just like the food back home, but even better."

Xixi said, "Big sister, you are in luck. The number of people in this city who can eat the food my father cooks can be counted on one hand."

Ji Lian said: "Then eat more, and after you finish eating, we will send you to my parents."

Shi Li asked, "Why send her to her grandparents?"

Ji Lian told the story again, and the children all agreed with Xu Jingyi at once. However, Yan Jiekuang discovered that Shi Lei always secretly glanced at Xu Jingyi intentionally or unintentionally. Yan Jiekuang thought, could this boy be tempted?
(End of this chapter)

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