Chapter 364 Sword Demon
Inside the [Longquan Sword Pool], the powerful [Angry Bodhisattva] was suppressed by four large sword lights and sank directly to the bottom of the sword pool.

These four great sword lights originated from the four fifth-order [door] level spiritual flying swords, namely [Wufeng], [Xianxian], [Chunqiu] and [Sumeru].

After receiving the terrifying blessing of [Zhu Xian Ji Lu], the power of these four flying swords far exceeded that of ordinary [Menfei] monks.

As a monk, what I pursue is this kind of power, to be able to control everything, resist everything, and protect everything I cherish!
When this [Angry Bodhisattva] entered the [Longquan Sword Pool], strange changes immediately occurred.

The construction method of this sword pool is based on the "Sword Eye Spirit Pool" inherited by the [Sword Ancestor], and it has been extremely enhanced by the [Zhu Xian Collection], and has a unique magical effect.

As soon as this [Angry Bodhisattva] entered the sword pool, he was immediately and completely suppressed.

And its original magical power began to be continuously drawn out by this [Longquan Sword Pool].

This [Three Poison Ghost Bodhisattva] has extraordinary magical powers, and the key element of the blessed land and cave heaven is not included in its cultivation.

The source of its magical power is actually rooted in the "greed, anger, and ignorance" of [mountains, seas, and skies].

No matter where it is, as long as it needs mana, it will seek help from [Mountains, Seas and Skies] and draw extra desire mana from it.

For it, using thoughts as power and desires as source is common sense, which is beyond the conventional blessed land and paradise.

After entering the [Longquan Sword Pool], it suffered endless exploitation.

Its rich magical power of anger was squeezed out through the sword pool and then gushed out.

It mixed into the magic power of the sword pool like oil into water; although they did not mix, it increased the magic power capacity of the sword pool.

However, the nature of its magical power was strange. After entering the sword pool, an independent spiritual consciousness was born, as if it had come alive.

Balls of magic power transformed into extremely strange creatures.

These creatures have different shapes, some are like dragons but not dragons, winding and circling, surrounded by an aura of anger; some are as ethereal as ghosts, with greed and obsession flashing in their eyes.

They are all transformed by the strange magical power of [Anger Bodhisattva], and wander freely in this [Longquan Sword Pond] with their unique "greed, anger, and ignorance" thoughts.

The appearance of these strange creatures made the already mysterious sword pool even more weird and dangerous.

However, no matter how these creatures struggled, they could not escape the suppression of [Longquan Sword Pool].

And when these strange creatures were born, the flying swords and magical weapons immersed in the [Longquan Sword Pool] seemed to have a target in an instant.

I saw that the [Invisible Sword] took the lead in attacking, turning into a sword light and heading straight for a dragon-shaped creature.

This sword light, like a flash of lightning, cut through the dark space of Longquan Sword Pool and went straight to the core of the dragon-shaped creature.

The aura of this dragon-shaped creature is not at the fifth level, but only at the fourth level [Hundred Difficulties].

It sensed the threat of the sword light and immediately let out an earth-shaking roar. The anger surrounding its body became even stronger, as if it wanted to completely devour the invading sword light.

The sword light collided with the dragon-shaped creature's angry aura, instantly tearing the angry aura apart, and then, with one sword, the dragon-shaped creature's magic core was shattered.

The dragon-shaped creature roared in pain, but was unable to block the invasion of the sword light.

Under the sword light, the dragon-shaped creature was split into two, turning into two balls of magical light that dissipated in the sword pool.

During this process, a faint aura of the innate [Yuan Ling] avenue was integrated into the [Invisible Sword].

This aura of the Great Dao was extremely powerful. After being integrated into the [Invisible Sword], it also caused its spirituality to soar, and the degree of its refinement increased again.

Although the power of the shattered [Anger Bodhisattva] was reduced in size, the remaining part did not disappear or change.

