Blood is thicker than water.

Yu Chunmei's tears made Yu Yuqiutang feel very uncomfortable.

But he knew that the current situation was not the time for both of them to be in a low mood.

I was originally talking about a good thing, why does it make me so sad?

Now he thinks he has prepared everything he needs to say to his sister, and believes that his sister still has feelings for Mi Wenzhong.

Honest people always have a natural affinity for honest people.

Moreover, while working these days, he often saw Mi Wenzhong chatting with his sister, and believed that the two had some common topics.

Maybe no one said anything, so the relationship remained in a static state. When Mi Wenzhong finished his work and went back, they became just passers-by.

But at this time, if someone added some fuel to the fire, maybe the two people would get closer and things would be done.

In this era, matching a man and a woman together is obviously much easier than in later generations.

As long as the person has good character and morals, and the financial conditions of the two families are not too different, and their cultural levels are similar, they can basically get along.

Many couples only meet two or three times before getting married, and the real relationship is developed slowly after marriage.

Not to mention anything else, Yu Qiutang and Mi Yali had only met once or twice in his previous life before they got married.

Everyone is the same, no one can transcend the times.

"Sister, don't be sad. You have to believe me. I'm sure there is a way to cure your illness.

Medical technology is advanced now. It is no longer the case that as long as we can earn money and spend money to go to a good hospital for treatment, we can be cured.

We are talking about you and Brother Wen Zhong. Tell me what you really think. I am your brother, are you hiding anything from me? "

Yu Chunmei was obviously embarrassed when Yu Qiutang asked her this. She turned her back and twisted the rag in her hand. After hesitating for several minutes, she said softly:
"You asked me about this, what should I say? I don't know how to deal with this kind of thing, and I have never experienced it. If you want to ask me whether I have a good impression of her, the most I can say is that I like chatting with her. Is this... I can't explain it!"

Yu Qiutang smiled, "As long as you don't hate him, that's fine. You guys have been together for too short a time. But from my perspective on people, I think Brother Wen Zhong is indeed a solid and steady good man. It would be great if you two could be together."

Yu Chunmei nodded, but quickly said, "Tangtang, what's wrong with you today? Why do you suddenly ask about this? I'm not prepared, and I don't know what to say to you. I'm so confused."

Yu Qiutang knew that this was his sister's true psychological reaction.

She stayed at home all year round and didn't have many friends. She couldn't run around and play like other children. So.

In fact, her heart and her knowledge are very narrow and simple.

They only have the most simple thoughts and ideas.

However, with such a personality, only very good people can treat him as a treasure. If he is a little more cunning and has a lower character, he will definitely suffer a lot and will not be able to bear being bullied.

"It's nothing. Lili and I were just chatting about her brother's marriage. Lili said that her brother was also very difficult to deal with and couldn't find a wife. The people who went on blind dates thought that her brother was too honest and might be bullied by others.

Every blind date I go on fails.

He is obviously capable and good-looking, but he just hasn't found a partner for the time being.

Then I thought, "The one who is close to the water gets the moon first."

Since we have such a good partner in front of us, we must cherish him and not let him pass by and regret it. "

Yu Chunmei nodded, her mood was very complicated, her lips moved many times, and finally she lowered her head helplessly, "I think it's better to forget it. With my body, no matter who I'm with or who I marry, others will suffer with me.

It's fine if you can't live a good life yourself, but how can you influence others?
Although Lili's brother is too honest, being honest is not a bad thing. There will always be someone who likes him. If you meet someone who knows what he is worth, marry him and you will have a great life. "

Yu Qiutang knew that his sister’s knot in her heart would not be untied for a while.

He was just trying to feel out his sister's opinion.

See what she thinks of Mi Wenzhong, whether she rejects him or not.

Now it sounds like she is more suffering from low self-esteem, feeling that her body will be a burden to others, but she is unwilling to think about it, and dares not think about it.

In this case, if her health gets better, perhaps she will have the courage to try to accept Mi Wenzhong.

He has already found out the situation on his side, and the rest depends on what happens with Mi Yali and Mi Wenzhong.

However, based on his understanding of Mi Wenzhong, there shouldn't be any big problems.

The person Mi Wenzhong found in his previous life had no good qualities except for his legs.

