Daily life of slaying demons in the government

Chapter 145 There seemed to be a whisper in my ear

Chapter 145 There seemed to be a whisper in my ear

When Wang Xiang saw Yang Qian, he couldn't hold back his emotions anymore and burst into tears.

"Dead! Mom is dead, and my sister is dead too."

It's so sad that it makes people sigh.

However, this child had a strong character, and the great sadness did not make him collapse. After crying for a while, he calmed down and began to tell Yang Qian what had happened before.

"My mother asked me to go to the cellar and fetch some wine to send to my third uncle next door to thank him for the basket of pig offal he sent us yesterday.
As soon as I opened the wine jar, I could hear a series of rustling sounds like people talking around me. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but the sounds were very annoying and scary.
Then I felt something falling from the cellar, so I jumped to the side and fell into the wine vat, with my head hanging on the hook on the side and I fainted."

Yang Qian was worried about Wang Xiang after hearing this.

Hiding in the cellar and falling into the wine vat was definitely the key to escaping this disaster. Later, he passed out and his head was hung on the hook, which prevented him from drowning in the wine vat after passing out. He survived two disasters.

"You are so lucky!"

Yang Qian sighed with a smile, and at the same time, he was full of doubts. He asked, "Think about it, have any strangers come to the farm in the past few days? Or have any special things happened? Have the animals in the farm had any special reactions?"

These series of questions were summed up by Yang Qian's experience. If Wang Xiang could answer any of these questions, Yang Qian could make a guess based on his past experience or some cases.

Unfortunately, Wang Xiang thought about it carefully for a long time, but finally shook his head. He didn't think of any "abnormal" impression in the questions Yang Qian asked.

Yang Qian and the other people in the police station all frowned when they saw this result. If the only survivor did not provide any useful information, then this case would be difficult.

The most fearful thing is that there is no clue to a major case. Because if there is no explanation for such a case, it will definitely lead to failure.

After thinking for a while, Yang Qian continued to ask: "Wang Xiang, think again about what those whispers you heard before you fainted were. Try to imitate them for me."

Yang Qian also noticed that Wang Xiang had no idea that Zhuangzi was being attacked beforehand. Perhaps Wang Xiang overlooked it, or perhaps there were no signs at all. This made the investigation of the case even more difficult.

So since there is no way to know any clues before the attack, let's ask Wang Xiang what he might remember when the attack happened.

For example, the "whisper" sounds very strange.

This kind of thing was either Wang Xiang’s auditory hallucination or some special attack method used by the attacker.

If it's the latter, then it might be possible to determine the approximate identity of the attacker.

Wang Xiang thought for a longer time this time, and finally said, "Master Yang, I only remember a small part, and I dare not say that I have learned it completely."

"Okay! You try it first."

"The voice seemed to be saying, 'Dizzy, dizzy.' The more he shouted 'dizzy', the more dizzy I felt. Then I really fainted."

Stupid, stupid?

What the hell is this? Yang Qian was dumbfounded. Just from the sound Wang Xiangxue said, it made no sense at all. At least for now, it didn't sound like any word he knew, so he couldn't guess what it meant.

"Think about it again, kid. Did you hear it because you were confused, or was there really such a sound?" another police chief asked nearby.

Wang Xiang shook his head and said, "I really heard it. I didn't feel dizzy when I first heard it, but I felt dizzy later. There were some whispers at the beginning, but it seemed that they were read very quickly and I couldn't hear them clearly. It was the word "昏赖" that was repeated many times that made me remember it."

"Isn't it a dialect from somewhere else?"

"Even if it was a dialect, how could the sound reach my ears through a cellar? And whispering. I don't think it's possible." The head constable in the room frowned and started discussing. But Yang Qian did not participate, but comforted Wang Xiang and asked him about his future plans.

"Where will you go in the future?"

Wang Xiang's eyes turned red and he shook his head before saying, "Don't worry, Master Yang. I'm quite strong. I can just find a job that requires manual labor in the city. It won't be a problem for me to support myself."

"I'm in need of a helper. Would you like to come over?"


"Are you willing?"

"I'm willing, little one!"

Wang Xiang's face finally showed some life in its sadness. At least in his eyes, Yang Qian was a benefactor, a good man, and an acquaintance. Following Yang Qian was much better than facing the world alone without any relatives.

"Okay, you rest here for a while, and I'll pick you up when I leave. But you have to think about it again and see if there is anything else you didn't say just now. What you remember now is very important to the case."

"Okay Master Yang, I'll think about it again."

After Yang Qian asked, the detectives in the room left with frowns or shaking their heads, and continued to look for clues.

Wangzhuang is not big but not small either. Maybe we can find some traces left by the murderer.

Liu Fu from Class B came over and asked, "Captain Yang, do you have any clues?"

"Master Liu, I told you don't have to be so polite. Just call me Yang Qian. We have a different relationship." Yang Qian smiled. Liu Fu had been very kind to him, but now he felt more and more distant from him.

Liu Fu also smiled, shook his head and said, "It's not appropriate. If I call you by your name, others will look down on you. Okay, let's not worry about the details. Let's talk about the case."

"It was not done by bandits or evil spirits."

"And then?" Liu Fu looked at Yang Qian with a smile, as if to say: Finish your words, kid.

"And then? Hey, this village looks like it was plowed by a catapult. It is impossible to be in this state by ordinary means. In addition, Wang Xiang's memory attack should have been very short. This is not something that can be done by human power."

"Not something that can be done by human power? Captain Yang, there is something else behind your words. Does it mean that it is the method used by the immortal sect?" Liu Fu lowered his voice to ensure that only he and Yang Qian could hear what he said clearly.

Yang Qian also lowered his voice and said, "It could be immortal sect, demon cultivators, or evil ways. Otherwise, there is no explanation at all."

"Indeed, it is not something that an ordinary person can do. However, if this is really the case, we will be in trouble!"

Yang Qian understood what Liu Fu meant, and nodded and sighed.

After that, the two separated. Although I had already made up my mind, I still had to go through the procedures of the case. If something unexpected happened and it turned out not to be what I had guessed, it was not completely impossible. After all, there is no shortage of strange things in the world.

However, there were some things Yang Qian did not tell Liu Fu.

Speaking of weirdness, the weirdest thing Yang Qian has ever encountered is undoubtedly the case of the Five Zombie Beast Sculptures, which involves evil cultivators.

If we compare the case of the Five Funeral Beasts with the case of Wang Zhuang, at first glance there seems to be no similarity, but if we add the strange pronunciation that Wang Xiang recalled, perhaps there is a connection.

(End of this chapter)

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