Chapter 363: Three Poisons Fill the Pit
Three poisons fill the pit
In the perception of the [Three Poison Bodhisattva], the three bodies of heaven, earth and man before him, even the strongest [Killing Sword Body], is just the level of cultivation that has just entered the [Door].

The combat power of the other two incarnations is not even worth mentioning as they are not even at the fifth level.

In its opinion, it would be easy to defeat these three enemies.

And the thousand years of freedom that [Karma Honghong Buddha] promised it can also take effect immediately.

As the Three Poisons were chasing Han Yue, they passed by some densely populated areas.

For these [three poisons], the "greed, anger, and ignorance" produced by living beings are like delicious food that is quite addictive. If you don't eat them for one day, you will feel numb and itchy as if your whole body is covered with grass.

It couldn't wait to kill Han Yue so that it could quickly go to those realms, create killings, absorb the thoughts of "greed, anger, and ignorance" to improve its cultivation.

But who could have imagined that this inconspicuous human cultivator in front of him could kill his incarnation of [Angry Bodhisattva] with just one strike of the sword!

Although for the [Three Poisons], greed, anger and ignorance are combined into one, destroying one incarnation will not take its life at all.

Even the [Angry Bodhisattva] that had been killed began to quickly revive with the support of the magical powers of the other two incarnations.

However, the sudden burst of combat power from the Killing Sword Body still made it a little alert.

However, [Three Poisons] did not care too much about the enemy's strength!

Just because of its strange origin and strange magical powers, it can be said to be truly immortal.

The [Three Poisons] are born from the desires of "greed, anger, and ignorance" that have accumulated over the years in [Mountains, Seas, and Skies].

[Mountains, seas and skies] are indestructible, and as long as “greed, anger and ignorance” are not emptied, they will be eternal.

When it splits into three bodies, killing one or two of them is of no use at all, as it will be able to return from the three poisons in the blink of an eye.

Even if the three bodies are killed together, they can be resurrected from the "greed, anger, and ignorance" of [Mountain, Sea, and Sky].

Therefore, even the great Buddhas in the three major temples of [Shan Hai Tian] cannot completely kill it and can only choose to suppress it!

In the eyes of the Buddhist practitioners in [Shan Hai Tian], this [Three Poison Ghost Bodhisattva] is an absolute natural disaster tumor that no ordinary cultivator can match.

We are absolutely sure to release it to hunt down Han Yue!
However, Taoist Shenxiao, whose time to enlightenment is less than one-hundredth of the Three Poisons, is not an ordinary cultivator!
Another clear sword light flashed, and the [Angry Bodhisattva] who had just been resurrected from death also entered Nirvana again.

[Killing Sword Body] stood calmly with his hands folded, watching the battlefield of the other two incarnations like a spectator.

[Anger Bodhisattva] slowly resurrected behind him.

But the six people present knew clearly that it posed no threat to the [Killing Sword Body]!
It’s because the sword light was too sharp!

After Han Yue completed the swordsmanship upgrade, he also discovered that his attack power had been improved unimaginably!
Under [Zhu Xian Collection], any casual sword flash can be blessed thousands of times!

This is the ultimate manifestation of Tao. Without sufficient status and strength, it is impossible to understand the mystery contained therein.

On another battlefield, the fighting was much more intense.

As the cultivation of [Killing Sword Body] improves, [Taishi Body] and [Empty Demon Body] can also seamlessly call upon its magical powers and magic.

However, without the decisive magical power of [Zhu Xian Ji Lu], even if the other two incarnations can also stimulate the fifth-level sword energy, they cannot defeat the enemy for a while.

[Tai Shi Body] and [Kong Mo Body] crisscrossed on the battlefield, and the sword energy was like a dragon, roaring and tearing through the void.

Among them, the [Tai Shi Body] controlled the [Xian Xian], and from time to time he swung out a [Tai Su Zhan Ye Sword Order], and from his body, he swung out the majestic [Tai Su Divine Ban]!
The power of this sword order and divine ban is extremely astonishing. Each of them has the strength of the Tai Su Avenue to cut off karma and consume matter.

The fighting style of the [Tai Shi Body] is completely different from that of the [Sha Jian Body].

Even with this [fifth-level] lightning magic sword in hand, [Tai Shi Shen] did not display his sword-wielding skills.

On the contrary, he stood there, as if he had turned into a terrifying turret!

Countless divine prohibitions and sword orders of the [Tai Su] series swept towards the [Foolish Bodhisattva].

Even a powerful being like the immortal [Foolish Bodhisattva] was in a very bad state under the impact of the infinite [Tai Su] power, and even his body movements became slow and difficult.

