Back to 1984: Hunting in the Mountains

Chapter 163 Why should she accept her fate? !

Mi Yali heard Yu Qiutang ask this and sighed, "What's the use of being nice? He's too dumb. Even though he seems to be very flexible when he's working, he's no good when he's working."

Mi Yali didn't know that Yu Qiutang was very familiar with Mi Wenzhong, so she told Yu Qiutang a lot of things about Mi Wenzhong's past.

Some of them Yu Qiutang had known before, but for some of them, he had heard them for the first time.

As you listen, you will be amused by Mi Wenzhong's naivety.

What an honest man.

"...Anyway, I've been on quite a few blind dates, even more in the past few years, but none of them worked out.

You said, he was fine normally, we told him everything before we left, and he agreed to everything, but when he saw the girl, he immediately stopped talking.

Sometimes when I try to say something, I stutter.

Then who do you think would like him?

Gradually, all the matchmakers around knew about his character and stopped introducing him to other girls properly, so the ones who came were all weird and strange.

Later on, no one introduced me to anyone.

Everyone in the family was extremely anxious, but my brother himself was not anxious anymore. He said if it was not possible, then he would not get married and would save money to be filial to his parents..."

Miali put the diced radish into the basin and started adding water to the pot.

"Tell me, how can I do this? At least I have to find someone to live with, good or bad, it's always a companion. If I'm single like this, what will I do when I get older?

Anyway, I'm quite worried.

You don’t know, now my parents are so worried about this that they can’t even eat, it has become the biggest difficulty in our family.”

Yu Qiutang listened with great interest.

Knowing is one thing, hearing it from another person is another.

It's like a supplement.

And this is Miali's understanding of her brother at this time.

People's cognition and judgment of their relatives, friends, and even the world will change as they grow older.

Many times, young judgments are completely overturned in adulthood, showing completely opposite views.

Just like Yu Qiutang’s perception of his father.

At this time in his previous life, he was still a young boy who only had resentment towards his father.

But now, after becoming a father myself and having experienced many setbacks and setbacks in the world, I finally understand the helplessness of life.

For ordinary people, there are very few things that can be changed in their lifetime. Most of the time, they are constantly beaten to a pulp by setbacks and challenges, and gradually learn to endure and make peace with the world.

When he was young, he always thought that the interpersonal relationships around him were just people and were related to people, but now he has long known it.

The human society around everyone is actually an objective thing. Those good and bad, terrible and kind people are also objective parts.

The only difference is how you look at it.

Even if he were to come back to this world, all he could do was to influence the things he could and try to make them develop in a good direction.

"What are you thinking?"

Mi Yali noticed that Yu Qiutang had not spoken for a long time, so she turned to ask him.

Yu Qiutang withdrew his thoughts.

Shake your head, so that too much emotion will not be left in the melancholy that comes from time to time.

Sometimes he helplessly discovered that as people age, what makes people more powerless than the physical decline is the mind and ideas.

As you get older, you have to think about some things.

Even if you want to have a clear mind, it is actually very difficult.

If the monkey mind was so easy to tame, why would there be so much joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness in the world, and why would the five aggregates be so intense?

He rubbed his face and smiled, "I was wondering, is there a possibility that my third sister and your eldest brother..."

“Ah, you mean…!”

Miali immediately understood what he meant and was extremely shocked.

Yu Qiutang nodded.

"I think they are a good match. They are nice people, kind, and take care of their family. If they really get together and live together, they won't be any worse than ordinary people."

Miali was thoughtful.

She really hadn't thought about that.

It's not that she thinks the two of them are not a good match, but she subconsciously feels that if she and Yu Qiutang are together, then her eldest brother and Yu Qiutang's sister are relatives...

Although not really.

But with this relationship in place, if we continue to be okay, I always feel like something is wrong.

If it works, it's fine. But what if it doesn't? How can we meet each other then? It would be very embarrassing.

Of course she didn't know that this was just the limitations of her time.

There shouldn’t be too many such things in the future.

Just live your own life, why bother with others?