She can just be called a woman.

If it weren't for that woman's trouble, an honest man like Mi Wenzhong, who is capable, considerate and honest, would have lived a much better life.
Matching two people together for marriage is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

Miali was shy and didn't feel comfortable telling her brother, so she put it off.

Yu Qiutang couldn't keep urging him.

He also knew that this kind of thing depended on fate and timing. Who knows when the opportunity would suddenly come, and if he said it then, he would be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

If you don't have this opportunity and force it, you may not get what you want, but may end up making things worse.

However, there is one thing that I have been waiting for for several days, and the time has finally come.

That was the male musk deer that was captured. After a period of breeding and careful care, its body finally returned to normal. It was full of energy and jumping around.

Everything indicated that he could be happily raped.

It is not easy to collect musk, especially for novices or beginners.

Don't underestimate the musk deer. It actually has canine teeth, which are difficult to control by one person. If you are not careful, the canine teeth can cut people, so it usually takes three people to extract musk.

One person is responsible for collecting musk, one person is responsible for catching the male musk deer, and the other person holds the musk plate.

The person who catches musk deer must be strong and courageous, and have a relatively stable mind so as not to be disturbed by the struggle of the male musk deer.

The most important person is the one who takes the musk. He must be very skilled and able to quickly take the musk out of the scent gland and minimize delays.

Moreover, during the process of removing the scent, the inner wall of the musk deer's scent gland must not be scratched, and even more so, too large a wound must not be left, which would cause inflammation of the musk deer's gland.

Those with high skills can extract the musk in two or three minutes, but those with low skills may not be able to do it even in ten minutes.

It may even have a great impact on the musk deer due to unskilled operation, causing the musk deer to form a stress response and the quantity and quality of the scent produced to drop sharply.

Therefore, in a normal musk deer breeding base, those who can extract musk are all masters, and ordinary people will not be allowed to touch it easily.

When Wang Haofeng heard that Yu Qiutang was going to get musk, he volunteered to go with him. Yu Qiutang had no choice but to let him carry the musk dish.

The task of catching musk deer must be given to Yu Qiujiang, because Yu Qiujiang is very strong and has a relatively stable personality. There will be no sudden abnormal situation, causing the musk deer to hurt people, or people to hurt the glands of musk deer.

As for serving the dishes, he had originally planned to let Miali do it. After all, they would get married later, and he still hoped to cooperate with Miali in doing these things.

But Wang Haofeng insisted on participating, and he couldn't bear to refuse, so he had to let him try it.

But Wang Haofeng was very happy.

The weather was good that day, with the sun in the sky, and the leeward area was particularly warm, which was very suitable for people to bask in the sun and collect musk.

Yu Qiutang took out all the tools he had prepared earlier.

A musk spoon, an incense tray, a fixed rack, tweezers, scissors, cotton wool, anti-inflammatory ointment, iodine, penicillin, etc.

Some of these things are commonly found at home, such as scoops, and some are from the pharmacy, such as tweezers, scissors, cotton wool, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs, iodine, penicillin, etc.

It is really not easy to prepare these things in this year. Fortunately, he started discussing with the pharmacist a few days in advance, and then he managed to get them together.

Considering that he would need a larger amount of these things in the future, he specially brought a pack of cigarettes for the doctor, which could be regarded as a way to build a good relationship with others.

Next time when I need it, I will tell the doctor in advance and ask him to help prepare some things.

This is what special times are like.

It is not like in later generations where buying anything is so easy. As long as you have money, you can buy it anywhere on the street.

At this time, many things, especially special things that are rarely used in daily life, are really hard to buy and you can't find a place to buy them.

Especially when such a large quantity is required, there are respective professional supply channels. If you want to get the goods, you need to establish good relationships with the people in these channels.

"Why do I think you look a little nervous?"

Yu Qiutang stood in front of Musk with a spoon in his hand. Before he could make any move, he saw Wang Haofeng trembling as if he had been electrocuted. The plate he was holding became like a sieve and was shaking violently.

He couldn't help but joke.

"How could I be nervous? I'm taking it seriously. Don't you know how much I take it seriously? When I think about carrying such an expensive item with such a brand, how can I not be excited? If it were you, would you be excited?"