However, [Foolish Bodhisattva] is not without the ability to fight back.

It roared angrily, and a strong power of obsession emanated from its body, forming a series of [Chains of Obsession] that entangled towards [Tai Shi's Body].

These [Chains of Obsession] are the condensation of extreme emotions and carry extremely strong corrosive power. Once touched, even a fifth-level magic sword may be corroded by it.

But [Tai Shi Shen] did not panic because of this. He swung the [Xian Xian] magic sword in his hand even more violently. Sword lights roared out like a dragon, cutting off those [Chains of Obsession] one by one.

And once this [Foolish Bodhisattva] gets close to his Dharma body, [Tai Shi Shen] will immediately activate the [Time Escape Light], flashing tens of thousands of miles away to avoid his most powerful edge.

Both of them are invincible, but the [Foolish Bodhisattva] is immortal and seeks life in the midst of death.

[Tai Shi Shen] escapes as fast as lightning, making it impossible for the opponent to even touch it!
The battle between [Taishi Body] and [Chi Bodhisattva] seems to be an endless chase.

Whenever [Foolish Bodhisattva] thought he could catch [Taishi Body], [Taishi Body] would always be able to use the magical power of [Time Escape Light] to instantly escape from the battlefield, making [Foolish Bodhisattva]'s attacks fail.

On the other hand, the battle between [Empty Demon Body] and [Greedy Bodhisattva] was much more bizarre.

Han Yue's [Empty Demon Body] integrates the magical powers of the innate [Space] and [Yuan Ling] avenues.

Its body is filled with a vast amount of [Heart Demon Spell] power.

After the [Killing Sword Body] entered the fifth level, it borrowed its fifth level magic power, and with a wave of its hand, multiple [Inner Demon Butterflies] flew around.

These magical butterflies are all products of the supreme [Yuan Ling] avenue.

They danced gracefully, each of them containing terrifying power that could confuse the mind and corrode the spirit.

Faced with this [Greedy Bodhisattva], [Empty Demon Body] did not rush to fight, but let these [Heart Demon Butterflies] surround it, forming a dreamy butterfly storm.

But when [Greedy Bodhisattva] saw this, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes. In his eyes, this soul-stealing [Heart Devil Butterfly] seemed to be a great tonic.

Enticed by them, [Greedy Bodhisattva] could not resist his own nature and gave up everything, rushing towards those [Heart Demon Butterflies] and swallowing them without any care.

This action of [Greedy Bodhisattva] undoubtedly fell into the calculation of [Empty Demon Body].

The moment those [Butterflies of the Heart Demon] came into contact with it, they transformed into dark powers of the Heart Demon, madly pouring into the body of [Greedy Bodhisattva] and began to erode its mind.

[Greed Bodhisattva] was not afraid of this either, and accepted it all. It was addicted to the power of [Inner Demon Butterfly], but for a moment, it no longer had the desire to fight!
Its mind was controlled by greed, and it was addicted to the [Great Curse of the Heart Demon].

It's like a burnt cat that has knocked over a can of catnip.

It began to absorb the [Empty Demon Body] madly.

And it was also the first time that [Empty Demon Body] saw a strange existence that could not be weakened or controlled by its own [Inner Demon Spell].

In his perception, this [Greedy Bodhisattva] seemed to be composed of countless magical thoughts.

Although he wanted to use the [Heart Demon Curse] to cleanse it completely.

But for a moment, I couldn't find the core of his consciousness!

That [Greedy Bodhisattva] does not seem like an independent creature, but rather more like a gathering of magical powers!

As long as the power of his [Heart Demon Mantra] failed to completely contaminate the magical power of this [Greedy Bodhisattva].

This [Greedy Bodhisattva] can attract enough magical power from the "greed, anger, and ignorance" of [Mountains, Seas, and Skies] to dilute the influence of the [Heart Demon Curse].

[Greedy Bodhisattva], with its unique structure, overwhelmed [Empty Demon Body] right from the start.

But for [Empty Demon Body], [Greedy Bodhisattva] is not the only strange person in this world!
His own structure is not something that ordinary people have.

The appearance of [Empty Demon Body] is like colored glass, and its skin is as translucent as crystal jade.

But it is also filled with a huge amount of heart demon spell power.

In fact, he is just like [Greedy Bodhisattva], and has no physical entity inside!

Inside the skin bag condensed by the Avenue of Space, there is only a vast amount of magic power filling it.

It is difficult to regard a body like the [Empty Demon Body] as a human being.

At this time, facing the [Greedy Bodhisattva] who was licking him all over, [Empty Demon Body] also made another surprise move.