These magical powers circulated in the [Longquan Sword Pool] and then gathered in another place, condensing into a brand new magical creature.

The scene of the [Invisible Sword] killing the spiritual monster seemed to be a signal, making the other 176 flying swords ready to take action.

Driven by the [Invisible Sword], the other flying swords also turned into sword lights and attacked the strange creatures transformed by the magic power of [Angry Bodhisattva].

Although except for the [Invisible Sword], all other flying swords are at the third level.

But within this sword pool, sword lights flickered. Although those strange creatures were numerous and varied in shape, they seemed vulnerable when faced with the combined power of these flying swords.

These flying swords and magic weapons are grouped in three or five, forming simple but effective Three Talents Formation, Four Symbols Formation, and Five Elements Formation.

With every wave of sword light, one or more strange creatures would be killed, turning into magical light and dissipating within the [Longquan Sword Pool].

The power of the [Yuan Ling] emanating from the magic power of [Angry Bodhisattva] is of great benefit to the refinement of these flying swords.

[Killing Sword Body] called this strange creature squeezed out from the body of [Angry Bodhisattva] [Sword Ghost].

After the appearance of these [Sword Ghosts], this [Longquan Sword Pool] seemed to have an additional magical sword-refining process.

A new contest quietly unfolds in the sword pool.

The flying sword killed the [Sword Ghost] and snatched magic power and spirituality from it, which also rapidly increased the effect of the sword pool's refining!
And [Angry Bodhisattva] had just entered the sword pool and it had not been long at all.

After killing two rounds of [Sword Ghosts], another strange flying sword appeared among the 176 third-order flying swords and soared into the sky.

This flying sword has a strange shape, like a thick and long blood-red steel nail.

Among the many flying swords, its level of refinement is not outstanding.

But for some reason, it is quite consistent with the aura of the [Yuan Ling] Dao and the magical attributes of [Chen Bodhisattva].

After obtaining this part of magic power, its degree of refinement increased rapidly, and it actually surpassed the last one. Among the many flying swords, the second one was promoted to the fourth-level [Eternal Spirit Treasure]!
[Killing Sword Body] After careful perception, he found that this blood-red steel nail was an absolute magic sword.

He was born in the only fifth-level magic power in the [Yuxiao Realm], and the [Qiu Mo Palace]'s secret sword-making [Heavenly Demon Slaying Immortal Sword]. At this time, this magic sword was successfully promoted to the fourth level, and its power also increased greatly.

It then broke away from the large group of flying swords and, like the [Invisible Sword], began to hunt the [Sword Ghost] alone.

For the [Killing Sword Body], squeezing the [Angry Bodhisattva], condensing the [Sword Ghost], and improving the level of refining of its own flying sword magic weapon is a very low-cost and highly efficient method.

After the [Demon Slaying Sword] was promoted to the fourth level and its power increased greatly, the scene in the [Longquan Sword Pool] of the [Killing Sword Body] became more and more spectacular.

Two sword lights, one invisible and formless, the other blood-red as a nail, they shuttled back and forth in the sword pool like two dragons, fighting each other but with great tacit understanding.

The number of "Sword Ghosts" transformed by the magic power of "Anger Bodhisattva" is slowly decreasing under the hunting of these flying swords.

With the disappearance of each [Sword Ghost], streams of pure magic power and spirituality poured into the sword pool, and were greedily absorbed by the flying swords.

And when the number of [Sword Ghosts] in this [Longquan Sword Pool] fell below a certain number.

This sword pool will temporarily increase the pressure on [Angry Bodhisattva].

Squeeze more magic power out of its body to fill the gap.

And if the [Anger Bodhisattva] himself does not have enough magical powers, he will naturally bring back more "greed, anger, and ignorance" thoughts from the [Mountains, Seas, and Skies].

This new function of [Longquan Sword Pool] can be described as a perpetual motion machine for sword-refining, which will be of great benefit to Han Yue's practice!
He could clearly feel an even more surging force surging within the sword pool.