"Haha, why should I be excited? If I were excited, how could I go digging? You hold the plate well. It doesn't matter if it falls over. Just wait a moment and don't shake the musk on the ground.

Nothing else matters. Musk is what I use to treat my grandma's illness. If you fall to the ground, I won't call you next time no matter what I do.

I originally wanted Lili to help me with the meal, but you volunteered to do it, so you can’t let me down, do you hear me?”

Mi Yali and Yu Chunmei were basking in the sun not far away. They had just finished lunch and the workers were finishing up their work as usual, so they were able to take a break.

Even Yu Chunju was wrapped tightly and sat against the wall.

In winter, the wind blows from the northwest. In their direction, the northwest is completely blocked by houses, so it is impossible for the wind to blow over.

Hearing her name mentioned, Mi Yali looked over here and happened to see Yu Qiutang looking at her and smiling.

Wang Haofeng is most afraid of provoking him.

Hearing Yu Qiutang's words, he was so angry that he had to resolutely complete the task and definitely not drag Yu Qiutang down. Otherwise, he would be punished by never following Yu Qiutang into the mountains again.

Yu Qiutang then smiled and agreed.

He just gave Wang Haofeng a warning.

This guy is rather rash and impetuous in doing things. If something goes wrong, he will really be in tears.

"Brother Jiang, are you ready? Let's start now?"

Yu Qiujiang nodded, "Okay."

As he spoke, he fixed the musk deer on the prepared musk rack, holding its two hind legs with one hand and its ears with the other.

If a skilled person is involved, this process can be completed directly without the help of a musk rack. However, although Yu Qiujiang is strong, he has no experience in catching musk deer, so he needs to fix the musk deer's body on a musk rack and just grab it from the front and back.

The musk deer's hind legs are very strong and its glands are located on the back of its body. If you don't grab the musk deer's legs, it may kick and hurt the person trying to catch it because of the pain.

Similarly, if you don't grab the ears tightly, the musk deer's head will shake violently, and its six or seven centimeter canine teeth are no joke and will definitely scratch you.

This male musk deer grew up in the wild and had never had its musk taken by anyone. This was the first time.

Although he had a good relationship with Yu Qiujiang, he could see Yu Qiujiang every day and knew that he was a good partner.

But, friends are friends. Why did you suddenly push me on the shelf today?

The male musk deer obviously didn't understand and struggled quite hard.

However, it only has a few dozen kilograms of strength, so it is no match for Yu Qiujiang, who has a strength of nearly 200 kilograms.

Slowly, after struggling for a while, the musk deer gave up hope and began to collapse obediently on the musk rack, with its abdomen exposed.


Yu Qiutang fixed the base of the sachet with the middle finger and index finger of his left hand, pressed the mouth of the sachet with his thumb, and pressed the body of the sachet with his ring finger and little finger.

Gently knead to give the gland a comfortable and relaxing massage.

This is a secret recipe passed down from ancestors. The male musk deer soon couldn't bear it and made comfortable meowing sounds.

Yu Qiutang knew that the time had come.

He held the spoon in his right hand quickly and steadily, gently inserted it into the sachet, slowly turned the spoon and pulled it out evenly, and the brown-red musk fell smoothly into the incense plate.

In fact, digging musk is similar to ear cleaning, but the musk dug out can be much more than earwax. If it is an adult musk deer, generally more than ten grams can be taken.

However, when taking wild musk deer for the first time, you should be a little restrained and not take too many at one time, which will cause the musk deer to be unable to adapt.

If raised artificially, musk deer can produce more than 20 grams of musk.

Yu Qiutang was not very skilled in obtaining musk. In order to avoid damaging the inner membrane of the sac, he was very careful. It took him nearly eight minutes to obtain the required musk.

After removing the musk deer, I used anti-inflammatory medicine and cleaned the glands. I felt very tired. I don’t know if it was because I was not skilled in the technique, which led to too much mental stress, or if I was simply tired.

I thought that if those who raise musk deer professionally have so many musk deer, it would be very troublesome to collect them. They must have a good method.

After dealing with the musk deer, he asked Yu Qiujiang to feed the musk after an hour or so, and he hurriedly took the dug musk from Wang Haofeng.

He fears!
(End of this chapter)

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