He stretched out his right hand and touched his hair.

Then he stretched out his hand and lifted it up, and his head was taken off by him!

The cut on the neck was quite smooth, as if it was cut with a knife.

And looking into the belly of the [Empty Demon Body] through the incision, the dark power of the [Heart Demon Curse] inside was rolling wildly!
The detached head did not fall to the ground, but was caught by the left hand of [Empty Demon Body]. A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he was performing an ancient and mysterious ritual.

Then, he bent down slightly, cut his neck, and aimed it at [Greedy Bodhisattva], from which he exhaled a powerful [Heart Demon Mantra] that was so strong that it was almost material!
This power turned into a black beam of light and shot straight into the body of [Greedy Bodhisattva].

[Greedy Bodhisattva] was caught off guard and was shocked by the sudden power of the curse. His eyes, which were originally blurred by greed, instantly became clearer.

But then, it was attracted by the strong power of [Heart Demon Spell] in the chest and abdomen of [Empty Demon Body].

He didn't care at all and rode his light of escape straight into the chest and abdomen of the [Empty Demon Body]!

I saw that [Greedy Bodhisattva] flew in through the cut on his neck like a young swallow flying into the forest.

Afterwards, this great Bodhisattva, who was at the peak of the fifth-order [Door], actually treated the body of the [Empty Demon Body] as his own home, and ran in without any hesitation and settled down!
It hasn't been long since I was infected with the [Inner Demon Curse], but it seems to have completely taken over and I can't leave it anymore!
Upon seeing this, [Empty Demon Body] did not hesitate at all. It lifted the head in its hand and placed it back on its neck.

Just like that, [Empty Demon Body] entered the game with his body and suppressed the [Greedy Bodhisattva] firmly within his own Dharma body!

Afterwards, the two great Dao fruits, [Honghuang] and [Linglong], one external and one internal, exuded tremendous magic power, which completely secured his own Dharma body.

Among Han Yue's three bodies of heaven, earth and man, it was the [Empty Demon Body] that completed the goal first, which was absolutely unexpected!

Inside the body of [Empty Demon Body], with the entry of [Greedy Bodhisattva], an unprecedented contest quietly unfolds.

Although the [Greedy Bodhisattva] was surrounded by the [Heart Demon Curse], he did not immediately show signs of defeat.

It seemed to have some kind of strange adaptability to this magical power and could actually move slowly within it.

And the [Empty Demon Body] also used this [Crying Bodhisattva] as a good target to refine its own magical powers.

If he had used the [Great Mantra of the Heart Demon] to completely cleanse this [Greed Bodhisattva] during the process of his addiction.

Then he can not only subdue a terrifying level five Bodhisattva.

Your own cultivation on the Great Dao of [Yuan Ling] will certainly make great progress!

After doing all this, [Empty Demon Body] looked up at the sky, and then turned his attention to the battle between the two Taoist friends next to him.

[Tai Shi] is still playing hide-and-seek with [Chi Bodhisattva], and the opponent's escape speed is far inferior to [Sui Sui Escape Light].

The chase between [Tai Shi Shen] and [Chi Bodhisattva] seemed to have become a strange scenery in this melee.

Whenever [Foolish Bodhisattva] thought he was about to succeed, the magical power of [Time Escape Light] would make [Taisho Body] escape like lightning, leaving behind a trail of afterimages, making [Foolish Bodhisattva]'s attacks fail again and again.

This never-ending pursuit not only tests the endurance and speed of both parties, but also becomes the ultimate display of the ability of [Tai Shi Shen] to control time and space.

Even if you play for another hundred years, [Tai Shi Shen] will not be in any danger.

After a period of time, the [Tai Su] turret had infinite output.

[Tai Shi Shen] has made progress in this aspect of practice!
But if we really compare them, the cultivation level of [Killing Sword Body] is the most terrifying.

When the [Empty Demon Body] turned its perspective to the [Killing Sword Body].

But he was shocked to find that the [Angry Bodhisattva] who was beaten to death by him had completely disappeared here.

It turns out that it was already when the [Empty Demon Body] swallowed up the [Greedy Bodhisattva].

[Killing Sword Body] also became interested.

Even though the [Angry Bodhisattva] is immortal, it is a waste to consume his magical power like this!
[Killing Sword Body] released four extremely powerful sword auras in succession towards [Angry Bodhisattva] who had recovered again.

But this time, he did not kill the [Angry Bodhisattva] directly.

Instead, he chopped the [Angry Bodhisattva] into a human pig with one sword after another!
Afterwards, Han Yue used his [Longquan Sword Pool] to completely devour and suppress this horrible ghost!
(End of this chapter)

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