Chapter 144: Village Massacre
"Master Yang, a big case happened in Wangzhuang! I heard that everyone died, except for a half-grown kid."

The person who came to deliver the message was an ordinary officer from the police station. He couldn't quite remember his last name, Yang Qian, but he looked familiar.

"Wangzhuang?" Yang Qian was walking quickly on the deserted street in the late night, and he was surprised when he heard the words. Wangzhuang is not far from Sandao City. Even if you walk out of the city gate, you can get there in just an incense stick of time.

Such a big thing happened so close to us?! Yang Qian was shocked. No wonder Wang Hai couldn't sit still and asked him to end his rest and return to the police station immediately.

If such a thing could happen in Wangzhuang, how about in Sandaocheng? Is it possible that such a thing could happen as well?

"Any news?"

"I'm not sure about that. I just heard that all the coroners from the police station were transferred over there, and the scene seemed to be in chaos."

This is the jargon used in the police station. To put it bluntly, it means "miserable" or "broken limbs are everywhere."

Seeing that the other party didn't know much information, Yang Qian didn't ask any more questions. He quickly walked into the police station and was led directly to Wang Hai's public office. When he arrived, there were already several people sitting in the room, all of them were the captains of the squad.

"Okay, let's go. We'll talk about it on the way." When Wang Hai saw Yang Qian arriving, he waved his hand, and everyone immediately followed him out of the police station and rode at full speed out of the city to Wangzhuang.

On the way, Wang Hai told Yang Qian the general situation he had just received.

The report was received an hour ago. The person who reported the case was a member of the village defense team that Sandaocheng had set up under Yang Qian's suggestion. When passing by Wangzhuang, they found that Wangzhuang did not hang the red lanterns representing peace and security at the entrance of the village as agreed, so they went in to check and found that almost everyone in the village was dead.

While sending people into the city to report, they also searched for and rescued the wounded. As a result, only one seriously injured child was found alive, and the rest died tragically.

"The coroner has already gone there. The situation over there is very complicated, and we need to find out the cause of death first. But according to the joint defense team, it sounds more like an attack by evil spirits." Wang Hai frowned as he said this, as if he was full of doubts.

"Evil spirits? Where did the evil spirits come from? This doesn't make sense." Yang Qian frowned when he heard this. He had just returned from Mount Paektu. The evil spirits in the mountain that were still alive had already scattered like birds and beasts. They would probably not dare to approach Sandai City in a few years. How could it be possible for them to come to a place so close to Sandai City at this time and commit such a big crime?
The evil spirits are not stupid. Even when Song Qixun was their accomplice in the past, they knew to "sneak around and know when to stop." But now they are so ignorant as to directly massacre the entire village?

No matter how I listen to it, I feel something is wrong.

"Of course it's irrational! Nowadays, demons and bandits are almost extinct around Sandao City, and the carriages and heavy goods are safe and sound. There is no reason for Wangzhuang to be attacked and the village to be massacred.

Besides, when have the evil bugs ever discarded even fresh corpses? They are not so wasteful. "

"Then, Chief Constable, do you think there is another murderer in Wangzhuang who is trying to get away with it by using the name of evil spirits?"

"It's probably correct. But we have to go to Wangzhuang to investigate more clearly."

The group rode quickly and soon entered Wangzhuang.

A faint smell of blood drifted into Yang Qian's nose, which was very sensitive to all kinds of smells, as soon as he approached the village entrance.

The smell of human blood, but until he entered the village, Yang Qian did not smell any smell belonging to or similar to evil spirits. Either the evil spirits were well hidden and had special methods to disperse the smell, or there were no evil spirits here at all.

The nearest place was the makeshift morgue set up by the coroner. There were some fallen door panels on the ground, with a lot of white cloth draped over them. You could see something covered under the white cloth, and scarlet blood had seeped out in many places, which was very glaring under the torch.

When they arrived at the village, Wang Hai asked them to investigate, and not to miss anything inside and outside Wangzhuang. Yang Qian also led the two people from Class C to start looking for clues.

First, the white cloth on the nearest morgue door was lifted. As expected, there was no complete body underneath, but body parts with some torn clothes of the same cloth. These should be the easiest to identify, so they were cleared out first.

The body parts were not small, but not too broken. They were piled on the door panel and it was clear that it was the body of a middle-aged woman. The intact eye was bulging, as if she had experienced something horrible before she died. "Master Yang, look at these bones. They don't look like they were chopped off. There are a lot of muscles involved. They must have been torn apart by some kind of violence."

"But what's strange is that many parts of these bodies shouldn't have been torn into this state, and there are many bloody wounds that look like they were deliberately scratched, as if they were inflicted after killing someone. They are messy, but the wounds don't show any signs of shrinking as they should."

The people in Class C are all old hands in the police station.

That is to say, the salary of a coroner is low, otherwise these experienced people would have changed their profession long ago. There is no need to examine the body fragments carefully, a few glances will reveal many suspicious points.

After looking at several dismembered bodies in a row, I found that they basically all had similar conditions.

Although it is not certain what destroyed the body, one thing is certain: the murderer was not a demon.

It is impossible for evil insects to resist eating this kind of corpse-chopping area, especially the chest and abdomen area, which is said to be the most favorite area for evil insects, without exception.

If it wasn't done by the evil bugs, then who did it?
Thieves? Impossible. Thieves are armed with weapons, and even if they came to commit murder, they would not make the body look so ugly. It would be time-consuming and laborious, and it was totally unnecessary. Moreover, the body was torn apart violently, so how could thieves do that?

Leaving the temporary morgue and entering the village, the scene was also outrageous. Most of the houses were severely damaged, with either a big hole in the roof or a collapsed wall. Even the dirt roads in the village were full of potholes that were obviously newly turned into soil, some of which were deep enough to reach above the knees.

What was going on? Even if bandits or demons entered the village to commit evil, they wouldn't be so cruel as to dig a hole in the road, right? Digging a hole in someone's roof was totally incomprehensible.

Yang Qian took a walk around Wangzhuang.

He had been here several times before. The last time was to attend the funeral of a brother from the police station. However, just now, it turned out that the brother's family members also did not escape this disaster.

"Master Yang, this is so weird. Some of these people died on the road, some died in the yard, some died in the toilet, the main room, and some died in the bed. Even if a large number of bandits entered the village, it would not be like this. It's as if these people were attacked at the same time. This doesn't make sense!"

This is what is commonly known as illogicality.

There is only one reason for this result: insufficient information conditions make it impossible to complete a complete logical deduction.

To put it bluntly, there is some unknown reason about Wangzhuang hidden behind these inexplicable, strange and bizarre things.

Suddenly, there was a house with lights on in front of us, and people were coming in and out of the door.

"What's going on here?"

"In reply to Master Yang, the kid who survived in the village is in here, and he just woke up. That kid is lucky enough to have escaped the disaster in the cellar."

"Is the survivor from this family?" Yang Qian raised his eyebrows. He had been to this family before. He asked while walking in quickly.

When Yang Qian saw the pale-faced half-grown child lying on the bed, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Wang Xiang?"

That’s right, this kid was the one who stopped Yang Qian in Wangzhuang and presented him with the “Wind-Chasing Step” just to ask Yang Qian to help him find his father’s whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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