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Yu Qiutang thought she was worried about her sister's health, so he explained: "My sister's leg is inconvenient, but it does not affect her life. I plan to take her to Xi'an in the spring. Maybe the big hospitals can help.

Even if I can't be completely like a normal person, at least I can walk better, don't worry about that."

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I don't think there's anything wrong with Sister Chunmei's legs. That's not what she thinks. Besides, even if she is like that, she's still much more capable than many normal people."

Mi Yali hurriedly shook her head to deny it, worried that Yu Qiutang would misunderstand.

He then explained, "I was thinking that if they succeed, it would be fine. If they don't, wouldn't it be very awkward? How would we meet in the future?"

When Yu Qiutang first heard this, he thought there was nothing wrong with it and he could just meet her as usual.

But soon, he immediately understood Miali's thoughts.

Suddenly, I was secretly delighted.

It seems that Miali has already included him in her decision-making considerations, which proves that their relationship has gone a step further than before.

"What you said makes sense. How about this? We can test their opinions separately first. If they both agree, we can bring them together.

On the contrary, if you don’t have this intention, then we can just pretend to ask casually and it won’t affect anything.”

Miali's eyes lit up.

"That's fine, but we still have to be careful about the way we ask. We can't do something bad with good intentions and embarrass them and us."

"Yeah, I think so too."

Yu Qiutang smiled.

Miali also smiled.

Miali has a typical apple-shaped face, which is round and has delicate features. When she is not smiling, she looks very gentle. But when she smiles, she shows two cute dimples.

Yu Qiutang stared at her, forgetting about the firewood, until he felt warm beside him, and realized that the fire in the stove had burned out without him noticing, and the half that was left outside fell to the ground and ignited a field of wheat straw under his feet.

He stood up hurriedly and quickly stepped on the straw with his feet, but there was still dust everywhere. His flustered look made Miali smile.

I thought that only at this moment could I see some youthfulness in Yu Qiutang. He no longer looked old-fashioned, but like a middle-aged man.
The key to getting things done is to strike while the iron is hot.

After Yu Qiutang and Mi Yali finished the discussion, they did not delay and waited until the afternoon when they were having dinner. He asked Mi Yali to find an opportunity to take Yu Chunju aside to do some work while he and Yu Chunmei tested the situation.

"Are you going out to do something? Why are you always making fire today?"

Yu Chunmei was still curious about what he was doing today. He started making fire in the morning and continued to do so in the afternoon. With so many important things waiting to be done, why was this man just sitting in front of the stove?

"I'm tired, take a rest, just in time to chat with my sister."

Yu Chunmei was startled, then sighed: "Yes, you are busy all day, like a monkey."

The monkey here refers to a tool that is whipped and rotated, like the spinning top that children in the city whip.

Generally, you need to use wood of appropriate thickness and install a ball bearing or a thumbtack on the top of the front vertebra to reduce the friction with the ground, so that you can have fun playing with it.

At that time, there was no asphalt road in the village, only land, and the friction was very high. If we didn't find a way to reduce friction as much as possible, the monkey would have no way of turning.

So, children’s imagination is truly endless.

In this barren era, we use the scarce resources and things that are in short supply to create our own unique fun.

Yu Qiutang actually misses this time of his childhood very much.

Because he found that his grandchildren who were born in the city seemed to have a lot of toys, but in fact they had lost the opportunity to develop independently.

All their toys are industrially produced, and adults tell them that they should play with these things, so they start playing with them.

What they call autonomy is nothing more than choosing something that satisfies their ideas as much as possible from the choices given by others.

And there are very limited places for them to play.

It seems that life has become better, we eat better and dress better, but we have also lost something.

Which one is better?

It is also difficult to explain Yu Qiutang clearly.

Perhaps, this is the helplessness of life.

You can only own some things at any time, and when you gain something, you must lose something.

When Yu Qiutang heard his sister say this, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

If I think about it carefully, what my sister said is not wrong.

In the past six months since he came back, he has indeed been busy doing various things.