This force seemed to have spirituality, automatically adjusting the intensity of its squeeze on [Anger Bodhisattva] to ensure that the magic power and spirituality in the sword pool remained in a delicate balance.

These flying swords circled and danced in the sword pool, and the luster on the swords became more and more dazzling, as if each sword contained a powerful vitality, waiting for the moment to break out of the cocoon.

However, this really put a lot of trouble on the powerful [Angry Bodhisattva].

It had thought that it had finally gotten out of [Shan Hai Tian], and that it only needed to kill the little monk to gain a thousand years of freedom.

Who would have thought that this little monk was so powerful!
Not only are they being suppressed again, but they are also being continuously exploited!

However, no matter how it struggled, it could not escape this invisible bondage.

The power in the sword pool seemed to have spirituality, and it could always adjust the intensity of the pressure on it just right, neither letting it escape easily nor letting it collapse completely.

And [Killing Sword Body]'s horizons were broadened when he obtained this perpetual motion machine for refining swords.

He was not satisfied with the gains from this statue of Bodhisattva. Thinking that his other [Qingping Sword Pond] was still empty, he couldn't help but think about the only one who still had freedom, [Chi Bodhisattva].

The [Killing Sword Body] suddenly changed his mind and turned his attention to the [Tai Shi Body] who was still chasing and fighting.

Seeing the man and the ghost fighting with loud gongs and drums and firecrackers, it was really lively.

[Killing Sword Body] couldn't help but intervene for a moment.

So, he waved his sleeves lightly, and a faint sword light shot silently towards the [Foolish Bodhisattva] who was still entangled with the [Tai Shi Body].

The sword light was not sharp, but it contained an indescribable attraction, as if it was an invisible thread, drawing the attention of [Foolish Bodhisattva].

This sword light came from the future and went to the past. It was exactly the [Spring and Autumn] sword light that was in tune with the attributes of the [Tai Shi Body].

Moreover, this ray of [Spring and Autumn] sword light, with the blessing of [Zhu Xian Ji Lu], its power is unparalleled!

[Foolish Bodhisattva] was fighting with [Tai Shi Shen] in a stalemate, when he suddenly felt a strange wave and was slightly stunned.

It looked up and saw a faint sword light flashing in the void, as if beckoning to it.

For a moment, this [Foolish Bodhisattva] seemed to be fixed in place by this strange magic power, caught in the disturbance of the long river of time.

At the same time, [Tai Shi Shen] rolled up countless [Tai Su] magic powers and swept towards the [Foolish Bodhisattva], consuming the opponent's magic power.

At this moment, the [Killing Sword Body] spoke:
"Please bear with me, fellow Taoist!"

"I originally thought of these three Bodhisattvas, one for each of us."

"Whether it's used to refine magical treasures or to extract mana and blood, it's quite useful."

"But my [Qingping Sword Pond] is in need of such a suppressing object."

"Otherwise, the two sword pools on my left and right have different magical powers and different cultivation levels, which makes it difficult to deal with them!"

I only heard that [Tai Shi Shen] speak:
"Easy to say, easy to say!"

"Fellow Daoist, just capture him!"

"You don't have to care about my face. I know that my Taisu Thunder Technique is not good enough to deal with a fourth-level enemy."

"But once we face this fifth-level enemy, we won't be able to defeat him in a short time!"

"Among the three, I am the weakest. I really have no face!"

After hearing what [Tai Shi Shen] said, [Sha Jian Shen] no longer hesitated and started to attack with great force.

Under a few big sword lights, this [Foolish Bodhisattva] was directly thrown into the [Qingping Sword Pond] by him and suffered the same fate as the [Angry Bodhisattva]!

This great cultivator from [Mountains, Seas and Sky] came from afar to cause trouble, but he actually gave Han Yue a great benefit!

(End of this chapter)

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