It's really like a spinning top. I don't know what's making it keep spinning.

He didn't even have the thought of stopping and resting for a while, let alone really resting.

Perhaps, others can only see how great he is, but in the eyes of his sister who cares about him, he is tired from being so busy all the time.

This is what real family is.

Others only care about how high he flies, how fast he flies, and how far he flies, but his relatives who care about him will care about whether he is tired from flying.

Come back to your senses.

He remembered that the main point of today was not to talk about him, but to discuss her lifelong event with his third sister, and he was led astray without paying attention.

"Sister, what do you think of Brother Wen Zhong?"


Yu Chunmei was stunned. "Very good. He is warm and hospitable, has great skills, and is a very honest person. What's wrong?"

"I think so too," Yu Qiutang said with a smile, "I have been thinking about one thing these days. Do you think it is possible... I am just saying it is possible. If you and Brother Wen Zhong both have no objection, you can just live together."

Yu Chunmei was wiping the chopping board. She was so shocked when she heard that that she almost dropped the rag. "What are you talking about? How can this be allowed?!"

Then he said, "No, no!"

Yu Qiutang felt that he and Yu Chunmei had a very good relationship, so there was no need to hide it and he could just say it directly.

"Sister, don't refuse yet. Actually, you also said that Brother Wenzhong is a very good person, and you are kind and capable. I think it would be great for the two of you to live together.

One of them is unmarried, and the other is not married, so what's wrong with that? Are you still worried about her character?"

Yu Chunmei has calmed down a little now.

She looked at her legs with a wry smile, "Tangtang, I'm not happy at all when you say such things to me. Others may not know my situation, but don't you know?
Don't even mention how long one can live with this disease. Even if one manages to stay alive in this world, he will just be a cripple.

I myself am living a bad life, so why should I drag others to live a hard life with me? People should know their own limitations, so how can we easily trouble others?

Your brother Wen Zhong is a good man, capable, good-tempered and warm-hearted.

He will definitely find a good partner in the future, have his own children, and live a prosperous life.

And my sister...

Just keep doing this for as long as you can.

If one day my legs can no longer move, then I’ll just forget about this life.”

The valve of Yu Chunmei's worry was opened in an instant, and the flood that had been suppressed for a long time was no longer blocked and poured out unrestrainedly.

She said this, but her eyes were full of sadness.

His body swayed slightly as he spoke, and if he hadn't been holding on to the chopping board, he would have almost fallen.

She seemed to speak very freely and carefreely, caring about others and making a way out for herself.

But her tears flowed out uncontrollably. She tried to wipe them with the back of her hand, but because the flour on the back of her hand was not washed clean, it rubbed the area around her eye sockets white.

It seems both distressing and funny.

Yu Qiutang slowly stood up, gently supported his sister's shoulders, and said softly: "Sister, God is unfair. He has given many of us many hardships.

Perhaps it is to allow good people to live a good life in the future, so before they live a good life, good people often suffer more.

I think you have experienced all the hardships you should have experienced in this life, and only sweetness is left.

Don't worry, when it gets warmer in spring, I will take you to Xi'an for medical treatment.

I can make money. We don't need to live in a big house now. When we move out, my most important thing is to cure your illness first.

Sister, none of us could have imagined that you would get sick. Just think of it as a test from God.

Just like Tang Monk's journey to the West to obtain the scriptures, to get the final true scriptures, didn't he have to go through 81 difficulties? You know the story of Journey to the West. As long as people are alive, nothing can go smoothly.

But we just can't give up. The more God doesn't want us to live well, the better we have to live than anyone else.

I just want him to open his eyes and see that even if it is so difficult for you, as long as you live happily, you can still live your own life. "


Yu Chunmei burst into tears.

In her entire life, no one had ever said so much caring, comforting and encouraging words to her.

Even her mother and two sisters, who once loved her, just joined her in complaining that God was unfair and told her to learn to accept her fate.

But wouldn't she have thought about accepting her fate?

Why should anyone tell her? ! (End of this chapter)

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